

Chapter 82: The Second Round Of Battles Begin!

Slifer watched with interest as the next two contestants stepped into the arena - Ziven of the Heavenly Light Sect, and Katherine of the Black Rose Sect.

The cocky Son of Heaven wore a smirk as he faced Katherine across the arena. "Try not to bore me too quickly, will you?"

Katherine bristled, flames already dancing along her fingertips. "We'll see who's bored after I burn off that stupid grin!"

"Begin!" Elder Fred announced.

Katherine immediately leapt at Ziven, propelling herself forward on jets of fire from her feet. With a fierce cry, she hurled a massive fireball straight at her opponent's head.

But faster than she could react, Ziven thrust out a palm, conjuring a swirling vortex of wind that swallowed up the fireball. With his other hand, he made a squeezing motion.

"Wind Lock!"

Before she could retreat, the air around Katherine condensed with an audible crack, forming into glowing green chains that clamped onto her limbs and held her suspended in the air.

"Already?" Ziven yawned. "What a disappointment."

He flicked his wrist, and the chains flung Katherine against the ground, then up into the barrier wall. Over and over her battered body smashed back and forth between the two surfaces as she screamed.

Finally, Ziven recalled the chains, dropping Katherine to lie crumpled on the floor, barely conscious. He prodded her with the tip of his boot.

"Pathetic. Is this the best your wretched sect can muster?"

Elder Fred hurried over and checked Katherine's condition. Her face was badly bruised, and blood dripped from her nose and mouth. With a shake of his head, the Elder raised his hand.

"The winner is Ziven!"

The Heavenly Light disciples erupted into deafening cheers for their victorious sect brother. Chants of "Son of Heaven! Son of Heaven!" rang out from the stands. Even spectators from the other sects looked impressed by Ziven's swift and utter demolition of his opponent.

As for the Black Rose section, it was silent except for a few muttered curses. Hughie slammed his fist angrily against the railing.

"He's cocky now but wait till I face him!"

"That is the fate of all demonic cultivators!" Ziven declared loudly enough for all to hear. "To be crushed under the foot of the righteous!"

More cheers erupted from the Heavenly Light disciples. Slifer resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Protagonists were always one for dramatic speeches.

"I quite like his style," Vowron chuckled.

"As expected of our finest. None of the disciples here can match Ziven," Zofia said with a proud smile on her face.

So he defeated some no-name scrub, big deal. My own disciples are far more entertaining to watch. And he's already lost against Amelia before anyway.

As if sensing Slifer's thoughts, Elder Fred stepped forward for the next announcement.

"Amelia of Black Rose versus Adrian of White Tiger Sect!"

A petite silver-haired girl stepped into the arena with an innocent smile on her face. Adrian towered over her, rippling with muscle.

"I'll try not to hurt you too badly little girl," Adrian laughed.

Amelia's smile grew even more innocent as she clutched her hands to her chest. "Oh my, you're so big and strong! Please be gentle with me!"

Slifer had to resist the urge to snort out loud. The little minx was laying it on thick with her act. He could already predict what was about to happen.

As expected, the moment Elder Fred announced the start of the match, Amelia's entire demeanour changed. Her innocent smile twisted into a vicious grin and her hand snapped out, backhanding Adrian across the face before he could react.

The White Tiger disciple reeled back with a startled shout, clutching his cheek. "Why you little—!"

Amelia immediately schooled her features back into a mask of terror.

"I'm so sorry!" Amelia exclaimed. "But I got scared, forgive me!"

"I…I didn't even atta—"

But Amelia was already on him, hands covered in purple qi.

"Spirit Severing Claw!"

Her nails elongated into wicked talons that she raked across Adrian's chest in a blurred series of swipes. Blood sprayed as Adrian's robes were shredded, five deep gashes slicing across his torso.

He stumbled back with a cry of pain as his soul burned. "Damn you!"

Amelia dropped her innocent act as a cruel smile appeared on her face. "Mmm, not bad," She murmured as she licked the blood from her claws. "But big strong men always taste the sweetest when their arrogance turns to despair."

"Y-you bitch!" Adrian shouted as he activated his sect's signature White Tiger transformation.

Muscles bulged and white fur sprouted across his body as he dropped on all fours, morphing into a massive tiger. Razor sharp claws dug into the arena floor as he pounced with a deafening roar.

But Amelia darted around the wild strikes, looking almost bored. As Adrian passed by, she delivered a slap to his bottom.

"Bad kitty! You need to be punished for that little temper tantrum."

She grabbed the tiger by the tail and slammed him down hard. Adrian yowled as the arena floor cracked under the impact.

But Amelia was just getting started. Still holding him by the tail, she swung the helpless Adrian around like he weighed nothing, building momentum before releasing him. He sailed through the air, crashing headfirst through the arena barrier.

Watching Amelia's antics, Slifer sighed internally.

She's never going to learn respect or mercy at this rate. It will take someone finally giving her a taste of her own medicine before she changes. And even that might not be enough...

Astrid, seeing one of her sect members being tortured like this, frowned. "This level of humiliation is unnecessary. She has already clearly won, there's no need to drag it out."

"Oh, I don't know, I'm quite enjoying the show," Vowron laughed.

Adrian had finally reverted back to human form and was now being spun overhead by his ankles before being pile-drived back down.

"While technically allowed, this does seem rather...excessive," Leontius winced.

"What else can be expected from demonic scum. They have no honour!" Zofia sneered down her nose.

Slifer frowned. He may not approve of Amelia's methods either, but he wouldn't stand for outsiders criticizing his disciples. That was his job!

"Amelia is still young," he said. "She has much to learn in controlling her...enthusiasm during battle."

That was probably the understatement of the century,Slifer mused.

The words had barely left his mouth when Amelia leapt onto the semi-conscious Adrian's back. "Giddy-up horsey!" She cackled, slapping his sides as she pretended to ride him around the arena like a bucking bronco.

I give up, Slifer pinched the bridge of his nose. She's hopeless.

Amelia then hopped off and proceeded to repeatedly smash Adrian's face into the ground like she was grinding pepper.

After grinding Adrian's face into the dirt several more times, Amelia seemed to grow bored. With a dismissive sniff, she dusted off her hands and walked away, leaving her opponent in a whimpering heap.

