
Jane's plan of escaping,,,,!

"Finn isn't this father of ours funny" Liam said

"Stop thinking about him, let's check on mommy" Finn said

"Hey babies, where are your aunts and uncle Roby?"

"They are drinking, but there is something I want to ask,

Did daddy hurt you" Finn asked

"Hey, what did you call that man?"

"Sorry mommy I don't dare to repeat it let's mommy become jealous " Finn said

"Hey, this are no okay any more am done for hey, we are going home now"

"Tasha, Roby, Eileen and Audrine we are going to my grandma's mansion if we don't meet I will call all of you take care of one another okay" she said

"We haven't spent even a half a day and now you are planning on leaving again

Then why did you come back anyway" Tasha complained

"Believe me friend when I will be safe with my kids I will explain the situation later okay, 

Please, I am requesting for all of to believe me please" 

"Okay just be safe first sweery then , the rest will follow,

Your safety is what that matters to us nothing else" Roby said

"Sister, be safe and thank you u, though I don't know how to thank you enough but I believe that one day I will have that proper time to say thank you sister" Audrine said tears flowing down her cheeks

"Okay we will talk but for now I have to go, byee you all that know that we are one okay" they hugged and kissed good byee

"To the knights please" she said and then made a call

"Ethan prepare me a private jet we are moving back to the UK, don't ask why but that will be answered later,

Tell the chief maid to be prepared we are moving back" 

"Okay" he answered

"Brother is like mommy is running away from daddy, but I think she is not right this time round"

"Shouldn't we be having our father as well,? Like any other kids outside side there" Finn wanted to have a family but that was different from what Liam was thinking

"What is so good about having as our dad not unless you want to see mommy crying everyday" Liam said

"No big brother, you are wrong although we might not be aware of this but the only person that can make mommy happy  is daddy, 

With the kind of wealth that mommy has and our personalities only him can be with mommy and us, he is the only most powerful person than mommy" Finn said

"I still don't agree to me I prefer power than anything if mommy is powerful she won't need daddy" Liam said

But Finn prefer to be having a daddy than wealth to him his dad can make their mother Happy

"You old man, my mother is going abroad so if you really want us then come stop mommy, if you don't want to then it's okay" when Finn send the text he was sure that the his father will come for them

Jane had no time to think of anything when arrived at the mansion everything was ready,

"Grandma, something has happened I will have to go back we will talk when I come, for now I have no time"" she said

"Okay, child take good care of yourself" old Mrs knight said

After sometimes they arrived at the airport

"Jane, just be honest with us are you running from someone? Cause to tell you the truth you look like a she wolf on a run, kindly explain things to us, we want to help you" Nicole said, actually Jane was looking like somebody who has caused  some crime

"Nicky, let me tell you that stupid man wants to take my kids away from me do you think that I can allow that to happen?

No, no way I can't share my kids with him okay" she said, "hahaa, Jane is this why you are running or there is something else?" Nicole asked

"What else? There is nothing" she replied

"Aaah, really or did something happen when you went to the washroom ? In pearl restaurant?" She asked

"Yes, that man kissed men Nicole, do you know what that mean, claiming that he has been in love with me for years you know," she said

"So how was the kiss, did you feel something when he kissed you?" Nicole asked

"Nicky, are you also one of those trio? But I have to tell you that I am afraid Nicky, I don't know but when he kissed me

I felt something, I don't know but, it's not a good thing I recalled that night and everything that happened, do you know that

I am a woman who cares not to marry in this lifetime? Rich families have different characters and opinions on people like us 

So tell me, if I marry or dates to fall in love with a man

What will happen to my kids? They will be called bastards and many other names am afraid Nicky am very much afraid" she said

"For the sake of my kids I have to remain loveless and I have to work hard for me not them not to ever think of a father,

What will happen if my children learn that there pregnancy was a mistake that happened, Nicole I have to protect my children" she said

at this point she was filled with lots of emotions in this world her life revolves around her kids she is ready to kiss everything except for her kids

"It's okay, Jane but believe me you, one day they will know the truth about their father do you think they will understand why you kept them in the darkness all the years, and to make it worse you told them that he is dead,

My dear Jane I will not lie to you I want you to prepare your kids psychologically in that when that man one day appears from no where it will be up to them to choose" Nicole said

At this point and time the officials in in the plane where moving here and there

What is really happening?

"Hey what is happening, why are you people moving and why are you all restless?" She asked

"Miss Jane, we are sorry but the pilot  is yet to arrive" one of the bodyguards said

"Miss Jane we are sorry but we didn't know that yo were going back home today so we didn't prepare on time please forgive us" a young lady said, but she was feeling guilty but why

"Let me ask you, are the knights only having one,only one  pilot?" She asked

"No young madam, but all of them are outside the country except for Mr Jones"

"Ooh, I see, so where is this Mr Jones? Why is he keeping me waiting"

"Madam there is a technical problem we can't fly back but we will fix it immediately" a person looking like an engineer said

"What, technical problem? Is this how incompetent you are? Why tell me about the problem now I could have  traveled by public transport" she said

"Jane relax, they will fix it,

Fix the problem now or else you will have to kiss your jobs good bye, cause I think you don't need it"

A few minutes later**

"Mommy the pilot has arrived, now we will be traveling" Liam said

At this point Jane's eye lit up

There were dozens of cars and in each car 4 bodyguards step outside giving a space for there boss to pass

'this bodyguards are not from the knights, can a pilot be this rich to have all this bodyguards? Then why is he working for the knights?' Jane asked herself

"Jane something is not adding up,  why are this people here why do we have all this bodyguards follow our pilots cause they are not our bodyguards" Nicole was also surprised to see this

Just then a tall figure that looks familiar stepped out and walked step by step towards them,

'ooh no what is this man doing here? And how did he know that I was traveling back , and who gave him the details of our location? 

He must be the one behind all this technical, pilot issue'

"Hello, Miss?" Colin greeted them

"You why are you here? And who told you where we are? Mr am telling you stop joking and I don't want any problems with you" she said though courageous outside but inside she was dying

"Mr. Colin, why are you here? Don't tell me that you are using the knight's private plane when you have dozens of planes 

And even some are unused

And you also control the entire A nation," Nicole said she is very familiar with this ruthlesss business tycoon ,

"No Miss Nicole am here to pick up my  my soon to be wife and my two sons," he said

"What?, Wait are you joking Mr Colin?" She could not believe