

Book One

Volume 1

Ch. 14 Underworld


I open my eyes to a poorly lit room inside an abandoned bar

"Gah?! What the hell?!" Kharon falls back "Who do you think you-" he stops

"Wassup kid" I smile "where's your dad at?" I look around

"Gahh?? Ignia?!" he backs up nervously "sorry what are you doing here m-my lord"

"I came to pay Iapetus a little visit"

"Oh of course come right this way" he leads me to the back room

He puts his hands together "Meikikai monko hiraku" he says 'open gate of the underworld' in the divine tongue

He slowly opens the door revealing the dimension of the dead

It was a dimension located deep beneath the Earth's surface

It allows spirits to take their original forms

"Why's it so dark?" I look around

"Father likes it that way" he says "come now" he jumps into a canoe

I hop in and he began rowing across the river styx

It reeked of hatred and death down here so much it was almost sickening

"W-were here now"

"Thanks kid" I wave

He nods "take care now" he says before rowing off

"Hey Cerberus" I pat the belly of the three headed pup

"Ruff" it wags his tail excitedly as it scratched my thigh trying to get me to pick them up

"Oh man I can't right now boy" I pat one of their heads

"Welcome brother" I hear Iapetus

"It's been a while" I smile "how you been, kid?"

He smiles "come, join me" he open his double doors

"Well, if you insist" I make my way up the steps and into his palace

"You and Tora, huh?" I break the silence as we walk around his oddly beautiful garden of dead roses

He smiles "apologies, I'm aware the both of you were quite close compared to the rest of our brethren" he says

"Nah, it's nothing. I don't mind"

"That's good to hear then" he smiles "so when did you arrive?" He asks

"Today, actually we just dealt with Kara and all"

"Really? Did you help our mother as well?" He asks

"Yes just before Tora came to me with the news about little Hisoka"

"Ah yes that boy" he smiles "he'll truly be something once he's older" he says

"Of course, he is your son."

"Yes of course" he chuckles "so brother, there's something I wanted to talk to you about"

"And what was that?"

"As you are aware I am capable of sensing fathers energy" he says

"Yes you were gifted with such a feat it would've been nice having you during our battle" I say

He smiles "well I knew you could handle it" he says

"Your lucky I did" I chuckle

"Anyways I am also capable of sensing his soul" he says

"His soul?" I ask

He nods "though it's something I can only do the moment his body parishes" he adds

"Ah okay" I nod

"The thing is when he did parish his soul isn't the only one I sensed leaving his body" he says

"Aether" I remember during the genjutsu father told me he had trapped Aether inside himself, after consuming his heart

"So you were aware?" He asks

"the day before I went to Othrys I visited father before his body turned to ash"

"Did you?" He asks

"His sharingan was still active somehow and he showed me the hell he was put through as a child" I clench my fist "he also told me how he felt Aethers soul trapped inside him till the very end"

"Hmm" he thinks "I guess that would make sense"

"Only" he stops "that soul was just as hateful as fathers"

"Aether is supposed to be as pure as mother" I say

"Yes it is what I've heard from mother as well" he says

This can't be good..

If a being like him decides on vengeance, things can go south all over again since he's for sure stronger than father now that we had dispose of his hateful essence

"My guess is his soul was stained with hatred after being trapped inside Kara for so long" he sighs

"Yes, that's what I was thinking" I look up "man then it's far from over, huh?"

I just know he'll seek out father after his memories come back

"Mannn" I sigh, what a drag "that only means we need to get stronger, huh?" I smile

"I never understood why you take pleasure in that" he sighs "but yes that's exactly what it means" he smiles

"Alright then that means Kara too" I bring two fingers to my forehead

"You do realize what you're implying" he says

I smile widely

"The first step is always forgiveness" he says "you really think you can get him to forgive those that caused him so much pain?" He asks

"Nothing's impossible" I smile

"I guess not for you, huh?" he smiles

"You know it" I giggle before teleporting back to Othrys

"Ahh?!" I watch Coeus screaming for his life as he runs from Hisoka

"Help, he has a booger!" he giggles as the two run around me

"Hyahahahahaha" Hisoka laughs like a maniac

I ascend into the air, heading straight to my balcony, where I could see my mother beside Kara both sleeping soundly with of course Beast on his lap

I carefully close the glass doors to the balcony

"Mgh*" mother sits up after her little nap

"Hey ma" I smile, sitting right beside her

"Oh… hey" she gives me a little smile

"He looks different, doesn't he?"

She nods "it turned silver after the pent up stress from the horrors he went through" she says twirling her finger in what is now his blood red fur

"R-really?" I ask

I always thought it was cause he had Mastered Ultra Instinct

Guess what she says made sense, because fathers mind was far off from the calm one needed for ultra instinct

"Yeah" she sighs as sorry for him as I was

I wasn't sure if I should bring up Aether right now

"Listen Ignia I…" she stops


"Is it about Aether ?" I ask

She nods "I knew he had been inside your father" she admits

"Oh… it's why you decided to stay for so long ?" I ask

"No, I was really happy… he was a great father to Chaos.. h-he was the man I always knew he'd always become" she brings her hand to her chest

"I loved him more than you can understand" she sniffs

"I know ma" I smile, remembering what he'd shown me

"After losing Chaos… for the first time… I understood why he hated this world so… so much" her voice shakes as she leans into my arms

"God, it was so hard losing my child a-and then K-Kara in the same breath" she sobs

"I-it's okay ma… it's over now" I rub her back, trying to comfort her "father is with us and he'll become the same man you turned him into"

"N-no" she whispers "Aether… he'll t-take everything from us now that he's back" she says under her breath

"No he won't ma" I hug her tight "don't worry about it okay?"

