
Lord of Dragons ii

Book One

Volume 1

Ch. 12 Lord of Dragons ii


"Why dragon balls?" Hamura asks

"Yeah I didn't know Dragons had balls" Igneels scratches his head

"Nghk*" Zalama grits his teeth "idiot!! It sounded so cool, why'd you have to go and ruin it?!" He growls at Igneel

"Gah?! I'm sorry" Igneel bows his head

"Whatever" Zalama sighs "I made them to store Kara's limitless power

After he managed to tear open the gates into the dragon realm I knew it was something that had to be done"

"Oh.. " Igneels rubs his head

"Anyways" Zalama takes a deep breath "I Inu Tori Saru Hitsuji" he mutters before slamming his hand into the ground "come forth Divine Dragon, Super Shenron!" he shouts as there was a massive blinding light


He gives me a little smile

"Whoa" Hamura looks up at the dragon

"You sssummoned me sssire?" The dragon hisses as he descended to meet Zalamas gaze

"It is time" Zalama smiles

"Zuri" Zalama taps his staff on the ground

"Mgh* y-yeah ?" She groans

"Hurry now, you have taken long enough" he says

"Ah-hha- r-right" she manages

"You really think it's a good idea for a child his age to be doing such things?" Irene asks

"It's the only time he'll ever be this pure of heart, this way we can create an offspring that won't have a drop of malice" he says

"I-I know but I still don't think it is right" Irene grumbles

"All will be fine" Zalama assures her "our very existence is relying on this to go as planned"

"R-right" Irene sighs

"So what are you planning after you seal away all his essence into those spheres?" I ask

"I am not sure as of yet. It is likely after such monstrous energy is stripped from its host in order to keep existing it will create its own host from his emotions"

"A-and what emotions will that be?" Igneel asks

"Seven orbs for the Capital Vices" I say "the Seven deadly sins, am I wrong?"

"Indeed" Zalama smiles "his wrath, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and sloth will be divided into the seven orbs" he says

"M-man you really think it's a good idea to put all his wrath into a single orb?" Igneel asks nervously

"What about his pride? Will it even fit?" Irene asks

"As I said there isn't any other way " he says "if they are mixed at random the orbs might end up shattering and releasing his essence" Zalama says

"But that's still crazy" Igneel says "what if-"

"It's not" I stop him "Kara is currently struggling with a split personality, one is the pure child he is now and the other is the demonic being he had become"

Zalama nods "indeed. It's only a matter of time till this personality takes over once more"

"So then once you lock away these 'emotions' he'll stay this happy going kid forever?" Igneel asks

"Not entirely" Zalama says "since I'm sealing most of his essence they'll be more like suppressed so they'll be easier for him to control"

"Damn" Igneels sighs "so there's no escaping then, huh?"

Zalama nods

There was a small moment of silence when Zuri finally appears with Kara

"S-sorry it took so long" she apologizes as her legs give out from underneath her

Zalama nods as he puts his hands together crossing his feet as he sat down beside Kara

The ground began shaking as Kara's essence shot right out

"Ah m-man" Igneel backs up nervously as this demonic essence began violently shaking the moon

Zalama squeezes his eyes, struggling to control it for a moment

I shut my eyes for a moment before activating my sharingan

I could see the essence traveling almost 300 thousand miles before being absorbed into the massive dragon balls

Even without the sharingan you can sense all these emotions being ripped away from his body and sucked into the magic orbs

Zalama began struggling almost instantaneously

Fathers essence was slowly corrupting his own, even as powerful as he was

I quickly tap into Divine Providence and I set a hand on his back, lending him my own essence

After a couple of seconds he calms down and manages to take control

The whole session lasted about an hour

The entire time everyone watched in silence as the most powerful being in existence was stripped from his title

"Nghk*" Zalama opens his eyes as the aura of my fathers essence finally began dying out

I remove my hand from his back

Kara's hair lost its white and was now black and his fur was now a blood red

"you alright?" Zuri kneels down beside Zalama

He nods

"H-how'd you?" He looks up at me

I give him a little smile

It was amazing how handling Kara's essence brought a being like Zalama to his knees

"Hmh" he smiles

"Why couldn't I sense your energy, dad?" Igneel asks

"Well.. it's a little trick I learned in the fight with dad"

"We should probably get going now" Zuri says

"Yes you probably should" we hear coming from above

It was a man with massive wings that stretched about forty feet, hovering above

His esseance was no different from Zuris

"Gah?! d-dad" Zuri steps back nervously

"Oh hey, Michael" Zalama smiles

"I don't appreciate you trying to poison me Zalama" Micheal says

"W-wait you mean Michael, as in the Archangel Michael?" I ask Zuri

"Yeah" she whispers

"Y-you mean this God actually exists?" Hagoromo asks as he looks over at Hamura before forcing him on his knees beside him

"Arise yourselves," Michael raises a hand "I am but mere servant of He" he says

"Y-yeah listen about that" Zalama giggles nervously

"Honestly did you really think such a thing could put me to sleep?" Michael says

"Hehe" Zalama giggles nervously "you know I spent thousands of years creating that thing" he grumbles

"Despite my wishes you went on with your plans" he says

"Yeah" Zalama chuckles nervously

"You do know if you made the slightest mistake you would of eradicated your existence" Michael says

"Y-yeah" Zalama shrugs

"You lying idiot!" Zuri kicks his shin

"S-sorry" Zalama apologizes

"Y-you mean you did all that without telling us the risks?" Igneel asks

"We could've died!" Hamura shouts

I sigh

No shit. What did they expect?

