

Chapter 76: A Pseudo-Domain

Caelum's eyes narrowed as he looked at the strange creature before him. It was humanoid in shape, but with blood red skin, bulging black veins, and a monstrous, inhuman face that had two horns protruding from its skull.

This was no beast or cultivator, but a true demon.

He couldn't rely on righteous techniques as he did with the hawk earlier. This creature would require his full power.

"Demon," Caelum muttered, gripping his sword tighter. The dark aura radiating from the blade intensified as he channelled his qi into it.

"Crimson Vortex!"

Bloodthorn erupted with demonic energy, enlarging until it was easily ten meters long. The massive sword sliced through the air, aimed to cleave the demon in two.

The demon leapt backwards, avoiding the worst of the strike but still losing an arm in the process. It let out an enraged howl, clutching the bleeding stump as it looked around for an escape route.

Seeing it preparing to flee, Hughie rushed forward with a fierce grin, shifting mid-leap into a wolf. He landed with a loud thud directly in the demon's escape path, cutting off any chance of retreat.

They couldn't let this thing get away without figuring out why it was here, and what it wanted with the Black Rose Sect.

"Going somewhere?" Hughie growled, baring his fangs. Behind the demon, Caelum strode forward, sword resting across his shoulders. His handsome features were set in a cold, calculating expression.

"I wouldn't try running just yet. We have some questions, and you have answers."

The demon's eyes darted between them warily before settling on Caelum.

"Your aura...you're close to awakening a domain," it rasped.

It could feel the oppressive aura of a pseudo-domain pressing down on it, restricting its power. If it wasn't for the suppression ability of the domain, it wouldn't feel so helpless right now. It couldn't believe its eyes, a Core Formation cultivator at the verge of awakening a domain was almost unheard of!

"Perceptive." Caelum's let out a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "But I'm not the one being interrogated right now."

With blinding speed, he appeared behind the demon and lashed out with Bloodthorn. The elongated sword left a deep gash across its back. Howling, the demon stumbled forward, right into the waiting jaws of the wolf.

Razor sharp teeth dug into the demon's torso as Hughie violently thrashed his head, trying to rip it apart. But with a snarl, the demon enveloped itself in flames once again, forcing Hughie to release it or be burned.

Skidding backwards, the demon rasped out a guttural incantation in a language unfamiliar to the two humans.

Dozens of fireballs materialized around it, shooting towards Caelum.

It needed to distract the sword cultivator if it wanted a chance to escape.

Caelum's blade danced as he deflected the fireballs.

"Is fire all you've got?" Caelum taunted. "Then you've already lost!"

"Nine Shadows Mirage!"

With a surge of Qi, illusory copies of himself split from his body. In the blink of an eye, nine identical Caelums now surrounded the demon.

The demon's red eyes widened in alarm. It tried to block and evade the sudden onslaught from all sides, but stood no chance against the perfectly coordinated assault.

In seconds, Caelum and his shadows had left countless more wounds across the demon's body. Snarling in pain and outrage, it slammed both palms down towards the ground.

"Inferno Purgatory!"

Flames erupted in a dome around the demon, rapidly expanding outwards. The roaring flames passed burning away the mirages.

When the flames died down, the panting demon was surrounded by scorched earth and molten rock. It stared at Caelum in disbelief, not understanding how he had weathered its strongest attack unharmed.

This youth really was no ordinary cultivator!

"Thorned Lash!" Caelum appeared before it in a blur of movement.

Bloodthorn extended impossibly long, stabbing clear through the demon's chest and out its back in one smooth motion. Howling in agony, the demon could only claw helplessly at the air as the blade lifted it up, then ruthlessly smashed it back down again.

And again.

After the third heavy impact left the demon dazed and motionless, Caelum retracted his blade.

Breathing heavily now, the demon could only watch as Hughie once again blocked its escape route.

"Last chance to answer my questions. What are you doing here, demon?" Caelum asked.

When it just spat a glob of black blood at him in response, Caelum's eyes narrowed.

"Bloodthorn Feast."

A long, bright red tongue suddenly shot from his sword, wrapping around the demon.

The demon thrashed violently but couldn't break free as the tongue tightened around it. Helpless, it could only scream in agony as Bloodthorn greedily sucked away its precious demonic energy.

Caelum's jaw tightened, holding in the urge to scream himself. The potency of pure demonic qi was far beyond anything he had absorbed before. It took all of his willpower not to lose control.

Eventually, the demon went limp, drained to the brink of death. Caelum severed the connection then, swaying slightly from the strain. Bloodthorn, now sated, rumbled happily.

Stepping forward, Hughie clamped his jaws around the semi-conscious demon's body, holding it in place.

"I'll ask one final time. Why are you here?" Caelum asked.

The demon's glassy eyes struggled to focus on him. Then the bloodied mouth twisted into a grin.

"You cannot stop...what is coming," it rasped.

Before Caelum could demand an explanation, the voice of Li Fenghao echoed urgently in Hughie's mind. "Fall back, now!"

Trusting the immortal's warning, Hughie immediately released the demon and shifted back to human form. "Senior brother, move!" he shouted to Caelum.

They leapt away just as the demon self-detonated in a blinding explosion. The shockwave blasted out in all directions, scouring the earth and leaving a smoking crater behind.

Caelum and Hughie landed lightly. Caelum stared at the devastation with wide eyes. He had sensed no build-up of demonic energy before the blast.

Just what was going on here? What did it mean by "what is coming"?

Clearly there were unknown forces at work plotting against the sect.

Caelum and Hughie glanced at each other.

Master needs to be informed!

Amelia strolled through the forest, humming to herself with a faint smile on her face. Trailing reluctantly behind her were the three cultivators who had become her companions.

There was Jumpy, the nervous wreck from the Black Rose Sect who flinched if you so much as looked at him. Then there was Stripes, the White Tiger disciple who fancied himself a great warrior but had gone down with barely a fight. And finally Timid, the frail little Pure Soul disciple who spent most of his time staring at the ground.

Yes, Amelia had chosen fitting names for the trio of misfits that fate had dropped into her lap. And as much as they claimed to hate their new nicknames, they were stuck with her until they could obtain a scroll.

"Come along, my little worker bees," Amelia called out. "We mustn't dawdle if we want to claim our prize!"

"Are you certain a scroll is even here?" Timid asked nervously, cringing a bit as Amelia turned her bright smile on him.

"Of course! Have I let you boys down yet?" She giggled at their unimpressed looks. "Oh don't be like that. This is so much more fun than wandering around aimlessly, isn't it?"

"Let's just get this over with," Stripes grumbled.

"Shhh now," Amelia pressed a finger to her lips as they approached a rocky clearing "I hear something up ahead!"

They crept up and peered down at the skirmish below.

Two Pure Soul disciples and one Heavenly Light disciple were battling a monstrous ape-like creature easily fifteen meters tall. And in one of its massive hands was a scroll!

Amelia had to stop herself from laughing out loud at their luck. This was even easier than she'd hoped!

"Alright boys, time to earn your keep," she whispered. Before any of them could react, she gave Jumpy a shove, sending the Black Rose disciple tumbling down into the middle of the fight with a shriek.

The other two disciples quickly followed, either pushed by Amelia or leaping down of their own will.

Giggling, Amelia sat down on a nearby boulder to watch the show unfold.

The three disciples were not happy at the sudden interruption and turned their attacks on the new arrivals. For a few moments, it was a complete free-for-all brawl between all six cultivators and the hulking beast.

Jumpy got punched in the face almost immediately but managed to stay on his feet. Face pale, he retaliated with a series of fireballs that scorched the beast's fur but barely slowed its rampage.

Stripes activated some White Tiger transformation technique, sprouting claws, fangs, and fur all over his body. Roaring, he launched himself at one of the other disciples, and the two became locked in a vicious melee.

Meanwhile, Timid struggled to dodge the various techniques and bodies crashing chaotically all around him. But he managed to get close to the beast holding the scroll and landed a desperate palm strike to its leg that made it stumble.

Unfortunately, the giant creature immediately backhanded poor Timid in retaliation, sending the slim cultivator flying into a tree trunk with a sickening crunch. He collapsed in a limp heap at the base of the tree, clearly out of the fight.

Amelia watched all this with great amusement, casually throwing the occasional fireball or a soul blade into the fray whenever she felt like it, not caring who she hit.

