
Saiyan Sect

Ronan, a downtrodden nobody experiences every day in a haze as another cog in the wheel of society. He often fantasizes about the various stories he reads and watches in his spare time hoping to escape from his horrible life but reality is ever present, he can only dream of a different life... until one day everything changes! He wakes up in a strange world as a saiyan, a powerful race of brutal warriors from his favorite anime dragon ball. With his incredible saiyan powers and limitless potential, he must unlock the secrets of his mysterious achievement system to survive while also carefully navigating the dangerous world of cultivation where being weak is the original sin and moving mountains and draining seas is not an uncommon occurance. This is a chaotic world where countless sects and holy dynasties reign supreme, where immortals linger and gods clash... Can Ronan survive in this terrifying world with no ability to cultivate and only his saiyan abilities to rely on?

HB_scythe · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

I'm a saiyan?

Ronan rubbed his eyes and yawned, it felt as if he been sleeping for a long time.

The sound of chirping birds and the grunts and growls of distant animals caused him to frown.

'Why am I hearing nature sounds? I live in the city.' He thought it was odd. Usually he would be greeted by the grunt of engines and the trembling of the morning train.

Opening his eyes he was surprised to see a canopy of trees with sunlight breaking through their leaves.

"Hmm? What the.. where am I?"

Ronan sat up and looked around with an alert gaze.

He was in a strange forest. It was ancient with trees easily reaching over 50 meters in height, the brush surrounding him was plentiful and there was also a faint mist lingering in the air that was extremely refreshing when he breathed it in.

"The air's so fresh!" Ronan remarked in amazement. 'It feels as if I've been breathing in industrial smog my entire life and then suddenly experienced the fresh air of the countryside.'

Although he was enjoying the fresh air, Ronan was also alarmed and slightly afraid. He lived deep in the city. There was nothing but steel and concrete for miles, his rundown apartment was nowhere near any kind of forest.

Ronan rubbed his brow and tried to remember the last thing he was doing but it was completely blank. He could remember what he was doing a day ago, even what he ate last sunday but the memories of his last 24 hours were gone as if they were erased.

'I don't feel the effects of a hangover so I can cross out getting drunk and wandering off.. Maybe someone drugged me? Why would they do that? I'm a nobody with no money.'

Ronan could not think of any plausable reason as to why he ended up in this mysterious forest so he decided to look around and see if he could find some help.

When he went to stand up, Ronan noticed something shocking. He was naked, but that wasn't the shocking thing.

He looked down at his body with his eyes wide in surprise.

Ronan's previously scrawny physique had suddenly changed into that of a supreme bodybuilder!

His muscles were quite exaggerated and more in line with the steroid monsters of the modern bodybuilding scene instead of the classical era where aesthetics were king.

Ronan could tell with absolute certainty that he was still in his own body since he still had the scar he got on his hand when he was a child.

"This is crazy!" Ronan's grey eyes lit up with excitement.

Ronan always wanted a powerful body that he could show off to others but found that his genetics were absolute crap! He couldn't put on any muscle when he tried so he quickly gave up, he could have tried steroids but he was poor and had no money to waste on them, let alone the effort and time required to cultivate such a physique.

In the end he remained skinny like a twig, but somehow he had ended up like this!

'Did some mysterious scientist kidnap me and perform some kind of of experiment?' Ronan nodded his head and had already decided that this was the only explanation for his current circumstance.

"That scientist is definitely a saint! And probably good looking too.. with good morals, fortune and wealth!"

Ronan couldn't stop himself from praising the mysterious scientist who transformed him with a silly grin on his face.

It wasn't until he felt something wrong just above his butt, a strange sensation as if there was something "extra" there.

Frowning, Ronan turned his head around and looked down.

"Is that.. a tail!?" Ronan was frightened.

The absolute worst thing had happened! There were side effects to his transformation. 'Oh no!! I'm a freak! They'll lock me up and study me and then they'll send me to the circus where I'll be paraded around as a sideshow!'

Ronan had completely forgotten the fact that freakshows had long been banned but his mind was still in chaos with his thoughts running wild imagining his bleak future.

