Erica is a famous musician that was traumatized as a child by Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. She goes back to the source of her nightmares, hoping she will get better and be free. But what she finds her childhood friends, and they are not what they seem. Please note, the music included with the story is NOT mine! I will include links to the videos if you want to see them for yourself, they are all on youtube! The artist names are: Natewantstobattle- TryHardNinja-
I wake up the next morning, slightly sweaty. I throw the covers letting a cool breeze cool me off. These blankets are kind of heavy. As I sit up, I look at my hands. They're not shaking like all the other times I dream. I guess my mom was right, it is working.
My work here isn't done though, I still have to face Freddy and try to get into that room.
I get up and stretch, dreading the idea of going back. I can still see Freddy in my face, thinking about it makes me shiver. I go to the small cafeteria in my hotel and grab some small cereal boxes and milk. I quickly eat and head back to Freddy Fazbear's.
I stand outside the building once again. I open the door and head straight for the Classic Dining Hall.
As I walk down the Main Hall, I start hearing whispers from both ends of the hall. I swear this place was dead silent yesterday.
Footsteps slowly come from the Classic Hall.
I stand still and watch the corner of the hall.
Step, step, step. That's when I see a withered foot poking out from the corner.
'No, it can't be them. Did I forget to take my medicine this morning?' I pull out my medicine box and check the Tuesday slot. My two pills are still in their box.
The whispers continue behind me. I slowly turn around, and the nightmare version of Bonnie stands before me. I take a step back and bump into something. Looking up, I see Nightmare Freddy.
The blood drains from my face, and fear takes over. I decide to make a run for it. I pick a random direction and run for my life. I need to find a place to hide so I can take my medicine. I make my way to the Classic Dining Hall and hide underneath one of the tables.
I take out my pills from their slot, and shove them down my throat without using my water. I manage to choke them down, and I want to curl up into a ball and cry. There's no use for that right now, I just have to wait for them to go away. I hear his footsteps beside, I look over and confirm it's Freddy.
He stops beside me, still as a statue, is he going to disappear?
I hear groaning and creaking from in front of me. When I look, Nightmare Foxy is under the farthest table, closest to the stage.
Screaming, I quickly climb out from under the tables. He crawls towards me faster than lightning, and grabs my ankle. Digging his claws into my skin, he drags me under the tables towards the back room.
I manage to kick him off and run in a panic.
"Eri." I hear behind me.
I turn around and don't see anyone in the room.
My friends used to call me that when we played here. "Where are you?" I ask.
Suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turn around, and see a little boy standing there.
"Good to see you again, Eri." He says. He is so pale, and I can only see his details from the stomach up. His bangs cover his eyes, it looks like he's been crying.
My legs give out, and I collapse to the ground. "Gabriel, is that you?" I ask looking up at him.
He nods. "Yeah, it's been a long time. We never thought that we would see you again." He floats down to me and presses his forehead against mine, it's cold. "We missed you."
I can't hold my tears back anymore.
"We need your help, Eri."
"With what?" I ask.
"All we want is make him feel the same pain as we felt." He releases me and backs away.
I watch him float towards the stage, and enter into Freddy.
He twitches violently, the shaking is very loud. Almost to the point where I need to cover my ears.
Suddenly it stops, and all of their eyes roll back. Now they're just black voids with white pupils. This makes them more terrifying than when they were still. They all move off the stage, and stand in front of me.
There's more footsteps from down the hall, and there are more animatronics. They all make a circle around me. The Toys, the Classics, and the spare classics used for parts.
I count them all, one by one. "There's fourteen of you?" I stand up as Classic Freddy looks around.
"The puppet isn't here, we haven't seen her for a long time. She gave us our new lives."
"Fritz, Gabriel, Casssidy, Susie, and Jeremy. Were you guys the first?" I glance at Pirate's Cove, Foxy didn't come out.
They all come out of the suits and surround me. "We were glad to see that you escaped him. Sadly, we weren't so lucky." All five of them hug me at the same time.
Tears of joy flow from my tired eyes. They were trying to save me from him.
They look down the hall. "He's here."