After a few minutes, with a blow to the head, Stripes managed to knock the Heavenly Light disciple out. He then turned to face the beast, leaping onto its back.

The ape roared as it tried to shrug him off, but Stripes sunk his canines into its neck until it finally toppled over dead, the scroll falling to the ground.

Leaping down, Amelia landed in front of Jumpy and Stripes. "Thanks for the help, boys. I'll take that now," she said sweetly, picking up the scroll from the ape's corpse.

Jumpy and Stripes stared at her, both looking like they wanted to attack her and take back the scroll. But ultimately, they stayed back, not willing to risk it.

Good choice.

Amelia hummed thoughtfully, tapping one long nail against her chin. She could keep her new pets longer, force them to get her another scroll too...

But no, Caelum and Hughie would worry if she took too long. It was better to return now. She had what she wanted anyway.

"It's been fun, boys. But I should get back to my team now. See you around!" Amelia blew them a kiss.

Caelum paced within the cave hideout, a deep frown on his normally calm features. Hughie leaned casually against the wall, watching his senior brother with a hint of amusement.

"Come on, Senior Brother, I'm sure she's fine," Hughie said lightly. "You know our little hellcat can handle herself."

"That's not the point, Hughie. We're supposed to be a team, but she ran off on her own without any consideration for us."

"But that's just Amelia."

Caelum shook his head. "What if I hadn't gotten to you so quickly against that demon? Amelia should have been there watching your back, that's what teammates do!"

Hughie opened his mouth, then closed it again, realizing he had no real counterargument. Caelum was right, it had been irresponsible of Amelia to abandon them like that.

Their master had thought that Hughie's near-death encounter had made Amelia more of a team player but that didn't seem to be the case.

At that moment, a silver-haired girl strolled into the cave.

"Hello boys, did you miss me?" Amelia called out. Her smile faltered a bit seeing Caelum's stony expression.

"Where have you been?"

"Oh Senior Brother, don't be such a worrywart! I was just having a bit of fun." She tried to drape herself casually over his shoulder.

But Caelum shrugged her off. "Our master entrusted me with keeping everyone safe during this trial. Your carelessness could have led to Hughie's death."

Amelia frowned, unused to being scolded so harshly by him. She tried to think of some glib response to brush it off, but Caelum wasn't done.

"We're supposed to be a team, but you abandoned us for your own amusement," he continued. "As your senior brother, I expect better from you."

Amelia's mouth twisted unhappily. She clearly wanted to argue back but could tell Caelum wouldn't bend.

"You're right, of course," she admitted quietly. "I didn't think through how my actions might impact you both. It was selfish of me, and…I'm sorry."

Caelum's stern demeanour softened slightly, and he gave a nod.

Eager to break the tension, Hughie spoke up. "Check out what I nabbed us."

He held up a scroll triumphantly. Amelia's eyes lit up as she saw it was a Yang scroll.

"Excellent work Hughie! Now we can fina-" She broke off, smile freezing in place as she seemed to remember something.

Slowly, she reached into her ring and pulled out...another Yang scroll.

"Ugh, I can't believe my useless servants didn't grab a Yin scroll," Amelia grumbled under her breath.

Hughie chose not to ask for details.

"Guess we'll need to trade one of these for a Yin scroll," he said.

Instantly, Amelia was shaking her head. "Oh we don't need to bother with that! We can just take a Yin scroll from someone; it'll be easy. I saw some nice targets earlier—"

"No," Caelum shook his head. Despite the battle against the demon looking easy, utilising a pseudo-domain as a Core Formation cultivator was draining. "We're not wasting time and energy fighting others for no reason. The next stage starts immediately after this one."

"I'm with Senior Brother." Hughie nodded. "I've had my fill of battle for one day."

Seeing she was outvoted, Amelia let out a sigh. "Fiiine. I suppose we can do this the boring way."

Suddenly she perked up.

"Oh, I know just the stick in the mud to wheedle a trade out of! Come on boys, let's go find him!"

"Find who?" Hughie asked.


Chapter 77: Just What Have I Gotten Myself Caught Up In?

Atrius struggled to prevent his legs from trembling as he followed the two Black Rose disciples through the fiery, volcanic terrain. The chubby one with the buzzcut wasn't so bad - for a demonic cultivator, Xavier seemed nice enough. But the tall, lanky one with the wild hair and crazed eyes...Atrius shuddered just thinking about him.


Atrius had witnessed the madness of the Black Rose disciple firsthand. He'd seen Dentos go toe-to-toe with Ziven, the Heavenly Light Sect's Legacy Disciple and Son of Heaven. And if Atrius was being honest...Dentos had been getting the better of the duel before it was interrupted.

Even more terrifying than his skill was Dentos' complete lack of morals. Atrius had watched in horror as the demented cultivator ruthlessly tortured not only disciples from rival sects, but also members of his own Black Rose Sect! It was clear Dentos didn't differentiate between friend and foe when it came to inflicting pain.

Up ahead, Dentos suddenly stopped walking.

Oh no, what now? Atrius froze, his heart pounding.

But the Black Rose disciple wasn't looking at him. Dentos' gaze was fixed on a small group of Heavenly Light disciples who had just emerged from behind a boulder.

Atrius thought he recognized one of them - wasn't that Leo, one of Ziven's friends? His stomach dropped. If Dentos decided to "play" with them too...

Sure enough, an unsettling grin spread across Dentos' face. He pointed at the group.

"Xavier, fetch."

"You got it, boss!" the chubby disciple responded with a grin, cracking his knuckles. He ran towards the unaware Heavenly Light disciples.

Atrius averted his gaze, not wanting to watch the impending carnage. Though he couldn't block out the screams that soon pierced the air.

After a few minutes, Xavier returned, dragging two semi-conscious disciples by their collars. He dumped them on the ground in front of Dentos, who crouched down with interest. Atrius noticed Xavier was sporting quite a few new burns and cuts.

"Good job, Xavier," Dentos praised, patting his subordinate's shoulder. "Now let's see what secrets our new friends can share, shall we?"

Atrius' insides twisted with anxiety and guilt as Dentos proceeded to "persuade" the two disciples to reveal any information they had about Ziven's current location and plans. The methods the demented cultivator used made Atrius want to vomit.

He thanked the heavens that Dentos had not used such tactics on him. As soon as Atrius realized who he was dealing with, he had spilled everything he knew about Ziven without hesitation.

Loyalty to the Heavenly Light Sect be damned - I want to make it through this trial alive!

"Here, catch!"

Atrius instinctively caught the object Dentos tossed to him. He looked down to see it was a scroll - a Yin scroll.

So far, thanks to Dentos' terrifying efficiency, their group had already collected three Yang scrolls and three Yin scrolls. Atrius didn't understand why the Black Rose disciple continued hunting for more scrolls when they only needed one of each to advance.

Was he trying to decrease the competition that would make it to the next stage?

Atrius didn't dare ask.

Dentos strolled back from where the two disciples lay crumpled on the ground, having gotten everything he could out of them. He jerked his head towards the north.

"Let's go. Ziven was spotted heading that direction."

Atrius gulped and nodded. So they were going after Ziven for payback.


As they set off, Atrius noticed Xavier following Dentos' every command without hesitation.

Right, Xavier had mentioned Dentos was ranked number one on something called the Karmic Ledger within the Black Rose Sect's Disciplinary Hall. Crazy bastard seemed to be a star among Black Rose enforcers.

Whenever they encountered another Black Rose team with a Disciplinary Hall member, that person would salute Dentos and call him "Boss."

Lost in thought, Atrius almost slammed into Xavier's wide back when Dentos came to a sudden stop. He silently cursed himself for being distracted.

Dentos stood still, head cocked. Then without warning he activated the Wings of Roc on his back and shot upwards, narrowly avoiding the purple energy blade that struck the earth where he'd just stood.

That had been close. Too close, Atrius thought as he took a step back.

A girl's laughter rang out. Dentos reappeared directly in front of a silver-haired girl and bowed his head.

"Senior Sister Amelia."

Atrius' mouth fell open. This was the first time he'd ever witnessed Dentos bow his head to anyone.

The girl - Amelia - smirked. "Still as quick as ever, I see, Dentos."

"Thanks to Master."

Two more Black Rose disciples emerged to stand beside Amelia - a handsome, raven-haired youth and a mischievous looking teen.

