

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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Character Introduction: Persephone Comis

Persephone Comis

Appearance: 5'6 Demon Faunas with black hair and red eyes (looks alot similar to Summer Rose...for some reason...)

Nickname: "The Negotiator"

Age: 18 

Occupation:Member of Team JSPR/ Mentor of Team RWBY specifically Blake Belladonna

Race: Demon Faunus 

Bio: Born on March 23rd and raised in the slums of Mantle, Persephone had a rough upbringing filled with abuse and poverty. She was never really accepted by anybody and tend to keep her problems to herself. Persephone's parent's were drug addicts and neglected to raised their own child which resulted in a 8 year old Persephone running away from home. Her parents were so high that they didn't notice their daughter disappearance until a year later. Persephone made the long voyage to Vale which almost resulted in her death but she was saved by a white hooded figure and left at a store in a small village. Two store owners watched over Persephone their name was Michael and Sheila. After a month, Persephone was back to full health she was prepared to leave before being offered to stay with Michael and Sheila and be their adopted daughter. Persephone was well-liked in her village and was taught to be grateful for everything that she has. Persephone was able to come out of her shell and became an outgoing person talking to tourist who comes to the shop to hear stories about their adventures peeking her interest about traveling the world of Remnant. 

Psychological Report (Provided by Ozpin): "The Big Sister " of Team JSPR, Persephone Comis is an outgoing individual who seems to get along well with all of her teammates and everyone around her. She cares greatly for her friends and will do anything to make sure that they are safe and happy. Persephone tends to refrain from voicing her opinions about the white fang to not upset her human companions but she does believe in equal rights for faunus all around the world. Persephone also seems to have some skills as a therapist which makes her sought after by the first and second years for advice. Persephone is currently being considered for a counselor spot after she graduate from Beacon.

Semblance: (Dark Summoning) Similar to the Schnee family Persephone has the ability to summon past Grim that she has killed. Unlike Weiss, Persephone has a stronger connection with the Grimm seeing them more of pets then tools. This cause Persephone's summons to somewhat develop more of a personality and are most likely the closest Grimm to attain a soul. Persephone can either telepathically talk to the Grimm, or verbally. Depending on the Grimm, Persephone can run out of aura if a Grimm she is trying to summon is either too large or too mentally complicated.

Weapon: Persephone utilize a Fan called "Demeter" which can absorb dust to make it elemental. Due to Persephone's efficient aura control she's able to transfer her aura to the tips of the blades on her fan making them appear longer and increase her range of attack. 


https://teamvcta.tumblr.com/image/187341515541 ^(Where the picture came from)

Fun Facts 

-Persephone's grimm is similar to the AI concept of Red Vs Blue in Project Freelancer. 

-Persephone and Velvet have been close friends ever since they both went to Pharos Academy together.

-Persephone always wanted to visit Menagerie, whenever her teammates will comment she meant a vacation to Menagerie not going to Menagerie for missions.

-Persephone knows about Blake being a Faunus but in respect as her friend and mentor she keeps this fact to herself. 

-Persephone is considered the most skilled of the team.

-Her favorite drink is hot coffee

-Due to Persephone being a demon faunus she has the rare misfortune of contracting a incurable blood sickness which will incapacitate her when exposed to a large amount of death. Rachel created a blood pill which can aid in minimizing the symptoms. 

-Persephone likes to spend her time either going to community services, training Blake, reading books, or giving advice to her classmates.

-Persephone scolds her teammates just like how a mother would such as telling them to go outside or stop doing stuff that is risky.

-During a mission with her team Qrow believed that Persephone was Summer.

-People joke that though Joseph is the leader Persephone is the one in-charge. 

-One of Persephone's strongest moves is purity it's a theory that a Grim that has formed a deep bond with Persephone will see her as their true owner and instead of being attracted to negativity. They'll be attracted to happiness and will be generally friendly. 

(If you have any questions let me know in the comments below)

Persephone's trailer

Persephone POV

I will sit across from Blake Belladonna who was laying on the bed in my team's dorm room. My teammates decided that we need the room alone and as a result decided to go on a long walk in the city of Vale. 

Me: "So, let's about your family who's your mom and dad?" As I activate a tape recorder.

Blake: "My mom is Kali and my dad is Ghira they raised me when I was young...." Blake will look down before continuing, "and the ones that I abandoned." I'll raise an eyebrow at her answer.

Me: "You abandoned your family the ones that raised you? How did you feel?" 

Blake: "I don't know....regret....shame....disappointment..how any child should feel after leaving their parents."

