
3. Meeting Ana

Veer's pov

"I have found a girl for you and I believe that she is perfect." Nani told me and I controlled the urge to grunt. Since she has figured out that there is no way in hell I am getting married on my own and get settled she has made it her life mission to see me settled and have her great grandchildren.

Like if she just wants great grandchildren I don't have to marry right? But when I suggested her the same thing even though I was joking she took it seriously and now wants to me to get hitched. Since past 6 months she has gone through so many girls and their families but hadn't found the girl that compliments me yet.

"Nani, I don't want to marry." I say but her one glare was enough to shut me up.

"Veer, just because your parents didn't had a happy marriage doesn't mean you won't be as well. I want you to be happy with your wife and children before I die."

Yeah right. She played her death card now, knowing full well that I won't be able to deny her. I seriously don't understand this deal with women making puppy eyes to get their work done and the effect of it on us men that we can't say no.

Rehana uses the same card on Rudra and he being the proper whipped guy can't say no to her.

"Fine do whatever you want. But I am going to Mumbai tomorrow."

"Oh great. I will come with you as well." She says a bit too excitedly for a women who was just being sad that she is gonna die soon.

"Actually the girl that I have seen for you also is in Mumbai so we'll shoot two birds with stone."


We arrive at the Mumbai airport and I could see my best friend in the waiting area waiting for us. He was wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans with a blazer over it, semi-formal wear and I could see media taking pictures of him which he conveniently ignored. I tuck Nani inside my arm as we leave the airport since media surrounds us. I settled Nani to the backseat while Rudra settles in the driver and I into the co-passenger seat.

"How are you brother?" He asks when we go away from the airport and I answer with a simple good.

"Actually Rudra, you tell him. Make him understand that he should get married as soon as possible so that I can see my grandchildren." Nani whines and Rudra chuckles loudly, great so she has given this fucker a reason to tease the hell out of me.

"Yeah Veer, she is right. Get married bro." He agrees having the time of his life as he teases me.

"Nani I don't need to get married to have babies." I scoff and Nani gasps. Rudra controls his laughter and I roll my eyes at their antics.

"I want you to have babies with your wife." She states offended and I simply sigh.

We reach the house and Nani goes to her room to freshen up since she has been so tired of the flight. Rudra and I sit in the living area as we catch up with each other and he makes fun of me at how I should get married soon.

" Seriously Veer, what's the big deal ? Find a girl and get married, it's not like you are a virgin." He states with humor and I scoff.

"I am not into commitments buddy. And also girls are with me as long as they have the access to my card." His demeaner changes from light to a serious mood.

"Veer, one day you will find a girl who would be with you for you. Not for your card."

"Anyways, are you free tonight?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, nani told me that we have to go for a dinner to that girl's house and after that I am free."

"Oh, actually Ana is in town and I was going to her place for dinner. So I thought I should tag you with me."

"Ana as in your best friend?"

"Yeah the same one. She has finally came back to India and would be living here from now on." He states his tone soft.

From what I have known Ana is his childhood best friend, though I have never seen her he has told me that she is a software engineer and the girl that every man would want. Kind of exaggerating, but yeah you get the point, which is Ana is amazing and even if you don't like her you can't say it to Rudra.

But actually Ana is quite impressive. Rehana has also told me about her. Looks like she has an effect on people. For now I just want to crack this deal with haynes and somehow convince nani to drop this topic of my marriage.


Ananya's pov

I went to Shaurya 's office and learnt that our company was suffering with financial crisis and to sought out this problem they need to sign the deal with Oberoi industries. He told me that they have agreed for this deal but they have a condition. I could sense the hesitation and fear in his eyes. Somehow I provoked him to spill the beans and then the next moment he confessed I was shocked.

He said that the chairman of the Oberoi industries Veer Raj Singh Oberoi wants to marry me, if I agreed to the marriage he will help our company with the funds.

I could not believe my ears, the ruthless ,arrogant, and the stone heart wants to marry me. I had heard about him, he was well known in business. Before I could process anything ,Shaurya said

" Don't worry Ana, u wont have to marry him, I Have already declined his offer".

A relief washed over me but then I said,

" How will you deal with this situation then. We don't have any investors and all of our funds have been already put in the projects."

He said, "That's because of that traitor Makhani, who took all the investments and fled but don't worry I will figure out something."

Ma told me that we are having some guests today for dinner and she wants to dress accordingly. They are Pa's business clients and Shori wants to sign a deal with them. So here I am. I chose a simple jumpsuit in maroon color and pair it with nude heels. I color my lips similar to my dress in the mate shade and apply simply mascara and kohl to my eyes, pulling my hair in pony tail. The jumpsuit is backless but it covers my shoulders though, leaving my back in the middle see through.

When I go downstairs I find my Ma talking to an older woman who's wearing a simple suit, her white hair pulled in a low bun and she was wearing simple jewelry. Beside her sat a man whose back was facing me and from what I can see he was wearing a three piece suit in a dark blue color, his hair were set in a perfect manner and he looks like he goes to the gym regularly.

"Ma." I address her when she is busy talking as everyone's attention turns to me.

