

Chapter 44: I'll give it five stars, just let me out of here!

The Grand Elders in the pagoda exchanged worried glances, each one unsettled by the white-robed youth. "We can't possibly admit him into our sect," Elder Tenzin whispered.

Grand Elder Darius, known for his impulsive decisions, nodded in rare agreement. A disciple of such extraordinary talent was more a harbinger of doom than a boon. Assassination attempts from rival mortal sects were manageable, but the pressure from the Venerable sects of the immortal realms was an entirely different matter.

Grand Elder Lydia rose to her feet, "We must inform the sect master immediately," she declared, but Tenzin quickly interjected.

"No, we cannot afford to disturb him during his ascension to the Immortal realm," he countered urgently. Lydia's expression soured, but she reluctantly sat down, recalling the sect master's strict orders not to be disturbed unless the sect faced imminent destruction.

Down in the valley, William's gaze lingered on Kalin, his envy palpable. Any previous thoughts of the white-robed youth being an unremarkable figure had evaporated. Could he be from the same realm as 'him'? The thought sent a chill down his spine.

Dusty, standing nearby, grumbled light-heartedly, "Bet that guy's gonna get the tastiest grub now. Probably never even heard of a potato."

"Maybe he'll share some with you," Nomed chuckled at his friend's comment. "But you'll probably eat it all before it even reaches us."

Kalin, observing the reactions of those around him, second-guessed his decision momentarily. Did I push it too far? He quickly dismissed the doubt. No, this should definitely draw out the Supreme Elder.

Grand Elder Wyatt held back a sigh, already having anticipated the outcome the moment the Venerable sect was mentioned. In any other circumstance, the sect would have eagerly concealed the fact that a disciple lit up all five pillars and groomed him in secret, potentially shaping him into the next sect master. But, with the youth's ties with the Immortal Realm, that plan was off the table. Rejecting him outright wasn't an option either; they had to let things unfold as they would.

Clearing his throat, Grand Elder Wyatt addressed the still-stunned crowd, his voice firm yet diplomatic. "Congratulations, young man," he said, pausing for a moment as he waited for the youth to reveal his name.

"Kalin," the white-robed youth responded.

"Very well, Kalin," Wyatt continued, "when the Supreme Elder returns, you will be under his tutelage."

A faint smile appeared on Kalin's face as he nodded and made his way back to his place among the other participants, he had received the exact outcome he had hoped for.

With a flick of his sleeve, Grand Elder Wyatt flew back up to the pagoda, and with another gesture, thousands of scrolls cascaded down into the valley.

"Next is the trial of comprehension," Wyatt explained. "You'll find scrolls of different types: blue for healing techniques, red for spiritual techniques, black for formations, and brown for martial arts. Choose the one you feel most drawn to. But be warned," he added with a stern look, "each scroll is marked with a unique formation. Attempting to steal them would be... unwise."

The warning caused a few shifty eyes to dart away, their plans of making some quick coin thwarted.

"The trial of comprehension will now begin, you have six hours."

The clan youths confidently stepped forward, selecting scrolls that complemented their cultivation paths. But the villagers hesitated, their expressions a mix of confusion and awe. They had never cultivated before and were clueless about which scrolls might suit them. Before, they were brought to the sect, they were given a scroll to learn how to temper their body but the Body Tempering realm wasn't included in the realms of cultivation.

Dusty, standing awkwardly at the back with Nomed, whispered, "Which one should we take? I don't even know what I'm good at."

"Maybe something that feels right?" Nomed scanned the scrolls with a thoughtful expression. "I heard that's how some cultivators choose their paths."

"Feels right?" Dusty looked skeptical. "Like how a pie calls to me from across a room?"

"Yeah, something like that." Nomed couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's analogy. "But maybe with less… pie."

With a resigned sigh, Dusty joined the other disciples. After aimlessly scanning various scrolls, his attention was unexpectedly drawn to a neglected one lying apart from the others. It's calling to me... just like pie, he mused with a hint of amusement.

Picking up the scroll titled "The Path of the Gluttonous Titan," Dusty's eyes widened. The technique described would cause him to grow larger the more he cultivated it. Well, I hadn't made much progress on losing weight anyway, he shrugged as he sat down to absorb its contents, already picturing himself as a formidable, if large, cultivator.

Nomed watched his friend with a fond smile before turning his attention to a black scroll. Intrigued, he unrolled it to reveal a formation cultivation method, named "Intricate Matrix of the Guarding Spirits." He skimmed through the details which explained how to enter the Qi Refining realm. The first realm of cultivation, he thought. I could get a better one from 'him,' but for now, this will do.

Meanwhile, William chose a wind spiritual technique, 'Zephyr's Whisper'. It was a natural choice, given the Wick clan's renowned talent with the wind element. This should be quick and easy to learn, he thought.

Kalin, on the other hand, picked up a spiritual technique, 'Blade of the Dawn'. His expression soured slightly upon realizing its quality. A mortal rank technique? he thought disdainfully. In the Immortal Realm, even the most basic techniques handed to potential disciples were of a much higher rank. Suppressing his disappointment, he began studying the scroll. At least this won't take long to master, he reasoned.

Huddled in a small cave within the void realm, Slifer estimated that he had been trapped for approximately a week. The frequent, ghastly roars outside caused him to press himself against the cold cave wall, attempting to become as inconspicuous as possible.

These ghostly creatures seemed to perpetually roam the realm, engaging in fierce battles whenever they encountered one another. I guess they have nothing better to do.

Slifer had managed to observe a pattern in their behaviour; for approximately one hour each day, they would disappear, giving him a brief window to explore and attempt to use the Dimensional Slide technique to escape. But, frustratingly, every attempt to open a portal back to his world ended in failure.

His thoughts drifted to the whooping 1000 Karmic Credits he had squandered on gambling, cursing the stingy system for not providing anything useful to escape this predicament. Would a simple teleportation card have been too much to ask for? he lamented internally.

Sighing, he looked up at the new cards in his arsenal:

Name Critical Block Card

Description Block a critical strike

Name Reflection Card

Description Creates an energy barrier that reflects attacks back at the attacker for 20 seconds

Name Slifer Aura

Description Releases an aura mimicking the original Slifer at his peak

Name Another Face

Description Allows the user to change appearance for up to 6 months

Name Avatar

Description Creates a complete clone of the user that can independently cultivate. Warning: The avatar cannot access the System or its cards

Slifer couldn't help but scoff at the Peak Slifer Aura card. Now that I'm supposedly an Ascendant cultivator, this card is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, he thought with a hint of irony. What am I supposed to do? Scare off Voidwalkers with a Nascent Soul aura?

The Another Face and Avatar cards, while intriguing, did little to alleviate his current dilemma. The idea of creating an avatar that could cultivate on its own was fascinating and he would make sure to play around with it later, but it wouldn't help him escape this desolate realm.

"Great," Slifer muttered to himself, "a clone in the void realm would just be a bonus snack for those Voidwalkers. Two for the price of one, how generous of me."

Slifer released a heavy sigh as he called up the system panel and focused on the Dimensional Slide technique.

Name Dimensional Slide – Level 1

Rank Obsidian

Description Allows the user to traverse through the Void Realm

Upgrade Cost 1000 Karmic Credits

This was his last shot; he had hesitated to upgrade the technique before, doubtful that Level 2 would make much of a difference.

But now, he had no other choice.

With a mix of reluctance and hope, Slifer selected the upgrade.

-1000 Karmic Credits

A serene wave washed over him as knowledge about the Dimensional Slide technique poured into his mind.


Space Mastery: 5%

At least this feels somewhat enlightening, he mused.

Once the influx of information ended, Slifer realised that the description for the Level 1 technique had updated. His face turned an unhealthy shade of red as he read about the 97% failure rate in the void realm due to spatial instability.

Why wasn't this mentioned before? he thought, his fist clenching in frustration. I wouldn't have dared to jump into this forsaken place with those odds!

Turning his attention to the Level 2 description, Slifer's expression softened slightly.

Name Dimensional Slide – Level 2

Rank Obsidian

Description Allows the user to transverse through the Void Realm

Success Rate in Void Realm 60%

Upgrade Cost 2000 Karmic Credits

60%... Not great, not terrible, Slifer contemplated with a half-smile. Even with my luck, I should be able to make it work if I keep trying.

He settled down to wait, planning his escape during that one quiet hour when the void beasts took their daily smoke break.

After an agonizing few hours that seemed like days, Slifer couldn't hear any more noises from outside the cave. Slowly, he stood up and tiptoed to the entrance. He kept his spiritual sense reined in, knowing it would be akin to holding up a sign saying, 'Free buffet, all you can eat!' in the presence of the phantom beings. His eyes swept the desolate landscape, alert for any hint of danger. Seeing nothing amiss, he let out a relieved breath.

"Time to get to work."

Focusing qi to his fingertips, he made a carving motion as he attempted to rip open a portal through space. A small tear began to form, and a smile started to spread across his face. But just as quickly, the space quivered, and the portal snapped shut.