I look as well. "Who?"
"The Purple One." Cassidy says, her long hair flowing gently in a non-existent breeze. "He made us what we are, and it's time for him to pay the price.
"Eri, run." Fritz uses his energy and pulls me off the ground.
A man appears from down the hall, in his security uniform. I can see his purple eyes, filled with anger. "I told you not to come back, didn't I?" He asks.
"It was you all along wasn't it? You killed my friends and all these other innocents. Why?"
He smirks. "It was me, and I'm glad you came back. Now I get to finish what I started all those years ago!" He runs towards us with a crowbar in his hand.
Bonnie steps in front of me, blocking his path. He takes his guitar and swings it at Vinnie.
He easily dodges it and grabs me.
I manage to fight him off and I run for the exit. Without looking back I lunge into my car and drive off.
I finally get back to my hotel room, and my adrenaline finally wears off. I collapse onto the floor in exhaustion. Their anger and despair still lingers in my heart. Deep down, I know I have to help them. I just don't know how I'm going to do that. For now, I need to make some music.
I'll admit, this has brought some inspiration to me. So I find a pen and some paper, and start writing.
It's been years
Since I've seen a face around here
I was broken and alone
In that hell I called my home
You always choose to stay
Spend your nights keeping me away
You think you stand a chance to last
Against the ghosts of your past?
It's been years
Since I've seen a face around here
I was broken and alone
In that hell I called my home
Should have left me to decay
Finding me was your worst mistake
And I've found my new obsession
Now it's just you and me
You turn away
I'll be right beside you
You cut me off
But I'll always have another way to find you
My body's still mending
You're in for a sight
Another night but it doesn't get easy
Because you're stuck picking up all the pieces
That they salvaged
No matter what the ending
You won't last the night
I hear you breathing in your room
Now don't you panic
It'll all be over soon
And you can play your little games all day
You'll never be free
You block me out all you want
But I hear the sound
The echo of a "hello"
I'll come back around
You turn away
I'll be right beside you
You cut me off
But I'll always have another way to find you
My body's still mending
You're in for a sight
Another night but it doesn't get easy
Because you're stuck picking up all the pieces
That they salvaged
No matter what the ending
You won't last the night
No happy endings
Will ever find you
All of these ghosts they're
From deep inside you
No happy endings (No happy endings)
Will ever find you (Will find you)
All of these ghosts they're (And all of these ghosts are)
From deep inside you (From deep inside you)
You turn away
I'll be right beside you
You cut me off
But I'll always have another way to find you
My body's still mending
You're in for a sight
Another night but it doesn't get easy
Because you're stuck picking up all the pieces
That they salvaged
No matter what the ending
You won't last the night
(You won't last the night)
I put it in a folder and start the next one.
We're back revamped
The madness never ends
We're not alone
This time we've brought some friends
No doors, no hope
But you keep coming back
But if this is what you want
Then you can be just like us
It's what we're made to do
You act like we're to blame
Wear a mask to hide yourself
When really it makes us the same
A couple hours but it's feelin' like days
Now you're runnin' out of power
Leave you mangled and winding away
Step one: check lights
And empty out the halls
Did you hear that?
There's banging in the walls
Enjoy your new job
Cause it might be your last
If you find it's 6 AM
We'll see you tomorrow
It's what we're made to do
You act like we're to blame
Wear a mask to hide yourself
When really it makes us the same
A couple hours but it's feelin' like days
Now you're runnin' out of power
Leave you mangled and winding away
It's what we're made to do
You act like we're to blame
Wear a mask to hide yourself
When really it makes us the same
A couple hours but it's feelin' like days
Now you're runnin' out of power
Leave you mangled and winding away
Once I put the second away, I take a short break and order some food. While I wait, I take a quick shower.
My food arrives not too long after. I open the box and smile. "I haven't had a chicken bacon ranch pizza in a long time." I end up eating about half my medium size pizza and write one more song.
This isn't the same song that you're used to hearing tonight
You're in for a shock if you came for a sweet lullaby
No, this is somethin' sinister, aim right at your heart
Thumping faster to the beat, playing in the dark
I'm not apologetic, mangled web of souls and parts
We are, who we are!
