
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: Peak Battle

After Kali's shocking performance, he directly went back to his seat, Celia was looking at him but there was no emotion that can be seen on her face, who knows what she's thinking right now.

The next match ended quickly, it was between Celia and the one with the Gale wolf, he was defeated easily, the Arctic Demon fox doesn't even need to use a skill to defeat the Gale wolf.

After Celia wins her match easily.

The marches after that didn't attract much attention only Kali's fight against Asu made quite a stir. The one with the Gale wolf lost all his matches making him the weakest amongst the five remaining beast Contractors, he was placed last and was guided by a village personnel to make him recover his and the Gale Wolf's strength recover, Quincy lost three matches, he lost against Asu, Kali, and Celia, he only won against the Gale wolf, Asu lost two matches, first he lost against Kali, then he lost against Celia, but his lost against her is not surprising to the spectators since he already lost against Kali, Celia and Kali still both haven't lost a single match.

" now the match that everyone have been waiting for, the final match of the competition, the winner of this match will be named the champion, now let us welcome Kali and Celia! "

The referee called out Kali and Celia they will fight the final match and determine who is stronger.

Celia gracefully walked up the stage along with her Arctic Demon fox, everyone was amazed by the beauty they possessed, Kali also walked up the stage but the feeling he exude is different from Celia, the feeling he give off is mysterious those who look at his figure will find themselves staring for a long time, they are like being sucked into his aura as if they are lost in the night sky, even Celia felt the same feeling as the spectators making her a little wary about Kali, the old man beside the village chief didn't show any expression but he is quite surprised by Kali's aura, unlike earlier matches the Kali they were seeing is the true Kali, calm, cautious, and decisive.

" what an interesting young fellow " said the old man.

When Kali and Celia both reached the stage, the referee who is the nearest to Celia and Kali still haven't recovered fully when he saw the two young participant.

" are they really just apprentice beast contractor? " the referee said in his mind with fear in his eyes, the potential of the two made him scared.

" battle start " said the referee when he saw that the two are already ready.

" black serpent go all out " Kali said in a calm voice.

He will not pull his punches in this match, if he will not treat his opponent as something he must kill, he will definitely lose, so he made black serpent go all out and fight to the death.

Black serpent quickly used his dark strike and tail whip combo, the Arctic Demon fox dodged the attack like it is nothing, the Arctic Demon Fox's speed is astonishing, even Kali is amazed.

" this will be troublesome " Kali said in his mind.

Snake race savage beasts do not excel at speed and agility, though they can freely move their body mid air, against faster opponents that ability will render useless.

The Arctic Demon Fox is still dodging the attacks of black serpent, it used tail whip to block the attack of black serpent, but like Asu it underestimated black snake physical strength, it took a few steps back after blocking the attack creating distance between the two.

The Arctic Demon Fox is the first to make a move this time, it disappeared in an instant, then appeared in front of black serpent shrouded in snow like aura, it is the skill of the Arctic Demon Fox's skill similar to black serpent's dark strike, the snow dash, when it appeared in front of black serpent it used its beast claw skill, black serpent quickly use dark strike to increase his speed and dodged the attack, after successfully dodging the attack he use corrosive poison, the Arctic Demon Fox was startled but it managed to dodged the attack, the two savage beast are at stale mate, they appear to have similar strength but Kali knows that Celia is still holding back, the Arctic Demon Fox still haven't used the skill blizzard which can freeze an opponent, while Kali already used every skill aside from constrict but it is useless unless he caught the Arctic Demon Fox, the speed of the Arctic Demon Fox is Kali's main problem, he's not scared of the Arctic Demon Fox's blizzard but it's speed.

The two savage beasts continued their fight, black snake was at a disadvantage, because of the difference in speed, it received a few wounds from the beast claws attack.

In this fight black snake is on the verge of losing but it's eyes says the opposite, it is still full of fighting spirit.

" black serpent try to get as close to the Arctic Demon Fox and use constrict " Kali ordered black Serpent.

It turned into a black streak and dashed towards the Arctic Demon Fox, it used dark strike in every move it makes, making its every move increase in speed, which caught Celia and her Arctic Demon Fox off guard, when black serpent reached attacking range it used tail whip hitting the Arctic Demon Fox's body, it was the first time in this battle that black serpent landed a solid hit against the Arctic Demon Fox, it staggered and fell down before standing up straight on Celia's command, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, cold wind filled the stage.

" blizzard! " said Kali in a serious voice.

Celia is about to get serious,because the earlier attack of black serpent, posed a sense of danger, she was thinking that, what if the black scale corrosive serpent managed to bite her Arctic Demon Fox, it will be troublesome because the corrosive poison it possess.

" Arctic Demon Fox freeze the serpent " Celia orders her savage beast.

It howled and the cold wind surrounded black serpent and fragments of ice started to form on its body, it is slowly freezing, it greatly slowed down black serpent's movements even if it use dark strike along with its every move, the Arctic Demon Fox didn't gave black serpent any chance to recover before immediately attacking fiercely, it used its claws and fail to land hit after hit on black serpent body.

" use corrosive poison and create a distance between you and the Fox " Kali ordered black serpent, it quickly followed Kali's instructions, with the rich battle experience Kali and black serpent possess coming out of disadvantageous situation is an ability they possess, after successfully creating distance the ice on black serpent's body started to crack then crumbled.

