

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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14 Chs

Character Introduction: Rachel Ariti

Rachel "Seshat" Ariti

Nickname: "The Professor"


Appearance: A 5'9 Cyan Haired Girl with light blue eyes.

Occupation: Member of Team JSPR/Mentor to Team RWBY specifically Weiss Schnee

Bio: Born on January 1st and Raised in Mistral, Rachel Ariti's parents are both actors performing in movies such as "Love more than likely" as a romance couple. Due to Rachel's high intelligence and the fact that she is always in her parent's shadow having an expectation that the public has placed on her Rachel resents her parent's. She is known for constantly running away from home evading the authorities for weeks at a time due to her always being 10 steps ahead but she leaves clues to help her seekers find her. She does this so many times that many Junior Detectives are given a scenario where they have to find "Rachel." Rachel was later inspired to become a huntsmen by the time she turned 12 years old and after doing research about the application process she realized that her record can be held against her and automatically disqualify her. So, Rachel spent her time at home receiving kick-boxing lessons from an instructor and learning everything she has to know about Grimm to ace the entrance test. 

Psychological Report (Provided by Ozpin): "Rachel Ariti, the rebellious scholar of Team JSPR. Though being one of the most successful scholars in Beacon, Rachel is well-known for her pranks but due to her never being caught the blame can never fall on her much to Goodwitch dismay. But, there is a reason why Rachel perform these pranks it's to keep the spirit of Beacon's student high in an attempt to not let any negative emotion attract the Grim. After a study that she perform shows that somewhere in the next 1-5 years there will be a mass Grim attack. Speaking of studies Rachel is really passionate when it comes to performing experiments on Grim. With her high IQ she is able to get new information that has never been realized before. Due to Rachel being so smart she's able to make well-thought out decisions and is normally the one Joseph goes to when he runs out of ideas. In fact, Rachel is considered the replacement team leader of JSPR if something was to ever happen to Joseph. Rachel dislikes talking about her childhood and get aggravated when pressured to do so."

Semblance: Rachel's semblance is aura projection this allows her to project herself in an aura state to people that can utilize a semblance or aura. This semblance has many drawbacks for one Rachel's body will be lifeless until Rachel's aura projection returns so her teammates have to keep watch over Rachel's body. And any injury that she receive in her astral projection form she'll also receive on her physical body. In her Astral state Rachel transcends time and space and is able to go into the past but she has only a limited amount of time in the past until she MUST return to the present to take back her body. Those that see Rachel in the past will consider her a "ghost" or "spirit". 

Weapon: Rachel utilize two "weapons" one is her jumpkit called "BT" which allows for maximum maneuverability and allows her to survive falls from high places. In it's default form "BT" can only handle two bursts before running out temporarily to recharge. There are variants of BT that Rachel has created one is "BT: Type Air" Rachel increases the fuel supply on the jumpkit to serve as a jetpack though it will run out it can bring her to high heights. And lastly is "BT:Type Water" it's a variant that allows Rachel to operate the jumpkit underwater by using the water as a propulsion system. Due to the jumpkit being physically taxing Rachel created a exoskeleton call "Project:Sentinel or just Sentinel". It increases Rachel's strength and also her base speed to match her teammates. 

Fun Facts

-Rachel likes to attempt to steal Yatsuhashi's sword but she never gets too far away before being caught by CFY.

-She likes to tease Yatsuhashi Daichi from Team CFVY and normally employs his help to assist her during her experiments must to his dismay. 

-Rachel likes to spend her time either studying up on the latest discovery of Grim, performing experiments, or assisting Weiss with her studies, also pulling off pranks.

-Her favorite drink is ice tea.

-Her semblance was activated when she unconscionably portrayed herself to her teacher to ask her what homework she has to do from home.

-Rachel can go hours talking about Grim and discoveries about them. Though her team dislikes this Weiss seems to have taken an interest in Rachel's thoughts.

-Rachel and Joseph have memorized Penny's schematics and one of the few that are able to reconstruct her if something was to happen to her.