"I was ready to step in but I saw you managed to pull through" Michael says

"Yeah" Zalama giggles "I did good didn't I" he smiles widely

"Anyways," Michael sighs "I was informed you were the one that disposed of Kara" he looks at me

I nod "yes sir" I say respectfully

"It's amazing you managed such a feat" he smiles "not even I stood a chance."

Zalama clears his throat "you know I didn't do half bad myself" he says

"Your right, but you gambled all mortal life and even risked your very own for this to work" he says

"Yeah" Zalama sighs "the point is that it worked" he shrugs

"Whatever" Michael rolls his eyes "also I don't appreciate how you used Zuri for all this" he says

"It's okay I knew what had to be done" Zuri blushes

"So what now" I ask

"Thanks to you Ignia the threat is no more" he says

"It's not like I sealed his essence for good or anything" Zalama says under his breath

"It's not for good" Michael corrects him "it's only a matter of time till this other 'half' awakens again"

"What do you mean by other half?" Igneel asks

"Well after being tormented for so long Kara brain unconsciously made a alternate personality that would follow and give in to Lucifers commands, a personality that lusted for blood one that became as wicked as Lucifer himself" he says

"A-and the other one ?" Hamura asks

"The only difference is that one refuses to believe what he does is wrong, while the other half still lusts for blood only now with some sort of conscious" Michael explains

"W-well why doesn't 'God' just heal him?" Hamura asks angrily "if he's the being you say he is, he can do anything right?!"

"Hamura you-" Zalama gets ready to scold him before Michael stops him

"It is true he can heal, even dispose of Kara without batting an eye" Michael says

"So why doesn't he?!" Hamura demands

"Hamura…" Hagoromo says under his breath but I could tell he felt the same way

I mean it wasn't just the two of them, we all had that same look of doubt in our eyes

"The only thing that comes after death is eternal life" he says "so death isn't the end" he explains "our father loves every single one of us, like the perfect father loves his child, it is why he granted us free will, it's the gift of life an opportunity to do as you please" he says

"Sure it leads to some horrific ways. That's why it pains him to play judge with his children, but his kingdom has laws. Laws that must never be broken"

"Your doubts are only natural, my boy. Try to imagine the immense guilt, knowing his son has caused so much pain and suffering to the rest of his creation" he adds

I grab my chest


That damn kid

Michael was right no matter how you look at it I still love my son

Even if he's taken so many innocent lives

I can never bring myself to hate him

He's my kid, how could I ever stop loving him?

It hurt to think even about

My child turning into what my father had become

It was sickening

I felt Irene's hand squeeze my own

She had a little tear rolling down her cheek before she wrapped her arms around me

"Mghk*" Kara groans

Michael sighs "we should get going" he says

"Right" Zalama nods "goodbye nephew" he gives me a hug

"Farewell" I nod

"Byee" Zuri hugs my leg

"Hehe*" I giggle "bye auntie" I playfully toss her in the air

"Hehe*" she giggles

"Sorry we couldn't stay longer" Michael says "we shouldn't risk triggering Kara's memories" he says

"We understand" I nod

Michael nods "I will speak with you later, Ignia. This is goodbye for now" he nods as Zalama sets a hand on his shoulder

Zuri sits on Zalamas shoulder before they all finally disappear along with Super Shenron and the dragon balls

"Are you all right?" Hagoromo asks Hamura

Hamura nods

"Yeah" he sighs

I look up

It isn't over yet

I teleport us back to Gaia

"It always feels weird when we do that" Igneel pats his clothes

"So what now?" Irene asks

"I still have to help my mother"

"Oh…" she sighs, remembering I talked to her about it the other day

"We'd be more than happy to help you with this task sire" Hagoromo says

"I-I don't know" I pick Kara up

"Please we understand the risks involved and it'll be a great honor to assist you" he bows

"M-man" I think

I did need a mortal vessel to seal that distasteful energy

I know both of them will be able to tame the essence if it is to ever let loose

I look over at Igneel

He cracs a little smile

"Well, I guess I can work something out" I sigh

"Alright I won't let you down sir" they bows

"Explain to me why you need a mortal" Irene asks a bit worried for both her grandkids sake

"Once his time has run out the energy locked up inside him with die as well"

I hope.

"Oh… okay" she says

"Alright, now to Othrys" I say

"W-wait you mean you're actually taking us to Othrys?" Hagoromo asks

"But of course." I smile before taking us back to our homeland in an instant

-to be continued