
Ruler of Shadows in One piece

A random book falls out of the sky and a Mob character found it and learned the truth. Watch the Mob as he changes his fate! Learning that the world revolves around the Strawhats, What advantages would he get from the events he learned. Would being the love interest of Strawhat could change his status as a Mob? Being the monarch is just the starting point of... 『Shikage』 ◇ ◇ ◇ One piece isn't mine! I only own my OCs... Writing Format: "???" - Dialogue (???) - Thoughts [???] - Moveset

wakadanna · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 30

(a/n: To think that we reached 300 powerstones, Thank you readers! Well then, Here's the promised chapter!)

◇Saboady Archipelago, Grove 42◇

The Black Pearl sailed slowly to the left side of the pirate ship called Sunny-Go.

Making it so that the reinforcements of the Navy couldn't fire. Like the way that Hancock-san did.

There are 2 of the warlords who are helping the Straw hats, pirate group.

"Shadow hunter Shikage, What's the meaning of this."

A marine captain came on board and asked us. I can't let them suspect that I'm helping them or else they would surely use this to make trouble for me.

"We are here to deliver the prisoner. These rookies have a quite large amount of bounty in their heads. So, I'm going to the G-1 branch. It's just unfortunate that we are in the way... So, Sorry~" (Shikage)

The marine captain bit his lips because of anger, he's holding himself back. Well, it's kinda because of my explanation. Hancock-san could be selfish because she makes men fall in love with her, I can't do it so I'll be doing it with force and reason.

Oh, I was using the super rookies head so it was partially true.

I'm sure that these events would likely be in the newspaper. The news of our successful hunt and the reunion of the Straw hats.

Speaking of, They're currently under the sea already. They took their chance and submerged.

Good luck to you all!

◇Straw hats◇

"Still, I didn't think that you, four, would be acquainted with him in this 2 years." (Usopp)

The group of the Straw hats is discussing the man who helped them escape the Navy warships.

All of them were in a good mood except for the blonde one.

"He's a good man. He's been taking care of my junior disciple..." (Zoro)

"But, Guildmaster is known to be the bane of all pirates. So we shouldn't be friendly with him in the public." (Robin)

Both the serious ones provided their own view towards the man called Shikage. These two know him since they've met him.

"Sniff... Even Robin-chan is defending him... Curses! I deem you as my rival, Shikage!!" (Sanji)

Sanji couldn't take the information of Shikage being Nami's boyfriend. Sanji really needs to have his own woman for him to stop being a pervert.

"Oh, Shikage's a nice guy, Sanji. He was a big help when I was at the war. Aaah! I can't wait to see Ace in the New World!!" (Luffy)

"I agree with Luffy, That guy smells nice. He also protected us from those cannons." (Chopper)

"Yohoho~ He seems to be a gentleman. Nami-san is lucky to have him." (Brook)

Seems like Shikage is well accepted by the group.

"Your wrong Brook... He's lucky to have me. Understand? Or wait... Why not both of us, right?" (Nami)

(I should stop thinking only for myself.) (Nami)

"Auw! Wait, everyone! I have a more important thing to talk with you all. Nami, Are we stable right now?" (Franky)

"Hmm... Yeah, we're safe for now. We only need to get alert when we will find the currents." (Nami)

"Auw! Super reliable! Now then, Listen very well. There's something you need to know. About our savior, the one who separated us." (Franky)

And so, the plot begins!

◇Shikage's POV◇

A few hours passed by.

After leaving the Saboady Archipelago and depositing the prisoners at the Impel Down, we headed back to our Island Ship.

The Guild and the Straw hats Pirates were the headlines of the news.

Although, the WG took this chance to deal a blow to us because we have let the core members escape from us.

The people we captured are considered to be members of the Straw hats. Since the Pacifista didn't identify those fake pirates, they thought that the recruitment was really the real deal.

Luckily, I acted fast and asked for my administrators to hold a press conference with the mastermind on our side. Soon, the world will know that the man called Demalo Black is imposing the Straw hats.

Anyways, I'll be preparing myself to hunt a billion bounty.

So, I better pick my team carefully because this operation will be provoking an Emperor.

Right now, I'm at the hunter's preparation room together with the hunters. This room has all the things you need to prepare for a hunt.

"Shika-niichan, I'll be coming with you. I missed Pedro-niichan and Neko-Jiji." (Raiden)

"I got it, Raiden. Don't worry, I'll be protecting them." (Shikage)

One down. I think I'll only need 5 or fewer hunters to join me. I can manage our manpower with my zombies.