"I knew it was too good to be true to work on the first try," he grumbled under his breath.

For the next hour, Slifer persisted. Time and again, he tried to create a stable portal, but each attempt ended in failure. At one point, a portal did form, but it vanished before he could leap through.

Slifer knew all too well that probability could be a fickle thing. It's like flipping a coin. Even with a 50% chance, there's no guarantee of an even split between heads and tails…or getting the side you want even once, he thought, trying to rationalize his string of bad luck. It's all about chance, and right now, mine seems pretty rotten.

"Come on, come on," Slifer urged himself, his attempts growing more frantic. He was running out of time; the phantom beasts would soon return. Failure was not an option, as opening a portal with those creatures nearby would be tantamount to suicide.

Then, after numerous attempts, a portal began to form again. This time it looked stable. As it fully materialized, Slifer couldn't help but let out a triumphant cheer.

"This place is definitely getting a bad review!" With that, he leaped towards the portal, but mid-jump, something caught his eye – a phantom beast materialized out of thin air, its gaping maw opened wide ready to swallow him whole.

Slifer's heart skipped a beat, and in that moment of sheer panic, he took back his previous statement.

"I'll give it five stars, just let me out of here!"

Chapter 45: Escaping The Void Realm With A...Snack?

Slifer barely made it through the portal, feeling the phantom beast's ghastly roar vibrating behind him as part of it got severed by the closing portal. Landing clumsily in his courtyard, he looked dishevelled and far from the composed master he usually was.

"Master!" Caelum exclaimed, getting to his feet in a hurry. "The Disciple Selection Ceremony has already begun."

Slifer quickly adjusted his robe and cleared his throat, trying to regain his usual air of mystery. "Ah, yes, I had almost forgotten about the Disciple Selection Ceremony," he replied nonchalantly, waving his sleeve to summon his sword from the storage ring.

"Let's get going then."

But before Slifer could jump on his sword, Caelum hesitantly interjected, "Master, I…I need your help."

Slifer gave him a questioning look, this was the first time any of his disciples had directly asked for his assistance, normally they would do anything they could to keep him out of their business.

Looking visibly uncomfortable, Caelum continued, "Someone has… poisoned my mother, and I've had no luck finding the antidote."

Slifer's eyes narrowed at this. Was someone targeting Caelum's mother to get to him... and ultimately to me? He pondered the possibility, compared to original Slifer, Caelum had no enemies.

Now he faced a crucial decision: ignore his disciple and go to the Disciple Selection Ceremony to fulfill the System's mission or aid his disciple, potentially failing the mission. Slifer wrestled with his thoughts. What would the System do if I fail the mission? he wondered.

No, I won't be like their original master. If Caelum's mother dies because I didn't help, I'll never forgive myself, Slifer nodded to himself, making up his mind.

"What is the poison, and what is the antidote?" Slifer finally asked.

Caelum's face lit up with a flicker of hope, he hadn't been sure if his master would care to help him. "The poison is called Cultivator's Bane, and the antidote... it's the Essence of Dawn," he replied.

Essence of Dawn? Let's hope the System has it…at a cheap price. Slifer quickly opened the system panel.



Cultivation Methods


Pills & Elixirs

Mystic Techniques

Martial Techniques

Bloodlines & Ancestries


Spirit Roots

Beasts & Familiars


Slifer picked the 'Pills & Elixirs' option and began scrolling through the list of items, each sounding more extravagant than the last. If only this System had a search feature.

After a few moments, he finally stumbled upon the Essence of Dawn elixir.

Name Essence Of Dawn

Type Elixir

Rank Heaven

Description Able to counteract Heaven Rank poisons, restoring vitality and purging toxins. Widely known as the antidote for the Cultivator's Bane

Cost 2000 Karmic Credits

Two thousand karmic credits? That's daylight robbery! Slifer's heart sank at the sight of the price, but he couldn't let Caelum down. He wasn't dumb enough to buy the elixir, at least, not until he confirmed the poison himself. Not wasting two thousand credits only to find out she needs a good nap!

Meanwhile, Caelum watched his master, slightly puzzled by Slifer's strange behaviour. He often caught his master spacing out, followed by random nods or shakes of the head, sometimes accompanied by strange expressions.

"Cough... We'll get going as soon as Val arrives," Slifer announced suddenly, snapping Caelum out of his thoughts.

Caelum nodded, feeling a wave of relief. Maybe there's hope for Mother after all, he thought, watching his master expectantly.

But then, something unexpected caught Caelum's eye. "Master, what is that?" he asked, pointing behind Slifer.

Slifer turned to look over his shoulder and his face drained of colour. Clinging to him was a miniature version of the phantom beast he had encountered in the void realm. Its form was smoky, almost ethereal.

Every instinct in Slifer screamed for him to run, but he held his ground. The Critical Block card had yet to activate. If I startle it... He remained as still as possible, wishing that he had already entered the Nascent Soul realm so he wouldn't need to breathe.

"Just... stay calm, Caelum," Slifer whispered, his voice barely concealing his own unease. How did this thing even attach itself to me? And more importantly, how do I get rid of it without getting us both killed?

The little phantom beast cooed innocently, its eyes wide with curiosity as it gazed at Slifer. The unexpected child-like behaviour of the creature caused Slifer to ponder. Could this be a youngling of the phantom beasts? A memory flashed through his mind - the moment he had escaped through the portal, a part of the large phantom beast was cut off. Could that be how they reproduce? he wondered, intrigued by the possibility.




You Have Discovered A Higher Being

You Have Gained 10 Karmic Credits

Increase Your Relationship With The Being To Take It As A Disciple

Minimum Requirement: 80%

Current Progress: 10%

Interesting. It has a relationship requirement for discipleship. Slifer recalled that Val had no such requirement, but that could perhaps be due to Val already meeting the requirement. He then turned his attention to its cultivation realm.

Name N/A

Species Void Being

Realm Late Core Formation Realm

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations N/A

Disposition N/A

The little being's cultivation level stunned him – Late Core Formation Realm from birth? That's higher than Val's initial level, he mused, impressed. Good thing I didn't startle it. A Core Formation attack would have definitely triggered the Critical Block card.

Noticing Caelum's bewildered gaze, Slifer composed himself and casually remarked, "Oh, this little fellow? Just a… friend I thought Val might like."

Caelum nodded, though clearly unsure about his master's unexpected companion.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Val's familiar roar.

"Master! Master is back!"

The dragon called out as it descended from the sky, landing with a heavy thud, her gaze immediately focusing on the little phantom being.

The creature, sensing the dragon's Nascent Soul aura, hid behind Slifer, its body trembling in fear. Slifer, with a gentle smile, carefully picked up the phantom beast, its form phasing in and out of tangibility. "Look, Val, what your master has brought you," he said, extending his hand towards her.


Void Beings have a high mental defence making them almost impossible to tame

Warning: You are at risk of being enslaved

Hint: Eliminate the threat


Enslaved? Slifer made sure to stay still, worried any sudden movement would trigger the ticking time bomb.

"Val love gifts."

Val sniffed the beast with her enormous snout.

"Gift smell nice."

The creature let out a whimper of fear, shaking uncontrollably, its instincts screaming at it to escape.

Don't explode, don't explode, Slifer prayed.

Just when he thought the phantom being was going to retaliate with a mind attack, Val opened her mouth wide and, in one swift motion, swallowed the little beast whole.

Slifer stood there, mouth agape, a mix of shock and disbelief on his face. Well, that was unexpected... he thought, slightly taken aback by Val's straightforwardness. He remembered the phantom beasts had a phasing ability, he didn't think Val would deal with it so...easily.

Caelum, too, looked startled, his eyes wide as he processed what just happened. I guess that's one type of gift to get... his thoughts trailed off, he had thought his master had brought Val a friend, not a snack, however, this did fit more with his master's character.

Slifer continued to watch as Val finished consuming the phantom beast, she then turned to him and thanked him for the "gift."

"I'm glad you liked it, Val."

So much for having a Void Realm disciple, Slifer thought, feeling slightly deflated even though he knew that his little dragon just saved his life.

I should probably give her an actual reward...



Your Soul Bond Creature Has Devoured A Unique Being

Gaining Trait From Being


Trait Acquired: Phase Ability - Allows the user to phase for 30 seconds with a cooldown of 60 seconds.

Current Progress: 10%

Slifer's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Phase ability, huh? he mused, feeling better already. Just like the flash.

His attention shifted to his status as more notifications popped up.


New Passive Skill Acquired: Void Being Aura

Decreases likelihood of detection in the Void Realm.

Imposes a 5% debuff on lower realm beings.

Provides 50% protection against Mind Control below the level of the Immortal Realm.

Slifer's eyes brightened as he read the description of his new passive skill. Void Being Aura, huh? That's actually quite handy. The thought of returning to the Void Realm was still unappealing, but with this new ability, it seemed a bit less daunting.

And that mind control protection could come in handy too. A chill ran down his spine as he kicked himself for not buying some protection earlier. Credits be damned, skimping on protection never ends well…wow I sound just like my dad.

