
Ruler of Death and Destruction

Bron is a astronaut who died in one of his missions and reborn as a skeleton. Now as a skeleton he have to struggle to live his life. It is a story about how became a being feared by many from a mere skeleton. If you like this story please support this series. Thank you

Espanol · Fantasie
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2 Chs

War of Underworld

In the world of Lumina a old man is watching his kingdom from his castle. He was thinking about all the things he had done in his past as well as his regrets. When he was thinking a small shadow creeped to his back and jumped at him. The old man catch that little shadow with smile because that was his grandson.

"Grandpa what are you doing here" asked little Alex. "My little boy, your grandpa was thinking about some sad things but because of your smile that thought already got erased" said King Marsh to grandson who is just 10 years old. "Grandpa yesterday while i was reading books i found a weird book title evolvers what does that mean".

When King Marsh heard that word his heart almost stopped. "Alex you must have learned from your teacher about the 'War Of Underworld'. Do you know why was it a biggest war in history of cosmos." Alex thought for some time and said "Grandpa it was because in that war even gods were involved to fight the King Of Underworld and barely won" March was satisfied with his answer and stroke Alex head and said "Yes, that is one of the reasons but main reason for it was because of King of Underworld who also was a evolver. As for the evolver them self they are the being who are born without a limit unlike us who are born with one. When some doesn't have a limit they will evolve to sustain all the power they collet that's why they are called rule breakers and hunted down in their early form to stop the future crisis."

"Grandpa does that mean evolvers are bad guys" asked Alex. March smiled and said "Not necessarily it's just that they are almost unstoppable if they grew to much, and people don't like things which are out of their hand." while saying that March was thinking 'I hope i don't have to see another of those beings while i am still alive, i don't think i can handle another one of those beings anymore' while also looking at his old scar given by a being with same origin.

Unknown to him in far away forest from his kingdom a being with that origin was born and his first word was " What happened"