"Was it necessary to attack him?" The handsome sword-wielding cultivator frowned slightly.

Amelia shrugged. "We like to keep each other on our toes in the Disciplinary Hall."

Dentos nodded in agreement.

Atrius sensed there was some history between him and this dangerous beauty. From what he knew, Amelia had recently started working at the Disciplinary Hall as well, often partnering up with Dentos in his...interrogations.

In return, she had apparently promised to put in a good word about Dentos to their Master, Supreme Elder Slifer. It seemed both these demonic cultivators shared similarly twisted tendencies.

"Yes, I suppose I should have expected as much from you two," Caelum sighed.

Clapping her hands together, Amelia turned her gaze back to Dentos. "Right, let's get down to business." She held up two Yang scrolls. "Care to trade?"

Dentos motioned for Atrius to step forward. Nervously, Atrius presented three Yang scrolls and three Yin scrolls to the Black Rose disciples.

The younger teen let out an impressed whistle. "Wow, you guys have been busy!"

"All thanks to Boss Dentos!" Xavier declared proudly.

Caelum shot Amelia a pointed look. "If only you were half as efficient as Dentos, we wouldn't have had any issues."

Amelia barely refrained from rolling her eyes. She had yet to meet anyone whose ability to quickly accomplish objectives could match Dentos. The lanky cultivator was like a machine - singularly focused and ruthlessly efficient.

Though his reasons for wanting a master still eluded her...

Oblivious to her thoughts, Dentos spoke up. "You're welcome to take all six scrolls. We can easily get more." He motioned for Atrius to hand them over.

Atrius nearly choked in disbelief. Hadn't obtaining these scrolls been difficult and dangerous? Why was Dentos so quick to just give them away?!

But he wasn't foolish enough to question his leader's decision out loud.

"One Yin scroll will be enough."

Dentos nodded and passed him a scroll. The mischievous teen - Hughie, Atrius had gathered - pumped a fist in the air.

"Alright! Now we've got what we need to advance!"

"Speaking of which, have you had any luck finding our slippery friend yet, Dentos?" Amelia let out a predatory smile.

Friend? Atrius frowned in confusion. Who was she talking about?

"I've been tracking him, but the Son of Heaven remains…elusive," Dentos replied. "It seems he is evading us."

Amelia let out an annoyed huff. "Talks a big game, but runs like a coward when it comes down to it." Her lips curved into a cruel smirk. "But his luck is about to run out."

Atrius blood ran cold. Son of Heaven...she had to mean Ziven! Are they going to gang up on him?

Caelum nodded. "Let's work together to deal with this nuisance before the first stage ends." He levelled a stern look at Amelia. "Remember, Master ordered us not to engage Ziven alone. We need to work together and overwhelm him immediately. No playing around this time."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I know. Don't worry your pretty little head, I can behave." A chilling glint entered her eyes. "That rat won't slip away so easily this time."

The two groups nodded, turning north. Atrius could only follow, praying he survived to the end of the trial.

Just what have I gotten myself caught up in?

Slifer sat in the private booth, not paying much attention as the disciples from the sects competed in exhibition matches and tests of skill.

He wished he could head back to his fine quarters but as the host, he couldn't excuse himself.

It's the xianxia equivalent of a talent show, Slifer stifled a yawn. He had never enjoyed talent shows back on Earth – like dad used to say, I have no talent. Well…that's not true anymore.

The situation was different in this new world, this time around, he had been given a more fortunate hand.

Sitting in place for seven days…I can't feel my legs, Slifer thought, tapping his hand against his knee. At least there's only twenty-four hours left before the real fun begins!

The elders of the other sects also sat meditating. All except for one.

Zofia sat scowling with her arms crossed.

"I cannot believe the esteemed Black Rose Sect does not present the first stage," she remarked. "Are your disciples' talents so pathetic you wish to hide them even now?"

"Now Zofia, it is their right to maintain secrecy." Leontius opened his eyes. "Your own sect has done the same in the past."

Zofia's scowl deepened, but she held her tongue. Slifer resisted the urge to smirk. He was familiar with the hypocrisy of so-called righteous cultivators, he would let them two argue it out.

Slifer had two reasons for blocking outside observation of the first trial round. First, it allowed his avatar, Zack, to use any techniques without worrying about being exposed.

But there was another, more pragmatic reason.

Slifer's gaze darkened, thoughts turning to the thorn in his side - Ziven, beloved Son of Heaven and Legacy Disciple of the Heaven's Light Sect. The arrogant whelp was crazy, clearly he would do anything to get revenge on Slifer.

Yes, Ziven needed to be removed, and soon. The first stage provided the perfect opportunity, away from any watchful eyes.

The Heavenly Light Sect would likely take offense at their darling prodigy being ganged up on and eliminated. And Slifer didn't want to deal with the headache they would cause when they retaliated. But with the first stage hidden, they could never prove Slifer's involvement even if they suspected it.

Hopefully they finish their hunt quickly, Slifer sighed. Ziven's luck can't hold out forever, especially when he will be facing multiple protagonists.

Chapter 78: An Assassination Attempt!

Ziven rode through the Valley of Scattered Flames on a horse-like creature, which he had nicknamed 'Blaze'.

Blaze was an Ash Courser. Standing at fifteen feet tall, it had a muscular build covered in ash-coloured fur that allowed it to blend into the surroundings. Its hooves were strange, almost resembling talons, they gave the beast traction on the loose volcanic terrain.

"You're a good boy," Ziven leaned forward, patting Blaze's neck affectionately.

It was only appropriate that he, a Son of Heaven, had such a magnificent companion.

He had discovered Blaze skulking around in the third day of the trial, no doubt driven down from its mountain home by the influx of disciples invading its territory.

Ziven had always had an affinity with beasts and creatures since childhood; it hadn't taken much for him to earn Blaze's trust, only a few dried strips of meat.

The Ash Courser now followed his every command, which was convenient now that he was on the run.

As soon as Ziven realized that he was being tracked, he had abandoned his two teammates and fled with his new mount.

One of those teammates had been a Black Rose disciple - there was no way Ziven could trust anyone from that demonic sect. Not when he intended to kill their Supreme Elder.

Ziven brushed his fingers over the ring on his right hand, there were two scrolls stored inside - one Yang and one Yin. He didn't dare hand the scrolls to either of his useless teammates. At their pathetic cultivation levels, the scrolls would've been stolen from them in minutes.

No, the scrolls were safest with him.

His face darkened as unwanted thoughts of the Black Rose disciples filled his mind. Hunted like a wretched dog, all because those demons wanted to stop him from carrying out Heaven's justice.

One day, I'll personally exterminate every last one of those foul cultivators, ridding the realm of their evil for good! Ziven clenched his teeth.

Sensing its master's fury, Blaze let out an uneasy whine. Ziven quickly softened his expression, gently stroking the Ash Courser's neck.

"Easy boy, it's not you that I'm mad at."

Blaze nodded before its ears suddenly pricked upwards, nostrils flaring. The Ash Courser's head swivelled, fixated on a rocky outcrop they were approaching.

The beast possessed sharper senses than any human. If it smelled trouble ahead...

"So it's time then, is it?" Ziven's eyes narrowed, looking around warily.

Six figures walked out. Black Rose disciples, formed a circle around him, cutting off any chance of escape. But one figure hung back - was that Atrius?

"Atrius," Ziven growled at his fellow Heavenly Light disciple. "What is the meaning of this?"

Atrius lifted his hands, taking a step back. "Z-Ziven, I don't want any trouble. I just need to pass this trial."

Before Ziven could respond, a silver-haired girl stepped forward. "There's nowhere left to run, little rat," she purred.

Ziven regarded the beauty before him with contempt.


She was the worst of the lot.

"Swarming me like a pack of rabid beasts" Ziven sneered. "Have you no sha-"

In that instant, Caelum struck without warning. His sword extended, ready to impale the Son of Heaven through the chest.

Relying on his instincts, Ziven twisted sideways at the last second. Instead of his heart, the blade pierced through his left shoulder. Face contorting in pain, he barely swallowed back a scream.

"All together now! Leave nothing to chance!" Caelum shouted.

Ziven paled. He was hoping to stall as he knew the first stage would be ending any moment. But the Black Rose disciples were clearly done wasting time.