We know what scares you, we know the way
We see your eyes going white when we meet face-to-face
And in the night-time, we never sleep
We're never too far behind until your nightmares, we seek
We know what scares you! Oooooh!
We know what scares you inside!
Given the shadows is all we have
So you can run, you can hide, but your feeling is ours for tonight!
When you're forced to live in a mask for the rest of your years
You pick up a thing or two about bone-chilling fear!
And we just wanna share with you everything we learn
All the pain and suffering, dead fold and returned
We're not gonna lie to you, this is gonna hurt!
'Cause now it's your turn!
We know what scares you, we know the way!
We see your eyes going white when we meet face-to-face
And in the night-time, we never sleep!
We're never too far behind until your nightmares, we seek
We know what scares you! Oooh!
We know what scares you inside!
Given the shadows is all we have!
So you can run, you can hide, but your feeling is ours for tonight!
(This isn't the same song that you're used to hearing tonight)
Yeah, you can run but we know!
Yeah, you can hide but we always know!
We know what scares you, we know the way!
We see your eyes going white when we meet face-to-face!
And in the night-time, we never sleep!
We're never too far behind until your nightmares, we seek
We know what scares you! Ooh!
We know what scares you inside!
Given the shadows is all we have
So you can run, you can hide, but your feeling is ours for tonight!
Oooh! We know what scares you!
Oooh! We know what scares you!
I type them up and record them on my phone. I plop onto my bed and send them to my producer.
He reads my messages but doesn't reply.
A little later, my mother calls.
"Hey, mom." I answer.
"How are things going over there?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Well, I'll listen to everything when you get back. Have you been sleeping okay?"
"Yeah, it's been getting easier by the day."
She sighs in relief. ��And your medicine?"
"Well, about that." I say nervously.
"What about it?" I can hear the irritation in her voice.
"I need to stop taking it. I've learned that they aren't there to scare me."
She sighs heavily. "You better not lose yourself. I lost one child. I'm not losing you too."
"I promise."
Mom had a baby boy before she had me. But unfortunately she fell and he ended up being still born.
"I love you, call me again soon okay?" She asks.
"Of course. I love you too, sleep well." I hang up the phone and sit up in my bed. To be honest, I don't think she's slept much since I left.
It's late and I should go to bed.
Suddenly there's a knock on my door.
As I'm about to open the door, I realize that no one knows I'm here. I back away from the door, hoping they'll go away.
They knock again.
I stand there in silence, waiting for them to leave.
There's silence for a while, and I sigh in relief.
Suddenly the door bursts open, and Vinnie rushes towards me. He reaches out to grab me by my throat.
In a panic, I ran to the opposite side of the room. Making my way to the bathroom and trying to lock the door, but there's no lock.
He pushes his way through, flinging me into the shower door. The glass shatters into millions of pieces, covering me. He towers above me, looking at me like I'm a piece of garbage. "I'm going to enjoy this."
As he reaches for me, I get and run.
I manage to escape him and I run out of my room as fast as I can. I just keep running, and running, not knowing where I'm going.
I find myself in the middle of town, it looks deserted. It doesn't look like anything is open, though it is late. I have to find the police station, or a place that's open. Something like a gas station, or a bar of some kind.
As I start walking, my legs start to hurt. I look down and there are glass shards in my feet, going up my legs. I fight through the pain and force myself to continue walking. I keep looking around, just in case he followed me. I'm pretty sure he did.
After walking for what feels like an eternity, and I see an open diner at the end of the block. As I walk, my legs start to give out and the pain is overwhelming. I collapse onto the sidewalk, and force myself to crawl. 'I will get through this.' I tell myself. 'I made a promise.'
He comes out of the shadows, and stands in front of me. "So this is where you went."
I'm too exhausted to fight back, I don't even have the strength to stand. Out of desperation, I scream as loud as I can. Hopefully someone will hear me.
"Oh, no you don't." He kicks me in the head as hard as he can, knocking me out.