
Saitama in Record of Ragnarok

What if Saitama from one punch man would participate in ragnarok. Saitama is the last fighter of humanity. Will the strongest man in the world be able to defeat the gods? Will he finally find someone who is as strong as he is?

unknow10 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2-Back to Earth.

The winner of the battle was decided. Heimdall trembled a little as he announced the winner: "The winner of the fourteenth round in the final battle between gods and men is Saitama of humanity!"

The people cheered. Saitama left the arena. None of the gods dared to laugh anymore. Many were still in shock, unable to comprehend what they had just seen. How could all this be possible? How could a simple man be so strong?

Zeus went to Hermes and said, "I want you to investigate this guy. Find out if he is even human".

When Saitama left the arena, he was already met by Goel and Brunhilde.

Göll said: "Amazing, you defeated him without any problems. How did you do that?"

Saitama answered: "I just put a little more power into my punch".

Brunhilde asked, "How are you? Are you hurt?"

Saitama replied, "No, I'm not hurt. Even though that was the strongest opponent I've fought so far. It was quite boring".

Brunhilde answered confused: "Boring! How could that have been boring? Anyway, you shouldn't take this lightly. If you die here, not only your body but also your soul will be destroyed. That means you can't be resurrected, and you won't go to the afterlife. You simply cease to exist."

Saitama replied, still disinterested, "Okay."

Brunhilde said annoyed, "say, are you listening to me at all".

Saitama said, "I have to go back to earth to get a new glove".

Brunhilde replied, "actually, you are still on earth". Saitama looked confused. Brunhilde said, "Normally people can't go to Valhalla so easily. Only the souls of the deceased come here. That's why I only brought your soul here. Your body is still in Midgard. I mean on earth."

Saitama replied, "Does that mean my body is still in my home".

He was worried what Genos would do if he discovered his lifeless body. What if a powerful monster attacked during his absence? Maybe he would even miss bargain day at the supermarket. More reasons to return to Earth as soon as possible.

Saitama asked, "How do I get back?"

Brunhilde said, "I can take you back, but it may take some time".

Saitama replied, "Isn't there a faster way".

Göll said: "I have heard that there is a shortcut via Helheim". Brunhilde gave Goell an angry look.

Saitama replied, "Well, how do I get there?"

Göll replied, "You would have to go through the Bifrost. That is a huge gate in the corridor between Valhalla and Helheim. But nobody knows if there really is a gate to Midgard in Helheim".

Brunhilde replied, "That's because no one is stupid enough to try it. The only ones who could know if the gate really exists are Zeus and Hades. However, I have prepared everything, and we will soon be able to go through a portal to Midgard. Hey, where is Saitama?

Göll and Brunhilde looked around and spotted him running towards the Bifrost.

Brunhilde said worriedly, "He won't".

Saitama ran toward the Bifrost. The guards tried to stop him. But of course they could not stop him. Saitama knocked them aside, jumped towards the huge gate and destroyed it with one punch. He could still hear Göll and Brunhilde shouting,

"What are you doing? Have you gone mad?"

Saitama ignored them and jumped straight into the abyss of hell. Immediately, a large crowd of monsters came towards him. Saitama made short work of them and made his way through Helheim. When Brunhilde and Göll arrived at Bifrost, they only saw Saitama jump down the chasm and kill the first wave of monsters. They heard screams, but not from Saitama, but from countless monsters. In addition, blood and entrails of the demons flew out of the abyss. Saitama ran through Helheim, lashing out again and again. Monster after monster exploded and turned into a mass of blood and guts. Finally, Saitama lost patience and yelled,

"I don't have time for this! Killer Move serious Series serious punch!

The force of the blow destroyed a large part of Helheim. The remaining monsters that were not in range of the punch wiped back from him. Saitama finally found a gate, charged toward it, and kicked it in. Saitama found himself in free fall. He realized that he was in the air above his apartment. Saitama was afraid that he would break his ceiling. But he simply fell through the roof of his apartment without destroying it, into his body. Like a kind of ghost. Before he returned to his body, he saw Genos bending over him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Geno's mouth approaching his face. Saitama said in fright,

"Hey Genos, what are you doing?

Genos replied with relief, "Master, thank goodness, I thought you were dead. I tried to revive you, you had no heartbeat. Are you all right, who did this to you".

