
Saitama in Record of Ragnarok

What if Saitama from one punch man would participate in ragnarok. Saitama is the last fighter of humanity. Will the strongest man in the world be able to defeat the gods? Will he finally find someone who is as strong as he is?

unknow10 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs


"Hermes, how high is his limiter," Zeus asked again, this time a bit more worried.

Hermes replied, "He doesn't have one anymore, he broke his limiter so many times until he removed it completely."

Zeus replied, "That would mean that this man has broken the limits between gods and men. No, because even we gods have a limit, there are also gods and men like Thor and Lü Bu who have broken their limiter, but to remove it completely is impossible. With that, he would have surpassed every god and have infinite potential."

Hermes replied:" and it is getting worse, his strength is still increasing, he is getting stronger day by day. Through every fight, he gets a little stronger. But since he finishes all his fights with only one punch and minimal effort, his strength increases slowly."

Zeus replied, "Are you telling me that the only thing standing between him and infinite power are opponents who can really threaten him? If this is really true, I must destroy him as soon as possible.

Hermes asked, "But how are you going to do that, he's already way too strong for all of us?"

Zeus replied, "I will train and improve my attacks so that they can hurt him, I am the only god who has any chance of hurting him. Until then, I will let the others fight with him to buy time. This will make him a bit stronger, but I have to accept that, they are not strong enough to be a serious threat to him, so his power will only increase slightly."

Hermes replied, "Well, but there is something else you should know."

Zeus replied, "What."

Hermes replied, "He destroyed the Bifrost."

"He did what," Zeus replied incredulously.

Hermes replied, "He destroyed the Bifrost today, the guards tried to stop him, but they could not. After that he wandered through Helheim and killed a great number of demons, then with his last blow he destroyed another part of Helheim and returned to Midgard through a secret gate in Helheim. I don't know how he found out about it, probably the Valkyries told him about it. Hades is quite angry and demands that he be punished."

Zeus answered: "Incredibly, since Nostradamus, nobody has tried this".

Hermes replied, "I would suggest that we banish him to Helheim like Nostradamus, but it seems that hell can't hold him. The good news is that the demons are not trying to attack us, this Saitama must have scared them very much."

Zeus answered with relief: "Good, at least one problem less. Tell Hades that I would like to talk to him after the fight. We have to let him in on it, otherwise he'll do something stupid. I'm going back to the arena, who fights him again now."

Hermes replied, "Shiva will fight him, but this is not a fight, this is his death sentence."

Zeus replied, "We have no choice, we must sacrifice him and the others to buy us time, that is the only chance to defeat him."

Saitama stood in the arena, it had changed since the last fight, it was no longer round but square and in the air hovered a strange object. Heimdall announced his opponent:

"God of destruction, Bhairava of the cosmos, Shiva!"

Saitama paid no attention to it, in the end it would only raise false hopes.

Now a strange looking man entered the arena, he had blue skin, four arms and a third eye on his forehead.

The man turned to Saitama and said, "So you are the one who defeated Thor, you are strong I must admit but no match for the gods, you may have been lucky against Thor but I the god Shiva will destroy you."

"Wait I know you, interrupted in Saitama, you are an Indian God Buddha or something like that?"

Shiva looked at him puzzled and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Then he began to introduce himself again, "I am Shiva the god of destruction, did you not listen at all just now".

Saitama looked at him thoughtfully and finally said, "No, I don't think I know you. But you have four arms, that's cool, must be handy for shopping."

Shiva lost his temper, he couldn't take such disrespect, he yelled at the bald man, "How dare you make fun of me, first you don't pay any attention to me, then you compare me to that traitor Buddha and last but not least you mock my looks, I will finish you off for that."

Saitama tried to justify himself, "No you got that completely wrong, I just mistook you for Buddha and that about your arms was a compliment not an insult."

But Shiva didn't listen at all and hit the bald man in the face with one of his arms.

The blow had a great force and whirled up a lot of dust, the more shocked Shiva was when he realized after the dust had cleared that his blow had no effect at all and the bald man had not moved a millimeter.

Saitama just looked at him boredly and said, "Is that all?"