"Ana. Come honey." She makes her way to me and looks quite cheerful making my brow raise. I turn to look at my father who avoids eye contact with me and Shori looks pissed.

"Ana, this is Swarna Oberoi and this is Veer Raj Singh Oberoi, her grandson." She introduces the two to me and greet the lady warmly. She stares at me for long time and I tilt my head in confusion asking her silently as to why.

"You are so beautiful dear."

"Thank you." I turn my face to greet Mr. Oberoi, the man who is Rudra's closest friend who simply nods at me. Rude.

I join the talk going on and on as put mu input here and there. Veer only seems to be interested when I talk. I have to admit that the picture did no justice to his beauty. He is not just build, he is actually handsome. His dark eyes, thick brows and sharp cheekbones and jawlines makes him look dashing. The beard on his face gives him a rugged and raw look, no wonder he is one of the most eligible bachelors.

But he is rude. That I can say, I wonder how Rudy is friends with him. He is so sweet while Veer is arrogant. Well in the books of first impression he has earned zero from me.

We all settle at the dining table and halfway to the dinner Mrs. Oberoi asks me a question out of blue.

"So Ana, I really like you dear. Do you say yes?" Her eyes glimmering with excitement and I stare at her in confusion.

"Yes to what ?" I ask politely, facing my family Pa keeps his head down and Ma closes and opens her mouth like a fish. Shori is still pissed.

"To the marriage dear." She states frowning slightly.

"Marriage." I almost shout. She better not mean what I am thinking.

"Ma. What's going on ?" I turn to look at her who sigh before telling me that has me looking at her in shock.

"Ana, I think Veer is perfect match for you and you both should get married." She says softly trying to gauge my reaction. Everything makes sense now, Pa avoiding me, Shori looking pissed and Ma insisting on me wearing something good. I push back the stinging sensation in the back of my eyes and take a deep breathe.

"I am sorry Mrs. Oberoi actually there is a slight confusion here. I didn't know that you guys are here to talk about marriage. And to answer your question then it's a no. I am neither interested in getting married nor in your grandson."

I say as politely as I could. From the corner of eyes I could Veer clenching his fingers trying to control his anger.

Before I could say anything Shori interrupted,

"Mrs. Oberoi I have already told you that my sis does not want to get marry and we have already rejected your proposal."

"I know dear that you rejected it but I really want Ana and Veer to get married I mean they look perfect together."

It took a lot of me keep my anger in check but damn me, Nani was having none of it. When we have clearly said no why can't she just let it go. I was about to speak then suddenly Rudy came to the dining hall. I thought he was coming to me but to my surprise he said,

"Veer you told me you have plans tonight so you can not meet Ana, and here you are sitting with her and having dinner with her family."

Veer's eyebrow rose in surprise as he looked at me and then back at Rudy. Since Rudy didn't know what was going on he was very cheerful with his greeting.

"Nani, I want you to meet Ana, my best friend since childhood." He said introducing me and just this more information about me was enough for nani to shriek in excitement. I looked at Veer and he was looking at me with surprised expression and he kept looking between Rudy's hand on my shoulder and my eyes.

"Oh my God. All the more reason as to why you guys look so good together." Nani squealed and Rudy looked shocked. Veer and Rudy's gazes met and he exclaimed.

"She is the girl." Veer simply nodded.

"You knew?" I asked him in shock. If Rudy knew that Veer and his family was coming to see me then it was sure that I was going to kill him.

"No, I mean I knew he was coming to meet a girl, but it didn't know it was you." He stated and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I swear Ana." And I simply sighed.

This was just so confusing. I didn't know what was going on. Who knew and who didn't. But what bothered me was that Veer kept quiet all this time and kept on staring at me as if I was a puzzle.

"Mrs. Oberoi, I do not want to disrespect you nor anyone but I don't want to marry your grandson. I do not have any feelings for him. I do not want to marry any body and I expect you to respect my decision and don't force me into this."

I politely stated trying my best to not let my anger show when she kept on insisting that I should say yes.

"But dear-" and I cut her off as my the last straw of my patience broke.

"' I am really grateful that you gave us the proposal but marriage is not a deal . I don't want to marry someone who I don't even know but name. I have a lot of respect for you but I request you to not force me into this."

This time my tone came out a bit hard and Veer spoke for the first time in this mess. And I didn't expect him to speak that.

"How dare you speak to my Nani like that ?" he nearly shouted but I didn't even flinch. I kept my calm and simply told him,

"Mr. Oberoi, I am not saying anything wrong , It is your nani who is forcing her will on me, and as I said earlier I do not want to marry you , so why is she forcing me, Instead of shouting on me, you should talk to her and tell her that I do not want to marry you."

I was trying my best to keep calm, but this Veer was pushing my every wrong button.

"It was you who brought this proposal first, and now you are denying it." He shouted and everyone flinched but I stayed the same.

"We wanted a business deal, you tried to turn this offer into marriage proposal." I stated my voice hard and loud, but that didn't meant I was shouting. I was keeping my point.

Just when I said this Mr. Arrogant left the hall pissed. But he wasn't the only one who was pissed.