
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

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80 Chs

36 The Firebolt Returns

While the quidditch match was taking place, none of the Gryffindors went to watch such a match, they would just wait for Jordan on the news:

Watch where you're going, Potter.

-I 'm sorry teacher.

"I went looking for you in the Gryffindor common room." Well, here it is.

We have done all the checks and it seems to be fine. Somewhere you have a good friend, Potter.

Harry's jaw dropped. Professor McGonagall held her

Firebolt, looking as magnificent as ever.

"Can I keep it?" Harry said faintly. Really?

"Really," said Professor McGonagall, smiling. You will have to familiarize yourself with it before the game on Saturday, right? Do everything possible to win; Otherwise we'll be eliminated for the eighth year in a row, as Professor Snape has just kindly reminded me.

Harry went up the stairs to Gryffindor tower; he speechless, carrying the Firebolt. Turning a corner, he saw Ron running towards him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Has he given it to you?" Great! Will you let me ride on it?


"Yes, of course," Harry replied with an enthusiasm he hadn't experienced for a month. We would have to make peace with

Hermione. She just wanted to help...

-If, according. He's in the library, working, for a change.

After about ten minutes in the Gryffindor common room the Firebolt was being passed from hand to hand and admired from every angle, the crowd dispersed and Harry and Ron could see Hermione, the only one who hadn't run towards them and had continued studying. Harry and Ron approached her table and the girl looked up.

"They gave it back to me," Harry told him, smiling and raising the Arrowbolt.


"See, Hermione?" There was nothing wrong with her!

"Well... there could be," Hermione replied. At least now you know she's safe.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Harry. I'd better leave her upstairs.

-I'll take it! Ron offered enthusiastically. I have to give Scabbers the rat tonic.

He picked up the Firebolt and, holding it as if it were made of glass, carried it up to the boys' bedroom.

-Can I sit? Harry asked Hermione.

"I suppose so," Hermione replied, removing a stack of parchments from the chair.

-How about you doing? Harry asked.

-Good. You know, working hard," Hermione replied. Harry saw that up close she looked almost as exhausted as Lupin.

"Why don't you drop a couple of subjects?" Harry asked, watching her rummage through the books for the rune dictionary.

-I could not! Hermione answered now but for the next semester I'll leave some but I already started it so I'm going to finish it.

"Arithmancy looks awful," Harry observed, picking up a table of

particularly abstruse numbers.

"No, it's wonderful," Hermione said sincerely. it is my subject

favorite. Is...

But Harry didn't get to know what was wonderful about Arithmancy.

At that precise moment, a muffled scream resounded from the boys' stairs.

Everyone in the common room was silent, petrified, looking towards the entrance. Some hurried footsteps were getting closer and louder. And then Ron appeared dragging a sheet.

-LOOK! Ron yelled.

"What's up, Ron?"


Hermione pulled away from Ron, leaning back, very astonished.

Harry looked at the sheet Ron was holding. There was something red in it. Something that looked a lot like...

-BLOOD! Ron exclaimed into the silence. NO THIS! AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE FLOOR?

"No, no," Hermione said in a shaky voice. Ron tossed something on top of Hermione's runic translation.

there were some cat hairs, long and cinnamon-colored.

Hermione calmed down, and asked Ron and Harry when they last saw SCABBERS, this morning, so Crookshanks is innocent.

Ron exclaimed furiously.

Everyone was around him listening to the discussion.

Ron is guided by claiming to Hermione that she was not careful that that cat killed SCABBERS, she never took her warnings seriously, Harry agreed with Ron and it speaks in his favor that Hermione must admit that she was wrong.

Hermione said that Crookshanks hasn't lived here for months, the other Gryffindor girls supported Hermione, most of the boys also confirmed this statement, also their roommates, Ron's brothers too, who can't find him anywhere to be able to try their products on it, some even laughing at that comment.

Harry and Ron didn't know what to say, until they asked where he is.

Hermione blushed, she didn't know if she should say where Crookshanks is or not.

Until Parvati and Lavender came in to tell Hermione that they had seen Sasuke playing with Crookshanks.

And everyone was surprised until he spoke saying that he was worried about Crookshanks' attitude, so he asked Sasuke if he could take care of him in his common room and he accepted.

All the girls glared at Hermione, even Ginny. In the face of such an event, Ron and Harry, who felt those looks, moved away from her out of fear.

She was all red as she explained to the girls.

The next day, Harry came down to breakfast with the other boys from his dorm, who apparently thought the Firebolt deserved some kind of honor guard. As Harry enters the Great Hall; they all turned to look at the Firebolt, muttering excitedly. Harry was pleased to see that the Slytherin team was stunned but Sasuke didn't care.

"Have you seen his face?" Ron asked cheerfully, turning to look at Malfoy. You can't believe it! It's great!

Wood was also proud of the Firebolt.