"Still, How did you get the info, Shika?" (Kaku)

(Tch. Sharp as always, Kaku. Of course from the Shikadiary. But I won't ever tell a soul about this except when I truly trust someone.) (Shikage)

"Don't worry about the small stuff, Kaku. Are you coming or what?" (Shikage)

"I'll pass. We need someone to hold our bases here. I'll take care of it so you don't have to worry." (Kaku)

"... Thank you, Kaku." (Shikage)

Kaku's strong. With the rivalry against Zoro, He has the goal of catching up to that guy. Especially when he saw him at the Saboady slicing that human weapon.

Then I turned my head to the most reliable woman I've ever known.

She's currently drinking booze. Dammit, I think I'll take my words back.

She noticed my gaze and stopped drinking for a moment.

"Of course, I'm going. I want to see the moment you become an S-rank." (Lily)

I smirked, this Lady is so good for someone like him. A certain Emperor is calling her every time he connects to us.

But enough of that, I should be focused on the hunt.

Hm... It looks like there's no missing on the team Shadow Gear.

I'm proud of you guys.

As for the additional two, I have picked Blueno and Marco with me.

I also ordered them to bring a lot of gas masks, Bubbly corals, and health kits.

You see, I received the report of my Draugr that's based on the Zou. A large battle that's been ongoing for 3 days is happening there.

"Everyone! Let's move out!" (Shikage)

We entered a [Shadow corridor] and continues to walk inside it until we reached the end.

◇New World, Zou◇

A fierce fight is undergoing.

A huge mammoth is destroying civilization!

And there's a lot of mink tribe warriors who are hindering them from devastating their home.

But because of the never-ending reinforcements of the pirates, The battle has lasted for 3 days.

The 2 kings of the tribe have already clashed with the Mammoth a lot of times.

Somehow, the mink warriors are winning the confrontation!

Suddenly, There's a strange creature that's hiding in the rubbles.

Then its shadow changed to a wide door and people came out of it.

It's a group of five, Starting with the man with blue eyes. Another one is a mink kid that was shocked at his destroyed hometown.

Luckily, There's a woman with light blue hair that consoled the kid.

As for the two remaining men, They look like a pineapple and an ox.

"Yosh, It's nighttime... Everyone! Move out! Lily!" (Shikage)

The man with blue eyes started to give out orders!

Now, this group instantly disappeared because of a DF ability.

They traveled to the sounds of fighting.

After a brief trip, They finally saw the battlefield. It's the town square but it was full of rubbles and craters because of the battle of monsters!

A cat monster vs a Mammoth! That is what the group saw.

"Where is Raizo?!!"

"There's no one here named Raizo! Get out of our country!"

The two keep clashing while their subordinates are also doing the same.

But there are still reinforcements coming to the pirates.

"Damn you!"

"Rai-chan! Shika, I'll be with him!"

"I'm with them, Guildmaster!"

Finally, Raiden couldn't hold it anymore and joined the battle against the pirates.

Lily joined him as well as Blueno who opened up his [Air door] and let out the undead legion!

"Let's go, Marco!"

"I know~yoi."

As for me, I took this chance to use [Black coffin] to the reinforcements, and together with Marco, We annihilated these pirates.

The balance between the pirates and the minks collapsed!

Just because of these 5 people!

"Nani?! Who's there!"

"Kid! Why are you here?!"

"Neko-Jiji I want to help you!"

The battle between the leaders of the group paused and looked at the current situation.

The Mammoth turn to his human form and a vein popped at his forehead due to his anger. His men are being defeated one by one!

Meanwhile, The cat monster saw the kid. A white cat mink who left the kingdom for 2 years. Although they sometimes visit, He is busy fighting Jack right now.

He couldn't help but remember the man who is taking care of this kid. A young man with blue eyes that looks like the sea. Shikage is on good terms with the mink.

"Raiden, Where is he?"

"Shika-niichan is already here. He said that you better prepare for something."

Raiden just finished slicing a pirate and heads to Nekomamushi. He gave him a gas mask. Neko was perplexed. Why do they need this?

◇Shikage's POV◇

Right after we annihilated the reinforcements.

We split up. I'll be heading back to the country while Marco would dive down the Zou and deal with the pirates on their own ships.

And sure enough, I know I was right to prepare for the gas masks even if we are winning.

Maybe it's because we are winning that Jack would use his last resort and tries to win using the gas as their weapons.

Some of the minks who didn't have gas masks were paralyzed and fell. They are at the mercy of these pirates.

"Ugh... Now then, Where's Jack?" (Shikage)

I've already equipped my gas mask. Also, The Only remaining forces who are fighting the pirates are my undead. They don't fear the gas since they are zombies.