Shiva was shocked but did not let himself be distracted and punched and kicked the bald man from all sides. He made no effort to dodge and only blocked Shiva's attacks from time to time. Shiva hit Saitama with a powerful kick, which he blocked with his arm. Saitama was dragged a few meters through the arena, but nothing more. The fight reminded him of the final of the martial arts tournament, with the difference that this time he didn't have to defend a wig. Shiva noticed that his attacks had no effect, but he continued to attack. After a while, everyone noticed that Saitama was no longer moving. Göll, Brunhilde and all the people were shocked for a short moment. Shiva was stunned, had he done it, had he won? Then he noticed that his opponent had closed his eyes. Saitama startled, looked around and said:

"Sorry I must have fallen asleep for a second."

Shiva, full of rage, rushed at Saitama again and wanted to hit him with all his might. Saitama, however, had enough and hit Shiva in the stomach, causing him to fly several meters through the air and hit the ground. To the shock of all the gods, Shiva stopped moving.

Saitama muttered, "This is my fault, after the last fight, I just had my hopes up too high."

He turned and was about to leave when a voice behind him said,

"Where are you going, I'm not done with you yet."

Shiva stood on his feet again and smiled, although it was hard to see that he was injured, but he was able to fight on.

Saitama looked at him in surprise, then switched back to his usual bored expression.

Shiva replied, "You are stronger than I expected, but so far I have only warmed up. Now I'm getting serious."

Saitama replied, "OK."

"You can do it Shiva," roared the other Hindu gods.

Especially his son Ganesha and his three wives Kali, Parvati and Durga cheered him on.

Shiva turned to Saitama and asked, "Your name was Saitama wasn't it?"

Saitama replied, "Yes, that's right."

Shiva replied, "I'm sorry, but they are putting their hopes in me. Do you care if I destroy you?"

Saitama also started smiling and said, "Show me everything you've got."

Shiva leapt at Saitama to attack him, it was as if a new power flooded through him. This time, Saitama dodged his opponent's attacks, not that the attacks could seriously hurt him, but he was impressed by his opponent's new fighting spirit and wanted to show him at least a little respect.

Saitama stopped one of Shiva's punches with his index finger and said, "You have a strong fighting spirit."

Shiva only got angrier and hit Saitama with all four arms at once. The latter said:

"Two-Handed consecutive normal punches", and countered Shiva's attacks with his own punches.

From the outside, it looked like Shiva's attacks were equal to Saitama's, and even though Shiva pretended to be cold to his attacks, he had to use all his strength to withstand his blows. Nevertheless, Saitama's blows had broken his four arms and hands, he knew it was stupid to think he could clash fists with this man.

He grinned and said, "I guess I'll have to use it," with those words he suddenly started dancing.

Saitama watched the whole thing in irritation and asked, "Why are you starting to dance now?"

Shiva replied with a smile, "This is not a simple dance, this is the rhythm of the cosmos that only I alone can perform."

"Whatever," Saitama replied and jumped at Shiva with his fist raised and punched, to his surprise his punch missed, and he was hit in the face at the same time. He pulled his arm back and punched in the direction from which the blow had come. But this blow also came to nothing, and he was hit by a kick to the back of the head. The attacks didn't hurt Saitama, but it annoyed him quite a bit. It was as if he was being attacked from all sides at once.

Saitama said, "I see you are trying to confuse me with your dance moves, well wait, I can do that too, killer move serious series serious sideways jumps."

Saitama jumped so fast from left to right that he created countless afterimages. Now it was Shiva who had no idea how many enemies were attacking him. Before he knew it, he was hit in the neck by an edge of the hand, causing him to fall to the ground. When Shiva looked up again, the afterimages were gone and Saitama stood in front of him smiling and said:

"Ok, I win".