Grimacing, he yanked Bloodthorn free, he then leaned down to stare into Blaze's eyes.

"Rampage," he commanded.

As the enraged Ash Courser's cultivation rose to the Half-Nascent Soul Realm, it charged forward as Ziven leapt and rolled from its back. He sprinted for cover behind a boulder, clutching his wounded shoulder.

Blaze's roars and the sounds of battle erupted behind him. Ziven glanced back to see the Ash Courser engaging Xavier and Hughie in battle.

But Caelum, Amelia and Dentos had their sights locked on their real target - him.

Cursing under his breath, Ziven continued running.

No matter how arrogant he was, half a dozen peak Core Formation cultivators, including Slifer's direct disciples, were not enemies he could fight head-on.

His figure blurred as he activated a movement technique, Wind Descent. Yet as he continued to flee, every time he glanced that, he saw the Black Rose psychos clinging to his trail like leeches.

Ziven twisted around, throwing a wind blade back at Amelia to slow her down. She deflected it with a wave of her hand.

From his other side, Caelum's blade came slashing in again. Ziven darted right to avoid it, the sword slicing through the hem of his robes.

Too close…

Up ahead, Ziven spotted an opening between two large boulders. He immediately threw himself into the gap, hoping it would force his pursuers into single file. Ziven kept low to the ground as he scrambled on all fours through the tight space, careful not to get wedged.

Just as he pulled himself free on the other side, a giant crimson vortex filled the crevice. Ziven crouched behind one of the boulders, narrowly avoiding Caelum's attack. Moments later, Dentos emerged from the gap, followed closely by Amelia.

Ziven took off again. He wove between rocky outcroppings, leapt over smouldering chasms, ducked flying blades and beams of purple energy. But no matter the evasive manoeuvres he used, his three pursuers matched him move for move.

Up ahead, Ziven spotted a large active geyser shooting steam high into the air. Seizing the opportunity, he sprinted straight into the scalding vapours, hoping to obscure himself from view.

Seconds later, three dark silhouettes emerged from a cloud of steam. Ziven barely rolled to the side in time to avoid Amelia's Soul Render as it came cleaving through the vapours.

I need a new strategy, and I need it now!

"I see you, little mouse!" Amelia called in a sing-song voice.

Ziven immediately switched direction as her next soul blade obliterated the path ahead. But in his haste to avoid it, he skidded out into open ground.

Suddenly, the air around Ziven warped and distorted.

What sorcery is this?

An enormous transparent cube formed, trapping him inside. A lanky cultivator stood just outside the cube, controlling his creation through a paintbrush.


"Now! Attack together!" Caelum yelled.

Amelia, Caelum and Dentos unleashed their techniques simultaneously. Amelia's Soul Render, Caelum's Crimson Vortex and Dentos' painted spear combined into one massive roaring column of destructive energy, aimed directly at Ziven's heart.

No! It can't end like this! Ziven thought desperately. Not until I get my revenge! I will get my revenge!

Just as the attacks were about to connect, the world around Ziven blurred and dissolved. He felt a strong pulling sensation, and then everything went black.

Zack was lazing high up in a tree, relaxing after having found both the Yin and Yang scrolls needed to pass the first stage of the exams.

"Unless one of those two weirdos die," Zack muttered to himself as he juggled the scrolls. He felt quite confident that his strange teammates would survive. If they could make him feel uneasy, they could definitely handle the other Foundation Establishment cultivators in the trial.

If anything, Zack felt bad for anyone unlucky enough to encounter them.

Though, he had been worried that the Black Death disciples would hunt him down, so he had stayed on the move. He didn't know what they wanted with him, and he did not want to find out.

But with only an hour left until the first trial ended, he could finally take a breather.

Well, a short one anyway. Never hurt to stay vigilant.

As he began to doze off, Zack's eyes suddenly shot open. A prickle of unease crept down his neck. He sat up, instantly on alert.

Now hold on just a darn minute...this was usually the point where everything goes spectacularly wrong! Just when the protagonist thinks they were safe, bam! Ambush out of nowhere!

Zack wasn't about to fall for that cliche. Time to be proactive.

He closed his eyes and activated a new technique the Main Body had learned called "Mind's Eye." It was a surveillance technique that Slifer thought would come in handy for situations like this.

A barely perceptible pulse of qi radiated out from him, sweeping the forest. It travelled more than twice as far as his spiritual sense could reach.


Two hundred feet to the east, partially obscured from his spiritual sense. Two figures stealthily approaching his position.

Zack's eyes snapped open, immediately focusing east. Were they his creepy teammates? It would explain how they evaded his initial spiritual probe.

His question was answered a second later when two beams of inky black qi came hurtling directly at him.

Cursing, Zack instantly manifested his lightning wings technique, launching himself into the sky right as the attacks struck the tree he'd been lounging in just moments before.

The tree let out an awful groan before crashing down, leaves withering and bark decaying from the residual death qi.

Zack's eyes narrowed, wings beating to keep him in the air. The attacks were similar to the Reversal Card's life-draining properties, but instead of absorbing life essence, they corrupted with pure death qi.

Below him, two black-robed figures emerged from the treeline. Zack frowned. Yep, definitely his shady teammates from the Death Rose Sect. Though he'd nicknamed them Vampire and Zombie in his mind.

Well, no time like the present for a cheerful reunion!

Zack pasted a sunny grin on his face and called out, "Yo guys! Fancy meeting you here. What took you so long?"

The Vampire girl frowned up at him. "Why did you run from us before?" she demanded.

Zack laughed. "Oh, I just wanted a head start, no biggie!"

As he chatted, his eyes scanned his surroundings, looking for any escape routes. Staying too high up made him an easy target.

There - fifty feet to the west lay a thick bundle of trees. And if he could just make it over that rocky overhang to the south, he'd find plenty of caves to duck into.

And with caves come opportunity!

Now he just needed an opportunity to escape to one of those spots without getting hit by another blast of deadly miasma.

Meanwhile, Zombie spoke up. "We have some questions for you," he said slowly. "About your master, Slifer. There are...inconsistencies."

"Sorry to disappoint fellas, but you're barking way up the wrong tree." Zack waved a hand. "An Ascendant like him? That's crazy above your pay grade."

The male disciple continued staring at him like a creep. "We also have questions for you. You seem to have appeared from nowhere. Who exactly are you?"

"Me?" Zack plastered on an oblivious look. "I'm nobody important, just some disciple. Nothing worth digging into there."

The Vampire girl took a step toward him, and Zack realized she was about to attack again.

Crap! Time for me to scram!

Zack immediately dove towards the escape route he had picked out earlier.

He had no desire to actually fight these two. He had no idea which techniques they had in their arsenal, even if he was able to defeat them, he doubted he would come out unscathed.

Unlike the Main Body who had his cards to save him, I need to look out for myself!

A streak of inky darkness shot through the air, narrowly missing his wing as Zack barrel-rolled out of the way.

He plunged into the trees as the Black Death disciples followed in pursuit. They fired off more attacks, decay spreading wherever their qi touched. Zack just managed to dodge them, the blasts grazing past close enough to tear his robe and leave bloody furrows across his shoulder.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Zack clamped one hand over the wound. That stuff was nasty - he could feel the death energy trying to corrupt his own qi.

As he sprinted through the underbrush, Zack focused on containing the spread before it could contaminate his Dantian and meridians.

This crap is strong!

Sweat beaded his forehead from the effort. Zack knew he couldn't suppress it forever.

He soon found a thick tree to lean against and catch his breath.

Closing his eyes, he prepared to cycle his qi in cleansing patterns, only to freeze as a pulse of Mind's Eye qi returned two rapidly closing life forces.

"Damn, how do they keep finding me so fast?" Zack muttered. He opened his eyes to see the pair standing before him.

"I tried being nice, but it seems you two are just ungrateful," Zack said, narrowing his eyes. His cheerful demeanour vanished.

I need to hit them hard and fast!

But before Zack could act, the marking on his palm - the one he had used to touch the teleportation cube earlier - suddenly flared with light.

A portal appeared out of thin-air, sucking all three of them inside.

"Well, crap-" was all Zack had time to say before disappearing.

Chapter 79: The End Of The First Stage!

The arena was buzzing with excitement as the spectators leaned forward in their seats, eyes glued to the empty stage below. Any moment now, the first stage of the tournament would come to a close.

