
Chapter 1:vol 1

Hey, I'm rowin and this is my life in this world.

After I finished reading I went to my parent's as they have called for me.

Hi mom, hi dad! Our son, there is something we must discuss with you.

Well what is it? We have determined you will be executed for crimes against our empire.

W-what, rowin began to feel worry and despair.

You have been proven to be a threat to all beings in this realm, what! I haven't done anything against you guys! Pull out the proof, and as soon as the queen said that, two servants game out with a crystal and showed holographic proof of me going against the empire and planning to destroy everything.

B-but that isn't me! Even though I'm telling the truth they still don't believe me.

You will have an public execution in 3 hours be prepared, and I was dragged away and prepared for my execution.

Please no! It wasn't me! I'm being framed!

As I let out pleas i was ignored and chained up to the ground to be executed.

My people my son has plotted against us and now his execution will begin!

The people roared and cheered.

I fell down to my knee's and realized that everyone was against me.

A light from the very heavens appeared and struck down rowin.

A mysterious golden light appeared and flew into rowin's chest but nobody noticed.

I just hope that I'm forgiven in the end, were rowin's last word's as he left the face of the realm without hate or vengeance, with shedding a tear on his face.

I felt my body being reborn, and I was transported to an unknown world.

In a mysterious cove there lay's a beautiful boyish maiden.

He was short, and he had starry jet black royal midnight hair, that's so long it reaches his hip's but is tied into a tight braid with a golden royal band keeping it in place, and his braid reaches his lower back. and he has an absolutely perfect body completely umblemished and and has no dirt on it, he also has a spade marking above his right eye and heart marking under his left eye both of which are black and he also has a marking of teardrops on his left eye as well

and has beautiful natural black nails, and has starry jet black royal black midnight eyes, and has a black heart marking on his lower stomach, and he has black choker, and has black markings on his chest and shoulders (gilgamesh from fate markings but just black) he also has black markings that goes around his upper arms and 2 black straight lines connect from them and go down towards his lower arm forming into a black chocker marking around his arms as well and has 2 black markings that are lines that goes from the ends of his lips onto his cheek into a circle with a heart inside of them. He has a beautiful perfect perky big jiggly butt and and big perky boy breasts, and a huge thick juicy massive hung cock that has a lot of foreskin and massive hung huge low hanging juicy balls as well. all of this combines into a perfect being with a perfect body.

I woke up in a mysterious cave and it seemed to be very spacious.

Why am I here, I questioned myself, last I remember was that I was executed infront of the people of my realm.

Well it's not like it matter's anyway.

I roamed around the cave and seemingly I encountered nothing yet.

I also had an passive intrinsic skill called The True Great Will, and it had an origin skill called complete arsenal which has everything in fiction/nonfiction/IRL in the past present and future infinitely, such as having Batman from Dc in it, and there was infinite power and abilities under it which were addding infinitely more and evolving and adapting infinitely more for an infinite amount of time each infinitesimally moment transcending every iteration and concept and ideal and rule of time logic and understanding , but I couldn't use them as they were locked away, until I awaken, which I don't know what it means.

It also had passives under it, as they were like skills you gain but it's an intrinsic skill.

I have an passive intrinsic power called perfection, it gives me immortality, as I can live forever survive without a brain or heart or any of my organs or any limbs, and it also heals me and absolutely purifies me and I can do the same to other things and can also nullify negate and counter things as well, but it isn't that good of a healing as it only can heal me from large cuts and toenails or broken bones or my skin and muscles but not a cut off wound, but it will heal the wound instantly stopping it and preventing blood loss even though I don't need it, and I it can restore my spiritual body and soul as well, and another type of immortality allows me to store my consciousness into something else and transform it into my being or just outright possess it.

I also have an intrinsic power that's passive and it is called Evoulutionary.

It passively evolves my existence and powers and adapts to anything and accelerates my development of everything I do, and copies and mimics other powers and existences, and it can negate and nullify all things and gain resistances from negations immunities and nullifications as well, and I can even evolve from powers I can't block and etc, and those are some of the things it can do, as it can do countless more things.

And I can also absorb anything and everything as an intrinsic skill as well and analyze and understand anything and everything and manipulate anything and everything, but I find it weird as I already have unique skills based off 2 of those.

And also evolves everything else I need such as a sword I would use or a cooking utensil.

And one of the unique skills are predator.

The skill predator allows me to absorb anything and break it down and analyze it copy and or steal its power or hack it like an computer.

It's very useful as I have been absorbing these weird herb's.

Even though I don't know what they do I feel like they will be useful in the future.

I wish I could understand what's going on around me.

Hello master, w-who's there,I reply in worry.

I am your unique skill, I am the great sage, I am your assistant to help you with things you don't understand.

O-oh, well can you tell me what these herb's I've been absorbing are.

They are hipokute herb's, they are special healing herb's, mainly used in potions and ointment's to heal people.

Well it's a good thing I've been absorbing them.

I began absorbing more of the herb's and more other thing's that great sage explained to me.