Shiva stood up, he knew he could not defeat this man with strength, he had to find a weakness. Saitama wanted to end it all with a weak punch and send Shiva through the wall of the arena above the bleachers. As the blow came at him, Shiva realized his weakness. Of course, that he hadn't figured it out sooner, his attacks were strong, but he didn't use a single technique. His whole fighting style consisted of punching straight out, which made his movements predictable. He dodged the blow, a smile returned to his face and he again felt superior to his opponent, he looked at Saitama mockingly and said:

"I finally found your weakness Saitama, you hit like someone who has never fought in his life. It doesn't matter how strong and fast you are, with my superior fighting experience I can anticipate your moves effortlessly."

Saitama remembered that this hero hunter had told him exactly the same thing during their fight and replied:

"Oh you're one of those martial artists too."

Shiva replied, "Yes, I am a martial artist, but you don't know anything about martial arts, so there is no point in talking to you about it."

Saitama replied, "You are wrong, I know the true meaning of martial arts."

"And that would be," Shiva replied.

"Fighting moves that make you look awesome."

Saitama's words sent Shiva into a rage, anger rose in him, he clenched his fists and started dancing again, faster and faster. Then he attacked Saitama, from the outside it looked like dozens of Shivas were attacking Saitama, who didn't bother to dodge or block the attacks.

Shiva shouted, "You have no idea about martial arts! You have no idea of the years of training, discipline, or willpower required to master them!"

Shiva's body heated up more and more due to the continuous dancing and his faster and faster movements. After another blow to his torso, Saitama noticed a burn mark on his hero outfit, he turned to Shiva and said:

"Hey, stop burning my clothes."

But it was too late, Shiva jumped into the air and executed a strong downward kick that drew a flame behind him and left a huge vertical burn mark on Saitama's costume. This reached almost to his legs, so that even part of his underpants could be seen.

"I said stop burning my clothes," Saitama yelled and punched Shiva in the face, sending him flying across the arena and crashing into the wall under the bleachers where his son and his three wives were sitting, destroying them. His son and his wives looked at him in shock and screamed:

"Get up you can do it".

Shiva stood up heavily and spat out blood and a few teeth. He turned to Saitama and said:

"Is that all you've got, you're strong, but if you want to beat me you're going to have to do better than that. Show me a stronger punch."

He wanted to provoke his opponent to make him make a mistake.

"Whatever you say," Saitama replied, assuming a proper striking stance for the first time in the fight. He charged at Shiva and lashed out. Suddenly, Shiva's anger was surpassed by fear. Suddenly, the bald man no longer looked weak and lanky, but muscular and intimidating. Then suddenly he saw a huge fist coming at him, like a single all-destructive blow, and even though it bore the inscription Death, and even though he knew he would not survive this time, he could not move. He was frozen with fear, besides, after the announcement of just now, he could not back down, he was Shiva after all, how would he stand if the others knew that he was afraid of a human being. He had already accepted his death when the fist came to a stop just in front of his face and a shock wave passed him, creating a huge cloud of dust. After the dust cloud had settled Saitama turned around and wanted to leave, Shiva stared at him puzzled and asked:

"Hey, where are you going."

Saitama replied, "It's over, I won, face it you will never defeat me, I don't want to kill you, it's best if you just give up."

Shiva thought about what to do now, a part of him was relieved that he had survived, but on the other hand his ego would not allow him to suffer such a defeat. Finally, his pride won, and he shouted after Saitama:

"Do you think you could just leave, if you leave now we will destroy humanity."

Saitama turned to him. He didn't want to kill the gods at all, at first he thought they were monsters or aliens who were just evil, he thought that with Thor would be a one-time thing, he didn't want to kill all the remaining fighters of the gods. During the fight, he had realized that the gods were neither monsters nor evil, they were even quite human. His last opponent was looking for the thrill of a real fight just like he was, and his current opponent, yes he was arrogant and had an inflated ego, but basically he was not evil. He had a family and a people he didn't want to disappoint and was fighting for. It just didn't feel right to just kill him. His attention returned to Shiva and he answered:

"If you attack humanity, I will stop you, but I don't have to kill you, I will fight you back and drive you away. No matter how many times you try, I will always stop you. No matter if you attack yourself or send a natural disaster, even if you send a flood, it will not make it past me. I will stop you as many times as it takes."

"What a wonderful speech master."

"Oh, thank you, Genos.