Only the teams who secured both the precious Yang and Yin scrolls, while keeping all three members alive, would progress to the next round.

In the highest booth, on the most impressive seat, sat Slifer, lazing around like he had no care in the world.

He had no doubt that his disciples would pass the first trial with ease. They were the elite of the Black Rose Sect, hand-picked and trained by the Original personally.

But more importantly, they were either protagonists or pseudo-protagonists, it would take more than some average Core Formation cultivators to deal with them.

No, Slifer was far more interested in whether his followers had succeeded in disposing of that pesky cockroach, Ziven.

"My, my, someone's awfully sure of themselves."

Slifer didn't bother turning his head at the voice coming from two seats over.

Zofia leaned towards him, an impish grin on her face. "Getting a bit complacent, are we?"

When Slifer continued ignoring her, Zofia let out a frustrated sigh.

"It's rude not to look at someone when they're talking to you. Didn't your master teach you any manners?"

"You're the rude one!" Val bared her fangs. "Stop annoying master, he wants nothing to do with an old hag like you!"

Old hag? Now where did she learn language like that? Was it Amelia? Slifer wondered.

As nice as it was for Val to come to his defence, he didn't want to spoil her with crude language like that, she was just a baby after all.

Zofia's eye twitched, but her smile remained fixed in place. "Still hiding behind your little bird I see."

"Bird? Val a dragon!"

On Slifer's other side, the Black Death Sect Master Vowron turned to him with a smile.

"The results of the first stage may surprise you, Supreme Elder," he said. Though his words sounded innocuous enough, Slifer's senses prickled.

Surprise me? What was the man getting at? Slifer nearly frowned.

None of his disciples had fallen in the trial, he was certain of that much. The system would have notified him instantly if that was the case.

Just what are you plotting? Slifer's gaze sharpened, staring intently at the Black Death Sect Master's face.

Slifer had yet to receive any updates from Morvran or Kaelin regarding the Black Death Sect's movements, so he had decided to add Fenlock to hunt.

It's not like he has anything better to do…all he does is spend time with his Junior Sister, Slifer shook his head. Fenlock's strange relationship was not something he wanted to delve into at this moment.

But I do think gaining his complete loyalty is related to that Junior Sister of his…

Any further thought was interrupted as dozens of spatial portals sprang into existence around the arena.

Slifer sat up straighter, an eager glint entering his eyes.

Here we go! Let's see how they did!

Hundreds of cultivators came tumbling out of the portals onto the platform. Many had injuries or torn clothes.

Slifer immediately focused on scanning the mass of disciples for his own. He held back a sigh of relief as he spotted Amelia's silver hair, then Dentos' lanky frame, followed by the rest of his team. They seemed a little battered but overall intact.


Satisfied his disciples had passed, Slifer turned to shoot Vowron a pointed look. The Black Death Sect Master had the grace to appear surprised.

Interesting...it seems he really didn't expect my disciples to return.

This gave Slifer pause. There was a big difference between sabotaging group allocations and attempted murder. Unfortunately, he had no idea what the demonic sect master was up to.

If only I could buy the answer from the System…



Your Disciples All Passed The First Stage

You Have Gained 400 Karmic Credits

It's always nice to get credits without having to move a muscle.

Slifer's eyes then narrowed as his gaze landed on a familiar muscular figure with dark shoulder-length hair.


Somehow that tenacious cockroach had survived. Slifer wasn't really surprised. The heavens seemed to favour their precious Son no matter what obstacles were thrown his way.

Much like actual cockroaches, Ziven just kept crawling back time and time again.

Slifer hid his displeasure and schooled his features into indifference. He couldn't let anyone guess the extent of his hatred, or was it fear, towards the Heavenly Light Sect disciple. A supposed Ascendant cultivator targeting a mere Core Formation cultivator would bring about too many questions.

A spiritual transmission from Caelum stole his attention.

"Master, I'm sorry we failed the mission. But there is something important we found out. The Black Death disciples are…"

When the blinding light of the portal finally receded, Zack found himself dumped onto the floor of an arena. Groaning, he rolled over and sat up, blinking rapidly as his vision adjusted.

One sweep of the surroundings and Zack instantly recognized where they were - the Intersect Tournament grounds.

Hundreds of other cultivators were also pulling themselves up from the ground around him, some letting out sighs of relief whilst others complained.

"Ugh, finally. I never want to see another lava pit again!"

"Just thank the heavens we made it out of that nightmare!"

"Feels like we barely escaped with our lives. Are trials normally this deadly?"

Zack stretched his back, wincing as his joints popped. He was battered, hungry, and desperately in need of a bath, but otherwise no worse for wear.

A burning sensation in his shoulder proved him wrong immediately.

Oh yeah, I've got to get that sorted before it becomes a real problem.

Zack's eyes turned to his two teammates, who were rising to their feet as well. The male and female Black Death disciples stared at him with their usual blank, creepy expressions. Zack suppressed a shudder.

"Well ain't this just an awkward reunion," he laughed nervously.

Their last encounter in the trial space had been...tense, to say the least. The pair had gone from seemingly ignoring his existence to abruptly trying to murder him.

And they had pursued Zack relentlessly, despite his attempts to lose them. It was as if passing the trial meant nothing compared to their desire to kill him, which made zero sense!

Just what beef do they have with me? I'm obviously an amazing dude, but still!

Before Zack could ponder the mystery further, he sensed a familiar tugging at the edges of his spiritual awareness. It felt as though strands of his recent experiences were being gently extracted from his consciousness.

Ah, this again!

He had grown accustomed to the out-of-body sensation that accompanied the Main Body syncing their experiences and memories.

"Hope you're happy, bossman. The first round wasn't exactly a picnic," Zack muttered internally. Images of the deadly black miasma the two Black Death disciples wielded flashed through his mind. "Send me the antidote before my arm falls off!"

The booming voice of Elder Fred interrupted Zack's complaints.

"Attention! All participants, stand with your teammates immediately!"

Zack grimaced. Well, time to get up close and personal with his murderous buddies again. He dragged his feet over to join the Black Death cultivators, carefully positioning himself out of arms' reach. Their lifeless gazes followed his every move.

Yeah, this isn't creepy at all...

"Right!" Elder Fred bellowed. "The teams with both a Yin and Yang scroll, present them now!"

Grinning, Zack took out the scrolls from his interspatial ring, holding them up proudly. He spotted Caelum and Dentos doing the same, along with a few other talents like William and Nomed.

Nice, the whole squad made it through.

"The ten teams that secured the scrolls from both the Core Formation and Foundation Establishment divisions shall advance." Elder Fred's tone hardened, "The rest of you, scram!"

Angry mutters broke out among the eliminated disciples at the dismissal.

"This isn't fair, we didn't even get to show our strength!"

"They can't just fail us without seeing what we can do!"

But under the oppressive pressure of Elder Fred's Nascent Soul cultivation, nobody dared protest further. Shooting dirty glances at the passing teams, the losers quickly filed out.

"Now then! The second trial will consist of one versus one battles. And just like before, the Core Formation division shall compete separately from the Foundation Establishment division."

"There will be five brackets of six competitors each," Elder Fred continued. "The six cultivators in a bracket will battle each other in turn. A win earns you 3 points, a draw 1 point, and a loss 0 points. The cultivator in each bracket with the most points will advance and secure a slot to the Sealed Realm."

Mumbles of annoyance spread amongst the participants.

"Only five slots, out of all of us?"

"Seriously? One loss and you're basically out of the running."

"They expect us to battle tournament style right after the first trial?"

"Yeah, we've not had any time to rest!"

"Enough!" With a wave of his sleeve, Elder Fred silenced them as he produced a glowing orb of water. "The matchups will now be decided!"

He caused the liquid to separate into five smaller orbs, each holding six names. With motions from his fingers, he stirred the names within each orb, randomizing the order.

Watching closely, Zack noted with satisfaction when the Black Rose disciples each ended up in different brackets, just like the Main Body had promised.

With a round-robin style tournament bracket there's no chance of the gang accidentally knocking each other out of the competition. And with a bit of luck, we'll be able to monopolize all five slots to the Sealed Realm!

Finally, Elder Fred flicked his wrist, solidifying the pools into brackets.

Let's see who I'm up against first... Zack scanned the Foundation Establishment list.

"The first match will be Zack versus Varoom!" Elder Fred announced.

