
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime und Comics
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76 Chs


Cielo felt her heart beating fast as she contemplated the deal that Bann proposed her.

'...I could save my sisters while also giving them a chance to battle into other places without wasting their lives here.' She analyzed with a clear mind, she wasn't foolish enough to believe they would be able to face the whole team, just one of them was necessary to disarm their entire Mission without them realizing.

And there was now four more of them that were capable of most likely doing such a feat too.

'And if the dreams showcased me by the Emperor are true, then they could destroy this world with ease.' The harsh truth send shivers down her spine as she looked again at the imposing xeno in front of her.

"You said you wanted to protect this world, that does also mean it's current population?" She asked for clarification.

Bann nodded his head in agreement while rasing his finger "That's indeed the case, we need the people from this world to start producing resources so we can build our ships, and other necessities."

As Cielo listened to his words, she couldn't help but ask him something that irked her "And what about the Imperial forces? What about their pledge to the Imperium?"

Although her mind was able to cope with the incredible sin that was making a deal with a Heretical xenos, she wouldn't be able to ask for forgiveness to the Emperor if she betrayed them.

Bann shrugged his shoulder as he answered her truthfully "We don't care about them, the planet could still belong in papers to the Imperium but they won't see any resources from us, they can sent fleets to recover it but would mean nothing."

'So the Imperium will lose this planet.' Cielo thought to herself.

Seeing her so thoughtful Bann tried to convince her "Look, the Imperium lose worlds everyday, one more stripe to the tiger won't do any damage, besides the people would remain alive and in better condition."

He smiled at her, yet his words only irked Cielo more, "You're asking me to betray my faith, my people and home." She spat out at him.

Bann shook his head while he corrected her "You could still held onto your faith, visit the monastery and well, meet with your sister once they are disarmed." He let out a chuckle at his last words.

Yet Cielo wasn't amused as she eyed him with a plain look.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, where only the distant sounds of Rucule and Aprit hitting each other could be hear. Cielo let out a long breath.

"Promise me my sisters would live to escape from this world unharmed." She finally decided to cave in as she looked over Bann with a firm look.

'If the Emperor's will's it, then I shall see it done.' She assured to herself while maintaining her stoic facade.

Seeing the battle sister accepting his proposal made Bann let out a joyful smile as he grasped one hand of Cielo and shook it with energy "Your sisters would live to see the battlefield on another planet, Cielo, that I can assure you!"

Seeing his joyful attitude, made even the bittersweet Cielo smile briefly, while a sorrowful sigh escaped her lips.

Although she steeled her resolve to see the Emperor's will be done, her heart ached at the treachery of her actions and her vows being broken this way.

Seeing her state, Bann smiling and joyful attitude was replaced by a more understanding one as he patted her shoulder "You did the right thing, I can assure you once you saw what this galaxy has become you'll agree with my words."

Cielo only shook her head in disagreement yet didn't said a word.

Bann then looked over his companions that were arguing with each other and the lazy Ramela that was laying on the ground. Looking nonchalant at the approaching battle.

Although Bann was also relaxing himself, he wouldn't shrug off the Imperial forces to the point of not paying attention to them.

Turn it on his scouter he touched the bottom for a few moments while he applied the scanner setting to reach the whole world.

Hearing the beeping sounds, Cielo raised her head as she eyed the device on Bann's ear. One that she saw herself carrying in one of her dreams.

"What is that thing?" She asked with curiosity.

Bann smiled at her while still focusing on the scouter "This beautiful and useful thing is called 'Scouter' it serves from a wide variety of things, but the most important of them being instant communication across galaxies, planetary scanner, energy sensor and live translator."

Cielo raised her brows in surprise at the wide variety of utilities such device seemed to had. Which surpassed the many tools that even Legatine Myriam wore.

"...It sounds useful..." She murmured under her breath while she remembered the various device's that she studied on the Schola.

"It truly is, now I wish to ask you something." Bann eyed her with a toothy smile.

Seeing her eyes laying unto him, he ask her "I hear you saying 'It's you' and other things, what did you mean with that?"

Cielo froze on her spot after listening to his question, her eyes moved sideways trying to find something else to lay into, the gears on her mind trying to find an answer that didn't gave away the dreams she often seen.

Then she abruptly stopped, her eyes gleamed with confusion until she looked back at Bann, who was now looking at her with more curiosity.

'Why should I try to hide the Emperor's will?' She thought to herself as her hands moved to do the Aquila sign.

Letting a deep breath while closing her eyes, she took a moment to embrace her faith and with unwavering eyes she met Bann's.

"The Emperor has been showing me dreams of you, visions of your feats and many other things." Her last words were said with a blush slowly creeping into Cielo's cheeks.

Bann raised his brows at the surprising news and couldn't help but ask her "So you're a psyker? Can you peer into the future?"

His hopeful tone was met with a stern face from Cielo "I pray the emperor I am not of such. For all I've seen was his will." She shook her head and asked him with an accusatory tone "Why would you believe that I am a damned soul?"

Seeing her zealously acting up, Bann let out a sigh and tried to reason with her "A psyker is not a dammed soul like you might think, or do you believe that the Emperor is damned?"

Cielo breathed in profound indignation at the notion that Bann told, her eyes morphed to pure rage. Yet before she lashed out at him for saying those Heretical words, she gulped down and remembered her current situation.

"The Emperor could never be such a being, his our God and the only reason those condemned beings doesn't destroy humanity." She said to him with a low-eery tone.

