
Chapter 2:vol 1

After escaping the cave, via using great sage's map, i could finally explore this new world that I was reborn in.

I wondered around for a bit then I saw a group of weird green people coming towards me.

They seem to only be wearing clothing on their privates and some of their body, and barely having anything to defend themselves as they only had some weapons, even then the weapons they have are extremely low class and weak and tired out, as told to me by the great sage. They seemed to be cowering with extreme fear when confronting me, and even some of them are on the verge of fainting, by the looks of it.

H-hello great one, w-we have come to request for you help.

Ohh that's why you guy's came over here, but why do you call me great one?

You aura is very potent it covers the entirety of the forest.

Ohhh, great sage how does my aura look like?

Acquiring user magic sense, fusing magic with normal senses. Notice user has acquired great sense. The user can sense any and all physical and magical phenomena and can sense things in a view in higher and lower dimensions and in directions more than 360 completely and perfectly.

Wow! Thanks great sage.

It seems great sense is a intrinsic passive ability of my being and now I can turn it on and off at will but it's normally, completely passive.

I then saw my great aura which was raging around everywhere like a great storm In the center of this forest, woah! Is my aura that big? Hey great sage can I control my aura back inside of me?

Just focus your aura into you being, said the great sage.

Ok, after concentrating I finally reduced my aura back into my being and the green people seem to be more relaxed now.

So why have you come to me?

W-we request you help, because the dire wolves are attacking us. And they have never done this before.

Hey great sage why are the dire wolves attacking them.

The most likely reason is due to veldora's dissapearane.

After 30 day's of veldora's prescence not being sensed by other monster's they decided to conquer the forest for their own to expand their influence and power over other monster's and become more powerful and rule the great jura forest to themselves.

Ohh I see, well that explains a lot why monster's are rampaging.

Well you guy's are in luck, me, I will help you guy's and protect you from these so called direwolves.

Oh many thanks great one! Now please follow us to our village and allow me to show you our dire situation.

So that's how I met the weird green people which I found out to be goblin's.

After settling down they begin explaining everything.

So have you noticed the increase in monster activity?

Well I guess so, there has been a lot of monster's that I've encountered lately even outside the cave.

Well great one, that is due to the fact that the great storm spirit beast prescence has disappeared and now monster's are going to try and conquer the forest for their own gain. And the direwolves are one of them and they threaten our home. And we are very weak and our greatest warrior, my son rigurd has been killed because of the fight's we have went went the direwolves.

And also great if you would please follow me.

Uhhh, ok, rigurd then led me to a shed, and I saw several injured goblin's in critical condition, and they were groaning in pain, and some of them looked like they were about to faint and some of them had several wound's over there body.

Great one, this is the result of the fight with the direwolves. It has left us very weak and we do not know what to do.

Hmmm I see, hey great sage do you know how I can help them.

You can use the hipokute herb's to heal them, by creating a potion all of their wounds will be healed without any problems.

Thanks great sage, I knew I could always count on you.

After creating the potion I used water domination to turn it into a liquid state and used big clumps of hipokute herb liquid in my hand's to apply it all to them.

Oh great one, you are amazing! Said the goblin cheif in gratefulness.

It's alright, it's the least I could as I couldn't just stand around and watch all of you guys die.

Oh great one you are very kind, I am so thankful for you to come save us and help us and keep us safe from the direwolves who keep attacking our home.

Well it's not like you can call this place a home, as it only has a few sheds.

But anyways, it's just as great sage proposed, and if the goblin's get attacked again they will probably die, and I can't let that happen on my watch.

Alright then guy's I'll help you guy's but first we must prepare.

The elder goblin smiled brightly, oh thank you great one praised delightfully, it's, oh and just call me rowin.

Nightfall began and preparations for the direwolves attack were finished.

Tonight is the night we will conquer these goblins and win against them! Said the direwolf leader, my son are you ready? Yes father let us teach these goblin's a lesson.

Then with a howl the direwolves began their charge at the goblin village.

As I saw the direwolves in sight I told the goblins to wait on my signal.

Alright, Fire! And at my signal, the goblins fired their arrow's, it distracted the wolves and injured some of them, the only reason they did get injured was because when I analyzed one arrow and copied it and distributed it out, a very small amount of my aura got infused into it, making them way more powerful than normal.

As the wolves kept coming our barricades held up , I then jumped down to confront the leader and the wolves stopped attacking.

Ok direwolf leader I propose to you a challenge, hmph what is it boy, if I defeat you your horde surrenders, if I lose you can do whatever you want.

Hmph I accept, the wolf then lunges at rowin.

You death is here now! And as the wolf rushes towards rowin, he uses sticky thread an entraps the wolf, and I used water blade to cut his head off.

I then absorbed the dire wolf and used mimicry.

I then used the great dire wolf's war and command the direwolves.

And after they listened to me I changed back into my old form.

So do you guy's give up? Yes great one, we are know your's to command.

Alright great, so who's gonna be the commander now? I am great one.

And who are you? I am the head direwolf's son and behind me are my 2 pack general's my younger brother's.

I see, well guy's let's work together to form a great village! Yes great one!