Varoom? What kind of name is that? It sounds like one those little toy vehicles kids race around...what were they called again? Hot Wheels? Ah well, no use making jokes the poor guy won't even understand. I'll just have to throttle him quickly instead!

Zack cracked his knuckles as he stepped forward, ready to face the nobody from the Black Heart Sect.

Chapter 80: The First Battle!

This scrawny pipsqueak doesn't look like much. He probably hasn't even reached the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment, Varoom scoffed, looking down at his opponent.

"Boy, I won't even need any techniques to beat you. I'll just slap you to death!"

"Give it a try, big guy," Zack responded with a smirk.

Varoom grunted. This kid was clearly all talk, and that smug attitude just made Varoom want to pound his face in even more.

Without warning, Varoom flickered out of view. In the blink of an eye, he appeared directly behind Zack, already swinging a massive fist towards the back of his head.

But to his shock, Zack reacted instantly, whipping around and casually catching his punch with one hand.

"Too slow," Zack said, clicking his tongue. With his free hand, he delivered a lightning-fast jab straight towards Varoom's nose.

Varoom stumbled back, blinking rapidly. How could this pipsqueak stop his full-powered punch with just one hand? Just how strong was this guy?

After gathering himself, Varoom spat out, "So you're just a freakish body cultivator, is that it?"

"Something like that," Zack said, rolling his injured shoulder with a slight wince. Can't play around for too long with this bum arm.

Gritting his teeth, Varoom changed tactics. He slammed his foot down, sending a spike of stone shooting up beneath Zack's feet.

But Zack merely raised an eyebrow at the incoming attack. With a sigh, he thrust out his palm, meeting the stone spike head-on.

"Thunderclap Palm!"

A resounding shockwave boomed out, obliterating the spike into tiny pebbles.

Varoom's eyes narrowed as understanding dawned on him. This was no ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator. The kid's comprehension and control over elemental forces was clearly at the level of Core Formation at least!

Zack considered bringing out a sword and using Sunrise Slash to end the fight quickly. But no, that would definitely rouse suspicion about his true identity. For now, he'd have to rely only on his own techniques.

"Let's wrap this up, shall we?" Zack inhaled deeply before letting out a roar. "Dragon Roar of the Thunderous Sky!" Visible shockwaves rippled through the air, crackling with lightning.

Just before the attack could land, a bolt of pain shot through Zack's injured shoulder, disrupting his control. The thunderous roar fizzled out pathetically mid-flight.

"Crap!" Zack cursed under his breath.

"Pathetic!" Varoom seized the opportunity.

Stomping again, he raised up earthen walls in a spherical formation around Zack, creating a stone prison. Rune inscriptions along the prison walls rapidly siphoned away Zack's qi.

Looking through the prison's single barred window, Varoom smirked. "Not so cocky now, are you? That's what you get for underestimating me."

Inside the cell, Zack grumbled in annoyance. He had let himself get too carried away showboating. Now he was stuck in this stupid rock box like a misbehaving child sent to the naughty corner.

Meanwhile, in the spectator stands, Slifer watched the situation unfold with a shake of his head. Zack was acting just as rash and short-sighted as Slifer himself tended to be. But unlike Slifer, who had to restrain himself constantly for the sake of his Supreme Elder image, Zack had no such obligations.

It's strange seeing myself from a different perspective…


New Task: For Every Battle Your Disciples Win In the First Round, You Will Gain 150 Karmic Credits!

150 Karmic Credits just to bully others, why not? Slifer smirked.

"My, it seems your disciple has gotten himself into quite the predicament," Zofia laughed.

Slifer waved a hand dismissively. "I thought someone of your cultivation would be more…perceptive."

Zofia's smile froze. She opened her mouth to snap back with a retort, but then a distant rumbling suddenly drew her gaze to the sky.

A massive thunderbolt tore through the clouds, descending rapidly towards the arena grounds. With a resounding crack, it struck the stone prison, blasting it to pieces in an instant.

As the dust settled, Zack stood smirking amidst the rubble, wisps of electricity still dancing across his skin.

"A useful little trick, that one."

The Celestial Lightning Tribulation technique let him call on one lightning bolt from the heavens. He normally used it to temper his body, but it worked in situations like this, after all, lightning was the weakness of earth techniques.

"How?" Varoom stumbled back in shock.

No matter what he tried, this kid seemed to have the perfect counter. Just what would it take to defeat him?

Sensing his injured shoulder continuing to worsen, Zack sighed. "Sorry big guy, but I'm gonna have to wrap this up quick before my arm falls off."

In a flash, Zack appeared behind Varoom, electricity cackling from his wings. Varoom hurriedly raised a stone barrier, but Zack's Thunderclap Palm blasted straight through it and slammed into his chest.

Varoom soared backwards through the air.

"The winner is Zack!" Elder Fred declared.

Satisfied, Zack made his way off the arena stage, rolling his bad shoulder slowly. That fight had been way too close for comfort. He sent a reminder to the Main Body. "Yo bossman, gonna need that poison antidote pronto before my whole arm rots off!"

William watched as Zack strolled casually from the arena.

Zack had come out of nowhere and somehow managed to become the Supreme Elder's disciple. William didn't understand how a nobody like Zack deserved that honour when he, a young master, did not.

But what grated on William even more was how talented and powerful this newcomer seemed to be, much more so than William himself.

It was unacceptable!


William shook his head; he couldn't keep thinking like this. It was this attitude that had gotten his family involved with that 'mess' in the first place.

"Next match - William versus Alfie!" Elder Fred announced.

William grit his teeth. Just his luck to face a Heavenly Light disciple at the Late Foundation Establishment stage right off the bat. As an Early Foundation Establishment cultivator, he was definitely at a disadvantage.

Walking onto the platform, William kept his nerves hidden. He would not let this opponent sense any weakness.


Alfie smirked, not even bothering to take a battle stance. "This should be quick. I hope you've made your peace, kid."

William's face burned, he wasn't used to being talked down to like that, but he kept his anger in check. Losing his cool now would only lead to a quick defeat.

"If you are done talking, let's fight."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Alfie taunted. He casually summoned flames to his hands and tossed a fireball at the boy. "Here, catch!"

As the fireball flew at him, William executed the Gale Force Palm, shooting out a gust of wind from his palm. The wind collided with the fireball, causing a small explosion between them.

"Not bad," Alfie remarked, clearly just toying with him. "But wind techniques won't get you far against my Phoenix Immolation!"

Alfie thrust his palms forward, unleashing a massive firebird. The phoenix screeched as it shot towards William with terrifying speed.

Reacting quickly, William activated his Wind Step technique, using the wind to propel himself out of the phoenix's path. He appeared twenty meters to the left, barely avoiding the collision.

But Alfie simply turned and sent the phoenix chasing after William once more. "You can't run forever!"

William was forced to keep evading the phoenix, using all his speed and agility to avoid its swooping attacks.

Alfie just stood back with an amused expression, controlling the phoenix's movements with casual flicks of his fingers.

After a few minutes of this cat and mouse game, William was panting heavily. Alfie seized the chance to attack again.

"Try my Phoenix Talons!" He cried, morphing the firebird into two gigantic claws of flame. The talons shot forward to grab a hold of William.

Reacting on instinct, William sent a Spiralling Wind Blade towards the left claw, disrupting its form and causing it to dissipate. But the right talon remained intact, slamming into William's side.

"Argh!" William cried out as the intense heat seared his robe and flesh. Dropping to one knee, he quickly patted out the flames before they could spread. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he stood back up to face Alfie once more.

By now, Alfie looked slightly annoyed that the match was still continuing. "Just give up! You'll never win with that pathetic cultivation of yours."

William frowned, mind racing for a solution. Alfie was clearly the superior cultivator in terms of pure power. William's only advantage lay in the natural counter that wind held against fire. If he could just exploit that somehow...

When Alfie sent another fireball whizzing towards him, a plan formed in William's mind. He deflected the first fireball with a wind palm, then watched closely as Alfie followed up with a second, larger fireball.

Just before impact, William executed his Wind Accelerator technique. This greatly enhanced the speed and power of the oncoming fireball, sending it crashing straight into its unsuspecting caster.

"Arghhhh!" Alfie screamed in shock and pain as his own fireball exploded against him with twice the force. The Heavenly Light disciple fell to the ground, frantically trying to pat out the flames that now devoured his own robes.