'That damned scientist! You damned failure! Worst scientist ever! They're most definitely some kind of hunchback ugly like in that frankenstein movie! He's igor! No he's even uglier, even the elephant man would be handsome in comparison!' He cursed with venomous spite.

'Hmm.. Wait a minute.. that tail looks familiar..' Ronan thought for a moment and then he suddenly recognized it.

How could he not? It was something he had seen many times in his favourite show dragon ball, it was a saiyan tail!

Ronan covered his mouth and gasped. "Am I a saiyan!?"

He was gobsmacked and could not think properly for a moment.

'I'll test it out. Saiyan's are known for their godly strength. Even the lowest class saiyan goku could lift a boulder as a child!'

Ronan looked around but he couldn't locate any boulders, only giant trees and dense bush. He turned his gaze to a nearby tree. Several adults could barely wrap their arms around its thick trunk, it was truly a monstrosity of nature.

He walked up to the tree and raised his fist with hesitation. Looking at the strong bark, he bit his lip and pondered. 'It'll hurt like a mother if I'm wrong...' He sighed. 'Worst case, I'll break a knuckle.'

Making up his mind, Ronan pulled his fist back and punched forth!


Ronan felt his fist pierce through the tree like paper causing it to shake violently, the branches above swaying from the sudden impact.

Ronan's eyes almost popped out. He felt nothing at all with his fist puncturing the tree, it was as if his skin was harder than steel.

"My god.. I'm a saiyan!" Ronan shouted in excitement.

He raised his arm slowly, the ground shook and the tree creaked and groaned with an almost human like scream as it was uprooted with ease.

"This is insane!" Ronan flexed his arm causing veins to pop. In the next moment, the tree trunk wrapped around his arm shattered into splinters, the remnants of the trunk falling to the ground with a boom crushing the wild bushes underneath.

Ronan looked at his powerful arm with wonder. "This must be the joke of some cosmic being.."

"Ahahahaha!" Ronan laughed madly, his eyes gleamed with violence.

For all his life, Ronan had been living at the bottom of society. As an orphan, he had grown up in the foster care system, a horrible experience he would rather forget.

He was homeless at 14 and worked minimum wage jobs until his current age 29. He lived in a rundown apartment and he could barely afford the essentials.

Ronan was living paycheck to paycheck, constantly pushed around at his minimum wage supermarket job by his superior Harold, a middle aged balding man who was a real piece of work.

If he wasn't sexually harassing the female employees or sucking up to his superiors, he was humiliating Ronan and treating him like a slave.

Ronan didn't know what it was that caused Harold to treat him so bad, maybe it was his weak appearance or that he didn't stand up for himself, Harold could easily get him fired so he never tried but things were different now...

"It seems my run of bad luck has finally ended. You didn't think this day would come did you Harold? It's time for some payback!" Ronan smiled gleefully. He couldn't wait to get his hands around that cursed Harold's throat so he could wring it and make him beg for mercy!

While Ronan was imagining his sweet revenge, the ground began to shake with a certain rhythm as if something were getting closer.

It didn't take long for Ronan to notice.

"An earthquake?" Ronan raised his brow nonchalantly.

He wasn't afraid, in fact he was bursting with confidence. If it was before, Ronan would have quickly found the nearest thing to hide under but no reputable saiyan would hide like a coward! He was a new man! One that would rather break than bend at any kind of oncoming adversity.

The trembling grew stronger over time and Ronan noticed that this was no earthquake, something was coming! He could hear its deafening steps already coming closer.

Not long after, something giant burst through the dense brush giving Ronan the second largest shock of his life.

It was a giant red wolf about 5 meters tall and 8 meters long, far larger than a grown elephant. Apart from the wolf's fiery color, it also had horns on the sides of its head which curved backwards giving it quite the fierce appearance.

"What the hell is that!" Ronan blurted out with astonishment. "Is this jurassic park? That doesn't look like any dinosaur I've seen...must be some kind of mutant dog who escaped from a secret government lab.."

He wasn't too shocked by the giant beast, easily explaining away its existence.