Shaking his head, he focused on the few options he had. The plan was to get Val to fly us to the village but… Slifer decided that using the improved Dimensional Slide technique to teleport directly to Caelum's village was the best course of action. I can save Caelum's mother and still make it to the Disciple Selection Ceremony in time.

"Val, head back to the ceremony and tell them I'll be there soon," he instructed.

"But why Master call Val then tell Val leave?" Val looked down at him with big, sad eyes.

"I wanted to give you that... snack."

A friend, a snack. To a beast, what's the difference? Slifer shook his head.

Val's gaze didn't waver. "Can Val come too?" she asked, her attempt at persuasion sounding more like a threat due to her enormous, intimidating presence.

"Your mission is just as important, if not more," Slifer replied, tying to appease the little dragon's big pride. However, seeing her still pouting, he added, "I promise, Val. I'll be back soon, and then we can go on trips together, alright?"

Reluctantly, Val nodded, her massive wings beginning to flap. "Okay, but Val miss Master," she said before soaring into the sky.

Caelum couldn't help but feel a bit awkward watching the exchange. His master's soft spot for Val was no secret among the disciples, but he had never seen Slifer so openly affectionate with the baby dragon. It was a side of his master that rarely anyone saw.

Slifer turned to Caelum, no sign of the gentleness present on his face. "Alright, let's save your mother and then find you a new junior brother… or sister."

"But Master, how will we get there in time?" Caelum asked, he wasn't sure how fast Ascendant cultivators could travel but crossing such a large distance in such a short time and back seemed quite optimistic.

"Leave that to me."

I didn't think I'd be doing this again…especially so soon. With a frown, Slifer executed a tearing motion with his hand, opening a portal.

Caelum's eyes widened in surprise. I had no idea Master had such an ability. He realized how little he actually knew about his own master.

"Get in," Slifer instructed, gesturing towards the portal.

Slifer exhaled a sigh of relief as they arrived outside Caelum's village home. The journey had been smooth, thankfully. If we got stuck in that void realm again, I'd probably lose my mind... or worse, end up playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek with those phantom beasts, he thought wryly.

Using his spiritual sense, Caelum had provided a mental image of his home, it was similar to sending a photo via a phone. The image was clear enough for Slifer to successfully open a portal directly to their destination.

As they approached the familiar door of his childhood home, Caelum felt his heart rate increase. With a trembling hand, he knocked on the weathered wood. The door creaked open, revealing a middle-aged man whose face showed signed of fatigue and sadness.

For a moment, the man stared blankly, but recognition soon dawned in his eyes. "Caelum!" he exclaimed, his voice broke. As he stepped forward, tears began to spill down his cheeks, and he pulled Caelum into a hug, clutching onto him as if he were a lifeline.

Caelum's eyes misted over and he held back a sob as he wrapped his arms around his father.

"Your mother... she's..." Caelum's father pulled back slightly, his body shook as he looked into his son's eyes.

"I know, father. I am here now. Everything will be alright." Caelum gently placed his hands on his father's shoulders, offering a reassuring squeeze.

Turning slightly, he gestured towards Slifer. "Father, remember my master? He's come to help us with mother's situation."

Upon recognising Slifer, the middle-aged man immediately dropped to his knees, pleading. "Oh Lord Immortal, please save my wife."

Slifer, caught off guard by the man's actions, quickly helped him to his feet. "It is not appropriate for the father of my disciple to bow to me like this," Slifer said, feeling a bit awkward in the situation.

But Caelum's father shook his head, his eyes filled with desperation. "I would do anything to save her, immortal."

Feeling uneasy under the weight of the man's expectations, Slifer's gaze wandered around the room, that was when he noticed a portrait hanging on the wall – an older man who bore a striking resemblance to Caelum and his father.

A sharp pang of memory hit Slifer, and he clutched his head, momentarily disoriented.

"M-master, is everything okay?" Caelum stepped forward.

Slifer forced a chuckle, waving his hand nonchalantly. "Oh, it's just a small headache, nothing to worry about," he said, brushing off his disciple's concern.

I've seen this portrait before... must be from when the original Slifer took Caelum as his disciple, Slifer reasoned, trying to shake off the sinking feeling in his gut.

Chapter 46: The End Of The Trial But No Slifer?

Inside the house, Slifer looked at the frail woman lying on the bed. Despite being only slightly younger than her husband, she appeared old enough to be his mother.

The pills the original gave them should have kept them looking much younger and extended their lifespan, Slifer mused, wondering if the original had given them defective pills. I wouldn't put it pass the old miser.

He ignored the father's continuous pleas for help as he approached the woman's bedside. Gently taking her hand, he channeled a sliver of his qi into her body. With his spiritual sense, he watched as the poison aggressively consumed the qi, exacerbating her condition.

Definitely Cultivator's Bane, he concluded, letting go of her hand. The original's memories of the poison were clear...perhaps a little too clear.

There goes 2000 Karmic Credits, Slifer thought as he purchased the elixir.

In truth, Slifer didn't feel like he lost anything, Caelum had earned him more than 2000 Karmic Credits already and he would continue to earn more.

The System conveniently deposited it into his spirit ring, sparing him the awkwardness of explaining a sudden, miraculous appearance, which would be easy to explain to a mortal, they would just attribute it to fancy immortal shenanigans. However, his more astute disciple might feel suspicious, if not now then definitely the day he becomes an Ascendant cultivator himself.

Retrieving the elixir, Slifer handed it to Caelum, whose eyes widened in disbelief. "Administer this to your mother."

Caelum, his hands trembling slightly as he gently tipped the elixir into his mother's mouth. The liquid seemed to invigorate her almost immediately. Her frail form began to regain some semblance of vitality. Though her muscles remained weak, there was a noticeable change; she no longer appeared as a woman on the brink of death but more like someone in her forties, albeit severely undernourished.

Caelum's father watched in awe, his eyes moist with unshed tears. "Thank you, immortal," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

Slifer nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "She needs rest and nourishment now. Her body will recover in time," he advised.

Overcome with relief, Caelum turned to Slifer. "Master, how can I ever repay you for this?"

Slifer shook his head, dismissing the notion. "Seeing you fulfil your potential as a cultivator is repayment enough."

The higher your cultivation, the more credits you can get for this old man.

Unable to hold it back any longer, tears streamed down Caelum's face as he turned towards his mother, "M-mother." He enveloped her in a tight hug, and soon, his father joined them, wrapping his arms around the family. Slifer stood by, watching the emotional reunion with an awkward air.

Caelum's father, noticing Slifer's discomfort, gestured for him to join the hug.

I've never been a touchy person…Slifer hesitantly stepped forward and joined in, feeling out of place amidst the family's heartfelt moment.

Suddenly, a series of System messages popped up:



Your Disciple Caelum's Loyalty Has Reached 100%

New Option Available: Convert Caelum to a Righteous cultivator

Reward: A Righteous Disciple Will Earn x3 Credit

Slifer's mind whirred upon reading the messages. Finally, a clue on how to convert my own disciples, he thought. But the randomness of the loyalty fluctuations lately made him sceptical about the feasibility of reaching 100% loyalty with his other disciples.

Why couldn't all my disciples' family members be poisoned so I could play the hero? he sighed but then immediately shook off the thought. No, that would make me paranoid about being the real target or…being the cause.


New Mission: One Righteous Disciple Is Worth More Than A Thousand Demonic Trash

Description: Your Disciple Is Ready To Join The Righteous Path. Give Him A Sermon And Ask Him To Join.

Guess I know what I'm doing after work tonight.

The hug became awkward as Slifer, lost in his thoughts, forgot to let go. Caelum, realising that his master's thoughts had wandered again, coughed gently, "Master?"

Startled, Slifer quickly composed himself and stepped back. "Ah, yes, of course."

Caelum's mother, now sitting up and looking healthier, turned to Slifer with a grateful look in her eyes. "The heavens truly blessed our family the day you took my son into your sect, Immortal Master."

Slifer offered a strained smile, thinking, To mortals, what difference does it make if it's an immortal or demonic sect? They're all the same.

Turning to his mother, Caelum's eyes still red from tears, made a solemn vow. "I promise you, mother, I will find out who did this to you and make them pay."

Slifer's face darkened as he nodded in agreement. "An attack on a disciple's family is an attack on myself," he affirmed. If this was indeed directed at me, I must find out who did this.

"Please, for my sake, do not seek vengeance," The kind-hearted woman pleaded softly, not understanding the harsh reality of the cultivation world.

"I'm sorry, Mother, but I cannot obey you in this matter," Caelum stated, he knew that whoever did this would not stop until they succeeded or… were killed.

His father, standing beside him, placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Get justice for your mother, son."

Caelum nodded before glancing up, his gaze landed on the portrait of his grandfather. "Why is Grandfather's portrait up?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"He…he passed away three months ago. I had a painter from the nearby city, Master Leo, come two months ago to draw this portrait. We wanted something to remember him by." His father let out a weary sigh.

The lives of mortals seem so… fleeting, Caelum sighed.