Bann almost let out a chuckle at her ignorance, yet he only shook his head sideways and told her "It's not a bad a thing per se to be a 'Witch' like all of you like to call them, they may even be the only thing that could prevent the Imperium to fall apart."

Cielo who had already killed psykers and seen the doom they brought, could only bit her lips in frustration.

"It is the ignorance and lack of training that made them so dangerous, if your empire had only followed the Imperial Truth, then the current situation of such people wouldn't be like it is." Bann lamented with a weary sigh.

Just thinking about the amount of fuckery and bad decisions going around the Empire was enough to fill him with negativity.

He then looked over Cielo who was looking at him with complicated looks and said her "I believe that seeing the future is one of the feats that Psykers are able to do, we'll have to seek someone to train you, so you don't end up opening a fucking gate to the warp."

Hearing Bann chuckling at his words, Cielo looked over with with consternation "I am not a witch." She reassured.

Bann patted her shoulder with a smile and told her simply "Don't worry, I'm not an idiot from the Empire." And move away while laughing.

Leaving behind a frustrated Cielo who looked down and closed her eyes. Both hands on her chest as she prayed to the Emperor not only for forgiveness, but to gave her strength for what was about to come.

Unknown to her and the saiyans around, a golden wisp was circling around Cielo's hair while she prayed.


'Now that I think about, after all this fighting we need to move towards those villages and small towns to gather more psykers, it is really a threat to have them running around without even knowing the danger they represent.' Bann thought to himself as he moved inside the base.

'Once they know the significant dangers that using their powers represent, it should diminish the risk of the warp and daemons possessing their bodies.' Bann believed after reading the few novels he did, that the best solution for the threat of possession was the make aware their users of such thing.

That and training the psykers while also giving them all the information at hand. It was them after all the ones who might hear the whispers of the darkness. And if they were aware of what would befall upon them if they ever heed their call or look at them, then it was entirely up to their stupidity to act upon it.

'If I'm not wrong there was a taint that chaos undoubtedly produce to everyone that sees a daemon or interact with the warp, right?' He tried to remember as he saw the sulking Seleri laying on a corner while hugging her legs.

"What do you want?" She asked him with sulkiness on her voice.

"I want to gather us all, there's things we need to discuss in advance." He told them while meeting her eyes.

There was clear grievance from her part as she felt indignation for how he treated her.

Yet Bann wasn't one to ask for forgiveness to impetuous brats.

Therefore the stern look on his face.

"I don't care." She simply said and turned around. Giving her back to him.

With an 'okay' Bann wheeled and headed back outside. Leaving an enraged Seleri who wanted him to play into her antics.

As he made his was outside, he shouted to his teammates "Cut the chat and hear me out."

Making both Aprit and Rucule stop with their banter and cat battle. While Ramela moved towards his position.

Once they gathered around, they made a circle with Ramela resting her elbow on Bann's left arm. Aprit standing on his feet in front of Bann, and Rucule taking his right side.

"There's at least ten thousand units moving towards our position, they're mobilising in different vehicles. The one's would take our first focus would be their aerial units. Don't destroy them and just force them to land, incapacitated their motors so they cannot repair them in a quick motion." He ordered as he eyed them.

"Once their aerial support is out, we would take their vehicles and their infantry. Without the numbers they would eventually retreat back, look after all their high ranking officers and leaders. We would use them as pawns to force them to clean the orks in our stead." Bann's plan was simple, as everyone in the group was extremely lazy regarding the orks, they would use the Imperial Guard to do their job.

The saiyans were simply too stroong for the current forces to take, so they would give them the chance to call for reinforments if they wanted while in the meantime they cleaned the world from it's current pest.

"Since we would make ourselves known and fight against the humans on this world, we'll have to take the bulls from it's horns and do what we need. I'll be heading towards the capital to talk with their leaders and force them to a deal." Bann crossed his arms in front of his chest, making Ramela adjust her elbow position to his ribcage.

"You two would follow my lead and head towards the other capitals, do an small showcase of strength in the nearest wasteland to make them understand and try to seek out a good deal." Although Bann doubted the diplomatic abilities the saiyans may showcase, he was at least sure that Rucule may have some pragmatism into him.

"And what would be looking after?" Asked Aprit with a loss look on his face.

"You're talking about the deal?" Asked Bann in confirmation seeing Aprit nodding "You need to offer protection, technology, improvement in production, increasing in the population living conditions and strong bonds to the noble houses." Bann enumerated with his fingers.

"In exchange they would put the population to produce what we need, educate themselves, and the nobles would pledge loyalty towards us, they would also provide noble women to be our concubines so we can produce our descendants." Bann told him while giving a look to Ramela who poked her elbow a little bit too strong against his ribcage at the mention of concubines.

"Is that all?" Asked Aprit, only for Bann to nod "That would be for the meantime, tell them that once they agreed to these first conditions we would meet again to proceed with the details."

He then looked over Ramela and said to her "Meanwhile you and Seleri would be doing the same, with the rest of the capitals, made sure to turn on the scouter so I can give you indications." Bann was aware of the seeming reluctance from both Ramela and Seleri to let them breed with humans.

He didn't know if it's was jealousy or out of possessiveness over them, but he didn't trust for both saiyans to correctly negotiate with the humans on their part.

"Now, lets prepare for battle." Bann exclaimed after letting his ki in a explosion.

The rest of the squad followed his lead as the four saiyans started to float above the ground.

After more than twelve years, Faradras was about to witness the might of the Saiyans.

Chap is here!

Man, saiyans are broken. Yeez.

Don't know how other races would fare against them.

More chapters in advance on my p*treon, check it out!


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