
The Nobleman

" She hasn't waken up yet, but her breathing got better and her pulse is faster, thank you "

The boy said as he walked out of the small house, looking down at Shu who was currently meditating

" It's fine, no need to thank me, curing her was pretty easy, in fact her problem is so normal that to me is like a common cold "

Shu replied, opening his eyes as he looked up at the boy, who simply smiled at him, extremely thankful for what he had done for him

" By the way, Tristen,I've been meaning to ask you something since we walked into this village. "

Shu said as he stood up, cleaning the snow that got stuck to his clothes

" Uh, sure, what is it? "

Tristen questioned, looking up at him with his hands shoved inside his pant's pockets

" Well, since I've set foot on this village, I've been sensing all the villagers's energy, and it seems like they don't even posses the right amount to even get rid of such a normal problem like your mother's, is there a reason for that? "

Shu questioned, looking down at the boy, who simply opened his eyes in awe, interested in what other things this guy could do

" You can sense how strong people are? That's pretty cool, and as for— "

The boy couldn't finish his sentence, as a louder voice spoke over his, announced itself

" Oh, who is that? His energy is massively bigger than anyone's here "

Shu said as he looked down a road of snow, across the houses in the village all the way down to its entrance, his eyes meeting with another person's

" Oh crap, the nobleman is back, we need to give him a percentage of whatever food we have or else he'll kill us "

Tristen said in a nervous tone as he began to look around, before going into the house, looking around for a bit to then grab a sack of vegetables from underneath the bed

" Is he threatening you guys? Or do you guys owe him? "

Shu questioned, looking at Tristen with curious eyes and an innocent expression

" What part of he'll kill us did you not hear? We don't owe him anything, he just wants our food because it's hard gather much of it in this continent, unless of course, you're part of the main land "

Tristen explained, throwing half of the vegetables from the sack on the floor, before tying the sack

" Should I beat his ass then? "

Shu questioned, crossing his arms tightly as the boy simply sighed

" I admit that you're strong, but that nobleman is far stronger than the werewolves you fought for me "

Tristen explained as he began to walk toward the entrance of the village

" Watch my mother for- "

Tristen couldn't finish his sentence, because the moment he took a few steps away from the house, a blur flew beside the powerful wind it created, pushed him away and slammed him against a pile of snow

" Hey "

Shu said, as he stopped right in front of the entrance to the village, looking up at a man, wearing clothes worthy of a noble, sitting atop of a black horse with two guards, riding white horses, each on one side

" Who may you be? "

The man in the middle said, as he looked down at Shu, holding onto the horse before receiving an uppercut to his jaw, which sent him meters into the air.

The guards unsheathed the weapons they were holding, preparing themselves to get off their horses, but Shu was quick witted; appearing in front of one of them, kicking him right on his stomach, sending him flying miles away from the village.

Not wasting any time, Shu would then kick the other one right on his face, sending him flying, crashing against one of the houses in the village, destroying it completely, knocking the man out in the process

" So you villagers ordered a martial artist to target me? For what? Revenge? "

The nobleman said, as he landed on the ground with finesse, rubbing his jaw a bit before smiling at Shu who simply glared at him

" He looks small for a martial artist, but, that punch he landed on me was pretty powerful, anyway, once I'm done with him, you villagers are next "

The nobleman said as he took in a deep breath, scaring the villagers who then began to whisper between themselves, talking about how stupid this boy was, and how unfair this punishment was

" Please sir, forgive us, we don't know this man, this is the first time we've ever met him, please don't punish us for the mistake that person made "

An old man said, as he walked forward, leaving the crowd, to then bow down in front of the nobleman, slamming his old head on the snowy ground

" I could just kill this one, and collect half the food like I planned, but.. "

The nobleman said as he formed a red blade of energy on his right hand, pointing it at the old man who looked up at him in fear

" who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do? A commoner such as yourself shouldn't speak so informally toward a noble like myself "

The nobleman said, before swinging his arms toward the old man's neck in an attempt to end his life, but to his and everyone's surprise the blade was stopped by none other than Shu, who held it tightly with his left hand

" A noble like you, shouldn't strike an elderly with wisdom like him "

Shu replied, before squeezing the transparent blade, shattering it into hundreds of pieces, making the nobleman smirk as Shu simply glared at him

" Not only did you attack, you also destroyed my blade, stopping me from laying down my punishment on this man, and on top of that, you dare to glare at me, like I'm some sort of peasant. You're punishment in my eyes, is death "

The nobleman said, as he formed two more blades, one on each hand, unlike the other one, these seemed sharper, longer and larger. It was so sharp that the snow that landed on it, broke in two

" Na, I don't do death punishments "