"Leave it here, Harry," he said, placing the broom in the center of the table and carefully turning it over so that the name was visible. those of

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff came over to see her. Cedric Diggory went to congratulate

Harry for getting such a superb replacement for his Nimbus. And Percy's girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, from Ravenclaw, asked permission to take it.

"No sabotage, eh, Penelope?" Percy gushed as the young woman carefully examined the Firebolt. Penelope and I have made a bet," he told the team. Ten galleons to see who wins.

Penelope put down the Firebolt, thanked Harry, and returned to the table.

"Harry, try to win," Percy told him in an urgent whisper, "because I don't have ten galleons. I'm coming, Penelope! And he went with her when the toast was finished.

"Are you sure you can handle her, Potter?" said a cold, drawling voice.

Draco Malfoy had moved closer to get a better look; and Crabbe and Goyle were behind him.

"Yeah, I think so," Harry replied.

"Lots of special features, right?" Malfoy said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It's a shame it doesn't include a parachute, in case a dementor appears.

Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

"And it's a shame you don't have three arms," ​​Harry told him. That way you could catch the snitch.

The Gryffindor team laughed heartily. Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed and he stalked off. They saw him join the other Slytherin players, who put their heads together, probably asking Malfoy if Harry's broom was really a Firebolt.

The Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw match, due to the appearance of the fire bolt in the Jordan field, the commentator began to mention the characteristics of the bolt.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

Sasuke and Luna watched the match, the match started, but he realized that the Ravenclaw Seeker Cho Chang was only chasing Potter.

Sasuke thoughtfully watched this action, until Luna spoke to him.

Luna: The Ravenclaw players were thinking of a strategy on how to defeat the bolt but they couldn't think of anything, so resigned one by one they went to sleep.

Sasuke: I see, then let's go, there's no point in watching a match where the opponent has already given up, there's no point in watching.

Sasuke and Luna leave the stadium, but leaving they saw 2 hooded beings that were dementors.

Sasuke didn't feel the chill he normally does, before he could say anything a silver glow appeared behind him.

Luna: Expentum Patronus, a rabbit appeared and charged the false dementors.

They were Malfoy, Crabe, Goyle and Flint, frightened by such a spell they stumbled.

Sasuke approached them, and told them how much they like to humiliate themselves, let's go, they will only make a fool of themselves, they don't believe that the others would also put a spell on them.

With a flick of Sasuke's wand the black cloaks vanished from them.

Faced with such action, they got up and left, but not before receiving the order from Sasuke to summon the entire team to the Slytherin common room.

Sasuke: before I forget Draco you feed Crookshanks.

Draco: I was furious inside, but I couldn't disobey him.

Sasuke told Luna you want to see the Slytherin common room.

Luna was surprised.

I don't think any students have been invited to the Slytherin room, so let's go.

Upon reaching the common room, everyone stayed, surprised by Luna's appearance, but they did nothing since Sasuke was with her.

But two seventh years came up maliciously from behind, drawing their wands but Sasuke quickly turned and launched his killing intent at them.

The two of them knelt before the fear they felt, they knew that if they moved they would die.

The entire room returned to normal, as Luna approached Draco who was feeding Crookshanks, and started playing with Crookshanks as the players approached him.

Sasuke: What do you know about Basketball?

everyone was silent

Then he began to explain about Basketball, and about how Gryffindor counts on winning, as long as they lead us by 60 points so that Potter catches the snitch, but what would happen if we don't allow that advantage and crush them in points, I already consulted the rules on offenses with madam Hooch and review the Quidditch rules, nothing to worry about with the tactics I have in mind.

The first thing is to improve our synchronization, call the other Slytherin students to block us, then let's start, they worked without a broom the movements.

Quidditch is not only based on power, everything is based on strategy, for any battle.

Sasuke drew three rings on the wall, and asked Crabe to act as guardian, before such an event Sasuke went with the ball at full speed and:

He passed the ball to his back while those in front of Sasuke watched as the ball disappeared.

Then the ball quickly appeared in the hands of Flint, who scores to the stunned gaze of most at such a move, but those behind watched as the ball was in the air behind his back, and with a flick of his elbow he passed it to Flint, to score.

They understand with this tactic we will win.

They all began to seriously practice the tactics set out by Sasuke, and he told them not to attack any Gryffindors, because it wouldn't make sense because we'll win.

Several weeks later the Slytherins improved a lot in terms of teamwork, they learned Sasuke's signs, and they moved without saying a word, they also decided to support Malfoy to look for them too if the snitch was close to them and ask him. a sign that would go unnoticed.

After Hermione told him that he made friends with his friends, that Professor Lupine had scolded Harry for trying to escape from school to go to Homesgade, Sasuke made fun of how stupid he is, Hermione was going to complain until Sasuke told her how it changes his safety for a bag of candy, his parents sacrificed their lives for him, and he repays them with a bag of candy.

Hermione thought about it and knew she was right, they continued talking about magic