
Kissing her softly,,,!!!

"Miss Nicole is that how you know me as a joker or something?

Have you ever see me somewhere joking, am here to pick my children, so she can go whenever she thinks she wants to go" Colin now was another man compared to the person Jane saw in the afternoon 

"What,,,! What kids are you talking about about Mr Colin?" Nicole was not understanding a thing

"Am talking about Liam and Finn" shot answer

Of all the people why is it that Jane's children has to be his 

But wait the resemblance is something that you can't deny including the mole at the corner of there eye,, Jesus! Am I dreaming?

"Hey, Jane stop standing there come here and slap me if am dreaming, I want to wake up this dream is not cool I can't dream about Mr Colin Fernandez being the father of those two kids please" Nicole said

But then Colin signaled one of his bodyguards to wake Nicole up


"What? Why did you slap me can't you be easy on me can't you see  that 

Am a woman? How dare you slap me that hard?" Nicole said

"Miss Nicole you wanted someone to wake you up from the dream that is what have just done, why complain again?" Colin said

"Am running out of time are you going to follow me or should I take you by force Miss Jane?" Colin asked 

The bodyguards came out in large numbers ready to abduct them

"Mr Colin or whatever you call yourself how dare you threaten to take me by force, how dare you threaten to kidnap my kids? 

Are you mad or something, how dare you and where is my pilot

It's not surprising that you did all this to me, so it's you that came up with all the technical problems

That's why everyone here is panicked, that's why they can't concentrate 

And how did you know that I was to travel back ?"

"Are you done talking? If are done please excuse yourself into that car okay, and our kids will be going by the second car" Colin said

"Am not going anywhere with you let me tell you and you can't take my kids with you

Obviously they will choose me, infact who are you, I had paid you  million dollars  why bother me I don't owe you a thing and my kids owes you nothing" Jane was getting on top of her voice  but this is what  this man here doesn't care about

"Miss Jane stop being hard on yourself let's go and have a talk first after that you can decide on whether to go with the kids or not

And of cause I will be the one to decide if you will go with the kids or not okay" he said

Jane was left with no choice but to follow this mad man, no point of argument who knows that mad girlfriend has influenced him

"Don't think that because am following you  now that you have worn my friend you haven't 

Am not as shameless as you and your girlfriend are okay, I have self awareness so don't think I am a mad woman I just don't want your mad self to get into me" she said

"It's okay get in the car, and stop making noise okay we will talk more when we are inside the car on our way home okay"

He was not bothered at all

"Gentlemen get into the second car" secretly Finn gave him a thumbs up hahaaa, her own kid sold her what a funny twist

"But make sure you don't touch her or do anything funny" Liam who was not happy to share their mother send him a warning

Colin narrowed his eyes and said 'instead of giving a warning to your mother, you warn me? Son you don't know anything' he signed

In the car, Jane was facing outside the window, afraid of what might happen

"Why are you facing outside shouldn't we be talking way are you afraid of me do I look that ugly" Colin was asking question he was somehow hurt

And therefore he was the one that moved next to her, he grabbed her and pushed her closer to him in that there was no space left

"Jane, I want us to give each other chance I want to be a father, am sorry of how foolish I acted that night am sorry I insulted you am sorry Jane

Ca you include me in your life, for once I want to settle down and that is with you why do you find it difficult, I know I brought you pain but please punish me do me anything that you want 

But include me in your life, I promise you won't regret it " he said holding her hands and looking straight into her eyes

He knew he was going to be rejected he was not expecting the answers now but, hopefully she will consider him, without wasting time and after swallowing saliva, he pulled her closer to him,

With his one hand on her waste and one on her neck he planted his warm lips on hers 

He kissed her lips, worshipped them, from corner to corner, 

But was denyed the entrance to her mouth , he bit her lower lips

"Ouch!" Before knowing it Colin was in her mouth taking full control , she was sweet this is the kind of sweetness he has missed, she still taste the same as before

No! She is more sweeter, she is not kissing just any other lady but the mother of his children his life partner

Jane lost control at realized a moaning sound, Colin smiled and continue, and moved his hands just when he wanted to confirm that she was wet,

The car came to a stop...

"Sir, we are here "  Colin wanted to kill this dumb driver,

"She*t!okay" he answered then looked at Jane and said

"Sorry,,,!" he could not say a thing words were blocked in her voice "it's okay"

"Mmmh, mama, let me open the door for you okay" Colin said,

"What did you call me?" Jane asked 

"Well I call you mama, is there a problem you are the mother of my two boys that makes you mama" he said

Jane blushed,  how can this man be so sweet but she liked how  the name sounded on his lips

"Let's go this way please, this is our house I built it two months after our meeting,

By then I believed I was going to find you and ask for your forgiveness and make you mine' 

I wanted us to stay here until our old age, that is why this house is coloured in white and royal blue

Jane, after that night you became my world and my point of focus

When I could not find you I decided to  make it better but then if you decide not to reappear I was going to give this to either of my friends who was going to fall in love" Colin said

Jane gave a nod

"Let's go inside" it was very late and Nicole and the two boys were also tired so  Colin gave each and every one directions to there room

"Son's come here let daddy take you to your rooms I hope you will like it there" he said

"Okay daddy" Finn was extremely happy

"Here is your room eldest" when Liam saw the interior of the room he was stunned how did his father know his best color and everything he likes, 

He then lifted his head and looked at his father and gave a nod "it's cool Mr Colin" Liam said that is what disappointed him his son calling by his name

"Okay son, 

To your room son" he said to Finn

"Daddy, daddy this is my room?" He asked

"Yes son this is your room I hope you will enjoy it"

"Yes father"

"Son, thank you for helping me today" he said this is truly his son

"Don't mention it father you go and mend things with mommy I want to be with a daddy like a normal kid" Finn said, actually ever since he was young he had always wish to be having a father, but each and every day they would ask 

There mother could tell them that there daddy is dead but now that, he has found his father, he can't let the opportunity by slide

"Okay thank you, sleep tight my son" he said

In the master bedroom

"Hello, mama, can we talk now " he said

"Mr Colin I have nothing to talk to you, then excuse me then I will go to the guest room" she said 

"No need mama, just stay here I will go to the master bedroom mamaa, but I won't go without you giving me a kiss or what do you think " without waiting for the reply he grabbed her and kissed her, the kiss went to deep that Jane could not hold on to her feelings