Overhearing this, Slifer felt a jolt of realization. If the portrait was drawn only two months ago, how come it's in the original's memories? The sinking feeling in his gut continued to grow as he connected the dots - the poisoning, the visit from the original Slifer, and the timing of the portrait's creation.

Attempting to mask his thoughts, Slifer cleared his throat and casually mentioned, "It has been over a decade since my last visit. Apart from the... recent mishap, it seems your family is faring well."

The parents exchanged a puzzled glance, clearly wondering what signs of wellbeing Slifer was referring to. Their lives had been anything but prosperous recently: their crops had failed last season, bandits had raided their village, and now the poisoning.

The mother, however, managed a strained smile, playing along with Slifer's comment. "Lord Immortal is right, the family is doing... well," she agreed, though her eyes betrayed her words. "We would be even more grateful if Lord Immortal visited more often."

They are not aware of the original's recent visit...that old bastard, he really tried to poison his own disciple's mother!

Looking at the woman, who gazed up at him with expectant eyes, he almost shook his head. They should consider themselves fortunate that the original Slifer isn't in control anymore, he thought grimly. Another visit from him, and the husband would have joined his wife in an early death!

Outwardly though, Slifer maintained his composure and nodded to the family, giving them a promise that he knew he wouldn't remember to keep. "I assure you; I will make an effort to visit more often."

"Thank you, Lord Immortal."

As the family conversed among themselves, Slifer stood to the side, deep in thought. Why would the original Slifer target his own disciple's family? What could possibly be gained from harming Caelum's mother?

He glanced at Caelum, observing his disciple's upright character and demeanor, and quickly dismissed the thought of any hidden animosity between them. More likely, the original Slifer was scheming against all his disciples, Slifer pondered. I need to uncover any other messes he's left before they come back to kill me.

With a strategic cough, Slifer caught Caelum's attention. "I will look into this matter," he assured him, adopting a stern tone. "As a sword cultivator, you must remain focused on your path. Distractions will only impede your progress. Leave this to your master."

"Are you sure, Master? I don't want to add to your burdens. You always seem so… occupied," Caelum replied.

"Do not worry about me, Caelum. Trust that your master will handle this matter appropriately." Slifer tried his best to offer a reassuring smile.

Caelum nodded, though he still seemed uneasy about the situation.

This is how they do it, right?

Dusty sat cross-legged, emulating the posture of the city boys around him. He took deep breaths, his attention on the first step of the Path of the Gluttonous Titan technique – opening up his pores to sense the qi around him.

After a few hours, he was able to sense what he assumed was the ambient qi, Haha, and they said it takes weeks, he grinned.

But then, abruptly, a sharp pang of hunger struck him. His eyes bulged, and his face reddened as he panted, "Food... I need food!"

Out of nowhere, a piece of beast meat, known as the Celestial Boar Steak, fell from the large pagoda above. Without a moment's hesitation, Dusty lunged for it, catching it mid-air. His eyes glinted with a hint of madness as he tore into the meat in a most uncivilized manner, devouring it with a ferocity that left onlookers in shock.

"As expected from a peasant," William, watching from a distance, couldn't help but sneer.

Dusty's technique involved more than just eating; as he chewed the meat, he actively channeled the technique from the scroll, focusing on digesting and absorbing the qi within the meat. His method was unorthodox – rather than absorbing qi from the environment, he was directly assimilating it from the beast meat.

Finishing his feast with a loud burp, a faint wave of qi radiated from Dusty.

"Qi Refining!" someone in the crowd exclaimed, surprised at this unexpected breakthrough.

Dusty laughed heartily, patting his now slightly larger belly. "Outer sect?" he scoffed mockingly. "You lot can't even begin to understand your father's immense talent!" he boasted.

I-impossible! His talent is awful, how could an Outer Disciple's comprehension exceed mine?! William grit his teeth in envy. Even though he was already a 7th Stage Qi Refining cultivator, he had never entered the Qi Refining realm so… effortlessly.

Yeah, stare at my awesomeness, Dusty strutted around like a proud peacock.

Nomed shook his head at his friend's antics, he had already broken through to the first stage of Qi Refining but he decided to keep it a secret for now, not wanting to put Dusty down.

Up in the pagoda, Grand Elder Tenzin turned to Grand Elder Darius, who was leaning forward with evident interest. "It's rare for you to share one of your prized food items," Tenzin commented, referring to the spiritual beast steak that Dusty had just devoured, the steak contained the qi equivalent of a 3rd Stage Qi Refining expert.

"This lad's like a well-fed caterpillar that's about to become an over-fed butterfly!" Darius chuckled.

"Seems you have your eye on quite a few disciples this cycle." Tenzin said with a bitter smile on his face.

"Can I help it if they're all naturally suited for the Disciplinary Hall?" Darius snorted dismissively.

With the disparity in their cultivation, Tenzin knew that he would only be making a fool of himself if he were to challenge Darius over a disciple. If only the sect master was here…

"That boy has a talent that's otherworldly, quite literally," Grand Elder Wyatt's comment cut through Tenzin's thoughts.

They turned their attention to Kalin who, having already mastered the sword skill in mere minutes, was now casually observing the other disciples.

Grand Elder Darius couldn't help but scoff at the situation. "Let the 'Supreme Elder' handle that headache," he said dismissively, not particularly concerned about the implications of Kalin's presence.

Wyatt, however, shook his head in subtle disapproval. He understood that any issue involving the higher realms could potentially affect the entire sect, not just the one who took the boy in.

"The trial of comprehension is now concluded." Grand Elder Wyatt announced as the six-hour mark was met.

A wave of mixed reactions rippled through the crowd of disciples. Those who had struggled in vain with their scrolls let out sighs of frustration, their shoulders slumping in defeat. "I just couldn't understand a thing," one muttered dejectedly.

"I was so close..." another disciple lamented; his voice tinged with frustration.

In contrast, others wore smiles of relief. "Finally, it's over," a disciple exclaimed, stretching his arms above his head, "I thought it would never end!"

Suddenly, a rip in space appeared before the Grand Elders' pavilion, drawing everyone's attention. Hughie, recognizing the technique, mentally reached out to Li Fenghao in the ring. "Hey, old man, didn't you say this technique was special? Why does someone else know it?"

Li Fenghao remained silent for a moment, his mind racing. How is this possible? he wondered. When the figure emerged from the portal, Li Fenghao's eyes widened in shock. This guy again! Who is he really? He…he must be from the immortal realm! He nodded to himself, trying to make sense of the situation.

The figure was none other than Slifer.

As he stepped out of the portal, the Grand Elders all rose to their feet, offering a respectful nod, all except Grand Elder Darius. He stood up abruptly, "Slifer!" His voice boomed across the valley.

"Darius, not yet!" Grand Elder Wyatt hissed under his breath.

But Darius, disregarding the warning, released an aura that made even the other Grand Elders pale, the aura of the Ascendant Realm.

Chapter 47: Slifer Vs Ascendant Realm Cultivator!

Slifer's head popped out of the portal, he held back a sigh of relief, he had managed to arrive at the correct location, levelling the Dimensional Slide technique seemed like a good investment after all.

But before the rest of his body could exit the portal, a booming voice caught him off guard, the force of the shout nearly knocking him off balance.


Turning his gaze, Slifer saw a middle-aged man, his robes struggling in vain to hide a muscular physique reminiscent of a character from a video game.

Eh, why is this Tekken-like character shouting at me? Slifer couldn't help but wonder.

Slifer recognized him from the original's memories. The man was Grand Elder Darius, an Origin Realm expert, well, now apparently an Ascendant Realm cultivator, he was supposedly the most formidable cultivator in the Black Rose Sect after the Sect Master.

A heavy pressure descended upon him, and Slifer fought to keep his body from tensing up under the gaze of his disciples and the Grand Elders. It would be more than a little strange for the supposed 'Supreme Elder' to soil himself in front of an equal, or to even soil himself in general.

I'm certain Nascent Soul cultivators and above don't have these kinds of...bodily functions, well I guess wetting myself would be an 'interesting' way to expose myself.

"Haha, now that Master is here, he'll teach you a lesson."

Slifer didn't need to turn around to know who that voice belonged to. This girl... he thought, frustrated.

He had repeatedly warned Amelia about provoking stronger cultivators but clearly it was useless, he would need to hurry up and increase his cultivation, so he doesn't need to worry about what problem she was going to create for him next.

With these disciples, in this world, a pie is the least of my concerns.

Forcing a cough to mask his discomfort, Slifer addressed the enraged elder, who was kind enough to wait for him to finish his internal monologue.

"Junior Darius, what did my disciple do this time," Slifer asked as his mind wandered to the potential punishments that would make the troublesome girl finally listen to him.

It has to be something embarrassing, so she knows I'm serious but… at the same time not too embarrassing where she adds me to her hit-list. Slifer knew that cultivators had the tendency to jump to slaughtering a whole generation for the tiniest slight, as for Amelia…he knew she would go the whole nine generations.