She shakes her head

"C'mon, don't be like that"

"We have to do something" she says

"And we will, okay? " I raise her chin "just give it some time we'll figure something out" I smile as I wipe away her tears

She sighs "a-alright"

"Now go on with your nap" I lay her her back down beside Kara

She wraps her arms around him as I found my way out leaving the two alone

-months later-

A few weeks after we got home we restored the land I had fought father when he had turned into a dragon

I also restored poor Andromeda but it was orbiting Othrys for now since the moon's gravity was acting all weird these past months

"You think we should name the moon something else?" Irene asks as we watch it shine brightly above us

"How about Luna?" I ask

"That's just moon in Español" she says with a little accent

I smile "I know it is, mama" I say with a little accent

"Hehe, you're so sexy" she giggles

"How long do you think it'll take Hamura and Hagoromo to fix that thing?" I ask

"I'm not sure, it's their third attempt" she sighs "from the looks of it Kara will wake up by the time they're done" she yawns "now why don't you fix it already? They've been at it for a week"

"Where's the fun in that?" I ask "besides I want them to get stronger so they can control the chakra I sealed inside them" I add

"Hmm" she frowns "fine whatever but if they die then it'll all be on you" she sighs

"Hehe, quit your worrying" I giggle

"Yeah..yeah it does, doesn't it?" we hear the guards chatting as they looked up at the moon

"H-hey lord Ignia" one gets my attention

"Yes?" I sit up

"Sorry my lord but does the moon seem to be getting larger?" He asks

I sit up, squinting my eyes paying close attention

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth "those idiots" I quickly jump to my feet

"What is it, Ignia?" Irene asks

"S-stay here" I grumble before launching myself straight up at the free falling satellite

"Gahhhhhhhh!" I could hear the two brothers shouting as I got closer

They were laying on the surface trying to keep it from falling

"I-Ignia!" I hear Hamura

"SHUT UP!" I growl, slamming my fists onto the massive rock trying to stop it before it took out Othrys and Gaia itself

"A-are you going to s-stop it?" Hamura asks

"Sh-shut up!" I growl

Fuckk the things a fourth the size of Gaia, what the fuck?!

"Idiot, I told you not to mess with the solid one!" Hagoromo shouts

"I'm sorry they all look the same!" Hamura shouts back

"Gahhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I push as hard as I could without destroying the thing

The fucking thing is falling so fast I can't stop it without obliterating it

"Awe man, we're really going to die!" Hamura cries

"Nghkkk" I give it one final push

"Shit" I finally manage to stop the damn thing

"Now…" I huff "how the fuck, do you two manage to fuck up, so fucking bad?!" I growl

"Hehe" Hamura giggles nervously as they backed off from the moon

"Now" I hold it with one hand

"hakai" I say before completely obliterating it

"M-man that's awesome" Hamura sighs

"Watch, idiot!" I hold out my palm "first the solid INNER core" I make a puny version of the moon's core in my palm "you see this?"

Hamura nods nervously

"S-O-L-I-D" I throw it at his face

"Gah?! that's hot!!" he rubs his nose as it bounced back onto my palm

"Then the fluid outer core, you see?!" I create the second layer of the moon's core "then partial and finally mantle okay?" I finish the tiny version of the moon in my palm

Hamura nods nervously "y-yes sir"

I sigh "forget it" I raise my hand, multiplying it's size till it was as large as it once was

I snap my fingers and the satellite began moving, slowly returning to its rightful place

"You two still need practice" I say as we descend, joining Irene who was playing with Hisoka and Coeus

"How long will it take to be where it's supposed to?" Hagoromo asks watching the moon go on its way

"four to five days" I lay back down beside Irene, exhausted from the bullshit I just had to do

"Aw how sweet, you did do it for them after all" she frowns "where's the fun in that?" she teases

"Oh shut it" I huff

"Man, I need a soda" Hamura giggles, making his way back to the palace "c'mon bro"

"Yeah, I'm starving" Hagoromo follows him inside

"Hmm you know who else is hungry?" Irene sits up

"Ouu, who ma?" is ask excitedly since it's been a while since we've had time for ourselves

"Me" she giggles as she crawled on top of me

"Mmm so what you tryna gobble up" I giggle childishly as she sets her hands on my chest

She smiles widely as she slowly began swaying her hips back and forth "you know exactly what I want in my mouth" she giggles

"Mmm alright, c'mere thenn babe" I smile as she reaches down my pants

"Gah fuck" we hear Igneel

I sigh

"D-dad" he huffs

"What is it?" Irene rolls here eyes

"Isis she's been rushed to the ER"

"For what?" I quickly get up on My feet

Igneel giggles

"Oh my" Irene brings her hands together "the baby is coming" she smiles

-to be continued