Encountering such a creature would cause most people to scrutinize the situation, even Ronan, but this was the least crazy thing to happen to him today! Becoming a Saiyan had truly thrown away his current perception of the world.

The wolf's blood red eyes locked onto Ronan as it bared its teeth.

"What are you doing in my territory human!? Are you challenging me?" A voice spoke in Ronan's mind startling him, it was hoarse and had a certain wildness to it's tone.

'The dog is talking?!' Ronan's mind was blown.

Ronan heard the wolf's voice again. "Of course I can talk human. Any demon who reaches foundation establishment can....wait did you just call me a dog!?"

The wolf growled angrily. "You dare insult a proud fiendwolf such as I?!"

"You've invaded my territory and insulted me too." It licked its lips. "Hmph! You can stay and become my food." The wolf bent down, its hind legs digging into the forest floor, getting ready to pounce.

Ronan's eyes flared wide in anger. "You want to eat me? That'll kill me!"

He shook his head vigorously, his fists clenching tightly. "This dog thinks he can push me around just like Harold huh! I have to put a stop to it and stand up for myself! I have the power now!"

Ronan glared at the wolf with rage in his eyes, clicking his neck he stated. "You've pushed me too far dog, I've been so close to the edge and now you've pushed me off the cliff into the abyss!"

The wolf scrunched its furry brows. 'What is this stupid human saying? Has he gone mad from despair? Heh, I'll put an end to his suffering now!' It licked its teeth and peered at Ronan with sinister intentions.

"Die human!"

The wolf pounced forward with frightening force kicking up a huge mound of dirt and dust behind it, a sports car would be easily left behind by such speed.

Ronan's eyes turned into pin points as the focused on the oncoming wolf. It looked terrifying as it bowled towards him with its mouth agape and its sharp teeth ready to tear him to shreds.

There was only one thought in Ronan's mind as he witnessed this scene. 'Slow..'

The giant wolf was snail-like in his perception as if he were watching a slow motion video.

When the wolf's snout reached him, Ronan simply stepped to the side with an expression of mockery on his face, he drew his fist back.

The wolf's eye which was about the size of a car tire was barely tracking his movement. As it looked at Ronan, there was bewilderment and a hint of fear.

Before the wolf could even think of dodging, Ronan's fist had already landed on the side of its face.

A loud boom shook the surrounding trees.

With a heart wrenching roar, the wolf flew sideways hitting numerous trees and snapping them in half with its body until it came to a stop.

The wolf struggled to get up like a newborn horse but its body was broken. Its facial bones shattered and its jaw was hanging on by a thread of skin.

Ronan appeared in front of the wolf as if he were a ghost, too fast to see.

The wolf whimpered in fear, its battered and tired voice sounding in his mind.

"Ple..ase human.. spare.. spare me.."

"Spare you?" Ronan shook his head.

"You tried to eat me and now you want to be spared? Are you crazy? You're a mutant man-eating dog who's beyond rehabilitation.."

He raised his fist and shouted. "You need to be put down!"

"No! Merc-" The wolf's cry was cut off as Ronan's fist pierced its skull just as easily as it did the tree before.

Ronan smiled in satisfaction as if he had just relieved a great deal of stress, his shoulders felt lighter so to speak.

"Ahh.. It feels so liberating to just punch my problems to death...wait.." Ronan rubbed his temple. 'Isn't that kinda thinking dangerous?'

Ronan thought for a moment and then grinned to himself. "Dangerous is my middle name!"

He pulled his fist out of the fiendwolf's skull and noticed the gore and brain matter staining his arm.

Ronan frowned. 'That's odd. I don't feel any sort of disgust. I'm sure I would have vomited out my lunch just from the sight of this. Could this be my saiyan nature? They are a warrior race born with an innate bloodlust. Goku was such violent little baby until he cracked his melon.'

He casually wiped his arm clean on the wolfs coarse fur.


A bell like sound resounded in his mind, and then came an emotionless androgynous voice.

"Task [Hunt a demon beast] has been completed... Reward can now be received... You have now unlocked the Achievement space.. please recite the password [Shenron] in your mind to enter..."