Elder Fred awkwardly raised his arm. "Um...victor, Amelia of Black Rose Sect."


Your Disciple Amelia Won!

150 Karmic Credits Gained!

Well, at least she won. Guess I'll have to give her a lecture about 'respecting your opponent', for all the good it will do.

Amelia curtsied to the cheering Black Rose disciples. Then she turned and gave a wink straight at Ziven, blowing him a kiss. The Son of Heaven looked like he wanted to murder her on the spot.

The remaining matches of the first round passed by fairly quickly. Dentos, as efficient as usual, defeated his Black Heart Sect opponent with several well-placed strokes of his paintbrush. The poor cultivator found himself sealed inside a painting of a serene meadow for the remainder of the duel.

Nomed got lucky with his match-up, facing off against a Pure Soul Sect cultivator at only the Mid Foundation Establishment Realm. The mismatch was obvious to everyone as Nomed battered his opponent into submission in less than a minute.

It will take more than a gap of one substage in cultivation to defeat a protagonist.

"Next match – Zack of the Black Rose Sect vs Urion of the Heavenly Light Sect!"

Let's see how my other self does, Slifer straightened up in his seat with interest.


New Task: For Every Battle Your Disciples Win In The Second Round, You Will Gain 200 Karmic Credits!

Wow, if I get credits for every battle they win in the rest of the tournament, just how many credits would that be?

Zack strolled into the arena wearing a confident grin as always. Despite Slifer healing his shoulder, he still wore bandages wrapped around one arm for show.

Urion smirked when he saw the bandages. "Just give up now. With you already half-crippled, I'd hate for you to embarrass yourself out there."

"Funny, I was hoping to get matched against one of you Heavenly Light peacocks," Zack's eyes glinted dangerously. "Can't wait to pluck those arrogant feathers of yours."

"You da-!"


Chapter 83: Zack Vs Heavenly Light Disciple Urion!

Zack and Urion circled each other slowly. Zack continued pretending that his shoulder was still injured by favouring his unbandaged side.

"I'll show you!" With a roar, Urion charged forward surrounded by halos of light. Just before reaching Zack, he thrust out both palms.

"Heavenly Radiance Burst!"

Rays of golden light erupted towards Zack. But Zack was ready as he jumped into the sky.

"Dragon Wings!"

With a crackle of electricity, lightning wings sprouted from Zack's back. With a single flap, he easily evaded the Heavenly Radiance Burst as it scorched the ground where he had been a moment before.

From above, Zack smirked down at Urion. "Too slow!"

He then dive-bombed straight towards his opponent, fist cocked back.

"Thunderclap Palm!"

Urion crossed his arms, manifesting a shield of light to block the blow. Zack's palm collided with a resounding boom that shook the entire arena. Urion slid back several meters from the force, but his shield managed to absorb the worst of the attack.

Up in the stands, Slifer shook his head as he watched the battle play out. It was obvious to him that his avatar was merely toying with the Heavenly Light disciple. After all, what could someone at the Peak Foundation Establishment Realm truly do against the full power of his avatar?

The difference between their battle prowess was like an adult wrestling with a child. No matter how crafty the child was, victory would require a miracle. Or utter carelessness on the adult's part.

In other words, Zack could end this battle anytime he wished. The only question was how long he wanted to draw things out for the spectators' entertainment.

Judging by the theatrical performance so far, Slifer guessed his avatar planned to milk this for all it was worth.

Eh, let him have his fun.

Down below, Zack landed back on his feet. "Not bad," he said to Urion. "Now it's my turn!"

Once more he took to the air on wings of lightning, zig-zagging randomly around Urion. Confused, the Heavenly Light disciple tried to track Zack's erratic movements, but it was hopeless.

Zack suddenly dove, appearing right in Urion's face. "Boo!"

"Gah!" Urion shouted in surprise, stumbling backwards.

Zack laughed and resumed zig-zagging overhead. "What's wrong? Eyes too slow to keep up?"

Urion growled in frustration. Losing a battle was understandable but it was humiliating being toyed with like this.

"Try my Heavenly Gaze then!"

Closing his eyes, Urion channelled his qi. When his eyes opened, they glowed with an azure light. Everything seemed to slow down as his vision locked onto Zack's lightning-fast form, allowing him to perfectly track the movements.

"Woah, cool dojusts-!"

Just before Zack could finish, Urion thrust out a palm.

"Heavenly Snare!"

A glowing lattice of light manifested in midair right in Zack's flight path. Too fast to change direction, Zack smashed right into it. The snare instantly coiled around him, completely immobilizing his limbs no matter how much he struggled.

Urion smirked, closing his fist. The snare contracted, crushing Zack in its grip.

"How's that?" Urion leered up at his captive. "Still having fun?"

Zack groaned dramatically. "Oh no...I can't get out and my shoulder…it hurts." He made a show of clutching his bandaged arm.

For a moment, a flicker of hope appeared in Urion's eyes. Was it actually over?

But in the spectator stands, none of the elders seemed particularly concerned by the sight of Zack trapped. If anything, most looked mildly amused.

"Supreme Elder, your disciple has some skill," Leontius remarked. "His mastery over lightning at such a young age is really quite impressive."

"This Zack…he seems interesting," Vowron murmured.

The only one not looking impressed was Zofia. "Do not be taken in so easily," she warned. "He may have some meagre talent for his age, but in the end, no demonic cultivator can match the Heavenly Light Sect."

Slifer bristled slightly at that, but held his tongue, he didn't let it stop him from feeling smug under the praise. Even though it was aimed at his avatar rather than himself, he still enjoyed the attention.

Down in the arena, Zack's eyes narrowed. Playtime was over. With a pulse of lightning, the Heavenly Snare imprisoning him shattered into sparks.

Urion stared, dumbfounded. "But how—"

Before he could react, Zack shot forward and landed a solid kick to Urion's chest, knocking him flat on his back.

"You peacocks are all flash and no substance," Zack said, standing over him. "Time to pluck those feathers for real."

Urion shakily rose to his feet. He took a few steps back from Zack, no longer so bold.

"D-don't get cocky!" He shouted, though it sounded like he was trying to convince himself. "I'll show you the ultimate power of our Heavenly Light techniques!"

Taking a deep breath, Urion adopted a wide stance. He brought his palms together in front of him as brilliant halos of light sprang up around his body. The arena shook from the sudden spike in spiritual pressure.