Wait Genos.

What are you doing here?"

"I brought him here," Brunhilde answered. "I went to Midgard again, and he really wanted to come with me. We can also travel back and forth between Valhalla and Midgard much faster now."

"I explained to you why you can't come with me, Genos," Saitama replied.

"Don't worry, Master, the other S-class heroes have the situation fully under control, and have done all the things you told me to do. Besides, I'm not the only one who came along." With those words, Genos pointed to three other people Saitama hadn't noticed at first. King, Bang and a young woman with short black hair.

Saitama looked at the group and said, "So you guys came too; King, the old man and..."

"Fubuki master, her name is Fubuki," Genos helped his master. Genos knew the problem, his master often had problems remembering names and faces.

"She showed up at your apartment just before I did, and she really wanted to come, too," Brunhilde said.

"Is she a friend of yours?"

"What, no she's just an acquaintance," Saitama replied.

"Great speech Saitama, what manga did you get that from," King asked.

"Out of none at all, I made them up myself," Saitama replied.

Now Bang interfered, "Your attacks are strong, but you need to work on your defense. Also, your attacks are pretty predictable, as your opponent said, try..." From that point on, Saitama stopped listening.

"Hello Saitama," Fubuki greeted him.

Saitama also wanted to greet them and said, "Hello..."

"Still Fubuki"; Fubuki improved him.

Saitama didn't want them there, it was just too dangerous because he knew that only two of the four could really defend themselves. He looked at the group and said:

"I understand why you wanted to accompany me, but it's just dangerous."

"You," he said, looking at Brunhilde, "could you please bring her right back."

Brunhilde nodded.

Then he turned around and wanted to leave. Shiva wanted to stop him, his reason told him to let it go and be happy that he had survived. But he could not bear such a defeat, his son, his three wives, Rudra and all the Indian gods believed in him, he was some kind of hero for them, how could he ever look them in the eye again. He was Shiva after all, he couldn't lose, could he? After he had used the short interruption to think, he shouted after Saitama:

"And how are you going to do that, I still look the same as I do now when you've long since been buried, we gods are immortal it's easy for us to just wait until you're dead and then attack, for us 70-80 years isn't a long period of time. So if you want to stop us, you'll have to kill us already."

Saitama clenched his fists when he realized he was right, he didn't want to do this, but it seemed he had no choice. He turned around and walked back to the center of the arena. Shiva grinned at him and said mockingly:

"Have you finally realized that you have no other choice. You are the strongest opponent I have ever faced, you almost killed me just now, so I will use my trump card against you."

With these words, he pressed his hand into his chest and grabbed his heart. He let out a cry of pain, this was his trump card Tandarva Karma where he forced his heart to beat faster, he had only used this technique once before in his fight with Raiden.

Saitama watched what was happening in front of him. His opponent grabbed his chest and screamed in pain, he asked:

"Are you okay," muttering, "Is he having a heart attack?"

Shiva began to change, two more eyes appeared in his face and his body turned red.

"Oh now you have five eyes," Saitama remarked.

A huge flame enveloped Shiva's body, the strange object in the air above them burned to ashes. The large flame divided into many small flames that burned everything around him. Any normal person would have burned long ago, but they left Saitama cold. Shiva's transformation was now complete. He looked at Saitama and said:

"Let's dance until we are burn up, prepare to be burned to ashes."

Saitama just stared at him blankly and said, "Okay."

Moving much faster than before, he charged at Saitama and punched him in the stomach, to everyone's surprise this punch actually sent Saitama flying. Shiva jumped after him and attacked Saitama from all sides, knocking him back to the ground with one kick. Creating a crater, Saitama stood up, his costume burned all over. He figured I should dodge or block, if I'm not careful I'd be naked soon. Shiva jumped from above and executed a kick to his head, the force of the kick pushed him to his knees in the ground, but otherwise did not hurt him. Saitama freed himself by stepping out of the ground, Shiva immediately attacked him again, he countered one of Saitama's blows by pulling himself up by his arm with one hand and executing a kick from above, Saitama casually blocked it with his other arm. This went on for a while, Saitama dodging most of the attacks, blocking the others, occasionally hitting Shiva a few times, the latter using his martial arts skills to dodge or counter his blows. Finally, however, one of Saitama's punches hit him from below in the chest and elicited a cry of pain from him, he was no longer thrown through the air thanks to his new strength, as he had been after the first two punches, but the pain forced him to his knees and made him spit up blood. Suddenly, he grabbed Saitama by the shoulders, pulled himself up and headbutted him several times, not realizing that he was the only one who was hurt by that. Suddenly Saitama grabbed him by the shoulders and said:

"Killer Move Serious Series Serious Headbutt."