Saitama replied, "What? No one did anything to me. That woman took my soul to heaven so that I could fight in some tournament against some gods for the fate of mankind. Genos looked at him confused. Come on Genos, make something to eat, and I will explain everything to you".

l After Genos returned from the kitchen with something to eat, Saitama began to tell:

"So there was this woman, and she said that".

Suddenly a portal appeared in the middle of the room and Brunhilde and Göll appeared in the apartment". Brunhilde shouted at Saitama:

"Are you stupid? Do you have any idea what you just did".

Saitama replied, "Hey, didn't you say it would take longer to get back to Earth".

Brunhilde replied, "I said it might take a little longer. But after that, I said that we would soon be able to return to Earth with a portal. Which you might have noticed if you hadn't run away directly".

Genos asked: "Who is the master, did she do this to you". With these words, he pointed his palms at the two. Ready to incinerate them.

Saitama tried to calm Genos down: "Everything is ok Genos she is not an enemy. Besides, I don't want you to blow up my apartment".

Genos lowered his palms and said, "Fine, but who are they".

Brunhilde replied, "I am Brunhilde the eldest of the 13 Valkyrie sisters and this is Goell the youngest of the 13 Valkyrie sisters. I have brought Saitama to help us defeat Zeus and the other gods in Ragnarok, the final battle between gods and humans. To stop them from destroying humanity.

Genos said, "I understand. This is such nonsense. With these words, he raised his palms again. You must have manipulated Master Saitama's memories. You will pay for that now."

Goell fearfully hid behind Brunhilde. Saitama lunged at Genos and shouted, "Woah Genos give me a break".

Saitama pressed Genos' arm against his chest to stop the explosion. This burned his shirt, but the explosion did not cause any major damage. Furniture was still knocked over, and he had a burn mark on the floor, but his apartment was not destroyed. Saitama turned around and asked,

"Are you two okay".

Brunhilde replied, "Yes, everything is fine. But we should change the place if your disciple keeps trying to kill us".

Saitama turned to Genos: "Genos listen to me, they are not enemies. I know it's hard to believe, but they are telling the truth".

Genos replied: "Ok, I will not attack them anymore, and I will believe them".

Brunhilde started to continue: "Well, if we can go back to the important things now". As said before, when all the human fighters are defeated, the gods will destroy the humans.

Genos thought and finally answered: "Then it is a question of god level threat. It's a good thing that I just ordered the entire S-class here".

Saitama shouted in surprise: "You did what"!

Suddenly, the door opened, and several people entered the apartment. An older man with white hair and a mustache, a man in a dog costume walking on all fours, a young man with a metal baseball bat, a man with blond hair with a scar on his eye who looked like he had been in many battles, and a young man with long blond hair, a white cape, and a sword.

Genos pointed to the older man and said, "That's Silver Fang, 3rd place in the S-class. Then he turned to the man with the baseball bat. That is Metal Bat rank 15 of the S-class. The man in the dog costume is Watchdog Man rank 12 of the S-class, then he pointed to the young man with the long hair and cape, that is Flashy Flash rank 13 of the S-class the fastest hero of the S-class. Then he looked at the man with the scar and that is King 7th place of the S-class, the strongest man in the world, apart from Master Saitama of course."

Göll whispered to Brunhilde, "Maybe we should have taken him, he looks much stronger than Saitama."

Brunhilde replied, "Maybe you're right, he also looks much more experienced than Saitama. As if he had already fought many battles. There is an incredible power coming from him".

Saitama went to Genos and asked, "Why did you bring them all here. Couldn't we have met at the headquarters of the Heroes' Association".

Genos replied, "I'm sorry Master, but just the chance that there might be an unknown opponent capable of defeating you required the presence of the strongest heroes in the world."

Another group of people entered the apartment. A middle aged man with a ponytail and a sword, a tall man in a prisoner's uniform, a muscular man with a tank top, a small boy with short brown hair and a backpack, and another cyborg with only one eye.

Genos also introduced them, "This is Atomic Samurai rank 4 of S-class, Puri- Puri Prisoner rank 17 of S-class, Tank Top Master rank 16 of S-class, Child-Emperor rank 5 of S-class and Drive Knight rank 9 of S-class."

Finally, the last group of people entered the apartment. A man with short black hair and a cigarette in his mouth he was wearing an overcoat, a huge robot, a huge person who made you wonder if he even fit in the apartment the word fat would have been an understatement, a huge muscular guy much more muscular than the man with the tank top, Finally a little girl with green hair floated through the door.