-Rachel scored the highest in the entrance exam in Beacon's history and when offered to move up two grade levels she denied.

-The difference between Joseph and Rachel's leadership is that Joseph can form a plan and encourage people to follow it. While Rachel can and will form a plan, but it will take her more effort for people to get on with the plan. 

(Sorry if this chapter may seem a little confusing but you will understand our girl during the story.)

Rachel's trailer

In a small mansion within Mistral a 12 year old Rachel will watch the 8:00 pm Mistral News (equivalent of Good Morning (or in this case night) America (with a mix of CNN)). 

White Dog Faunus (Female) reporter: "Now, back to the news in entertainment the famous duo Jax and Hylia Ariti are here today! Welcome both of you!" 

Jax and Hylia: "Thank you for having us here today."

Female reporter: "So, how does it feel getting back into the acting after having your daughter....what's her name again?"

Hylia: "Rachel Ariti she is as smart as she is cute."

Rachel will roll her eyes at this comment.

Female Reporter: "Do you think we'll be seeing her perform alongside her parent's.

Jax: "Yep, you'll be seeing our daughter real soon on the big screen.

Female Reporter: "Talking about the big screen, can you tell us anything about your latest movie "Fifty shades of Grim?" 

Jax: "Though we'd love to give you all the information there might be some kids watching but all I'm going to tell you is that this film is intense. 

Female Reporter: "Now onto the "TEA SPECIAL" can we get an order of tea?" As the female reporter says this an intern will walk into the screen giving the reporter a teacup filled with little slips. 

Female Reporter: "Alright, first slip there has been rumors about Hylia cheating on you Jax with her makeup artist. True or False!"

Jax: "False, me and my wife are always close to each other 24/7 and we trust each other with our lives."

Hylia: "Aw babe." Hylia will kiss Jax on the cheek.

Female Reporter: "Next slip, is it true that Rachel your daughter is currently seeing someone true or false?"

Hylia: "Somewhat, we introduced our daughter to the director of "fifty shades of grim"son who is the same age as her they seem to get along well."

Rachel will shudder at this comment and look down at the ground as tears begin to form in her eyes. "Too well..."

Female Reporter: "Love is in the air!, alright, last slip our sources have spotted your daughter at various hunter academy recruiting ceremonies is your daughter considering become a huntress."

Jax: "A huntress ha ha ha! No, my daughter won't be a huntress there are other people who can do that job. Why live a life of danger when you can live a life of luxury."

Rachel will look up in disbelief at what her parent's just said. She'd quickly shut off the TV.

Maid#1: "Ms.Ariti I finished cleaning up for the day I'm going to head back home do you need anything?"

Rachel will shake her head and give the maid a bonus before she walked away.

Rachel: "I will be a huntsman...I promise."

Rachel's scroll will beep alerting her that she got a message.

Hylia: "Sweetie we have a favor a big movie company "Freelancer Agency" wants to hire us but the director "John" wants to see you privately."

Rachel will silently reply as a tear drop will fall from her eyes.

~1st Year~

A 17 year old Rachel will lay down on her bed watching the news as her teammates were finishing up their homework that they miss due to being away on their first mission in Mistral.

Female Reporter: "Mistral Police was called to the scene of a murder in the home of the director of "Fifty shades of Grim" and "Freelancer Agency". Though it's unclear what happened it's believed that the directors were both stabbed and shot at the same time."

Rachel will look up from the TV and look at Joseph. "stabbed...and shot..." Rachel will look down at Joseph's pistol words which were neatly placed against the wall before returning her attention back to the Television as a military LT from Mistral appeared at a press conference.

Military LT: "We had reason to believe that these two director's were soliciting children and using them to have their parent's play big roles in their movies. We also got a tip of orphans and kidnapped children who were in an underground cellar being trafficked and sold in the black market. A Special Operation Team was sent to go capture the residence but it seemed like the director were on drug's and it resulted in close quarter combat. Which resulted in the director's house. That'll be all."