Shiva just managed to break free and throw himself to the left, but the shock wave tore off a large part of his right side and two of his arms. He jumped back to gain distance from Saitama. Saitama looked at him and said:

"I'll tell you again, you can't beat me, just give up, I don't want to kill you, think of your family and your people."

Shiva looked at the tribune where his son and his three wives were sitting, they were staring at him in horror, the other Hindu gods were also worried. Shiva could understand that his wounds were bad, but not what worried him. His arms could be healed as they were after the battle against Raiden, but he could not maintain this form for long, if he used Tandava too long he would burn himself out. What surprised him though was his own will to fight, normally he was an incredibly lazy person, but in this fight he hadn't been lazy for a second, his body was full of energy, he never wanted to win a fight as much as he did this one. He didn't know what, but something bothered him about this bald guy. Finally, his thoughts returned to the action, he turned to Saitama and asked:

"Can I ask you a question?"

Saitama replied, "Sure, go ahead."

Shiva looked at his opponent and asked, "How did you get so strong?"

Saitama stared at him, puzzled for a moment, then his face became serious, and he said, "So you want to know that, too. Well then, listen up now."

Genos sighed, for he knew what speech awaited them now.

Göll shouted, "Has he gone mad, why does he want to tell them the secret of his strength."

Brunhilde was also shocked and replied, "I don't think he's that stupid, but after the Bifrost thing, I wouldn't put anything past him."

Saitama continued, "First, what's important, is to make sure you really stick to this intense trainig regiment. "

Shiva was shocked, through what training could a man achieve such power that surpasses even the gods.

The whole arena was silent now, listening to Saitama's words.

"Listen, you have to keep doing it, no matter how difficult it gets. It took me a full three years to get this strong."

Only three years was impossible, Shiva thought. He had trained much longer, and he was a god and naturally stronger than any human. Like most gods, he thought in the beginning the bald man was some kind of demigod, maybe a son of Zeus, that would explain his tremendous strength, but he claimed to be 100% human. But nothing could have prepared him for what came next.

"100 Push-ups!

100 Sit-ups!

100 Squats!

And a 10-kilometer run! Do it every single day! And Of course make sure you eat three meals daily, just a banana in the morning is fine. But never ever use the air conditioner in the summer, or heat in the winter, so you can strenghingt the mind. In the beginning you wish you will were death, you might start thinking what's the harm of taking a day off."

Zeus thought, it was impossible that he could break his limiter with this ridiculous training. Either he wasn't telling the truth, or maybe his limiter was so low to begin with that this training was enough to break it.

"In other words, you gotta train like hell to the point where your hair falls out, that's the only way to become truly strong. You who rely on your age or divine superiority will never make it this far, human beings are strong because we can change ourselves!"

Shiva thought, What is he talking about? He can't be serious.

The audience went crazy, both humans and gods thought that the bald guy was fooling them. Boos were raised and some shouted:

" He's screwing with us."

Some even threw objects at him. Others thought the training was a metaphor and felt inspired.

Genos pointed his palm at the audience and said, "How dare you mock Master Saitama." At these words, his palm began to glow.

"Calm down Genos," Saitama tried to reassure him.

Göll looked uncertainly at Brunhilde: He's screwing with us ", that can't be the secret of his power.

Brunhilde smiled, "This guy can make even the biggest bullshit sound inspiring."

Saitama tried to calm the crowd, but when a tomato hit him in the back of the head, his fuses blew, and he screamed:

"Shut up everyone, I'm not doing this hero act for attention, recognition or admiriation, so why should I care what you think."