Genos also introduced the last group of people, "This is Zombieman rank 8 of S-class, Pig God rank 10 of S-class, Superalloy Darkshine rank 11 of S-class he has the strongest muscles in the world apart from Master Saitama, of course".

Göll whispered to Brunhilde again, "His muscles are incredible, I think he might be stronger than Raiden."

Brunhilde replied, "In fact, I was thinking about taking him instead of Raiden. He could really be physically stronger than Raiden. But mentally, he is much weaker. He only relies on his opponents being far inferior to him. He has always wanted an opponent against whom he can use 100% of his power. But when he recently faced an opponent who was more than his equal, it destroyed him psychologically, even though he was physically almost unharmed. We can't use someone who is so weak mentally and has so little willpower at Ragnarok.

Genos introduced the remaining heroes: "Tornado of Terror rank 2 of the S-class and Metal knight rank 6 of the S-class". At the same time, he pronounced the last name as if he didn't like the person.

Tatsumaki took the floor first:" So why did you call us here, Demon Cyborg. Why are we meeting here in some B-class hero's apartment instead of the main headquarters of the Hero Association."

"I would be interested in that too". Metal Bat grumbled to himself.

In the process, he accidentally hit Saitama's TV with his baseball bat and destroyed it.

Saitama shouted: "Hey, watch it".

Saitama watched worriedly as his apartment was slowly destroyed. Heroes like Pig God and Darkshine destroyed the walls and ceiling of his apartment just by their size and width.

Genos began to tell:" I called you here because soon we will literally have to deal with a god level threat. Today at noon I found the dead body of Master Saitama here".

Most of the S Class heroes seemed unfazed, but Bang, King, Zombieman and Flashy Flash looked worried.

Tatsumaki replied, "And that's why you called us here. What do we care about the death of an unimportant B-class.

"Ok first I'm not dead, and secondly it's pretty rude to say something like that, if you have a problem with me tell me directly" retorted Saitama.

"I don't remember talking to you, baldy". Retorted Tatsumaki.

"You impudent little brat"! Shouted Saitama angrily.

"What did you just call me". Shouted back Tatsumaki angrily.

Two unknown people entered the room,

"Excuse me, I heard something about a god level threat". Said a man with blue hair.

Metal bat aggressively replied: "What are you doing here, Sweet Mask".

Genos said: "You are Sweet Mask place 1 of the A class".

Sweet Mask replied: "I have been informed that there is an emergency meeting of the S class, about a possible God level threat, and I think I should also be informed about it."

Before anyone could say anything, the second person introduced himself, a young man with light hair,

"Hello everyone, my name is Blue. I am the son of Blast place 1 of S-class".

"Now could we get back to the impending destruction of humanity". Intervened Brunhilde.

Then everyone looked at her. Göll clung anxiously to her sister.

" And who are the two?" Asked Metal Bat,

Genos replied, "This is Göll and Brunhilde, and they are Valkiren, and they are here to, oh, best they explain it themselves."

With that he gave the floor to Brunhilde. Brunhilde began to tell. After a while, Child Emperor interrupted her:

"Wait gods, heaven, hell. Sorry, but I don't believe in such things".

"I have to agree" said Metal Bat,

"I don't believe in that either and now excuse me, I didn't come here to listen to fairy tales". Retorted Tatsumaki.

Genos tried to reassure her: "Please, I didn't believe them in the beginning either, but my master says it's all true, and I believe him".

"Wait, you mean we are here because of the words of two crazy people and a bald idiot". Tatsumaki replied.

Saitama yelled, "Why do you have to keep mentioning that I'm bald?"

Now Bang spoke up, "Can't we all just calm down. I'm skeptical too, but at least we can let them finish".

Flashy Flash said: "If all this is true, we have to prepare for the fight".

Metal Bat loudly interjected, "And of course our strongest member is absent as usual."

Everyone looked at the empty seat next to Tatsumaki. Atomic Samurai turned to Blue and asked,

"Do you happen to know where your father is".

Blue replied, "Unfortunately, no. I haven't heard from him in years. I have no idea where he is at the moment".

Atomic Samurai replied, "Well, I guess we'll have to do without him again".

Bang turned to Brunhilde and said, "Please continue".

Brunhilde began to continue, "I wish it were that simple, but".

All of a sudden, a black sphere appeared in the room. It looked like some kind of small black hole with a person inside. Then it disappeared as quickly as it had come, instead there stood a man. He was wearing white armor with a white cape. The word Blast was written on his chest. He had graying hair and wore sunglasses.