The two savage beast is already tired and is full of wounds, but the one who has received more injury is black serpent its body is full of claw wounds, its shiny pitch black scale is now mixed with crimson colored blood, while the Arctic Demon Fox's silver white fur and slender body is filled with bruises from the black serpent's tail whip attacks, Kali has no more skills to reveal and the only way to win is to confront the Arctic Demon Fox in a head to head battle and poison it, Celia was also thinking of a head to head battle because she wants to finish the fight already, Kali and Celia stared at each other at the same time, even without talking they learned what the other was thinking, they immediately send orders to their savage beasts.

" black serpent attack the Arctic Demon Fox when you get near try to construct it and use your poison to weaken it " said Kali.

"Snow defeat that black serpent you are much stronger " Celia order her Arctic Demon Fox which she named snow.

The two savage beasts immediately followed their master's orders and engaged in a head to head battle.

The two savage beast were in a bloody head to head battle and the spectators are silently watching the match, completely immersed in the fight, they can't believe that what their watching is still a match between two apprentice beast Contractors, if this is a fight of apprentice beast Contractors what will their strength be like when they reach master stage or even higher, the thought of a superior stage fight made the spectators sweat profusely.

" these Kali is impressive his strength is comparable to a mid grade noble family's young master " said the mysterious old man.

" hahahahahahaha that kid worked really hard for this competition " said the village chief.

Asu on the other hand is watching the match with his eyes wide open, he was amazed and scared at the same time, his arrogant air completely disappeared, what use is his arrogance in front of great potential and strength.

Kali was watching black serpent, when he saw that it dodged an attack from the Arctic Demon Fox, it quickly slithered to reach the Fox, when it was a few steps away it used dark strike and immediately appearing in front of the Arctic Demon Fox, but instead of attacking directly with its tail or fangs it wrapped its body on the Arctic Demon Fox's body, but before black serpent tighten its hold on the Fox's body it was bitten by the fox in the body, it hissed loudly because of the pain the bite is not normal either it posses great cold and freezing attribute, but despite the pain black serpent didn't let go of the Fox instead it tightens it body and used constrict, the Fox was trying to get away from black serpents grasp, but every time it tries to fight back the black serpent tightens its hold more, it bit the Arctic Demon Fox's thigh poisoning it, the thigh darkened a few moments later, when Celia saw this her face darkened.

" use blizzard on your body " Celia ordered her savage beast.

The Arctic Demon Fox's body slowly freezes from its feet upward seeing Celia's decisive move Kali was taken aback, he never knew that Celia was this decisive, but he didn't panicked.

" let go of the fox " Kali ordered black serpent, when it was about to let go, the Fox bit the serpent's body again making it lose all strength and let go of the Fox's body immediately but the Fox didn't let go of the serpent in its mouth, the black serpent struggled and managed to bite the Fox's neck, making it let go, black serpent and the Arctic Demon Fox both retreated, they stared at each other for a long time, the Fox staggered then fell down, this made the spectators silent, they can't say anything because the crowd favorite Celia lost, its savage beast lost.

" the champion of " when the referee was about it announce the result, black snake started to sway then fell down.

The crowd looked over black serpent and saw that it also fell down a few moments after the Arctic Demon Fox.

" the final match is a draw " the referee announce the result of the match.

The whole venue is speechless they don't know how to react.

" the competition is now over, this time unlike the previous competition we have two winners, let us congratulate Celia and Kali for their wonderful performance " the village chief's voice broke the silence, the crowd started cheering and shouting, congratulating the two winners.

Celia and Kali quickly went over their savage beasts to treat their injuries, Celia gave her Arctic Demon Fox a vial of anti venom and started to treat it's other injuries, while Kali gave black serpent a wound healing medicine to increase the recovery speed of the wounds, after treating the injuries Kali and Celia both summoned back their savage beasts to their beast rings.

" Kali and Celia please proceed to the platform " said the referee.

The two arrived in front of the village chief.

" since you two won, I will person hand out your rewards, but since there are two of you, you will have to share the rewards, I will list down the reward, how would you split it is your decision"

" okay the first reward ten thousand gold, second reward is beast ring , but I will give you one each since it is a reward for reaching the top five as well, the third reward is skill book called dominance armor, the fourth reward is an advancement pill it can be used to increase the stage of a savage beast below grandmaster stage, but your savage beast must reach level five before using the pill or its effect will lessen, and now for the final reward, it is a young apprentice stage silver neck swan"

When everyone heard the rewards they went into an uproar, the rewards are so great, it will boost an apprentice stage beast contractor's strength by a huge amount it can even make them breakthrough to master rank with this rewards.

Kali and Celia's reaction is the same as the crowd but they went back to their usual calm state after a few minutes.

" how are we going to divide the rewards" Celia asked Kali.

" we can split the gold, so we each receive five thousand, and we both receive an apprentice stage beast ring, what's left is the last three rewards"

" how about this I will take the skill book and you take the advancement pill and the savage beast" said Kali.

Celia thinks for a few moment before she agreed to Kali's arrangement, she took five thousand gold, a beast ring, a pill, and a savage beast, while Kali received five thousand gold, beast ring, and a skill book.

" are you guys satisfied with your rewards" the village chief asked.

The two nodded then left the platform to let the remaining three of the top five receive their rewards.

The crowd was confused about Kali's decision he just took a skill book, gold coins, and a beast ring, they don't understand why Kali gave up the advancement pill and the savage beast.

But for Kali the skill book: dominance armor is the greatest reward, because not only can it increase the defense of a savage beast or a beast contractor in a fight, skill books are also rare, he can buy the advancement pill and he can catch his own savage beast but he will have a hard time looking for a skill book , because skill books are usually treated as treasures by factions and families and can only be passed down to members and descendants.

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