"Behold the Heavenly Radiance Cannon!"

Between Urion's hands, a small orb of light appeared, deceptively innocent at first. But it quickly expanded, intensifying into a miniature sun that grew larger and larger, until Urion finally thrust it forward with a roar.

The orb transformed into a massive beam of blazing light, seeming to set the very air aflame as it annihilated everything in its path.

In the stands, Zofia smiled proudly. This was one of the Heavenly Light Sect's strongest techniques. No mere Foundation Establishment cultivator could possibly withstand a direct hit. This match was over.

But Zack did not look worried. As the Heavenly Radiance Cannon bore down on him, his posture shifted. His injured arm dropped back to his side. With his functional hand, he calmly unsheathed his sword.

"Stellar Nova Strike!"

Zack's sword blurred as he executed a blinding series of slashes. Each cut left behind a trail of light that hung in the air.

Within seconds, Zack was enclosed inside a dome of condensed starfire. At the same time, the Heavenly Radiance Cannon struck.

But the stellar nova barrier easily swallowed up the attack, diffusing it harmlessly.

"How...that's impossible!" Urion gaped as he fell to his knees.

His strongest technique had been completely overpowered. At this point, he knew he had no chance of victory.

Up in the stands, Zofia's smile had slipped into a look of astonishment. She too was having difficulty comprehending what she had just witnessed.

Zack blew out a breath, scattering lingering motes of starlight as he shook his head.

"Not gonna lie, I thought you'd put up more of a fight. But if that's really all you've got..."

In an instant, he flickered out of sight, reappearing directly behind the stunned Urion, sword lightly resting across the Heavenly Light disciple's neck.

"...then this match is over."

"...I submit," Urion choked out.

Zack released him and spun his sword around before sheathing it. He patted Urion on the shoulder.

"You've got decent skills. Work on that temper though, and don't underestimate your opponent next time."

With that, he strolled away, leaving behind a dumbfounded Urion. The Heavenly Light disciple stared after him for several seconds before his knees gave out and he plopped down hard on his behind.

Just how? That lightning, the spatial teleportation, the sword and light techniques...he wielded them all perfectly. Urion shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't understand how someone at the same realm had outclassed him.

Stumbling to his feet, he quickly retreated from the arena without another glance back. There were murmurs and whispers from the Heavenly Light section.

Ziven in particular looked outraged. "How could he use light techniques?" He spat, knowing just how hard it was to gain access to the light element, it was one of the reasons he himself joined the sect. "He must have stolen our sect's secrets somehow!"

But Zofia shook her head as her voice carried down to him. "No. His skills did not come from our sect. I'm not sure where he learned these techniques, but they do not originate with us."

Inwardly, she was more troubled than she let on. Even though the light techniques demonstrated were only at the Foundation Establishment level, she could see their potential, they were at least Mid-Earth Rank techniques. Now how did a demonic sect acquire such high-level light techniques?

Up in the participant waiting area, Caelum shot to his feet, staring down at the arena with shock written across his normally stoic features. Sunrise Slash!

Zack's at the Sword Qi Realm at the very least...and that other sword technique? He really is master's protégé.

"Ahem." Elder Fred cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Victory goes to Zack of the Black Rose Sect!"

Cheers erupted from the Black Rose section as Zack lapped up the attention. He spotted Amelia blowing kisses at him from the waiting area and responded with a roguish wink.

As he made his way off the arena stage, Slifer leaned back. His avatar's performance had certainly made an impression on the other elders.

While part of him enjoyed the prestige, he also hoped no one looked too deeply into things. He trusted Zack not to break character unless absolutely necessary. Still, the more eyes on them, the greater the risk someone might uncover their secret.

Even though I don't trust the System, it is good at what it does. And if that old man Li Fenghao hasn't noticed, then I have nothing to worry about here.

For now, Slifer decided to just enjoy his sect's momentum. One victory at a time. After all, this was only the second round of a five-round tournament.


Your Avatar Has Won His Battle!

200 Karmic Credits Gained!

Let the games continue.

Chapter 84: Amelia Gets Revenge!

Slifer watched with amusement as the Heavenly Light disciple scheduled to face Ziven walked onto the arena stage, took one look at the Son of Heaven, and promptly turned right back around to exit on the other side.

"I forfeit this match!" the disciple called out, not even sparing a glance backwards.

Slifer chuckled under his breath. Clearly that disciple knew Ziven by reputation and decided the only wise choice was to avoid fighting the monster entirely. Not a bad strategy when the difference in power was so vast. Better to lose a match than end up crippled or dead.

Elder Fred raised an eyebrow but made the announcement. "Er...by forfeit, victory goes to Ziven of the Heavenly Light Sect."

The Heavenly Light section erupted into loud cheers and chants of "Son of Heaven! Son of Heaven!"

Slifer thought it was rather silly to celebrate what was essentially a non-battle. But he supposed that was the privilege of being the protagonist. Even your opponent surrendering without a fight was seen as an achievement.

As for the Son of Heaven himself, he looked mildly annoyed at being denied his fun, but he didn't argue. No doubt he had been expecting his opponent to tremble in fear. His ego would recover soon enough.

"Next match, Caelum of Black Rose versus Pollus of Pure Soul Sect!" called out Elder Fred.

Both disciples entered the arena and faced each other. Caelum wore his usual impassive expression while the Pure Soul disciple Pollus gave a friendly smile.

"Good luck to you," Pollus said politely with a slight bow. "May this be a good match."

Caelum simply nodded in return. He had no interest in exchanging pleasantries. His focus was only on the fight ahead.

But instead of assuming a fighting stance, Pollus turned and bowed towards the Pure Soul section.

"My apologies, but I too must forfeit this match!"

Murmurs of surprise rippled through the crowd.

Another walkover victory? How strange, Slifer frowned. But glancing over at Leontius, the Supreme Elder of Pure Soul Sect didn't look angry or upset. If anything, the old man seemed vaguely approving of his disciple's choice.

Hmm, so it was a deliberate strategy on their part. Slifer realized that by forfeiting the second round matches, the Pure Soul disciples preserved their strength for the later battles when the stakes were higher. Not a bad plan.

"Caelum wins by forfeit," Fred announced, slightly exasperated. He was no doubt hoping to officiate some actual fighting.