After sleeping overnight I began a meeting with the direwolves and the goblin's.

The goblins settled me on a wooden pedestal and I began the meeting.

So guys as you know since the fight's are over we should all work together and come as a village. Are there any objections? None at all, said the goblin's, it is your will great one, said the wolf leader.

Alright then, so to introduce ourselves what are you guy's names? What do you mean great one? I mean your name's don't you guy's have any names? We do not as monster's are not born with names, well some of us aren't.

Well that being's up a lot of problems, I didn't even know that monster's aren't born with names.

Well how about I name you guys? Really! Great one are you sure!? Yes I'll name you guy's since I you guys don't have any names.

Oh great one you are very much generous!

And also don't call me great one, just call me rowin tempest.

Ok, thank you great rowin we deeply appreciate you, said the goblin cheif as he kneeled down.

Ok then.

Let's begin the naming ceremony.

And next thing I know I had fell into a very deep slumber.

I woke up laying on a matt, and I had 2 beautiful green boy goblins on my side and a goblin female on top of me using a technique to wake me up.

I bounced up and down on lord rowin, I was performing a technique that I learned that help's people wake up.

The goblin girl had really big boobs and a thick juicy and huge butt.

And every female goblin had the same thing, and the males had a perfect body with big cock's and ball's.

It seems like naming them increased their existence.

Notice, the goblins have evolved into hobgoblins and are more powerful than before.

I guess that makes sense.

Master Rowin did my technique awake you? Said the beautiful goblina, u-umm sure.

I liked boys so I don't really get affected by her doing this to me but if I liked girls I'm sure I'll pass out due to her beauty.

Also great sage why did I pass out.

It was due to energy exhaustion of naming a lot of monsters but mainly because absorbing veldora left a strain on your being and you not being able to control your energy well, and also because that was your first use of naming and evolved all of the goblins into b minus ranked hobgoblins which takes a lot of energy.

Ohh, no wonder I passed out.

After that I walked out of the shed to see everyone else. I saw all of the goblins and goblinas they all had perfect bodies and looked extremely good and they were all taller than their short size previously now

And the only problem was their clothes, they barely had anything to wear, as they were only wearing rag's.

So where's the great cheif? I'm here master rowin, said an taller fit goblin.

Are you the cheif? Yes master rowin I am the cheif.

Ahh I see, and do to you master rowin I go by, rigurd.

So after introducing themselves to me I wondered what happened to the direwolf leader and called him.

Hey where's the direwolf leader? I'm right here master rimuru.

I am ranga, i am pleased to meet you master rowin.

It seems ranga has grown and now has white fur.

Awww ranga you look so cute, so after we finished the introduction I began pondering about what to do with the village as it need's major improvements.

Do any of you guys know how we can easily get better clothing?

Hmmm we don't know, well now that the fight is over and us and the direwolves are joined we can finally work on trying to get proper clothes, as we are a very weak race and the fight with the direwolves weakened us even further, not only that we couldn't, build anything and we haven't had much contact with civilization in a while so we are just as clueless as you are.

Well this makes things several times harder than it should be.

Hey I think I might know something! Shouted a girl goblin in the back of the crowd.

You do? Yeah, I've heard of a armed fortress nation called dvarlon.

I've heard that it is a very powerful and great nation and is made up of superhuman's who specialize in crafting,architecture,building and much more.

Great, so we shall set out on to dvarlon to help this village.

And thank you for the information gobya, no problem great Rimuru, I'll always help you in any way I can with all of my heart.

Wait master rowin! Hmm? You forgot you need a piece of cloth! I then realized that I've been walking around with my huge massive big boy cock and butt bouncing around.

I then began to blush, y-y-yeah, I then took the brown cloth rag and put it around my waist, and I put on some around my big juicy perky boy breasts.

So after that I took ranga, who is my favorite direwolf by the way, and my personal wolf pet, and gobta along with me to visit dvarlon.

Also great sage did you know about other nations that could help us?

Yes but you've never requested me about it and you seemed to be talking to the goblins when you asked about nations that could help the village.

*sigh* I guess I have to be more direct with great sage then, oh well, so me and gobta along with ranga and gobta's wolf took off for dvarlon.

And rowin's juicy butt cheeks clapped each second due ranga moving so fast.

Hey kaval, do you know what we are gonna do when we report to the guildmaster. I don't know eren, we are so screwed, said gido.

They all sigh in hopes that something bad won't happen.

You said what now! The 3 adventures chuckle slightly in anxiousness.

How is Veldora gone! W-we don't know, all we did is just went to go look inside the cave an we just didn't see him there.

This will cause some serious problems, *huff* let's keep this a secret for now, make sure to not tell anyone, not anybody, said the guildmaster seriously.

Ok we get it, said gido, we'll keep it a secret, alright good then.

After that the 3 adventures went searching for a new mission.

Hey Eren we don't have any money left how are we gonna get a place to stay in. We can just do a mission! But there aren't any missions right now, it's alright I'm sure we can find one, said eren cheerfully.

Ughh, why do I have to be in a party with an idiot! Gido screamed out.

Alright guy's let's go! Said eren