The Grand Elder's face flushed with anger at Slifer's audacity to address him as 'junior.' Despite his middle-aged appearance, he was a millennium older than the so-called Supreme Elder standing before him.

Darius' mind reeled with thoughts of his contributions and sacrifices for the sect. He had been a key figure in fighting back the demons during the demonic invasion, unlike many others who felt that as demonic cultivators their loyalty should be towards the Nether Realm.

The Sect Master had hinted many times in the past at Grand Elder Darius being the next in line to lead the sect, but Slifer's sudden rise in cultivation rank posed a threat to his aspirations. While he would never openly admit it, Darius did in fact feel threatened by the recent rapid advancement of the Sect Master's lapdog.

Taking a deliberate step forward, Darius intensified the pressure bearing down on Slifer. "Now that we're both Ascendant cultivators, I'm not your junior," he declared as he began to channel qi into his right arm.

Both he and Grand Elder Wyatt had harboured doubts about Slifer's claim to the Ascendant Realm. How could someone they had watched fail the Origin Realm tribulation suddenly emerge as an Ascendant? It had to be a trick, a treasure, something other than genuine cultivation.

Sensing Darius' intention to attack, Slifer's eyes widened in alarm.

Darius' right arm transformed into a stony appendage with jagged edges and in a blur, he closed the distance between them, his fist aimed squarely at Slifer's head.

In the background, Slifer could hear Amelia's enthusiastic cheers, but his focus was entirely on the incoming attack, an attack that was too fast for him to even see, let alone defend against. Before he could blink, Darius' fist collided with his head.


Critical Block Card Activated

An invisible barrier sprang up around Slifer, effortlessly blocking the attack and sending a shockwave that repelled Darius several feet backward. The force of their clash sent cracks spider-webbing across the pavilion's floor.

What technique was that? Darius looked down at his fist in disbelief. It wasn't a wind technique; he hadn't felt any wind aura. A barrier technique, perhaps? But his knowledge of formations was limited, that was more in Grand Elder Wyatt's domain.

Grand Elder Wyatt was astonished, a space-time and barrier technique combined? Such a feat was beyond even his considerable expertise in formations, it required an intricate understanding of essences. Essences were rumoured to be the domain of the Immortals, and even then, space and time were known to be of the most difficult to comprehend.

Could the Supreme Elder have entered the Immortal Realm?

Wyatt's original plan had been to carefully prod Slifer into revealing his cultivation level, to confirm whether he truly belonged to the Ascendant Realm or was relying on an artifact. But Darius, unable to be patient even for a few moments, had ruined that plan.

Darius has dug his own grave; he can get himself out of it. He shook his head, deciding to distance himself from the impulsive fool.

At that moment, Grand Elder Tenzin, sensing that things were getting out of hand, quickly flew into the air, ushering Caelum and the other disciples to follow him. "Come, Darius isn't known for… restraint."

Once they were out of the way, the pavilion was left with only Grand Elder Darius and Slifer who were locked in a silent standoff.

If not for those nightmarish days in the Void realm, I might have been at this madman's mercy, Slifer thought, a wry smile tugging at his lips. It was clear to him now that Darius had been itching for an opportunity to challenge him.

Slifer's eyes narrowed as he noticed a red glow emanating from the Grand Elder's chest, it was in the shape of a crystal. An Ascendant Crystal... he thought, recognizing the symbol of a cultivator's breakthrough to the Ascendant Realm.

The glow from the crystal caused the air to shift as a realm of stone expanded from the core, it engulfed the pagoda. Slifer, being close to the centre, felt the weight of the pressure paralyse him, his body feeling heavier with each passing second.

From his vantage point in the sky, Grand Elder Wyatt released a resigned sigh. His spiritual sense was unable to penetrate the solid Domain that now enveloped the pagoda. Without breaking through to the Ascendant Realm, I'm as blind as an Ozarion Beast here. All he could do was hope that Darius didn't make a fool of himself.

Meanwhile, the man in question let out a triumphant laugh as he taunted Slifer. "If you don't reveal your Domain, you might as well be dead," Darius jeered, watching as Slifer's form began to crystallize.

"Do you even possess a Domain?"

Slifer remained silent, focusing inwardly. His body was slowly turning to stone under the effect of the Domain, but he knew he had only one shot at turning the tables. Come on... just a little longer, he urged himself, waiting for the right moment.

Misinterpreting Slifer's silence as an admission of defeat, Darius sneered. "So, you're just a fraud after all."

He raised his hand, and a hundred rock spikes began to rise, their sharp points gleamed menacingly as they made eye contact with Slifer. With a flick of his wrist, Darius sent them hurtling towards Slifer, intending to end the charade once and for all.

The rock spikes cut through the air as Slifer braced for impact, his mind racing. This has to work... it's now or never.

Activate Reflection Card.


Reflection Card Activated

The rock spikes, which were mere inches from impaling him, halted abruptly in their tracks before reversing direction, now hurtling towards Grand Elder Darius.

As Slifer's body reverted from its stony state, Darius gazed in horror at his own foot, which was rapidly turning to stone. Panicked, he channeled his qi throughout his body, struggling against the petrification. His attention, however, was violently drawn upwards as he saw the hundred rock spikes he had summoned now barreling towards him.

"H-how..." he gasped, moments before the spikes impaled him. Blood splattered as he fell to his knees, the spikes protruding grotesquely from his body. His Domain dissipated, retracting back into him as he coughed up blood.

From everyone's perspective, it only took a few moments for Slifer to force an Ascendant cultivator to his knees.

Wyatt had anticipated an evenly matched duel, not this one-sided display of dominance. The Supreme Elder must be on the cusp of the Immortal Realm... if not already within it, he thought, recalibrating his understanding of Slifer's true power.

Amelia's taunting laughter rang out, her voice filled with smug satisfaction. "You should have listened to me, old man," she called out gleefully.

The crowd of disciples and onlookers began murmuring among themselves, their voices a mix of awe and speculation about the Supreme Elder's strength.

"How is he that powerful?"

"What was that technique?"

"The Supreme Elder... could probably beat the Sect Master..."

Slifer, meanwhile, ignored the comments as he approached the figure kneeling before him, only pausing when a System notification appeared before him.


Kill for 1000 Karmic Credits or Spare for 2000 Karmic Credits

Slifer weighed out the options and despite being attacked out of the blue, he was not inclined to kill the man. Who knew what life-saving treasures the Grand Elder possessed, Slifer only had a single Critical Block Card left in his arsenal, the risk was not worth it.

It's probably Amelia's fault anyways... or something to do with the Original Slifer, he reasoned.

Choosing to spare Darius, he thought, Maybe one day, I'll turn him into a righteous cultivator. It might seem far-fetched, but I just can't write him off.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a weak purple hue emanating from Darius' hand, wait, what is that?

His thoughts were interrupted by a searing pain that tore through his head; his vision blurred as he clutched his temple in agony.


Chapter 48: Am I Zack Or Slifer?


Slifer's vision darkened as a voice, soft and gentle like a whisper, echoed seductively in his mind. You've endured so much these past weeks, my love. It's... it's okay to close your eyes...just for a little while.

I can't... not now, Slifer resisted, his thoughts cloudy. I'm…trapped…insi-…no…I'm in… battle…

But aren't you tired? the voice cooed. Just a moment of peace, my dear. Let go of your burdens, even heroes need to rest.

Just a brief rest, then.... Slifer finally gave in. His eyelids grew heavy, and the world around him seemed to fade into the background, the voice becoming his entire focus.


Zack didn't know what was going on, his mind was a mess.

One moment, he was vaguely aware of standing within a pagoda, doing something important, what it was, he had no clue, but what he did know, was that his life depended on it.

But now, he found himself back on his couch, a half-eaten pie in his hands, preparing for the upcoming pie-eating competition.

What is going on? he wondered, trying to make sense of the strange sensation of being somewhere else. After a few moments of confusion, he shrugged it off as just another one of his vivid daydreams, he was certain if his life depended on something then he would definitely remember. And when did I even last go outside? he laughed at the absurdity of it, after all, it wasn't easy for a man of his…large stature to strut around just for the fun of it.

His focus shifted back to the present, to the more pressing matter at hand - the pie-eating competition.

The competition was no small feat, even for someone like him who had a natural affinity for pies. Last year's top five competitors had all managed around thirty pies in ten minutes, with the champion devouring an astounding thirty-nine. Who knew that there were others who not only shared the same hobby as him, but excelled in it!

Only in America, Zack thought with a bitter smile.

He glanced down at the pie in his hand. This is number twenty-nine, not bad, but not enough. If he was going to win and prove to his parents that he wasn't the failure that everyone accused him of being, he needed at least forty.

The competition was only a week away, he didn't have time to waste and sit around like this. With narrowed eyes, Zack raised the half-eaten pie and shoved it into his mouth, chewing furiously.

I'll show them all. I'll win, even if it kills me... well, maybe not literally. I do want to enjoy that $50,000 prize money.