After a few minutes, the fire finally died out, leaving Alfie groaning on the floor with smoke rising from his clothes.

"The winner is William!" Elder Fred announced.

One down, four to go…William sighed as he walked off the stage.

If it wasn't for his quick thinking, he would have been the one rolling around on the floor.

Still, he had expected no less from someone of his standing. This Alfie had learned the hard way not to underestimate a young master.

Watching from the stands, Slifer nodded in approval. It seemed this William fellow wasn't as stupid as Slifer first thought. The boy had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by using his opponent's strength against him.

Maybe I was too quick to dismiss him…

"Next match: Hughie of the Black Rose Sect versus Paddy of the Pure Soul Sect!" Elder Fred called out.

"All right! It's finally my turn!" Hughie whooped, leaping down into the arena. Across from him, a young man in white robes stepped forward.

"I take no pleasure in violence, but do not believe I will hold back," Paddy said gently, bowing.

"Bring it on, pretty boy!" Hughie shouted, bouncing on the soles of his feet. "I'm gonna mop the floor with ya!"

Chapter 81: Hughie vs Illusion Boy!

Hughie glanced up at the spectator stands, spotting Oliviare among the sea of faces. She gave him a small wave.

"Gotta give the people a good show!" Hughie said with a grin. "Especially with my number one fan watching."

Paddy followed Hughie's gaze up to Oliviare. "Ah, there is a jade beauty cheering you on. So, you do not wish to disappoint her?"

"You bet!" Hughie thumped his chest. "Nothing's gonna stop me from winning now that my lady is watching!"

Oliviare blushed at the declaration, clasping her hands together as she prayed for Hughie's safety. She knew he could be reckless in battle.

"Then come," Paddy said, settling into a graceful battle stance, palms outstretched. "Show me what you can do."

"Yeah, I'll show you all right!" Hughie shot forward, cocking back a fist. He aimed a punch straight at Paddy's face, putting his full weight behind the blow. But his fist passed harmlessly through empty air as Paddy's form flickered and vanished.

"An illusion?" Hughie realized too late. A sweeping kick to the ribs sent him sprawling.

"You must see through deception to land a blow on me," Paddy whispered, his body wavering like a mirage.

Hughie growled, bouncing to his feet. He didn't need a lecture from his opponent, he got enough from the old man as it was!

He charged again, throwing a flurry of blows, but each one met only air as Paddy's illusionary form flickered around him.

A sharp elbow to the back of Hughie's head made him stumble. Hughie whirled, lashing out behind him, but again struck nothing.

In the spectator stands, Oliviare watched anxiously, hands clasped together. Be careful, Hughie!

Sensing her worry, Hughie gave a small wave. "No need to worry, Liv! I got this!"

Oliviare shook her head, but couldn't help a small smile. That fool...

"Do not divide your attention in battle," Paddy chided. "It will cost you dearly."

As he spoke, ten exact copies of Paddy suddenly appeared, surrounding Hughie in a wide circle. Hughie's eyes darted around warily.

"Let's see you find the real me now," the Paddys spoke in unison, their voices overlapping from all directions.

Reminds me of Senior Brother's technique…but only a knock off version!

Hughie cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. "I'll just smash through all of you at once!"

Spinning rapidly, he unleashed a barrage of wild punches and kicks, ploughing through the ring of illusory Paddys. They flickered and vanished under his attack, but the real Paddy remained untouched.

Before Hughie could stop spinning, a heavy blow slammed between his shoulders, driving him down into the arena floor with a crash. Hughie groaned, momentarily stunned.

Up in the stands, Oliviare winced at the impact.

"Are you alright, Hughie?" she called down worriedly.

"Haha, I'm just getting warmed up!" Hughie laughed, flashing a thumbs up despite his stinging back.

He leapt back to his feet and dropped into a fighting stance. But internally, he was annoyed at himself.

Gotta take this more seriously or I'll end up embarrassing myself in front of Liv!

As the battle intensified, the ring on Hughie's finger suddenly pulsed, and a grumpy voice echoed in his mind.

"Pathetic! Is this the best you can do, boy?" the Immortal Li Fenghao scolded. "You fight like a brainless ox! Use your techniques!"

Hughie scowled. "I don't need advice from some old fart!"

Li Fenghao huffed indignantly. "Insolent brat! I was slaughtering enemies while you were still in diapers! You must exploit your opponent's weakness."

"Their only weakness is their ugly mug!" Hughie shot back, launching himself at the nearest Paddy.

He grappled with the illusion briefly before it dissolved into smoke. Li Fenghao sighed.

"His weakness is specialization," the Immortal lectured. "This boy relies too much on illusions. Find a way to break his illusions and he will fold."

Hughie paused, glancing down at the ring. "Huh, I guess you've got a point for once, gramps."

"Do not call me gramps!"

Hughie decided to change the flow of the fight, he would need to go big. Crouching down, he channelled his qi before exploding upwards.

"Black Wolf Transformation!"

Fur sprouted across Hughie's body as he morphed into a giant black wolf. Letting out an earth-shaking roar, Hughie swiped his clawed hands in wide arcs, shredding two of the illusion Paddys. But once again, the real Paddy evaded by a hair's breadth.

Hughie bared his fangs in annoyance. "Stand still, will ya!"

"If you insist," Paddy replied. He stopped moving as Hughie charged towards him.

At the last second, Paddy thrust out his palms. "Spirit Shackling Chains!"

Glowing blue chains materialized around Hughie, their spectral links clanking as they wrapped around his limbs and torso. The sudden stop sent Hughie crashing face-first to the ground with a yelp.

He thrashed violently, but the spirit chains held fast. Paddy glanced down at him impassively.

"Do you submit? This battle is over."

"Like hell it is!" Hughie snarled. With a roar, he poured all his strength into shattering the chains. They cracked and splintered until they gave way.

Hughie jumped to his feet. His earlier playfulness had vanished, replaced by a ferocious glare.

"No more playing around. I'm taking you down!"

He charged, claws outstretched towards Paddy's throat. But faster than he could blink, Paddy disappeared, reappearing twenty meters away.

"My apologies, but it seems like you will not give up, so I must end this for both our sakes," Paddy sighed.

He formed a diamond with his thumbs and forefingers. "Soul Crushing Prison."

A blue pyramid materialized around Hughie. The translucent walls rapidly closed in, trapping him within the tiny space.

Hughie panicked, his wolf form scrabbled desperately as he tried to escape but his claws simply slid off the walls of solidified spiritual energy.

Sweat beaded Hughie's brow as his breaths came in shorter, harsher gasps. It felt like the very life was being squeezed from his lungs. He could hear the cheers and shouts from the spectators, but they sounded strangely muted and distant, as if he was hearing them from underwater.

Suddenly, a clear voice cut through the haze in his mind.

"Come on Hughie, you can do this! I believe in you!"


Hughie's gaze snapped up, meeting Oliviare's from across the arena. Her hands were clasped worriedly against her chest, eyes brimming with concern. But she kept her focus fixed on Hughie, mouthing silent words of encouragement.

Hughie clenched his jaw. No way was he going to fail and embarrass himself in front of his girl!

Mustering every ounce of power, Hughie slammed his palms against the pyramid's walls. "Get...OFF!"

With a final explosive push, the prison shattered into fading wisps of spiritual energy. Hughie collapsed to his hands and knees, sucking in deep gulps of sweet air. His black fur was matted with sweat, but his amber eyes still burned fiercely.

Across from him, Paddy's eyes widened in surprise. "How? You should not have been able to break that technique..."

Hughie barked out a strained laugh as he struggled back to his feet. "Never underestimate a Black Rose disciple!"

His legs wobbled dangerously and he had to dig his claws into the stage floor to remain standing. Dark splotches blossomed across the front of his robes where blood seeped from numerous gashes and lacerations on his chest and limbs, caused by the prison's crushing force.

"You are gravely injured. Let us stop this pointless battle so you can receive medical aid."

Hughie scowled. "Ain't...pointless," he panted out. "We got spectators...relying on us for a good show. And I aim...to deliver!"

"Bloodforge Ascension!"

Hughie's veins bulged and skin flushed an angry red as the Berserker transformation overtook him. Muscles swelled until he was a hulking beast of a man. The wolf features of his previous transformation had mutated into something closer resembling an ogre, though somehow even more terrifying.