Slifer had to admit, two consecutive concessions did make for somewhat dull viewing. Oh well, he was certain things would get more exciting soon. After all, they were still only in the second round. No doubt the other elders shared his thoughts, based on the politely hidden looks of boredom on their faces. Even the audience seemed to be growing restless. Time to deliver something a bit more thrilling.

As if on cue, Fred stepped forward for the next announcement. "Amelia of the Black Rose Sect versus Krikoff of the Black Heart Sect!"

Now this should be interesting, Slifer thought as both disciples leapt into the arena.

Usually Amelia liked to toy with weaker opponents, but he sensed something different about her demeanour this time. There was no playful smirk on her face as she stared down the Black Heart disciple. If anything, her pretty features were set in an uncharacteristic scowl. Krikoff on the other hand looked thrilled at this match-up. He leered across the arena at Amelia, his eyes roaming hungrily over her petite form.

"Well hello there beautiful, fancy seeing you again," he called out loudly. "This time, I hope you'll be more receptive…"

Slifer's eyes narrowed. He knew exactly why Amelia looked ready to murder the fool. In their last encounter, the lecher had tried to grope her, and she'd responded by blasting him through a wall. That perv was lucky not to have lost that hand. Apparently the creep had yet to learn his lesson. But it seemed he would receive a refresher course today. Slifer almost felt pity for what was about to happen to the arrogant idiot. Almost.

Amelia's scowl deepened at the taunt. With a flick of her wrist, a black dagger appeared in her hand. Slowly, she dragged her tongue along the flat of the blade while maintaining eye contact with Krikoff. "Let's see you touch anyone with those filthy hands after today," she spat.

Krikoff simply laughed, making a show of looking her up and down again. "Ooh feisty. Don't worry, I like it rough. You'll be screaming my name before long!" With that he cracked his knuckles, his peak Core Formation power rolling off him in waves. But Amelia did not so much as blink.

"Begin!" Fred shouted, before quickly retreating from the stage. He did not want to be caught between those two right now.

Krikoff wasted no time as vines burst out of his sleeves aiming to restrain her. But Amelia was ready. With a swipe of her dagger, she severed the vines before they could touch her. In the same motion, she slipped right through Krikoff's fingers like smoke, appearing behind him within the blink of an eye.

The Black Heart disciple spun with a snarl. More vines erupted from his body, lashing toward Amelia in thorny tendrils. She flipped backwards out of reach, but the vines pursued her, reluctant to let her go. Realizing he couldn't restrain her fast enough this way, Krikoff changed tactics. With a roar, massive vines burst out of the ground beneath Amelia's feet. But she had already read the intent, pushing off the instant before they erupted. She landed lightly on top of one of the swaying vines.

Before Krikoff could react, she dashed down the length of it, her smaller frame let her twist out of the way as thorns snapped at her. Within a second, she had reached the end and pushed off, throwing herself straight at Krikoff. "Soul Render!"

At this distance, Krikoff had no chance to evade the blow, he was barely able to cross his arms to block the attack. But even then, he slid back from the force, face scrunching in pain. The purple qi blade had shredded right through his robes, directly attacking his soul.

"Dammit!" He clutched his chest and tried to scramble away. But Amelia pressed on.

Forced completely on the defensive, Krikoff's arrogance rapidly unravelled. Just defending against Amelia's attacks took all his focus. Even using his vines only delayed the inevitable by seconds. By the end of it, Krikoff was panting heavily, whilst his soul felt like it was on fire, Amelia had yet to suffer so much as a scratch. His cocky attitude had evaporated completely, replaced by pain and rage...and fear.

Slamming his palms down, he sent a pulse of qi into the ground. "Entangling Undergrowth!" Thick vines exploded outward, warping into spiked whips that filled the entire arena with a writhing mass of greenery.

Amelia leapt over one vine, severed another, then flipped to the side to avoid a third. But the density of attacks was rapidly increasing. Her expression shifted slightly for the first time, her eyes narrowed as she looked for an opening.

"Merge!" Krikoff condensed all the scattered vines into one last thorny tentacle and sent it spearing straight towards Amelia with all his strength behind it.

Too focused on her footing, Amelia did not react quickly enough this time. The massive vine whipped around her torso, thorns biting deeply into her flesh as they coiled tight. She bit back a scream, the black dagger still clutched tightly in her hand.

"Got you now, bitch!" Krikoff exulted. With a savage jerk, he hauled Amelia off her feet, smashing her down hard against the arena floor. Again and again he whipped her into the earth. Amelia's head snapped back with each blow, chest constricted by the vines.

Up in the stands, Slifer leaned forward, eyes narrowing. Now things were getting serious.

In the arena, Amelia regained enough sense to start hacking at the vine crushing her. But the thorns dug in deeper in response, she bit back a hiss of pain. She could feel her strength rapidly draining.

Krikoff grinned maliciously, savouring this moment. "What's wrong? Thought you were going to chop off my hands?" He taunted between slams. "I think it's your arms that will be separating from your worthless body!" With a final heave, he brought Amelia down on her head with a stomach-turning crack. Her struggles weakened and the dagger fell from her hand.

Gloating at his seeming victory, Krikoff began slowly reeling Amelia's semi-conscious form towards him like a fish on a line. "Maybe I won't kill you just yet though," he licked his lips. "First, I think I'll take my time paying you back for humiliating me before I finish crushing the life out of you. Oh, I'm really going to enjoy this!" He reached for her as soon as she was close enough, hands twisting towards her chest.

"Don't touch me!"

In that instant, Amelia's head jerked up, eyes flashing purple. An inhuman snarl tore from her throat. Before Krikoff could react, her fingers locked around his wrist like a steel trap. With a sickening crack, she crushed the bones in her grip. Krikoff's shriek of pain turned into a gurgle as her free hand whipped forward, shoving down his throat and ripping out his tongue in a spray of blood.

Not even waiting for him to fall, Amelia grasped the vine still entangling her and channelled her qi. The vine blackened and dissolved into ash under her corrosive touch. With a thud, she landed on her feet. When she looked up, her beautiful features had morphed into something inhuman - skin growing paler, dark veins appearing across her face, eyes hollowing into glowing blue sockets, and a pair of smoky wings unfurled from her back.

She had activated her Ghoul Transformation!

