
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · Urban
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38 Chs

New school II

Roxanne POV

I took my bag and walked out of the class , I knew it was to good to be true, what was I thinking enjoying this school I'm a black in a country of white.

I want to go back home I closed my book and put it in my bag and took my phone and called Kayla .

"Baby why didn't you call me earlier I'm so mad"She Said and I smiled .

"Sorry "I said

"How are you doing there"She said

"Is anyone bullying you "Kayla said

"No I'm fine "I said

"Don't lie to me "She said

"I'm fine seriously"I said

"Ok then ,Anna and I might come to visit when we're free"She said

"Sure why not "I said

Nick POV

Zach and I left the classroom and went to the other building beside the school , The building was meant for the three of us only. The securities let us in

"K there's a new girl in school"I said immediately I walked in.

"Why didn't you come for history class"Zach said

Dad called he said grandma's sick and he wants me home"K said

"Are you seriously gonna believe that you know he's only lying so you can come home "I said

"But you left the house for a year now don't you think it's time for you to go home"Zach said

"I'm not going back home not now "He said

"What's this about a black girl"He said

"K she's cute and very smart but she's also strong headed"Zach said

"Are you serious"K said giving him a look .

"she is cute"Zach said

"I think we should let her go"Zach said

"Why didn't you bring her to me"He said ignoring what Zach said

"Like I said she's strong headed"Zach said

"Yeah she was already coming with us but Xavion had to interfere, he didn't let us ..."I didn't complete my sentence when K interrupted me.

"Xavion is in the school"K said

"Yeah he's the history substitute"I said.

"Where is the black girl you spoke about"K said

"I don't know"I said.

He left the room and we followed him.

"K!!!"Zach and I yelled.

Third person POV

Roxanne was still talking to Kayla, when K walked in. Everyone looked at him , but he didn't care he concentrated on looking for the black girl, he finally sighted her . He walked up to her and yanked the phone from her , Roxanne turned to see the jerk who took her phone, but she turned to.see a familiar face.


I couldn't believe that Xavion was here after what he did to me he had the audacity to come back to Havana, he's dad must have made him a substitute because of what he did. I walked out of the room she'll be the one to suffer it . I'll have to vent my anger on her, I went to look for her and asked anyone if they've seen any black girl. She was in the school garden I went over and saw her making a call sitting on one of the benches there I went over and yanked the phone from her and she turned back . I couldn't believe it the girl on the plane.

"Kai"She said.

I can't act like I know her not now the boys and everyone were there. I didn't say anything I raised my hand and moved my fingers in command and some boys came to carry her.

Third person POV

"let me go" she said

"Let me go "She continued to yell and everyone laughed at her but Kai stood there looking guilty as they took her away.

They dropped her down on the floor .

Roxanne POV

I couldn't believe Kai could deny me like that be was the one who encouraged me to stay in country K why is he acting this way I know that I don't know him that well but this is too much the boys dropped me on the floor .

'What's going on now what are they going to me'I thought

Kai didn't show up the students threw papers and water balloons and eggs at me , what a great day to start college

Third person POV

"Where's Kai"Nick asked Zach .

Zach who was bitting his finger nervously looking at her looked at Nick.

"I don't know dude should we ask them to stop"Zachary said

"Hey why're you acting all soft "Nick said

"I don't know what's going on I'm feeling guilty "Zachary said.

Xavion walked into the scene.

"Hey stop that !"He yelled Zach and Nick stood up surprised

"Stop that"He yelled he went to meet her and helped her up.

"Leave this place or else I'll report you all"He said.

"Hey Xavion you can't do that "Nick said

"I see you aren't scared , you think I can't report you all to the chancellor"He said

"Do it and we'll see who will get in trouble"A voice was heard

"My dad own the school or have you forgotten Xavion"Kai said , Kai dragged Roxanne from Xavion and threw her to the ground .

"Kai every black girl isn't your mother"Xavion said.

"How dare you mention my mother"Kai went to Xavion and pushed him.

"K!!!"Nick and Zach held him back

"K don't "Zach said

"Leave this school and my life a**hole"Kai yelled at him

Roxanne took her bag and took to her heels immediately .

"I'll leave but not now"Xavion said and walked away.

Xavion took out his phone from his pocket.

"Jackson buy me a teenage girl clothes for she nineteen and bring it to the school"Xavion said.

"Yes sir"Jackson said and he hung up the call.

Roxy ran to the bathroom and closed the door she sat on the floor crying.

Roxanne POV

"Why did I ever come to this school I hate this country they discriminate too much , I hate them I f**king hate them ! " I yelled.

I felt water pouring on my head I looked up to see a girl.

"Oops"She said laughing.

I came out and she giggled with the second girl beside her.

"You dare to disgrace Kai"She said

"She even acted like she knew him "The second girl beside her said.

"I thought"I said .

"You're just a fool I'll warn you to stay away from him. He hates black people , you all are as black as your heart"She said .

"Stay away"The second girl said

"Let's go Isla "She said as she walked out and her minion called Isla walked out of the bathroom.

I continued crying , wash my hands and looked into the mirror, my locket it's gone !

I checked my bag but it wasn't there.

That locket was given to me by grand mammy I kept on looking and heard a knock on the door.

Who could that be I mean it was a restroom why would you knock ?,I walked to the door and saw Xavion at the door holding a bag.

"Here have this"He said

"Uh..."I said and collected the bag looking into it .

"Thank you"I said and locked the door and changed into what was in the bag.

A blue tank top and Black plitted skirt that got to my thigh. I came out of the restroom he was standing there.

Third POV

Xavion looked at her come out of the restroom as she shut the door behind her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find anything else"He said

"I.. it's okay thank you "She said.

"Are you sure you're comfortable"He said .

Roxanne POV

I could hear the sincerity in his voice he was so nice .

"Yes I'm ok thanks "I said

"I'm Xavion"He said

"I'm Roxanne "I said

"I'm sorry about Kai he's not like that you know"He said and I nodded.

It was my fault trusting an entire stranger the memories of what just happened came back and tears gathered in my eyes I blinked to stop the tears from flowing.

The ball rang , second class was starting here we go I took a deep breath.

"I've gotta go"I said.

"Thanks again"I said before walking out touching my neck normally I'll hold my locket but now it's gone.³