Caught up in his daydream of showing his parents that they were all wrong about him, Zack carelessly swallowed a chunk of pie that definitely required more chewing. His face turned a frightening shade of red as his eyes bulged, he desperately clawed at his throat, struggling for air. His vision blurred as oxygen deprivation took its toll.

In a frantic attempt to get help, he tried to stand, aiming for the door, but his pudgy feet betrayed him, and he slipped backwards, his flabby back hitting the wall with a thud.


A loud spit echoed in the room as the offending piece of pie flew out of his mouth. The colour of his face slowly returned to normal, and he exhaled a heavy sigh of relief.

Who knew a pie could kill a man!


Mental Attack Detected

Attack At The Immortal Level

Passive Skill Void Being Aura Activated

Attack Potency Decreased By 33%

Slifer's mind snapped back to reality, his vision sharpening as he found himself a few feet away from Grand Elder Darius. It didn't take him a second to realise what had transpired.

This guy just tried to fuck with my mind! Slifer's face darkened with anger. He had been willing to spare Darius before, but a mind attack was a different story. He was lucky that his willpower stat was sufficient to defend against the remainder of the attack, otherwise, he would have ended up as a puppet, or whatever it was the amulet was aiming to do. Unforgivable.

Darius' face contorted in shock seeing Slifer effortlessly shrug off the mental attack. The amulet should have worked! How could he...? His thought was cut short as Slifer opened his mouth, forming a ball of fire.


Even if it is only at the Nascent Soul stage, this will end him, Slifer thought, eyeing the severely wounded Grand Elder. The body of an Ascendant Realm expert was just like any other below the Immortal Realm, only at the peak of the Body Tempering stage.

"No, don-" Darius began, but his plea was drowned out by the growing intensity of the fire in Slifer's mouth. Desperation painted Darius' face. Unlike his disciples who could rely on him to give them life-saving treasures, he didn't have anyone, all he had was his halberd, a weapon as much a part of him as his own soul.

"Come forth, Ignispike!" Darius bellowed with great difficulty.

The halberd, which he had won in his youth in a trial left behind by an Immortal senior, materialized beside him. It was a majestic weapon, its shaft decorated with intricate patterns and its blade shimmering with a deadly gleam.

Like those sword cultivators he so detested, Darius had bonded with his weapon. The path of the halberd was less glorified, but no less powerful, and he would kill anyone who dared say otherwise.

Darius would never admit it but every encounter with a sword cultivator left him feeling inadequate, there was something about them, the air they carried around them, as though they were superior due to their use of the sword. The sword strike from Slifer a few weeks ago had only reignited those insecurities.

I will never lose to a sword cultivator! Darius channeled the last remnants of his qi into the halberd, causing fire to dance along its edge.

A last stand, huh? Slifer's expression remained cold and unmoved. Well, it won't change your fate.

Tightening his grip on the halberd, Darius swung his right arm. It wasn't his strongest blow—far from it, given his current state, impaled by spikes. This is all I can manage, he thought grimly. As the halberd moved, his arm tore painfully at the wounds caused by the spikes, sending jolts of agony through his body.

The fiery halberd clashed against Slifer, who didn't seem the least concerned, his focus fully on the fireball in his mouth which only continued to grow larger.

Darius let out a slight smirk when he felt the strike land, however, the smirk turned into a grimace when he noticed that annoying barrier technique spring to life.

Damn it! Darius hadn't expected Slifer to be capable of simultaneously using that blasted formation technique along with the fireball.

"Aaah." The force of the impact, coupled with Darius' weakened state, was too much for him to handle, his grip faltered, and the halberd slipped from his hands, clattering to the ground.

In that same moment, Slifer spat out the fireball, engulfing the Grand Elder in flames.

A fleeting look of regret crossed Darius' face as he burned. I didn't plan to kill him... just to humble him. If Slifer had died in the process, well, then Darius couldn't be blamed. It is not my fault if he is too weak... But now, it was clear he had miscalculated. Or perhaps, been manipulated.

"Wyatt!" he screamed, realizing too late the true orchestrator of his death.

In a final, desperate act, he shattered his Ascendant Crystal. The crystal, the very core of his cultivation, cracked with a resounding echo. The impending explosion was a last-ditch effort, a vengeful attempt to drag the others down with him.

Seeing the suicidal attack by the madman in front of him, a single thought raced through Slifer's mind: Shit.

He didn't have any Critical Block cards left, a situation like this was the very reason he had initially planned to spare the Grand Elder, but then the fool had to try and fuck with his mind.

The explosion erupted with a deafening roar, an immense force that tore through the pagoda, reducing it to rubble. The ground shook violently, and a wave of heat and light engulfed everything in its vicinity.

Up above, Grand Elder Wyatt, seeing the explosion heading towards him, swiftly activated a formation.

A shimmering barrier sprang up around him and the disciples, protecting them from the remnants of the explosion. The shield glowed with a faint blue hue, vibrating as the shockwaves battered against it, however, each shockwave made the barrier falter, it seemed it would give out any second.

"Hold on!" Wyatt yelled, his voice barely audible over the din.

The disciples below, wide-eyed and terrified, huddled together, feeling the heat and shockwaves around them.

"Thank heavens for the barrier..." one of them muttered, awe-struck at the devastation before them. Even the remnants of the explosion were sufficient to snuff out their fragile lives.

When the shockwaves stopped, they let out a collective sigh of relief.

"W-what happened to the Supreme Elder?"

Chapter 49: Which One Of You Is The Protagonist?

"He didn't even move an inch!"

"Not a single scratch on him!"


Your Disciple Amelia's Loyalty Has Increased By 5%

Your Disciple Young Fenlock's Loyalty Has Increased By 10%

Your Disciple Hughie's Loyalty Has Increased By 15%

Their loyalties better go up, if there was no change in loyalty after that, I might as well give up now, Slifer thought, he then exhaled a deep breath of relief, thankful that his quick thinking to use the phase ability had paid off without any System hiccups.

Reminds me of that Obito and Konan scene...


You Have Killed An Ascendant Realm Cultivator

You Have Gained 1000 Karmic Credits

Glancing at the spot where Grand Elder Darius once stood, he noticed that only an amulet remained.

Hmm, let's see how this little thing could mess with my head like that.


Treasure: Siren's Call

Grade: Immortal Realm

Type: Amulet

Condition: Perfect

Description: Contains the whisper of a Siren, can put the target in a passive state

Sirens, huh? They sound like nothing but trouble. Slifer made a beckon motion with his hand, the amulet flew towards him and disappeared into his storage ring, he did not want to touch anything that could get into his head, at least, not yet. I need to find ways to increase my mental defence.

Meanwhile, Grand Elder Wyatt watched with a barely concealed frown as Slifer pocketed the amulet. That fool Darius, he thought, Not only did he fail, but he also lost my amulet.

As the Grand Elders, Tenzin and Lydia, descended next to Slifer, Wyatt hastily followed, ready to do some damage control. However, when he opened his mouth, he was immediately cut off by a silver-haired girl.

"Wow, and I thought you were getting soft," she commented, standing uncomfortably close to Slifer.

She'd probably be the perfect candidate for the Siren's Call. Her natural inclination towards Soul techniques... Slifer shook his head subtly, dismissing the thought almost as quickly as it came. No, giving Amelia such a treasure would only spell more trouble for me in the long run.

"Hmm, and that's why you dared to go against my words," Slifer replied to Amelia, his voice hardening.

"But... but the old man started it," Amelia shrank back," … he was bullying us!"

Slifer shook his head, knowing that the girl could come up with a thousand excuses, but then Fenlock spoke up, "Master, she's telling the truth. It seemed the Grand... the former Grand Elder had a problem with you..."

Unlike his Junior Sister, Fenlock had a softer character, Slifer felt that he was a trustworthy guy.

Not to mention, Slifer had already narrowed it down to two options: Amelia or the original. It was only those two who could aggravate an Ascendant Realm cultivator…maybe Val too, Slifer added as an afterthought.

"Hmm, you're lucky your Senior Brother vouched for you," Slifer said, turning his gaze back to the mischievous girl, who immediately began to mutter, "He's not my Seni—" but cut herself off when Slifer's eyes narrowed.

Teenagers, Slifer thought with a mental sigh.

"Master left no body for Val," Val pouted as she fluttered around Slifer's head.

I was nearly the one without a body, Slifer shivered as he recalled the explosive ordeal. "When we go on our little trip, you can have as many bodies as you want," he said, trying to appease her.

"Master promise?" Val's big eyes gazed up at him earnestly.

"Yes..." Slifer replied, though a nagging feeling told him he might regret this promise. The glint in the baby dragon's eyes seemed to suggest her appetite was far from modest.

Slifer's attention then shifted to Grand Elder Tenzin, who was beaming at him. Slifer nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for keeping my disciples safe."

"Of course, Supreme Elder, it was the least I could do," Tenzin replied, whilst he mentally gave himself a pat on the back. Aligning with the Supreme Elder was the right move.

Even Grand Elder Lydia, who was usually so stoic and maybe even had a slight dislike for the original, gave Slifer a slight bow of her head. Killing an Ascendant cultivator unscathed was no small feat, after all.

