
Sacred Academy. The Forbidden romance

When her mother fell ill and died, eighteen-year-old Adele Berg and her dad decided to move to a new environment for a fresh start. In time, she got enrolled into one of the biggest private high school- Sacred Academy. There she was accused of murder but she firmly refuses to plead innocent even though she is, due to a secret she was guarding and she considered more precious than her life.

David_Joy_Omojo · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter Two


The journey to the school was a quiet one as Adele was deep in thought with the last night event.

'how was that even possible?' she asked herself.

She told her dad about it this morning and he assured her that she was only hallucinating due to the new changes she hate.

But she was certain that she witnessed the whole thing.

Adele's dad couldn't make it with them due to his meeting with an important client.

Mr Berg worked in a Real estate company.

So Nina volunteered to drop them off since her schedule for today is free.

"Here we are." Olive said happily.

The iron bar of the gate was so wide and huge with Sacred Academy designed on the gate.

Aunt Nina dropped them out side the gate and left due to the no parent entry policy.

The students signed in on a book beside the gateman and got into the school gate.

"I'd show you to the principal's office if you want." Olive volunteer.

"Really?" Adele asked feeling a bit relieved.

She really needed a company in this big, new environment.

"That's right." Olive nodded.

"Else she'd get lost." Oliver chipped in

"Oliver!!!" Olive snapped at her brother.

"Don't worry. I got this." Adele replied pretending to be certain but she really wanted some time alone.

"She absolutely do." Oliver smirked revealing his dimples.

The twins are looks really alike but Oliver got a black hair unlike his sister with a deep brown hair.

"Stop being a jerk brother." Olive snapped at her brother.

The twins walked away leaving Adele all alone.

Good thing she collected the map from the gateman before getting in.

She quickly retrieved it from her page pack and tried reading it.

"Fuck!" She as she went to the wrong direction for the third time.

She tried asking a couple of students who passed by but they just ignored her.

She started to regret turning down Olive's offer of help.

She walked to a bench and sat down. Taking a bottle of juice from her bagpack, she took a sip and observed the environment.

Won't lie, she was impressed by the structure of the houses in the school.

"You're lost or something?"

A stunning tall guy walked towards her and sat down beside her.

"What?" She asked staring at him.

Her eyes caught with his and she got lost in his big eyes.

She tried talking but no word seems to come out of her lips

He cleared his throat and smiled and Adele noticed the curve on his lower lips.

"Puppy." She whispered finally averting her gaze for him.

"Are you done checking me out?" He asked standing up.

Adele couldn't help but notice his abs showing from the tight shirt he wore.

"And why do you think I'm checking you out?" She asked after finding her voice.

"Your eyes." He replied.

"Well I wasn't."

"I'm Laurenzo." He extended his hands to her.

Adele reluctantly took his hand and blushed as she realized her hands perfecting fit in his.

"Enzo for short and you are?"

" Adele." She successfully hide the pink shades on her cheeks.

"You're American right?"

She nodded as she noticed his strong Mexico accent.

"I bet you're lost here." Enzo sounded sure of it.

"Sort of."

"I'm heading to the principal's office. Will you be a gentleman and walk me?" Adele stood up adjusting her flay skirt.

"Sure." He smirked his lips.

Enzo asked Adele about herself and her former life.

They got to the office when she was telling him about her mom's death.

"Here we are." Enzo said as they got the the door.

Their hands brush awkwardly as they both wanted to ring the doorbell.

" I got this." Adele said and rang it.

After ringing the doorbell several times, they decided to go assuming the principal isn't in.

A loud scream stopped them as they both turned and stared at the door.

"What the hell was that?" Adele asked obviously getting sacred.

"I have no idea."

Adele tried the door knob and it opened instantly.

She peeped and found everything in order and no sign of suspiciousness.

Adele tried stopping Enzo who already set a foot in the office.

"Why? I'm trying to be a gentleman." He replied and got in.

The only thing off in the room was the swriling chair turned towards the window directly opposite the door.

"Must be a nice view from there that he slept off." Adele sighed a relieved when she saw a shape of a head.

"Adele." Laurenzo called out after he turned to the swriling chair.

"What?" She averted her gaze from the wall pictures she was checking out.

She screamed and Enzo place his hands on her mouth to stop her from screaming.

The was a knife stabbed in his abdomen and his throat was slit.

Enzo decorated him dead after feeling no pulse on him.

It took a while for Adele to recover from the shock.

"What are we gonna do?" She panicked.

"I really don't know." Enzo replied placing His both hands on his head.

"Stay here let me go get help." Enzo said and left after Adele resultantly agreed with his decision of leaving her here.

Adele saw her a bag with her name written on it on the table. She picked it up and scrutinized the content.

She found her uniforms, sport wears, compound wears and sweaters.

In another bag, she found her text book, exercise books and a school ID card.

After picking the bags containing her belongings, she noticed a mark on the principal's neck.

She slowly tiptoed and check.

It was more like a bite mark. Two tiny holes with dried blood.

'What the hell is this mark' she asked rhetorically

"Vampires are myth." She yelled and broke in to a sob.

"They're myth right." She whispered sitting on the bare floor.

A cracking sound behind her caught her attention.

She turned and stared at a stunning man with blood dripping from his lips.

She found herself staring into his deep yellow eyes.

His eyes, nose, firm cheeks and lips. He was just so perfect.

She tried running but she was held by a firm grip.

"I'm still hungry." His hot breath came on her neck and she shivered.

He brought his lips close to her back and bit his lips on a second thought.

"What ever are you?" She asked confidently.

He admire her confidence and smiled

"Your worst nightmare." His voice echo as he said it.

" Please let me go." She broke into a sob.

"Definitely. But I'd come for you one day."She close her eyes as his claws brushed her soft cheeks.

The door was opened and Enzo got in together.

He was shocked to see Adele with some stranger talking and hugging.

"Wait! Did she planned all this?" He thought.

The stranger vanished before their eyes.

" What the hell was that?" Enzo demand.

"What?" She asked looking shocked to see him instead already.

He kept quiet and nodded as the policemen, security men and some teachers got.

They urshered them out after telling their interrogation.