Tatsumaki stammered in bewilderment, "Bl- Bl- Blast."

The man grinned and said, "Sorry, I'm late."

He gave Blue a look and said, "Hey Blue, long time no see".

Everyone was surprised except Saitama he was angry because the little black hole had destroyed a part of his apartment.

Brunhilde broke the silence: "Well, if everyone is here, I would like to continue. As I said, I wish it were that simple, but all human weapons cannot hurt the gods, in Ragnarok we could only hurt them because my sisters turned into weapons. But now there are only three of us, even if all three of us would sacrifice ourselves, we would only have three weapons. Besides, I don't think the gods will fight a fair battle. They will probably send a natural disaster, such as the Flood."

"Gods, then," said Blast. "I'm fighting some kind of god myself right now, who is responsible for all the monsters here".

Brunhilde replied, "I don't think that has anything to do with this. It sounds more like an alien or a demon from Hellheim".

Flashy Flash replied, "It doesn't matter how they attack us. We will prepare to defend this world".

Metal Knight said, "I will look for ways to defend ourselves against natural disasters". "

There is only one thing I don't understand yet. Asked Tatsumaki, "Why did you choose a weak B-class hero as the last fighter? Why not me; Blast or King"?

"I'm afraid I can't do that, King interfered, I can't fight, heaven, hell, and earth wouldn't survive that".

" What's the point, Tatsumaki? Genos asked: You have already fought Master Saitama you know how strong he really is".

"Nonsense, shouted Tatsumaki: He was just lucky that I was still injured, otherwise I would have finished that ugly baldy in a few seconds"!

"That's enough! Saitama finally spoke up: "You won't have to fight. They won't attack until I've lost, right? Brunhilde nodded. Saitama continued: Well, I don't intend to lose".

Brunhilde replied, "You shouldn't assume that every fight is so easy for you."

Saitama replied, "That would be nice, I've been looking for an opponent who can give me a real fight for years. But I swear I will not lose, I will return to heaven and settle this". With that, he turned to Goell and Brunhilde and said, "Come on, let's go".

Genos interfered and said, "Wait master, I'll go with you".

Saitama turned to Genos and said, "No Genos you are needed here, what if something happens while I am not here. If some monster shows up. Besides, you have to fix the apartment that was destroyed because of you and go to the bargain day for me if I can't make it by then".

Genos replied: "Ok, I understand, master".

Brunhilde opened another portal and said: "then let's go".

Göll and Brunhilde went ahead and Saitama came behind. As he entered the portal, his body fell lifeless to the ground.

Genos yelled, "Master" and rushed forward to catch Saitama's body. Looking up, he saw Saitama on the other side of the portal, wearing his hero suit again and waving to Genos, then the portal closed.

Darkshine asked, "Who was that guy again?"

Blast said: "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to go". With these words, he disappeared into a black hole.

Blue turned to the door and wanted to leave the room.

Bang asked: "Where are you going, Blue".

Blue replied, "I'm going to pass on the news to my new group. I am part of a new organization called The Neo Heroes, we believe that the Heroes Association has become corrupt and only cares about itself. We on the other hand are all about justice. If anyone is interested, they are welcome to contact me." Then he left the apartment.

Saitama saw the portal close, he had more reasons why he didn't want Genos with him. Genos was exhausting and annoying. He could imagine how he would sit in the stands and cheer him on. Maybe he would start a fight with the other gods. He didn't have time to protect him all the time.

Saitama Göll and Brunhilde went back to the arena.

Göll asked: "Tell me Saitama, is this King actually stronger than you?"

Saitama answered, "Yes, he beats me every time, even with only two fingers. Göll and Brunhilde looked at him, startled,

Saitama continued: I have already destroyed several controllers, but someday I will defeat him in this fighting game".

Brunhilde replied, "You fool, we are talking about real life".

Saitama replied puzzled, "Oh no, he's not". When they arrived at the arena, Saitama's opponent was announced. Saitama entered the arena to face his next opponent, the god Shiva. Zeus made his way to Hermes to ask him what he had found out.

He asked Hermes, "And what did you find out?"

Hermes replied, "He is definitely not ordinary, but he is definitely human".

Zeus replied, "Well, if he is human, what is his limiter?"

Hermes answered insecurely: "Yes, as far as that is concerned".