It didn't take long until I reached the center of the battlefield and faced Jack the drought. A man with a billion bounty. A direct subordinate of Emperor Kaido.

I won't hold back this time. If I can't even defeat this guy, Then I wouldn't have to dream of beating Blackbeard.

As for the few minks who have the mask, The leader Neko ordered them to remove the affected minks from the battlefield.

The minks retreated and only saw the back of the young man facing the pirates.

The Cat monster came to my side and talked to me.

"You're here, Kage-kun. I suppose you came here to hunt that guy right? Fine. You can do as you please!" (Neko)

"Thank you, Neko-san. Don't worry, I'll be finishing this soon. Be careful of the gas, We don't have someone who can clear this gas." (Shikage)

And so, Jack angrily gaze at me and gave me a mean look to which I responded with a middle finger.

"I'll stomp you! Cheeky Kid! I am Jack! One of the Disasters! Kaido's right-hand man! Fear me!" (Jack)

And a subordinate of him boasted his bounty of 1 billion bounties!

"You dare hinder our objective! To top it all of, You've come prepared! Tell me who told you that we have 'Koro'?" (Jack)

"Blah blah blah... Quit your babbling! Thanks to you assholes, This Dukedom is in rubbles!" (Shikage)


"It's their fault for not telling me what I want. Soon, you'll also be in the rubbles! Men! Charge!" (Jack)

"It's time for their Doomsday! Get them, boys! Bite them! Tear them apart!" (Shikage)

I and my undead forces have traded places with the minks!

It's our turn to fight the pirates!

I unsheathed Shadowfall and exchanged blows with Jack!


His unnatural sword and my dagger clashed! Heavy shockwaves spread out from our clash!

I'm sure he's surprised by the fact that I can match his strength. He's confident with his physical strength and so do I.

After dozens of blows, We are done analyzing each other and prepared to take down each other.

He started to transform to his animal form and used his trunk to deal heavy blows to me!

At first, I can manage to hold his trunk and even parry it, But with the addition of Haki. It becomes annoying and hard to defend!

It's time for me to go on the offensive!

[Shadow thorns]! [Brick bat]! and [Doppelman] came out!

I executed a lot of techniques to fight this monster.

The [Shadow thorns] is the upgraded version of the [Shadow bind]. It's not a tentacle anymore but a thorn that can bind and hurt anyone it latched unto. I also [Imbued] it with Haki so it's a lot sturdy and can pierce hard skins!

[Brick bat] and [Doppelman] is the same as ever but with the addition of Haki in their fangs and body.

You see, I, at a base level, am strong and that means that my shadow clone is also strong. So if someone ever fights me, They would face 2 Shikage that can swap places with each other. Also, The shadow clone is a semi-logia. A semi-liquid shadow that hits hard with [Hardened] Haki.

Both of us can use the Six powers in our arsenals.

So it's not looking good for Jack who only has the power of a Mammoth. He is being hunted!

I also sometimes use the crows with spears on their beaks. Of course, I did [Imbued] them. But the defense of Jack is abnormally high!

As if that wasn't enough! I started using my [Shadow warriors]! Some of the general zombies are one of those warriors.

(Huh? Shouldn't I just take off his bubble mask and finish him off?) (Shikage)

Hahaha~ What are we doing?

Fine then, Let's see where it goes!

The Mammoth who has a big bubble mask suddenly became alert because he noticed my attacks that are focused on his head.

He quickly shrinks and transformed into his human form.

"Damn you..." (Jack)

(I think it's time to finish this!) (Shikage)

I put a lot of pressure on my dagger!

[Shadow rend]!

*Clang* *Squish*

I slashed while he tried to block it but the result was his unnatural blades were sliced and I wounded him! He got sliced in his upper body!

And of course, I can't pass this up, I immediately unleashed a barrage of attacks at him!

*Squish* 10x

"DAMN YOU!" (Jack)

He finally got serious and used his hybrid form. I took a step back and prepared my fighting stance.

He began using his arms that became hoofs to stomp me! I really don't like being stomped to death! so I really used all of my attention to dodge all the attacks.

I guess I also need to get a bit serious!

"[Doppelman]! Let's do it! Go and absorb the shadow pills!" (Shikage)

『Got it! Let's do this!』

I stalled for some time until a large giant semi-liquid shadow came out of the ground!

All the onlookers saw it and couldn't help but feel tiny!

Even the bloody Jack was astonished by the sight.

[Doppelman: Giant mode]


"[Blackening: Susanoo]!" (Shikage)

That large shadow become my armor!


Jack vs Shikage!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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