Krikoff tried to crawl away, clutching the bloody hole that had been his mouth. But Amelia descended on him in the blink of an eye, no longer playing around. She grabbed his right wrist, placing her foot on his forearm. His eyes pleaded for mercy, but only agonized gurgles escaped as Amelia twisted his hand off, spraying more blood.

She tossed the hand aside and moved to the other arm, repeating the process. All the while, her face remained emotionless.

Armless and unable to scream, Krikoff writhed on the ground in sheer mindless agony. Amelia watched his pathetic struggles for a few moments before taking a step towards him. I'm sorry Master but he needs to die! Purple qi flickered around her fingers as she leaned down, pressing them lightly against Krikoff's forehead. "Soul Collapse."

The Black Heart disciple's back arched in a silent scream as he gasped his last breaths, eyes rolling back before his body went limp.

Amelia straightened slowly, flicking the blood from her hands. The light gradually returned to her eyes as her wings receded and face reverted to its normal delicate appearance. "Pathetic filth," she muttered before making her way off the stage.

A hush had fallen over the entire arena. Many spectators looked on with horror, while others seemed quietly satisfied that arrogance had received its just rewards.

From the participant viewing area, Hughie winced and gave a low whistle. "Remind me not to get on her bad side!"

Next to him, Caelum simply nodded without taking his eyes off his Junior Sister. Amelia was without mercy once someone crossed her but for once Caelum could understand. If she hadn't dealt with the pervert, Caelum knew that he would. He had to. No one touched his family!

Ziven, on the other hand, was staring at Amelia with pure disgust. "This is what demonic scum do!" he spat. "Torture, cripple, and kill! I just don't understand how no one else sees it!"

Up on the stand, Slifer kept his face impassive, but internally he was wincing. This was exactly the kind of unrestrained brutality he had hoped to curb in Amelia. Killing the fool was one thing, but she had clearly taken things too far out of a desire to inflict pain and humiliation. Still, the imbecile had brought it upon himself, Slifer decided to give her a pass just this once.

Luckily, the Black Heart Sect Master had gone missing, if he had been present then maybe I would have had to step in to protect Amelia. But then again, with demonic cultivators, you can never know. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he told her she had gone too easy on the perv and then gave her a live demonstration on castration…


Due To Your Disciple Amelia's Actions You Have Gained 1 Karmic Credit!


Your Disciple Amelia Has Eliminated A Demonic Cultivator

25 Karmic Credits Gained!


Your Disciple Amelia Has Won Her Battle!

200 Karmic Credits Gained

Slifer dismissed the notifications as he turned to see the reaction of the elders beside him.

The elders seemed divided in their reactions. Leontius in particular seemed appalled. "That level of torture was completely unnecessary," he frowned. "Supreme Elder, I fear the heart of your disciple is blacker than the name of your se-."

But before he could finish, Slifer held up a hand. "That young man has harassed and even laid a hand on my disciple. She showed remarkable restraint until now, all things considered." He left the exact details ambiguous, but the meaning was clear.

The female elders in particular immediately looked outraged on Amelia's behalf. "Is that so?" Zofia said, eyes narrowed dangerously. "Then he deserved worse than what he got. Do not waste pity on those who prey on women."

Leontius looked taken aback while Vowron simply chuckled. Astrid nodded in agreement with Zofia. "She taught him a lesson he earned," the White Tiger elder declared. "I have no sympathy for such trash."

Leontius fell silent, unwilling to criticize Amelia further given the circumstances. In truth, he was conflicted. Justice had perhaps been served, but the methods still unnerved him.

Down in the arena, Elder Fred finally stepped forward as Krikoff's mangled corpse was carried out.

"Victory to Amelia of the Black Rose Sect!"

Chapter 85: The Heavenly Light Prodigy!

"Ashton of the White Tiger Sect versus Rai of the Black Heart Sect!"

Ashton stepped into the arena. At over seven feet tall, he was a giant, with bulging muscles that seemed ready to tear through the white robes straining to contain them.

Up in the waiting area, Zack's eyes lit up, the winner of this battle would face him in the next round!

Now that's more like it! No more wasting time with these weak sauce appetizers. I want the main course!

He could already feel his blood pumping faster at the thought of battling someone with Ashton's sheer physical prowess. Most cultivators relied too heavily on their techniques in Zack's opinion. He wanted to see what this dual cultivator could do with that monstrous body of his. Because Zack knew that when it came to hand-to-hand combat, no one could match him.

Let's see those tiger claws go up against my fists! Just try not to go down too quickly, big guy. I plan on putting on a good show for the crowd.

Across from Ashton, a lanky cultivator with flame-red hair entered the arena - Rai. He wore a cocky grin as he sized up his opponent, clearly unintimidated by Ashton's massive form. With a scoff, Rai produced a black rose from within his robes and tossed it at Ashton's feet.

"I'll lay you to rest on a bed of ashes, White Tiger," Rai declared, flames already dancing along his fingertips.

Ashton said nothing in response, settling into a solid ready stance, palms open and facing Rai. He had no need for flashy threats or posturing.

The time for talk was over.

"Begin!" Elder Fred shouted.

Rai instantly went on the offensive, hands flying as he threw waves of black fire at Ashton. But with startling agility for his size, Ashton twisted and turned, avoiding the attacks. He then countered by slamming both palms forward.

"Quaking Palm Blast!"

A powerful shockwave erupted from Ashton's hands, shattering the black flames and slamming into Rai. The Black Heart cultivator managed to cross his arms right before impact, shielding himself from the worst of the hit. But the force still sent him skidding back several meters, heels digging into the arena floor.

Undeterred, Rai pressed his attack once more. "Hellfire Dragon!"

The black flames swirled and expanded before him, taking the shape of a gigantic serpentine dragon. It reared back its head and shot towards Ashton, mouth opened wide, ready to swallow him whole.

But Ashton held his ground. Clenching his right hand into a fist, he punched out as the flaming dragon bore down on him.

"Ironbreak Fist!"

Empowered by a surge of qi, Ashton's fist ploughed straight through the Hellfire Dragon's head, dispersing it completely. Residual flames licked harmlessly across his White Tiger robes but failed to do any damage.

"Is that all you've got?" Ashton rumbled.

"Let's see you block this!" Rai snarled.