Me: "Remember you didn't leave your parents you abandoned them."

Blake: "Yeah..."

Me: "Do...you love your parents?"

Blake: "Of course I do, what child won't like their own parents. Sure, I left them and all but I still love them."

Me: "I never liked my old parents they weren't exactly there for me the only thing that they really loved was their drugs...living in a rundown house in a rundown town."

Blake: "Did you run away?"

Me: "Of course, I had too run away that house was no place for a child to spend 8 years of her childhood surrounded by not love but drugs.."

Blake: "What was the day like? The day you ran away?"

Me: " When I left my parents I felt two things one as if a boulder has been lifted off my shoulders. And two, fear I was alone in the world with no connections to get by only with a couple of lein and the clothes on my back."

Blake: "Your younger self must've been really brave."

Me: "My younger self almost got me killed if it wasn't for her."

Blake: "Her?"

Me: "A nice lady wearing a white cloak I never caught her name but she found me in the woods and brought me to the village where I now live. But, look at me I'm suppose to be asking you the questions. So, Blake where are you from?"

Blake: "Menagerie."

Me: "Menagerie....." I'd look at Blake's bow. "Are you....a faunus?"

Blake will look at me wide eyed. "I...said too much I'll take my leave." Blake will stand and walk towards the door.

Me: "Blake..I'm a faunus as well you have nothing to hide. I was pretty nervous when I first met my team during initiation. Not sure if they'll accept me or or even like me for my abilities. I thought I would've been just a burden but turns out my team was accepting of who I was. And as a result, we became good friends. You have a team like that as well Blake, when you feel ready come out of your shell and tell them what you are. 

I gave her a warm smile and she smiles back and leaves the room. I prepared to shut off my recording when Blake looked at me one last time.

Blake: "Persephone....thank you for everything."

Persephone: "Your welcome, Blake."


Persephone interview

Goodwitch: "Persephone, how are you?"

Persephone: "Good professor!"

Goodwitch: "Do you know why I brought you down here?"

Persephone will think.

Persephone: "If it's because of Samuel's and Joseph behavior please forgive them. They don't know any better and I should've been there to stop them."

Goodwitch: "No, it's a mental assessment."

Persephone: "Oh, that explains the voice recorder."

Goodwitch: "Ready to begin?"

Persephone will nod.

Goodwitch: "When were you born?"

Persephone: "March 23rd (redacted.)

Goodwitch: "Why do you use a fan as a weapon?"

Persephone: "Unlike my teammates I don't want to kill anybody. Just knock them out. So, I chose a less lethal weapon, which would be a fan. Also to fan myself when it gets hot."

Goodwitch will nod.

Goodwitch: "Why did you want to become a huntsman?"

Persephone: "To help those that can't help themselves. "

Goodwitch: "Everyone in JSPR has a specific specialization to accomplish the missions Ozpin send your team on. What's yours?"

Persephone: "Normally negotiations, influencing the politicans or a way the elections are being run."

Goodwitch: "So, politics."

Persephone will nod.

Persephone: "Also, search and rescue."

Goodwitch: "Hm....do you know the origins of your sickness?"

Persephone will think and shake her head.

Persephone: "I don't know, Joseph probably knows but I don't."

Goodwitch: "You never questioned him on this?"

Persephone: "I tried, but I later understood that if Joseph is hiding something from me. Maybe it's for the best that I don't know. Anyway, atleast I have my blood pills."

Goodwitch: "Your Grimm....what is your relation to them?"

Persephone: "Like a mother nurturing her young. I love my Grimm and they love me back. We are inseparable literally!"

Goodwitch: "Have the Grimm ever turn on you?"

Persephone: "Well, normally at first they are hesitant but they will eventually warm up to me."

Goodwitch: "From your reports, you were born in Atlas."

Persephone: "Yeah...."

Goodwitch: "And you immigrated to Mistral alone."

Persephone will nod.

Goodwitch: "What was your parents like? The ones you left at Atlas."

Persephone will remain silent and twiddle with her fan.

Goodwitch: "Perse-"

Persephone: "My dad....was a bad man....he did things to me...that I didn't think a father can do to his daughter....and my mom just watched."

Goodwitch will look at Persephone shocked before regaining her composure.

Goodwitch: "Are you ok?"

Persephone will summon a small Nevermore a finger size one and have it perched on her finger.

Persephone: "Can we move onto the next question...please?"

Goodwitch: "Actually I think that's it for today, you may go."

Persephone will nod.

Persephone: "Have a nice day."

Goodwitch: "You too, Ms Comis."