
Sadistic Reincarnator [MHA] [18+]

A Sadistic teenager reincarnates into MHA

Nyxyx · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs


I was now sitting inside a car with my mother and brother. It was early in the morning and Inko was taking us to kindergarten. I was fairly frustrated today for no reason at all. This is quite a common feeling to me some would call them anger issues. It rarely affects anything outside of my mind but it just makes me a bit more irrational at times.

I was still so short that I could not see the sidewalks outside the car through the window at all and it gives me a weird nostalgic feeling.

Inko drops us off and leaves for work, while the teachers take both me and Izuku to a class. I cannot even begin to describe how much frustration I feel while sitting on a floor learning the ABCs, colors and children's songs. I kinda want to just take my pants off and piss on the floor to get away from here,

Next we eat some food and then get to drawing. I like drawing quite a lot. I'm not some talented artist but I am fairly decent at it so I enjoy our little drawing hour quite a bit. Then we have a nap hour which I enjoy to the fullest by sleeping for an entire hour. I stayed up way too late building with my legos.

We then eat a bit more before going outside. I spent my time outside playing a ball alone in a corner of the playground.

"Brother what are you doing here?" I snap out of my thoughts and turn around. I see my brother standing there with his messy dark green hair that looks like a cartoon throw-up if you ask me and his future bully and current friend Katsuki Bakugou.

Katsuki has spiky blonde hair and red eyes. Something felt wrong when I looked at him. I looked at his clothes and noticed that he is actually a she. She is wearing the kindergartens girls' uniform that's the way I could tell and she just looked more girly to me. I suppose this is one of the changes or creative liberties the dark sphere did.

If she tries to bully me it's gonna be the end of her. I think and stand up to face the duo.

"I am playing." I reply to the duo while looking at Bakugou.

"Why are you playing alone that's weird?" The girl version of Bakugou asked me clearly annoyed for some reason.

"What does that have to do with you?" I answer while making a stupid face

"Your brother is really weird Izuku-kun" Bakugou says while turning her head to look at Izuku. They whisper something to each other and just leave me.

Thank god they are gone. I think while staring at the two kids leaving. I sigh internally and get back to playing with my ball. I'm getting quite bored.

I don't really care to socialize with them. They are 3-year-old children after all. I would much rather have them think of me as a weirdo for now and leave me alone.

Speaking with 3-year-old children can get very annoying very quickly. I sigh and head towards a sandbox and start building a sandcastle since I got bored.

I was half expecting some random side character to come and destroy my sandcastle but it never happened. Inko later came to get both me and Izuku back home and I was called by kindergarten and she brought me to my mom.

I followed my mother and the second I stepped outside of the gate I heard a notification sound inside my head.

[You have completed a Common Quest - Day at the Kindergarten]

[You have gained 10 exp]

I felt like my time was not wasted. The gains were small but I'm still moving forward and the exp bar is getting filled it makes me feel minor satisfaction. I'm sitting inside the car but I don't see my brother in there, before I can even ask my mother about it she already opens her mouth.

"Aunt Mitsuki took Izuku to their house for a play date." Inko seemingly reads my mind. That does make some sense. Mitsuki is Katsumi's mother and just like my mother a milf with bountiful assets at least from what I can remember. They probably thought about inviting me to go over as well but didn't. A normal kid would probably be pretty sad but I am obviously not a normal kid.

"Okay mom." I reply in a neutral tone and go back to staring at the sky through the car window. I thought about what Mitsuki would look like in this world. This world doesn't look at all like the anime if that makes sense. Everything is a hundred times more detailed and everything feels just so much more alive.

The same goes for example my mother her beauty in this world makes the anime version pale in comparison. When I look at her I feel like she's truly alive. It's kinda like comparing a still frame from the anime to the most magnificent piece of fan art. Totally incomparable.

"How was your day Itsuki?" My mother asks me while driving towards our home. "It was good. I had a lot of fun today." I reply to my mom with a fake smile and with an upbeat voice. "I'm glad to hear that Itsuki"

Weeks pass and I haven't gotten any new quests yet. I am currently in my bed fiddling with a toy car in my hand.

Katsumi got her ego boosted at kindergarten a few days ago when she awakened her quirk called Explosion. Everyone told her that her quirk was very powerful and it got into her head fast. She started to constantly show off and use her quirk in during our outside hours in the kindergarten to get praise from everyone.

Even if her actions are annoying they do make sense. She's a 4 years old girl after all and with everyone telling her she's going to be a great hero in the future, it's no wonder her ego got out of control fast and she developed a superiority complex or something.

Not like I care about her reasons. She's still annoying. The day she starts to mess with me it's over for her I'll make sure of it.

Mother and Izuku are currently in the hospital and I am at home. Once again pretty questionable parenting leaving a 3-year-old alone at home for a few hours. I'm getting tired of being a little boy faster than I originally expected to. I still have quite a long time before I awaken my quirk. I am nearly 100% confident that I will awaken a quirk due to the one quest I have not completed.

[Uncommon Quest] [No Longer Quirkless]

[Unlock your first Quirk by reaching the age of 4 years old]

[Reward] [50 exp]

The quest speaks for itself. I was just playing with my car toy when I heard the not-so-familiar notification sound.

[Quest has been issued]

[Common Quest] [Little Thief]

[Steal a total of 1000 yen from your mother]

[Reward] [20 exp]

I definitely can't comprehend why this is worth 20 exp. I happily head towards the living room and just as I recalled there's around 2000 yen on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Just gonna snatch this up real quick." I move my little hand and snatch the money from the table.

[You have completed a Common Quest - Little Thief]

[You have gained 20 exp]

"Thanks for the free 20 exp system." I thank my system and place the money back down on the coffee table. This kinda feels wrong and way too easy. But I'm not complaining.

"Itsuki we are home." I hear Inko's voice it's not her usual tone and she sounds kinda sad. I already know Izuku didn't get a quirk based on the sound of my mother's voice but. I kinda wanna rub it in my brother's face a little for unintentionally annoying me all the time.

"Wellcome back!" I say in an unusually happy and excited tone for my current self. I arrive at the front door soon and see Inko's messed up makeup from crying in the hospital and Izuku who could be easily mistaken for a ghost based on how dead he looks like.

I walk up to Izuku and grab him by the shoulders with my hands and in the most sincere voice, I can produce I ask. "What kind of quirk did you get Izuku?"

I smile and look at Izuku shivering while stuttering trying to say something but failing terribly at it. "Sadly Izuku is quirkless." Inko says with a voice filled with grief as Izuku's head sinks and he just keeps staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry." I lower my tone to sound more shocked but on the inside, I don't really care about him. "It's fine" Inko says and separates us and takes Izuku into his room.

I sigh and head back to my room and soon fall asleep while listening to my brother cry behind the wall next to my bed.

When I woke up the next morning and headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I see Inko and Izuku sitting at the table. Izuku seems to be doing a little bit better than before but he still doesn't look good. He doesn't say anything and just mindlessly eats food.