Drawing back both hands to his side, he concentrated his qi into a swirling vortex of black fire between his palms. The flames spun faster and faster, condensing down into an orb. With a shout, Rai thrust his palms forward, firing off the concentrated blast.

"Black Fire Canon!"

The orb shot towards Ashton, but Ashton remained calm, clasping his hands together. A visible wave of qi radiated out from his body as all his muscles flexed at once.

"White Tiger's Fortitude!"

The black fire canon struck Ashton head on, swallowing him in an inferno. The arena shook under the force of the detonation.

Slifer turned to see the White Tiger Supreme Elder's reaction but found that there was not a flicker of concern on her face.

Yeah…I think that Rai fella is screwed.

As the smoke cleared, Ashton stood in the same spot, completely unharmed. He hadn't bothered moving or defending, simply relying on the durability granted by his qi enforcement technique and his physique.

Rai stared in dismay. Just what kind of monster was this guy? His strongest attack didn't even make him flinch!

Among the crowd, looks of astonishment crossed more than a few faces. For Ashton to so casually overpower a Peak Foundation Establishment cultivator's techniques with just the force of his body...very impressive.

"My turn," Ashton said. Crouching down, he slammed both palms flat on the ground.

"Tectonic Upheaval!"

A shockwave rippled out from Ashton's hands, cracking and buckling the arena floor. Caught off guard, Rai was knocked off his feet. He landed hard on his back with a grunt.

But Ashton wasn't done yet. As Rai stood stunned, the White Tiger disciple suddenly crossed the distance between them in two huge strides. Before Rai could react, Ashton's massive hands clamped down on his shoulders.

Rai struggled helplessly as he was lifted clean off his feet. Ashton held him up with one hand as though he weighed nothing. Then with a roar, Ashton flung Rai straight up into the air.

"White Tiger Meteor Smash!"

Bouncing off the very tops of the arena barriers, Rai shot back down like a fiery comet, unable to stop or change direction. At the last possible second before impact, Ashton spun and delivered a devastating punch to Rai's stomach as he descended.

The Black Heart cultivator spat out a mouthful of blood from the massive blow. His body was sent rocketing across the arena in a high arc until he smashed upside down into the barrier wall, leaving a man-sized crater on impact. Then he slid down and collapsed on the ground.

Elder Fred hurried over to examine Rai. After confirming he was still alive, albeit likely nursing several crushed organs, the Elder raised his hand.

"Victory goes to Ashton of the White Tiger Sect!"

A deafening cheer rose up from the White Tiger section. Even disciples from the other sects looked impressed by the total domination displayed.

A team of Pure Soul Sect healers gently carried the whimpering Rai out on a stretcher. Ashton clasped his hands together and bowed deeply to his opponent.

"You fought well. I apologize for any excessive force. Please recover swiftly."

Up in the stands, Astrid smiled proudly as her disciple displayed the might of their sect for all to see. None could match the White Tiger Sect's bodily cultivation techniques when it came to pure physical toughness, and who better than a dual cultivator to showcase that.

In the waiting area, Zack was on his feet, clapping and laughing. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Skills and brawn, the total package!"

Finally, a real challenge! None of those squishy robed weaklings. Soon it'll be time to see who the real dual cultivator is around here! He eyed Ashton hungrily as the White Tiger disciple left the arena.

Slifer observed his avatar's eager reaction and suppressed a sigh. He knew nothing he said would make a difference once Zack got all fired up. That bull-headed enthusiasm of his was a strength in its own way, but Slifer didn't want his avatar throwing caution and strategy to the wind.

From his memories of stage one, he was quite cautious, maybe I'm underestimating him…


"Arkan of the Heavenly Light Sect versus Surian of the White Tiger Sect!"

The two disciples stepped into the arena.

While Surian may not be as large of a giant as his Junior Brother, he was still a towering slab of muscle compared to normal sized humans. He flexed his muscular arms and cracked his neck from side to side.

"You saw what happened in my Junior Brother Ashton's match, didn't you?" he chuckled. "That Black Heart fool was crushed within minutes. You'd be smart to surrender now if you don't want to be carried out on a stretcher."

Arkan gave a flick of his long blonde hair and smiled. "You're not at my level, you should take your own advice."

Up in the stands, the female Heavenly Light disciples were going crazy, screaming Arkan's name.

"He's so dreamy!" one squealed.

"And that gorgeous hair! I just want to run my hands through it all day!" another fanned herself.

Arkan paid them no mind, his gaze moving to the participant's area where it locked with Ziven's. The Son of Heaven stared back at him, eyes narrowed.

In the Heavenly Light Sect, Ziven was a newcomer who had swiftly defeated many core disciples to become a Legacy Disciple. Arkan wished to face him in the tournament, to show everyone the difference between a newly raised Legacy Disciple, and one born into the role like himself.

Surian grunted in annoyance as he realized his opponent wasn't even looking at him anymore.

"You underestimating me, pretty boy?" he growled. "I'll claw that smug look right off your face!"

Arkan just sighed in response, he saw no benefit in arguing with a beast.

"Begin!" Elder Fred shouted.

Immediately, Surian attacked. "Wind Blade Palm!" He thrust out both hands, generating twin gusts of cutting wind. The razor-sharp air blades shrieked towards Arkan.

But Arkan didn't move. As the wind blades neared, rays of dazzling light materialised around him to form a barrier. The Wind Blade Palms glanced off harmlessly.

Surian's eyes narrowed. So, it wouldn't be that easy. With a shout, he leapt into the air, qi surging as his body expanded and morphed. White fur sprouted across swelling muscles as claws and fangs elongated. Within seconds, the White Tiger cultivator's transformation was complete, leaving an enormous white tiger in his place.

The tiger slammed back down, arena floor cracking under its weight. Lips peeling back from saber-like teeth, it let loose an earth-shaking roar and pounced at Arkan, seeking to tear through his defences through sheer brute force.

The heavenly shield rippled under the blow, but held firm. Arkan didn't even blink.

Snarling in frustration, the white tiger began circling the barrier, searching for any weak points to exploit.

Finding none, it came to a stop directly in front of Arkan and opened its mouth. Then, drawing in a deep breath, the tiger let out another roar, this one concentrated with sonic qi vibrations projected straight towards Arkan's head.

The sound-based attack pierced flawlessly through the light shields, wreaking havoc on Arkan's equilibrium as it hammered his eardrums.