"Supreme Elder, I am glad you're okay," Grand Elder Wyatt's voice cut through the air.

Slifer's eyes narrowed as he assessed the suspicious-looking elder in front of him.

Weasel, he thought instantly, reminded of untrustworthy mechanics who'd fix one problem and create ten more. Definitely wouldn't trust him with my car, let alone the sect.

"Grand Elder Wyatt," Slifer greeted, his voice carried a frosty edge but internally he was on edge, remembering how the madman had screamed Wyatt's name as he self-destructed. Is this one going to attack me too? he wondered apprehensively.

That fool Darius had to drag me into his mess, Grand Elder Wyatt was seething but he maintained his polite demeanour. "Since you are here, Supreme Elder, it would be most fitting for you to lead the Selection Ceremony."

Then through his spiritual sense, Wyatt sent a quick summary of the trials and their notable participants to Slifer. It took Slifer a moment to process the influx of information.

I need to upgrade Insight, Slifer realized, looking up the system status.

Upgrade Insight to Intermediate Skill for 1000 Karmic Credits

With a resigned sigh, he confirmed the purchase.

Skill: Insight

Basic Description: Grants information about an object or person upon focus

Intermediate Description: Grants the ability to view the stats of the target

Useful, yet the System's timing is suspiciously perfect,he thought with a tinge of bitterness. He wondered if he upgraded the skill earlier, would it have given the same result or would it have given him something useless.

The surrounding Grand Elders and disciples exchanged puzzled looks as Slifer stood motionless, seemingly lost in thought. Amelia's cough broke the silence. "Master, you're spacing out… again," she remarked.

Slifer scowled, slightly embarrassed. "Rude girl," he muttered under his breath. Then, turning to face the crowd of disciples, he declared, "I will now choose a disciple."

The disciples straightened up, their eyes filled with anticipation and nervous excitement. The prospect of being selected by the Supreme Elder, who had just demonstrated his overwhelming power, was both a daunting and thrilling possibility.

As Slifer walked up to each disciple, he activated the upgraded Insight skill, scrutinizing them closely. One after another, he examined dozens of disciples, each time shaking his head due to their stats being insufficient to gain the System's attention.

The disciples felt increasingly uneasy under his intense gaze, especially when he walked away muttering to himself.

Finally, Slifer stood before a white-robed youth, Kalin. This one's different, Slifer noted, recalling the information provided by Grand Elder Wyatt. Mysterious background, possibly from the Immortal Realm, and here for training... he seems more like a villain destined for humiliation by the protagonist.


Name Kalin

Realm 9th Stage Qi Refining

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 9

Luck 6

Talent 9

Will 6

Two stats at nine? This isn't just any character; he's likely a protagonist from his own story in the Immortal Realm.

Clearing his throat and adopting an air of authority, Slifer addressed the youth, "Boy, would you like to be my disciple?"

"Yes…Master," Kalin replied with a hint of condescension, it seemed almost as if he was doing Slifer a favour.

From the sidelines, Grand Elder Wyatt suppressed a sigh. He was supposed to be cautious with this one.


Disciple slot only available for the target of the mission

Taking another disciple without a slot will lead to consequences

Damn, I forgot about Leah, Slifer realized, mentally kicking himself. I need to convert her fast to free up a slot.

Noticing the pause, Kalin raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Slifer didn't want to let go of a disciple with such high stats even if he was on the arrogant side, however, not willing to deal with the consequences that the System could come up with, he coughed awkwardly, scrambling for a plausible excuse to retract his offer.

"Due to your… background, I cannot take you as a disciple, but I can offer you… some pointers."

The sudden retraction felt like a slap to Kalin's dignity, he felt his ears begin to burn. If father were he- no! Kalin forcibly calmed himself, looking down at his sword. Serenity is key, he reminded himself, suppressing his pride. Bending slightly, he respectfully said, "I would be… honoured to receive your guidance."

Name Kalin

Realm 9th Stage Qi Refining

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 9

Luck 6

Talent 9

Will 6 -> 7

I was right, the Will stat can be changed, Slifer nodded to himself as he watched Kalin, who was on the brink of becoming an arrogant young master, use the path of the sword to reshape himself. A protagonist, but not my protagonist, he sighed internally as he turned away.

Nearby, William Wick straightened his posture, sensing Slifer's gaze shifting towards him. His heart pounded with anticipation and anxiety. This is my moment. I need to impress the Supreme Elder, not just for me, but for my clan's future, he thought, bracing himself.

Grand Elder Tenzin, noticing the Supreme Elder's gaze on the heir of the Wick Clan, piped up, "At just 15 years of age, young William has already reached the 7th stage of the Qi Refining Realm. A rare genius, indeed."

Pride swelled in William's chest as he heard this praise. He couldn't help but smile, believing he had caught the Supreme Elder's attention but soon his smile faltered when he heard the silver-hair girl mumble.

"You call this a rare genius? When I was 12 years old, I broke into the Qi Refining realm, then at 14, I broke into the Foundation Establishment realm, and I'm 18 years old this year, but I have already stepped into the Mid Core Formation Realm..."

Grand Elder Tenzin, "…"

Is she trying to belittle me? William thought, his heart pounding with a mix of anger and embarrassment. He felt a hot surge of blood rise to his throat, almost coughing it out, but he held it in, forcing a fake smile, he knew he couldn't offend a disciple of the Supreme Elder. But I can't afford to lose face here.

"Every cultivator's path is unique," William managed to cough out, his voice strained. "I am still learning and growing."

"Yeah, but you should grow faster," Amelia responded as she looked down at her sharp nails, already losing interest in the young master.

How can she be so dismissive? William clenched his fists, trying to control his boiling emotions. I am the heir of the Wick Clan!

"Cultivation is not a race but a journey, some will begin with a gentle pace, steadily ascending to impressive heights, while others resemble shooting stars, blazing brilliantly but fading away in an instant." Slifer spoke up, an air of wisdom surrounding him.

Amelia rolled her eyes but stayed silent, knowing better than to argue with her master.

William's heart calmed a bit, grateful for the Supreme Elder's words. He bowed slightly, "Thank you for your wisdom, Supreme Elder."

It's good to inspire confidence in the younger generation, Slifer nodded to himself as he activated Insight.

Name William Wick

Realm 7th Stage Qi Refining

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 4

Luck 4

Talent 4

Will 3

Not even a single five? Slifer shook his head in disappointment, he couldn't believe the kid was able to light up three pillars. His talent clearly wasn't high enough, he could get away with using his clan's resources to breakthrough the stages of the Qi Refining Realm but to trick the Luminaresce Quartz? That was no small feat, it would likely take an Immortal Rank treasure to accomplish.

This one probably has a few secrets, Slifer mused. Since the System didn't require him to take the youngster as a disciple then Slifer would rather pass on him, secrets in the xianxia world could mean opportunity but they for sure entailed death, and usually a lot of it.

"Nothing special," Slifer muttered to himself as he moved on.

The words stung, crushing the fragile pride that William had managed to rebuild.

Am I really just ordinary? The thought was like a cold blade slicing through his heart. He had worked so hard, pushed his clan's resources to the limits, and yet, in the eyes of someone truly powerful, he was just... average.

Unaware of the effect his offhand remark had caused, Slifer's focus shifted to two young village boys, who, when standing side by side, reminded him of the number 10.


Target Located

Take The Youth As A Disciple

Chapter 50: The Colossal Cock (Tame Version)

Seeing the Supreme Elder's gaze turn their way, Dusty puffed out his chest, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. He nudged Nomed, his voice barely a whisper. "The Grand Elders thought I had no talent, but it was them who had no eyes," he bragged. Dusty was sure that word had gone around concerning his rapid comprehension of the Gluttonous Titan technique and now the Supreme Elder himself was impressed.

Shaking his head at his friend's antics, Nomed remained silent, he felt a strange feeling in his belly as though something bad was about to occur.

As the Supreme Elder approached, Dusty's grin stretched wider. Looking down at his round belly, he murmured to it, "Stay patient, my friend. Being the disciple of the Supreme Elder means you can feast to your heart's content."

Ever since he could remember, Dusty had a special place in his heart – and stomach – for chicken. It was his ultimate comfort food, the one thing that could bring joy to his big-boned frame. Nomed often joked that nothing fueled Dusty quite like a well-fed chicken.

Dusty remembered that one particularly incident when he snuck into Grandma Sully's henhouse. The plump hens clucked obliviously, unaware of just how delicious they looked. He was so close to grabbing one when he heard that old crone's voice, "You naughty boy, you're going to end up just like your father, gobbling your way to the grave! Haven't you got a lick of sense?"

Caught red-handed, Dusty panicked. With a half-caught chicken in his grip, he did the only thing he could think of – he bit into the chicken, feathers and all. One bite was all that he needed to realise it was a terrible idea, quickly he spat out the feathers and gave Grandma Sully his most innocent face.

Grandma Sully was not fooled.