Silence returned to the arena.

Suddenly, a voice sounded next to him: "Are you kidding me, that can't possibly be the real secret of your strength. Do you think it's funny, I tried to show you respect, and you mock me, don't you have any honor as a fighter. I demand that you tell me the true secret of your strength."

Shiva had lost his temper during Saitama's speech, he was the laziest person he knew, and yet his training was much more intense than the baldy's. He knew now what bothered him about the baldy. He now knew what bothered him about the bald man, why he could not accept him as an equal opponent like Raiden. It wasn't the fact that he had mocked him, it wasn't the fact that he had mocked his fighting skills, it was the fact that he had done nothing for his skills compared to him. He himself had always been quite lazy, but even he had to work, and this man did a few push-ups and was immediately the strongest being in the world. His indifference also annoyed him. He had also been careless and reckless in his youth, and he still was to some extent, but this man topped everything. Raiden Tameemon was a master of his martial art like himself, he respected him as a fighter. But this man, he never wanted to finish anyone as much as this man.

Saitama looked at him puzzled and said, " look, you may not belive me, but that's really all I did."

Shiva wanted to finish this guy off, this guy had done a few pushups and was acting like he had completed the hardest workout in the world. He didn't deserve his strength. He just couldn't lose to someone like that. On the other hand, the bald guy was right, his family and the other Hindu gods would definitely not take it well if he died in front of them. Yeah maybe he should just

"Shiva," a voice suddenly sounded above him.

It was Rudra, he smiled at him and said:

"You don't want to give up, do you?"

Shiva gave him a forced smile and replied, "Of course not, where are you thinking."

Shiva had made up his mind, he would rather die than give up. He thought, the bald man and Thor both fought with brute strength, that's why Thor had lost. But his strength was nothing without the right fighting technique, and he would prove that now. Raiden had already done worse to him than this guy. Everyone put their hopes in someone as stupid and lazy as him, and that was probably the dumbest thing he had ever done, but he wouldn't let them down and win for them. He was getting ready to attack. He heard the cheering of the other Hindu gods, they kept shouting his name, "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva!"

Saitama felt bad, on the one hand he admired the fighting spirit of his opponent, on the other hand he did not understand how he could do such a thing to his dearest. He didn't want to kill him, especially not in front of his family, but it was the first time in a long time that he had no other choice, despite his almost infinite strength. He again took a half-hearted punching stance and charged at Shiva.

Shiva saw the huge fist coming at him again, but this time he would split it in two like Raiden's Yatagarasu. He prepared to execute his most powerful kick, Deva Loka.

Parvati, Kali and Durga shouted at Ganesha, "Do something! Help your father survive this attack!"

Ganesha was not only the Hindu god of success and wisdom, but also of luck. He tried everything to help his father.

Saitama had almost reached Shiva, even before Saitama's fist collided with his foot, he already felt his bones break. Within a millisecond his lower body turned into a bloody mass, but somehow he had survived, somehow his upper body had escaped the shock wave of the blow. Saitama was also amazed, his son's luck had probably saved his life. Shiva stared into the eyes of his family, Rudra and the other Hindu gods, they stared at him in horror. Who could blame them, the great lord Shiva was now just a flying torso, with two arms missing. Still, Shiva had not given up, he smiled at them. He was Shiva he would not lose, his fighting spirit awoke one last time, his two remaining arms began to burn one last time, he flew towards Saitama and lashed out with both arms. He aimed at his head, he would win the fight with his last forces and cut off the head of the bald man.

"Killer Move Serious Series Serious Uppercut!" Saitama said and put an end to the tragedy, turning Shiva into a mass of blood and guts that covered the floor and walls of the arena. The Hindu gods were shocked and some started to cry. Saitama ignored it and left the arena even before Heimdall could announce him as the winner. This was the weakest Serious Punch he had ever used, it was just strong enough to deform the clouds into rings. He had only said it to give his opponent a bit of respect as a fighter. At the exit of the arena, he was again met by Göll and Brunhilde.