"I'm gonna take your head!" Hughie roared. Faster than before, he dashed at Paddy in a red blur.

Paddy's calm expression finally broke into one of surprise as he frantically blocked and evaded the onslaught of crushing blows. Even he was forced onto the defensive against such overwhelming power.

But Hughie's strikes came even faster, Paddy's guard began to slip. A particularly devastating punch broke through and caught him full in the stomach.

"Gah!" Paddy cried out, slamming backwards into the arena barrier so hard it cracked. He slid to the ground, clutching his midsection in agony.

Hughie paused, chest heaving as he regained control over his bloodlust. He really hoped he hadn't overdone it and seriously injured the guy.

Slowly, painfully, Paddy climbed back to his feet. Swaying slightly, he gave Hughie a weary smile.

"It seems...I underestimated you," he panted.

As Paddy prepared himself to continue, Hughie suddenly had an idea.

"Check out my next trick!" He announced. There was a burst of black smoke, and when it cleared, a gigantic three-eyed toad croaked on the arena floor, a large tongue lolling from its mouth.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

Before Paddy could respond, the toad's tongue shot out quicker than the eye could follow, looping around him. With a sharp yank, it hoisted Paddy high into the air, leaving him dangling upside down by one leg.

"Do you submit?" the toad croaked at the struggling cultivator trapped in its tongue.

Paddy wheezed helplessly. Seeing no escape, he reluctantly nodded.

Hughie released him and transformed back into human form, pumping his fists. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"

Up in the stands, Oliviare breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness.

Elder Fred stepped forward. "Victory goes to Hughie of the Black Rose Sect!"

The crowd erupted into applause as Hughie took a bow. Paddy picked himself up off the ground, brushing dirt from his robes with as much dignity as he could muster.

"You beat me fairly," Paddy conceded, offering Hughie a bow. "Well played, friend."

Hughie slapped him on the back with a grin. "You put up a good fight too, buddy! No hard feelings, eh?"

Paddy managed a small smile in response before limping from the arena, massaging his sore ribs. Hughie waved cheekily until his opponent was out of sight.

As Hughie walked back to the waiting area, Li Fenghao spoke up once more.

"What kind of harebrained fighting was that? You made a complete fool of yourself out there!"

"I still won didn't I?" Hughie grumbled under his breath.

"Winning through sheer dumb luck and transforming does not make you a skilled fighter," Li Fenghao lectured. "You were appallingly slow to enter your Bloodforge state despite struggling earlier. And your blows had no finesse or strategy, you were just flailing around blindly!"

"Hey I kept him on his toes, didn't I?" Hughie argued. "Unpredictability is my style!"

Li Fenghao scoffed. "That was not unpredictability, that was just sloppy improvisation and wasted energy. You must have a clear plan of attack tailored to your opponent's weaknesses. Never show your full hand right away either, make them underestimate you first before striking the finishing blow."

"Ugh whatever, backseat battling is real easy," Hughie rolled his eyes. "I'd like to see you do better from inside that dinky ring, oh mighty one."

"Why you arrogant little—!"

"--Next match, Caelum versus Antonio!" Elder Fred announced.


Your Disciple Hughie Has Won!

150 Karmic Credits x3

450 Karmic Credits Gained!

That 100% loyalty multiplier coming in handy.

Slifer watched as Hughie pumped his fists, celebrating his victory over Paddy. While the battle had been entertaining for the spectators, Slifer couldn't help but feel that Hughie's reckless fighting style had mostly been down to luck.

If it had been Slifer's avatar in the ring instead, such carelessness could have easily led to defeat or knowing his luck, death. Zack couldn't rely on blind luck to win his fights.

Now if only my other self took the fights more seriously…

"Next match, Caelum versus Antonio!" Elder Fred announced.

The two disciples stepped into the arena. Caelum stood with his hand resting on the hilt of Bloodthorn.

"Try not to embarrass yourself too badly," The Heavenly Light disciple taunted Caelum. "Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours all bruised for the victory ceremony."

Caelum didn't respond, ignoring the jab. He knew words were meaningless here - only strength mattered.

"Begin!" Elder Fred declared.

Antonio immediately blasted towards Caelum in a blur, cocking back a meaty fist. Just before it could land, Caelum side-stepped, the blow sailing past his cheek. Antonio's momentum carried him stumbling several feet beyond. He whirled with a growl.

"Don't run away, dammit!"

Caelum remained silent, hand still resting casually on his sword hilt.

With another roar, Antonio launched a frenzied series of punches and kicks. But Caelum flowed between the attacks like water, barely exerting himself as he ducked and wove with minimal movement. Antonio struck nothing but air, his frustration visibly growing.

Finally, Caelum went on the offensive. His sword sang as he drew it faster than the eye could follow, slashing across Antonio's chest.

"Gah!" Antonio cried out at the sudden blaze of pain. He leapt backwards, clutching the deep gash now marring his chest.

"You bastard!" Antonio spat. "I'll kill you!" Face twisted in rage, he lifted one hand towards Caelum, palm outstretched. Yellow qi coalesced rapidly before him.

"Vajra Fist!"

A massive projection of a golden fist rocketed towards Caelum. But Caelum didn't flinch. With a single upwards sweep of his sword, the fist split cleanly in half, dissipating harmlessly.

Antonio gaped at the casual display of strength. He desperately channelled more qi, materializing four huge fists that hovered around him defensively.

"Try getting through this!" He challenged.

Caelum's features remained impassive. Without a word, he stabbed his sword into the ground before him.

"Thorned Lash."

Before Antonio's eyes, Bloodthorn seemed to come alive. Its blade lengthened impossibly as it shot out in Antonio's direction. It wrapped around two of the golden fists, constricting tightly. The fists warped and cracked under the pressure before shattering.

"Shit!" Antonio dispelled the remaining fists and tried to dodge, but the sword was too quick. It coiled around his limbs and torso, razor edge digging into his skin as it lifted him up. Antonio thrashed helplessly several feet above the ground.

"Le me go!" He roared.

Caelum made a slight pulling motion with one hand. Bloodthorne instantly retracted, slamming Antonio down hard enough to leave cracks in the stage floor.

Elder Fred hurried over and checked Antonio's condition before raising his hand. "Winner, Caelum!"


Your Disciple Caelum Has Won!

150 Karmic Credits x3

450 Karmic Credits Gained!

As expected of Caelum. Efficient, controlled, and not toying with his opponent like Hughie. Slifer nodded approvingly from the stands as he noted the similarity between his disciples' battles. I just hope Hughie realises that Caelum was teaching him a lesson there.

"Next match – Olive vs Kuwi"

While half-listening to the other matches, Slifer opened up the System Shop. He needed an antidote for Zack's injured shoulder. That Black Death cultivator's corrosive death technique was still causing issues for Zack. Slifer had initially wanted Zack to deal with it himself, but his avatar had made it clear that he was making no progress.

The attacks of the Black Death disciple were not simple.

Hmm, what do we have here...

The first antidote that popped up was called Rejuvenating Phoenix Balm, a medicinal paste that could cleanse all wounds and regenerate destroyed meridians.

Useful, but Zack's meridians are fine…Slifer swiped to the next option as he purposely ignored the 10,000 Karmic Credit price tag.

Next was Life-Sealing Pill, at only 100 Karmic Credits, it was able to forcefully suppress any malicious qi or toxins within the body.

Tempting, but I'm not trying to supress anything, I need the problem gotten rid of!

Finally, Slifer found what he was looking for - Essence Cleansing Serum. This liquid could purge both external and internal injuries by liquefying them and flushing the corruption from the body's essence channels.

500 Karmic Credits, not bad. Slifer quickly purchased the serum and had it sent to his storage ring.

Perfect. Now to inform Zack.

Slifer closed his eyes and delivered a message directly to his other self.

"Hey, I got you something to fix that messed up shoulder. It's in the ring."

In preparation for the Sealed Realm, Slifer had spent a handsome amount of Karmic Credits to link two rings so that they shared the same pocket dimension.

1000 Karmic Credits is definitely worth it! Whilst Zack is in the Sealed Realm, I can just buy items and send them over. We'll see how the other protagonists deal with that, ha!

With his job done, Slifer returned his full attention to the tournament stage as the next match was announced.

"Ziven versus Katherine!"