Shaking his head to dispel the memory, Dusty rubbed his healthy-sized belly and whispered, "No more sneaking around after today."

But as Slifer walked past him, Dusty's smile faltered, and he watched baffled as the Supreme Elder stopped in front of his best friend.

A smile appeared on Slifer's face as he looked at the status window.

Name Nomed

Realm 1st Stage Qi Refining

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 6

Luck 7

Talent 8

Will 8

These stats... the boy's average performance doesn't match his stats at all. A hidden gem… or is this perhaps the storyline where the protagonist hides his true talent to infiltrate a sect for some secret mission, he mused silently, a knowing glint in his eyes.

If stats were all it took to gain the System's interest then the System would have identified Kalin as a potential disciple. Slifer suspected that there were more requirements, he just couldn't figure out what they were, and the System was more than happy to not help him.

Nomed, feeling the Supreme Elder's unsettling smile linger on him, tried not to fidget. I did everything I could to remain unnoticeable, but this old man still noticed me!

Looking at the young man's innocent, simple face, Slifer couldn't help but assume, this kid probably entered the demonic sect hoping to turn it into a righteous one from the inside, much like how some girls think they can transform their leather-jacket-wearing, motorcycle-riding boyfriends into card-carrying members of the "Pajama Party Posse."

Eh, it doesn't matter if he hid his talent intentionally or there were some other reasons why he performed terribly, what I need to do now is make a good first impression and complete this mission.

Standing tall with his hands clasped behind his back, Slifer raised his chin slightly. With his eyes half-closed as if peering into the depths of the universe, he subtly activated the Whimsical Wind Card, a card he had previously thought was useless.

A gentle breeze began to swirl around him, causing his robes to flutter dramatically. For teens who had almost no experience with cultivation, the effect was striking, the naïve disciples began to gasp in awe.

"Look at the Supreme Elder's aura."

"He…he looks like an Immortal!"

"I…I want him!"

Pretending as though he didn't hear the last comment, Slifer coughed as he focused his attention back on the protagonist before him. "Young man, would you…would you like to be this old man's disciple?" he asked.

The surrounding disciples' awe turned into shock.

"This nobody has caught the Supreme Elder's eye?"

"How lucky!"

"This…I refuse to believe this!" One of the city boys even began to repeatedly rub his eyes in disbelief.

As for the Grand Elders, they exchanged confused glances. They couldn't fathom the thoughts of the Supreme Elder; Nomed was so... average. However, recalling how Slifer had effortlessly killed Grand Elder Darius, they wondered if there was something in the boy that they couldn't see.

Nomed, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sudden attention, was frantically trying to think of a way to reject the Supreme Elder's offer. He realized, with a sinking heart, that there was no logical reason he could give that would be accepted without drawing more attention to himself.

Why is it so hard to stay low-key? he lamented inwardly.

Forcing a smile, he tried his best to appear excited and bowed repeatedly. "Thank you, Master."

Slifer, observing his new disciple's enthusiasm, stroked his beard in satisfaction. It's always good to have loyal disciples, he thought. From the simple look of the kid, Slifer could tell he would be a loyal one.


New Task

Complete Master-Disciple Ceremony


All Slifer had to do was complete this annoying ceremony and then he would gain the mystery reward for completing the mission. The task had been far easier than Slifer expected. He had initially worried the System would pick someone with typical xianxia protagonist problems: tragic pasts, vengeful enemies, or cursed bloodlines that attracted calamity. Thankfully, so far Nomed seemed refreshingly normal, just a village boy whose family had yet to be wiped out.

"Grandma Sully was right, I will die a miserable death, death by starvation," the whisper from the fatty beside his new disciple brought Slifer out of his thoughts. W-why does he remind me of myself…?

"Master, would it be possible for you to also take Dusty as your disciple?" Nomed asked, not being able to bear the look on his friend's face.

Slifer frowned slightly. He knew that the System wouldn't allow him to take in more disciples; if it did, he would have chosen Kalin. But he didn't want to upset his new disciple so soon, that would happen later when Nomed realised that he was being worked like the sla-, disciple he was.

Turning to look at Dusty, Slifer activated Insight.

Name Dusty

Realm 1st Stage Qi Refining

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 3 (8)

Luck 8

Talent 2

Will 2

Eight in bracket? Hmm, his normal comprehension must be pretty low but if he has affinity with the technique then his comprehension shoots up to eight? Sounds about right. Slifer stroked his beard as he looked at the meatball-shaped human pouting at him.

But he is a lucky one, it couldn't hurt to have him on my side…

"I have someone else in mind for him," Slifer mumbled as he sent out a spiritual transmission.

As if on cue, the disciples heard a grunt from above, they looked up to see a fat, bald man jumping down from a sword. Landing with a heavy thud next to the Supreme Elder, the man bowed deeply and said, "Master."

"Morvran," Slifer acknowledged with a nod. He then pointed to Dusty and instructed, "I want you to take this one as your disciple."

Morvran's eyes narrowed as he surveyed Dusty. "This one looks like he needs a lot of work, Master, but I will try my best."

Dusty, feeling slighted, shook his chubby hand at Morvran. "Don't imply I'm fat, I'm only big-boned," he protested.

Morvran shook his head, his expression serious as ever. "You're not worthy of being called fat, boy," he replied as he puffed out his belly to demonstrate his own impressive girth. "You have much more growing to do."

Dusty's eyes widened in awe. "Wow, you look like you have a Grandma who actually loves you," he exclaimed.

A rare sense of pride appeared on Morvran's face. "I have no need of a Grandma, if you follow the Way of the Cock then you can attain this physique one day!"

Morvran's statement seemed to ignite a new fire in Dusty. He looked at Nomed, his eyes once again shining. "Nomed, I'm gonna be just like this fat guy!"

The Way of the Cock…Slifer thought, a smirk threatening to break his wise master facade. However, he knew that Morvran was deadly serious.

Cocks, in the cultivation world, were reputed to be greatly beneficial, especially for those who cultivated their bodies. He recalled a tale from the Immortal Realm about a colossal cock, a creature so formidable that even immortals would flee at its sight. Legend had it that this immense cock had sired numerous offspring, and consuming the meat of these various descendants could potentially unlock the rare bloodline of the Great Cock.

From the vague memories he inherited, Slifer remembered that the original had given Morvran a cock-related cultivation method. The old man must have wanted Morvran to unlock the Great Cock bloodline, Slifer deduced, why that was, Slifer didn't know, but knowing his predecessor, it wouldn't have been out of goodwill.

Shaking his head, Slifer decided not to question Morvran's teaching methods. If Morvran wants to teach his disciple the Way of the Cock, who am I to disapprove?

The Disciple Selection Ceremony continued, with the other Grand Elders making their selections. Grand Elder Lydia found two suitable disciples for the Medicine Hall. Although they lacked the innate talent of the Wizeron Clan's usual recruits, they held enough potential for her to invest her time in.

Grand Elder Wyatt chose William as his disciple. Slifer, only half-paying attention, noted that Grand Elder Tenzin selected a boy from the Jexlarin Clan, but he couldn't recall the boy's name. They all look the same, Slifer thought, grateful for the Insight skill. Without it, I might have walked away with some random kid thinking it was Nomed.

William clenched his fists as he watched the Supreme Elder depart with his new disciples. How could he overlook me for a mere village boy? A boy who is only fit to be my servant! Despite his rage, William forced himself to focus on the bigger picture. He had successfully entered the sect, fulfilling the 'man's' orders. As long as I follow his instructions, my clan will remain safe.

"I hope you don't regret your choice, Supreme Elder."

In a dark cave, void of any natural light, five spiritual figures stood in a circle. Each figure was cloaked in a hooded robe, their identities obscured by the shadows that clung to them like a second skin.

"The plan was successful," one member announced, their voice echoing off the walls, "the agent has entered the Black Rose Sect."

Another member, their voice tinged with a hint of arrogance, retorted, "Like I said before, the Luminaresce Quartz is not difficult to trick. If those old fools in the sect had listened to me, there wouldn't be such glaring holes in their defense."

The first figure hesitated before speaking again. "Even though the Luminaresce Quartz was tricked, the outcome was not what we were hoping for."

A third figure shook its head. "No matter, as long as the disciple entered the sect, that is what's important."

The fourth one, agreeing with a nod, added, "You need to make sure they secure one of the spots for the Sealed Realm."

Then, the fifth figure, who had been sitting quietly, stood up. "Once the Awakening is successful, war will follow." The figure's voice caused the spiritual forms of the others to tremble instinctively as though they were in the presence of a higher being.

The figure paused and took its time to look at each of the other figures, its gaze piercing through their blurred forms. "Prepare for war," it commanded.

One by one, the spiritual figures nodded. Then, as if they were mere mirages, their figures slowly dissipated into the air.

As the last of the figures vanished, a strange mark appeared on the cave floor. It was a tree, its branches twisted and gnarled. In the centre of the trunk was an eye, unblinking and unsettling, as if it were watching everything.

The eye bled a crimson tear before it too disappeared.