For the first time, cracks appeared in the Heavenly Light disciple's tranquil facade. Face contorting in irritation, Arkan raised one hand, fingers poised to snap.

"Be quiet, beast!"


A circle of glowing light daggers formed around himself.

"Heavenly Barrage."

At his command, the daggers shot forward, impaling themselves into the white tiger's limbs. The tiger roared in pain, the sound attack breaking off as blood poured from its wounds.

Arkan summoned another object into existence - a whip of sunlight. He wrapped it around the injured tiger's neck, making the creature yowl and thrash, but no matter what it did, it could not break free.

Seconds later, it went limp, reverting back to Surian's human form as he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

"Should have taken your own advice," Arkan yawned, dismissing the light whip.

The Heavenly Light female disciples broke out in excited squeals again.

"So strong!"

"He's amazing!"

"Senior Brother, I'll be your pet next!"

"No, use that whip on me next time!" another cried out boldly. This drew gasps from the others.

Arkan paid them no mind, elegantly sweeping his hair back as he turned to leave the arena. But not before his eyes passed briefly over Ziven once more. The message was clear – your time will come.

"A flawless display of power, as expected of a Heavenly Light disciple," Zofia praised from the spectator stands once Arkan had left. "Perhaps only Ziven could hope to match him in this tournament."

Beside her, Vowron made a thoughtful noise. "The boy shows promise, I grant you that."

"As usual, the Heavenly Light disciples cannot be underestimated," Leontius nodded.

In contrast, Astrid sat stiffly, lips pressed thin. After Ashton's dominating performance earlier, she had been riding high. But now, after her own sect member was toyed with and defeated without Arkan even needing to move, her pride had taken a hit. However, she swallowed down her bitterness and held her tongue. Getting emotional would not change matters.

As for Slifer, he kept his face impassive. But internally, he was contemplating. Soon, his avatar would face off against both Arkan and Ziven inside the Sealed Realm.

And he knows just how to make those arrogant peacocks turn on each other. Slifer suppressed a sly smile.

"Next match! Ironius of the Black Death Sect versus Powl of the Pure Soul Sect!" Elder Fred announced the last match of the second round.

Slifer sat up straighter, watching with interest as a pale, red-eyed youth stepped into the arena. According to Ironius' status window, he was also a hidden demon like the one who attacked Hughie.

Let's see what tricks this demon has up its sleeves…

Chapter 86: The End Of The Second Round!

Powl was a thin, gentle-looking man, he gave a small bow as he entered the arena.

"Let us have a fair and honourable match."

Ironius said nothing in response, staring back impassively. Like most of the Black Death disciples in the tournament so far, he seemed a man of few words.

"Begin!" Elder Fred shouted.

Immediately, Ironius exploded into motion. With startling speed, he closed the distance to Powl in two quick steps and launched a blistering combo of palm strikes and kicks.

Powl's eyes widened in surprise at the ferocity of the opening assault. He quickly raised his arms to defend, but Ironius's attacks came from tricky angles that made them difficult to anticipate and block.

A palm strike to the shoulder sent Powl stumbling back.

A sweeping kick took his legs out from under him.

A follow-up knee to his stomach knocked the wind from his lungs.

Powl wheezed and clutched his midsection, but he had no time to recover before Ironius pressed in again, raining down punches and elbows.

Up in the stands, Leontius stroked his beard as he watched the battle. "Most impressive. Supreme Elder Vowron, it seems your Black Death disciples have quite a high level of skill in martial arts."

"There has been an increased emphasis on martial arts training in our sect recently," Vowron smiled. "I felt it was an area we needed to improve upon."

"An unusual decision," Zofia muttered, frowning. "Martial arts have limited usefulness for spiritual cultivators. Our true strength lies in spiritual techniques. No number of kicks and punches will overcome that gap in power."

"Sometimes going back to basics provides unexpected benefits," Vowron replied vaguely.

Internally, Slifer nearly laughed out loud. Focusing on martial arts training, my arse! He's just making sure his demon disciples keep their qi suppressed. Can't have them losing control and revealing their true natures after all.

Down in the arena, Powl finally managed to disengage and put some distance between himself and Ironius.

Placing his palms together, he began chanting under his breath. A soft glow emanated from his hands.

"Soul Snare!"

A pair of glowing purple bands shot out towards Ironius. But the Black Death disciple twisted his body to narrowly avoid one band while slapping aside the other.

"Soul Shockwave!"

Ripples of violet energy pulsed from Powl's palms, distorting the air as they sped towards Ironius. The vibrations slammed into the Black Death disciple's body, causing him to stumble briefly. But after a second, Ironius shook off the disorienting effects of the spiritual attack. His red eyes narrowed, and he resumed his advance on Powl.

"Im...impossible..." Powl stared, dumbstruck.

A brutal side kick crashed into Powl's torso, cracking ribs and sending the Pure Soul disciple flying backwards.

Up in the stands, Slifer shook his head as he observed the one-sided thrashing taking place below.

As a soul cultivator, Powl was at an inherent disadvantage in this match-up. Demons possessed greater soul strength compared to humans at the same cultivation level. Powl's soul techniques were simply not potent enough to threaten a demon like Ironius.

This battle's outcome had been decided the moment the two stepped into the arena.

Down below, Ironius moved in a blur of motion, raining down an endless barrage of punches and elbow strikes on the overwhelmed Powl. The force of the impacts could be felt even in the spectator stands.

Within seconds, Powl had been battered into a daze, barely able to stand. With Powl totally exhausted, Ironius delivered the finishing blow - a devastating palm strike that exploded against Powl's chest.

A visible shockwave rippled out from the point of impact. Powl let out a choked gasp as he doubled over and crumpled to the ground.

Elder Fred flew over to check on him. Powl was still breathing, but blood leaked from his nose and mouth. The elder waved his hand.

"Victory to Ironius of the Black Death Sect!"

"A pity for young Powl. He fought bravely, but was simply outmatched," Leontius sighed.

"I'd like to see how Ironious would fare against one of my disciples who use martial arts to enhance their spiritual techniques," Astrid remarked.

"As would I," said Zofia, a small frown on her face. "Relying solely on physical techniques seems...limiting."

Vowron simply smiled and said nothing more. The less attention drawn to his disciples, the better.

