
RWBY- Daughter of the immortal reincarnator, ruby rose

What if when a reincarnator has experienced most of life plans on settling down in the world of remnant and takes Ruby as his adopted daughter? The immortal monarch known by everyone in his world as the Azure immortal was the strongest known cultivator of the myriads races. Many tales of him were told to children, inspiring many to become the best they can in life. He had many friends and many lovers but never had a child. As a rouge immortal, he roamed the nine realms by himself, helping those in need and righting wrongs through the lands. But what people knew not of him, was that the Azure immortal was a reincarnator whom reincarnated from a planet known as earth. For eons he lived life to the fullest and saw the world as he would be to his heart. Neither evil or good, the Azure immortal travelled many realms and universes doing all that he wanted and needed. But after so long, he has finally grown weary of his travels and plans on settling down in one of the universes he found to be a good place to settle. In the world of remnant. However when exiting dimensional travel, he stumbles upon a dying woman known as Summer Rose in a remote alley. In her embrace was a silver eyed child. This child was Ruby Rose when she was 3. "A cruel world, a cruel life that is the truth of the universe but through our own, can we live a wholesome life. A child that is innocent should not be thrown into such a world at a young age. I shall take you in as my own and as of today your name shall be Kiana Rose. Eyes representing the Moon and Rose a name given by your mother." This is a story of how a reincarnator adopts Ruby as his own daughter. Note all arts and works are not mine with the exception of many things inside.

Azure_god_monarch · Andere
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46 Chs

Chap 10) Awaken the gift of my father. The partner of my will.

Looking at the large nevermore with fear, Kiana realised how much trouble it would be to kill it and readied herself for a bitter fight. But instead of the king nevermore swooping down to attack Kiana and Jaune, it instead flew North.

"Where's it going?"

Standing up, Jaune looked at the flying king with fear in his eyes.

"What do grimm get attracted to?"

Looking at Jaune, Kiana shot him a question instead of an answer.

Realising what she meant, Jaune sub-consciously backed up in fear wanting to say something but could not.

Seeing Jaunes actions, Kiana could not help but sigh at his actions and shout at him before running after the king Nevermore.

"For the love of remnent Jaune you are a huntsman you should not be scared. It is our duty to help those in need and to save humanity. So man up and stop being a coward you are a man and not a sissy."

Hearing this, Jaune although still fearful felt a slight bit more courage then before. Standing straight, he wielded his blade and started running after Kiana.

'Yes she is true. I am a man, a future huntsman, someone that should protect others and not let girls protect you. Come on Jaune man up if she can do this, i can too'

...…..Kiana pov.....

"Partner i may need some help later on ."


"Thank you."

Running through the forest, Kiana slayed most of the grimm that stood in her way instantly as she blasted her way through the forest, trying to keep up with the nevermore.

Not long later, she finally exited the dense forest to only see a destroyed fotress build on a piece of land surrounded by an abyss. But what stood out from this was the constant amounts of fire being released from the walls. Upon closer look, these were the freshmen whom were to join Beacon academy.

Against the horde of nevermores and the king itself, the students could oly hold up in the fotress as they knew that they stood no chance. The king nevermore itself had the ability to call for its kin and without defeating the king, they would be in a disadvantage. Hence the only way to tackle this was a battle of attrition where they will slowly kill of the nevermores before their king. However this proved to be a challenge as there were a total of 4 other nevermores.

....To Yang and Blakes pov...…

After landing, Yang moved North in search of a partner, while traveling, she met many forms of Grimm and in one such instance was surrounded by 2 large pythons called king taijitsu. They were Yangs natural enemy as she was more towards strength over technique and speed hence the agile movements of the grimm managed to fight her to a standstill.

Thinking that this fight would take a long time, Yang prepared to fight a bitter battle. However fate had something else in store for her as a blade was suddenly thrown to the pair, temporarily distracting them and giving Yang a chance to kill of the black grimm first.

Moving back and looking at who had helped her, she noticed a beauty with black hair and wielded 2 blades. This was Blake. Without much effort, the pair managed to dismiss the other Grimm.

Looking at her new partner, Yang approached her with a smile and raised her arms wanting to shake hands with her.

"Hello im Yang. Whats your name."


"Soo are you a...….."

Not wanting to hear anything else, Blake just turned and headed north. Yang followed while making a lot of bad puns.

An hour into their journey, they finally met up with other pairs. One such pair is Nora and Ren, Pyrrha and Weiss. At this point, the group was already 6 people big and there was a lot of discussions going around, especially with Nora and Yang debating on which is the best brawler weapons.


"Aahh help!"

Hearing this, the group ran forward and saw a king nevermore attacking another group of students. Rushing up to help them, Yang and co managed to cause the king nevermore to retreat but was met with multiple nevermores joining the battle. Knowing that it was a futile attempt, they headed towards the fotress across the field to take cover.

...….Back to Kiana....

Seeing their desperate battle, Kiana sighed and knew what was at stake. She could no longer hold back and had to go all out.

"Partner its time to have a good battle."

Upon saying this, red energy flowed through her body at an accelerated rate and manifested itself as a storm.

As if feeling the energy, the king looked at Kiana and felt fear. Knowing that she was preparing something big, it could not risk anything.


As if giving out its command, the nevermores stopped attacking the fotress and instead turned to Kiana and flew at her.


Also around this time, Jaune had finally caught up with Kiana and wanted to say something but could not as the red storm was also affecting him.

"Awaken oh ancient dragon that slumbers,"


"See the world in its endless glory,'


As if natural, a red gauntlet with a green orb manifested on the right arm of Kiana.

"Through the skies we shall sore"


Many of the students even from a distance to Kiana could still hear this chant and felt many emotions. Some felt fear while some felt endless hope. Looking towards Kiana all they thought was who that was and why the oath was affecting them.

"An endless dream of man"


"Together we shall take flight"


"Draconic sky valkrie!"