"That was unbelievable, he didn't have a chance," Göll said.

"Very good, now they are afraid, if this continues we will win without problems," Brunhilde said with a wicked smile.

"Whatever," Saitama replied.

They went to the room from where Brunhilde planned all the battles.

Saitama asked, "Where are the others?"

"They wanted to look around a bit," replied Brunhilde

"And you think that's a good idea," Saitama replied

"Unlike you, they seem to be reasonable, so I'm not too worried," Brunhilde replied.l

Brunhilde turned to Saitama: "You should not feel sorry for the gods. They have always treated humans like garbage, they have never helped you and have only punished you from time to time, but have allowed themselves to be worshipped. They have also not intervened to free you from the monsters that have plagued your world for several years. It may be that they resemble humans, but they embody all the bad qualities of humanity. They could change, but they are too proud and arrogant for that. Therefore, we must put them in their place."

Saitama wanted to say something back, but at that moment another person entered the room.

Goell stood up and greeted her sister, "Hrist, you're finally here."

Göll walked up to her and embraced her. Brunhilde also stood up, turned to Saitama and introduced the two:

"I mentioned that, besides Göll, another one of my sisters is still alive. Saitama this is Hrist, the second of the 13 Valkyrie sisters. Hrist this is Saitama our last fighter."

Hrist eyed Saitama and said, "So this is the famous Saitama, from the things I've heard about you, I imagined you differently."

She stared especially at his bald head. Saitama noticed this and said:

"Hey, what are you looking at!"

Brunhilde turned back to Hrist, "Is there anything new."

Hrist replied with a smile, "Yes, I have good news. The gods are rebelling against Zeus, after Shiva's defeat they refuse to fight Saitama. If this continues, we will soon defeat them. Then we'll crush them under our feet!"

At her last words, her look changed and her veins stood out. Saitama watched the whole thing, irritated, and asked:

"Is she ok?"

Göll answered with a smile, "Yes, that is normal for her. She has a bipolar personality. That means she often switches between two personalities, one calm and gentle and one violent and aggressive."

Saitama replied in confusion, "Okay, got it."

He didn't feel bad anymore for killing Shiva, since he couldn't feel strong emotions since he had become so strong, yet it went against his moral code.

Brunhilde approached him, "Maybe you'll get lucky, and we won't have to kill them all after all, although I think Zeus has something up his sleeve."

Meanwhile, Zeus was going through Helheim with Hades, he had told him all about Saitama and after some of the gods had rebelled, Hades had asked him to come to Helheim.

He looked at Hades and asked, "So, what did you want to show me?"

Hades looked at him and replied, "I heard our remaining fighters are rebelling because they are understandably afraid."k.

Zeus replied, "That's true, but I'll get them under control again, no need to worry."

Hades replied, "Yes, but how long will you be able to keep them under control? After the next death at the latest, they'll panic and go crazy, but I might have something that could help you."

They arrived in a part of Helheim that Zeus had never seen before. On the ground in front of them was a small chest from which anguished cries emanated. Zeus stared at the chest and asked, "Are these?"

"The souls of the fighters who fell in the Ragnarok, yes." Hades finished his sentence, "Both the human and the gods."

Zeus replied in amazement, "But I thought the souls of the fighters who fell in the Ragnarok were destroyed."

"That's only half true," Hades replied, "The souls will be destroyed, but only after the tournament, until then they will be kept here. You can steal them back. The advantage would be that they would blindly follow your orders, they would keep part of their character, but they would never contradict you. Of course, you can't just bring someone back from the dead, you have to sacrifice something, a life for a life. So if again a group of gods should rebel, you can always exchange them for a group of loyal servants.

So, what do you say?"

I introduced the chest because the Record of Ragnarok manga is just in the 7th round of the tournament. Since I don't want to wait two to three years to continue writing the fanfiction, I created a way to bring back the old fighters. Because otherwise I would have to wait years to be able to write about the others. I hope you understand that. Maybe I'll write an alternative storyline or add some chapters when the manga is finished. I hope I didn't change Shiva's character too much, I felt he was harder to write than the others.

unknow10creators' thoughts