"The second round is now complete! We will begin the third round in fifteen minutes. Disciples, take this time to rest and prepare yourselves," Elder Fred announced.

There was a general murmur through the crowd as spectators and participants took the opportunity to stand, stretch, and gossip about the battles seen so far.

Slifer inclined his head to the other elders. "If you'll excuse me, I should check on my disciples' conditions before the next round."

He made his way down to the Black Rose waiting area. Though he maintained an air of calm authority on the outside, inwardly, Slifer's mind was racing.

The tournament so far had gone smoothly, with his disciples scoring victory after victory as expected. Yet Slifer could not shake the feeling that something was off. There was an undercurrent of tension in the air that left him uneasy. He didn't know whether it was due to the presence of so many powerful sects gathered in one place...or the fact that his own impostor status left him constantly paranoid of being uncovered.

I feel like something big will go down once the tournament ends…that Vowron fella, he doesn't seem too concerned about the results of the matches. Is he going to make a move when the Sealed Realm opens?

Slifer wasn't sure but either way, he still had a few insurances he could rely on to deal with Vowron, even if the Black Death Supreme Elder was a half-step Immortal.

On entering the Black Rose waiting area, Slifer was not surprised to find Zack practically bouncing on the balls of his feet as he grinned at Caelum.

"Did you see that, Senior Brother? That big White Tiger dude was a beast! I can't wait to throw down with him next."

"Ashton does possess both formidable strength and skill," Caelum offered a rare smile. "You will have quite the challenging battle ahead."

"I know right?" Zack laughed. "These Heavenly Light chumps and random fodder are getting real old. I wanna fight someone who can actually give me a workout, you know? Get the blood pumping! Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll finally get to cut loose for real out there!"

"An admirable desire for challenge," Slifer cut in smoothly as he entered the room. "But do not let eagerness make you careless. Facing a powerful opponent requires an even sharper mind, not just greater strength."

Zack spun around, immediately standing straighter. "Master! Uh, I just meant I'm tired of holding back so much. Testing myself against strong rivals is the only way I can improve."

Slifer studied Zack for a moment, a part of him couldn't help but envy his avatar. Unlike himself, the avatar was able to act more carefree and have a bit of fun. "Remember, your safety is the priority, I would rather you forfeit than die…"

After all, I can always give myself the free slot for the Sealed Realm, this tournament is just so I can gain some battle experience. But if Zack dies so soon, then that's just an Avatar Card wasted, who knows when I'll get another one?

Zack looked slightly abashed. "Yes, Master. I'll stay safe."

Satisfied, Slifer patted him on the shoulder and then checked on the others. Amelia was practically glowing following her last victory, while Dentos looked unharmed, though mildly disappointed his opponents had not put up much of a fight.

As for Hughie, he seemed to be in the middle of an argument with that immortal grandpa of his.

"What do you mean play it safe?" Hughie suddenly exclaimed to the air. "We're talking about me here! Quadrupling my strength and speed is like my whole thing!"

He nodded along absently for a few seconds. "Okay sure, no need to get personal, just saying I look way more badass when I'm over 8 feet tall and rippling with muscles...it really shows off these."

Hughie flexed an arm and kissed his bicep.

"Anyway, you know caution isn't my style, Gramps. I'm the 'punch first, ask questions while punching' type."

He mimed a series of jabs and uppercuts.

"Uh huh, uh huh, I hear you but-."

Not wanting to get involved, Slifer made his way back up to the spectator stands. The third round was just about to begin.

The third round saw the remaining contestants whittled down even further in both the Foundation Establishment and Core Formation tournaments.

In the Foundation Establishment tournament, William took the stage against a Black Heart Sect disciple. The battle started off fairly evenly matched, but slowly began turning against William's favour as his opponent unleashed several elemental techniques that William struggled to counter.

Gritting his teeth, the young prodigy somehow endured through a combination of quick thinking and raw talent, managing to reverse the tide at the last second to barely eke out a win. He left the stage looking quite battered. The difference in cultivation levels was beginning to show against the more talented Peak Foundation Establishment opponents he faced, but at least he won.

Nomed's fight went much smoother. His protagonist-like strength allowed him to dominate the matches. He calmly weathered the desperate attacks of his third-round challenger before picking him apart with surgical precision.

In the Core Formation tournament, the match-ups were quite lopsided.

Ziven's opponent took one look at him and immediately forfeited. The man's legs had been shaking so badly he likely would have collapsed if he tried to fight.

Caelum was also awarded an automatic win as his opponent from Black Heart Sect refused to set foot into the arena.

As for Amelia, when her name was called, the female disciple meant to face her stared wide-eyed for several seconds before fleeing from the waiting area, screaming about not wanting to die.

"Well, that's unfortunate, I was so hoping for some playtime," Amelia pouted.

Elder Fred could only shrug helplessly. "Er...victory to Amelia by forfeit."

Slifer kept his poker face on but was chuckling inside. His little sadist was carving out quite the dreadful reputation for herself.

"Hughie of the Black Rose Sect vs Anne of the Heavenly Light Sect!"

In the elder's booth, Zofia leaned forward with interest. Anne was one of their sect's most gifted illusionists. Even Nascent Soul cultivators sometimes found themselves ensnared by her techniques. This Black Rose brute didn't stand a chance.

"Oh yeah!" Hughie cheered as he jumped down into the arena. He rolled his shoulders and neck, loosening up in preparation for the fight.

Across from him, his opponent Anne descended the steps gracefully. She was a cute blonde girl who looked to be around sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Please go easy on me, okay?" Anne smiled, blinking her big blue eyes at Hughie.

Hughie froze momentarily, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, uh...well, I wouldn't want to hurt a little girl like y- OW!"

He yelped as a phantom smack upside the head made him stumble. Right, Gramps was watching too. The old man hated when Hughie went soft on female opponents just because they were cute.

Hughie straightened back up. "Er, what I mean is, this is a tournament. We should both do our best and have a fair match."

Anne looked slightly disappointed, but she nodded. "You're right, my apologies."

Up in the stands, Oliviare felt a small frown form on her face as she watched the blonde interact with her Hughie. There was just something about Anne's body language that seemed overly friendly and familiar.

And was Hughie blushing slightly? Oliviare's frown deepened. She didn't like how openly this Heavenly Light girl was flirting with her man.