Reporter (African-American Male): "LT LT does that mean that the Ariti's family daughter Rachel was a victim?" All the other reporters will ask the same question.

The military LT will walk away as the reporters begged him to answer their questions.

Fox will walk into the room

Fox: "Hey guy's me and CVY are heading into Vale to go get some food at this new diner to celebrate our first mission. Want to come along?"

Persephone: "Sure, give us a minute to get ready."

Fox will nod and proceed to leave the room.

Persephone and Rachel will grab their scrolls and pack away their homework. While Samuel and Joseph made sure that Spot was plugged into the charger port.

Persephone: "Samuel, make sure that you don't get any girls number while we are at the diner..."

Samuel: "Yes, mom." Samuel will say sarcastically.

Persephone will then chase Samuel out of the room.

Joseph will pat's Spot head as he grabs Persephone's wallet which she left behind.

Rachel will grab Joseph's arm before he leaves the room.

Rachel: "Thank you."

Joseph: "For what?"

Joseph will give Rachel a wink before leaving the room.

Rachel will smile as she walked after Joseph.


Rachel Interview

Goodwitch will look at her watch slightly annoyed as the door opened and Rachel will walk in.

Goodwitch: "You are an hour late."

Rachel: "I lost track of time."

Goodwitch: "Let's get this over with, take a seat."

Rachel: "If you are asking, no I didn't place a grimm replica in Professor Port's class and almost gave him a heart attack."

Goodwitch: "Mhm...no, I'm going to ask you some questions to get a grasp on you mentally."

Rachel will do a hand movement to tell Goodwitch to go ahead.

Goodwitch: "When were you born?"

Rachel: "January 1st (redacted)."

Goodwitch: "Do you have a specific weapon that you use?"

Rachel: "I like to have variety to my weapons. So, I just make a bunch of them and I choose whatever I will need for a mission."

Goodwitch: "How does it feel to be called the smartest individual in the school?"

Rachel: "Eh, it's nice I can finally get out of my parent's shadow."

Goodwitch: "Everyone in JSPR has a specialty to accomplish whatever mission Ozpin sends them on, what your's?"

Rachel: "Espionage, SIGNIT, and Foreign Internal Defense."

Goodwitch: "Good, how do you feel about being related to popular actors?"

Rachel: "Horrible, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Not like they have a choice. You are basically place on a pedestal and if you don't meet that standard the public placed on you well...you will be a failure."

Goodwitch will nod and write it down.

Goodwitch: "How do you view your leader Joseph? From these punishment reports your punishment rate has went down since your first year."

Rachel: "Joseph is an ok leader. And, he had nothing to do with my punishment rate going down." Rachel will say loudly. "I just don't want to let him down...." Rachel will whisper.

Goodwitch will nod.

Goodwitch will look at the reports of the semester.

Goodwitch: "That's odd."

Rachel will look up.

Rachel: "What's wrong?"

Goodwitch: "On the reports it says here that Joseph has the highest IQ of the team."

Rachel: "You didn't know?"

Goodwitch: "I always thought that he was just.."

Rachel: "Below average?"

Goodwitch will nod.

Rachel: "Joseph is smart, just has a hard time applying his smartness to stuff."

Goodwitch: "Interesting."

Rachel will nod and play with her hair.

Goodwitch: "What do you fear?"

Rachel will stop and shrugs.

Goodwitch: "Is it your parents? Failing Joseph? Or maybe...Salem?"

Rachel will look down at the ground and grip the edge of the table after hearing Salem's name.

Goodwitch: "Are you afraid of the world being destroyed because of a decision that you made? Everyone dying? All because of you? Salem will win and humanity will fall? "

Rachel will nod.

Goodwitch will sit back in her chair and let out a sigh.

Goodwitch: "Alright, you are dismissed."

Rachel will stand up and walk toward the door before stopping.

Rachel: "You won't...tell anybody about this right?"

Goodwitch: "It's confidential, whatever happens in this room stays in this room."

Rachel will give Goodwitch a sincere smile and walk out.