I absorbed a crystal that was glowing and it wasn't normal like other crystals.

Hey great sage, what type of crystals are these?

Those crystal's are special magic crystal's that grow in area's dense with mana. They are also used to craft weapons equipment and gear to help people.

Ohhh, no wonder they were glowing weirdly.

Well it wouldn't hurt to absorb them some more.

I began absorbing everything insight not caring for what it is until I came across a body of water.

Hmmm I haven't had water in a few hour's.

And i began relaxing in the cool pond.

This feel's nice, I say to myself quietly.

I wonder if I can drown, since I couldn't drown in my last life I should be able to not drown in this one, well I hope so.

So I put my head under the water and kept it their for a while.

1 hour later.

Well it turns out that I cannot drown, not only that I don't need to eat,sleep and breathe.

Well that's very reassuring incase come across a situation such as drowning.

I also absorbed a large portion of the water in this pond, it seems this pond has magical properties so its depth is more than it actually appears to be.

Notice due to encounter's with water and absorbion of it user has acquired manipulation of water, evolving water manipulation.

Notice used has acquired water domination.

Woah, I didn't know I could do that. What does that do?

User has complete control over the very, law,principle, and concept of water and can control any and all iterations of water infinitely throughout the past,present and future.

Just from laying in a pond!? It seems I underestimated my skill's to much, now that I know that I can do that, I will have a more open mind of what I can do.

I began walking around some more and encountered a monster.

Notice, user has encountered an A ranked tempest serpent.

Wow this serpent is really long, I'd say about 30 feet.

As it rushes towards me, I quickly jumped up and sent a water slash through it, and I absorbed it.

And I went around killing and absorbing countless more monster's.

The monster's here are very unique and absorbing them will give me their powers, and there is a wide variety of power's these monster's have that I didn't even know about.

So after absorbing monster's for a while I came across this huge place inside the cave.

As I entered the weird place, great sage warned be about it.

Notice, spatial interference detected.

Thanks for that, now I know to be cautious while entering it.

As I wondered inside the weird place, it looked liked a grand marbel structure with pillars upholding it.

So far I haven't seen anything worrying, as I wondered around I noticed some strange energy flowing from the direction infront of me.

I walked towards where the strange energy was, and I saw an long white haired beauty entrapped within a white rainbowish hue crystal.

Hey great sage do you know what this is?

The being infront of us is sealed inside an great crystal, I don't not know how though, but its signature indicates it's energy as more than 10 times as your's, but this is as far as I can analyze due to its complex nature.

Oh I see, I then put my hand on the crystal, to try and analyze it's power, but suddenly the crystal broke, and before I could realize the white haired beauty inside began floating and flying towards me.

Warning, master must retreat quickly!

But before I could even move the beauty suddenly kissed me, and fused inside of my being.

W-woah, w-what was that, I say in surprise and shock.

Failure to compute.

It seems like even great sage doesn't even know what happened.

Well so far there hasn't been any damages to me or my power, so I guess I'm good?

Well after that encounter it seem's there was nothing else here, so I decided to go back out, and after leaving the spatial barrier soon after a golden light, from the area I just left flowed into my chest, and when I turned around the place disappeared.

Well that was weird, but tame to all the other encounters I've had so far.

I began exploring the cave some more, and I found an great energy signature coming from around a area from inside the cave.

So I went towards it.

*Huff* it's been so long since I've been with anybody, and my energy is leaking everywhere, curse you, you hero! Said the great beast to himself.

I then encountered a great beast that was several times bigger than me.

Woah I've never seen a great beast before! Especially one like this.

Who are you who dare intrudes on the great storm beast's layer!

Well hello there, I am rowin and I was exploring this cave and found you trapped here.

Hmph why have you come to visit me, well I hoped that I would finally meet something that I can have a conversation with but all I have encountered, were countless mindless beast's and monster's.

Hmph, I guess it would make sense for a lesser being .

So why are you here?

I guess I'll amuse you wanderer.

300 years ago I was rampaging around, and when I rampaged in an ancient city showing my awesome might a great hero came to stop me, they sealed me using unlimited imprisonment. And now I'm stuck here while my energy is being released, the dragon ended with sigh.

Woah! That hero must've been very powerful to defeat the likes of you.

She was, her great beauty paired with her power had sealed me away.

Well being sealed inside a cave for 300 years should make anyone lonely, you wanna be friends?

Hmph how dare you think that I, the great storm spirit beast Veldora will need a friend!

Well if you decline I guess I can't go against it, it was nice meeting you Veldora, see you later then.

H-hey wait!, hm? I guess we can be friends for now.

It seems my plan worked, well it was a chance, but it seems Veldora was the type of person who mask's there true intentions.

And now due to me taking advantage of that, I finally made a friend!

I was very happy I made a friend, after all this time of being stuck inside the cave alone, I finally made a friend.

So Veldora can you move out of this imprisonment, no unfortunately I'm trapped here.

Hey great sage can you do something about this?

If the user absorb's the unlimited imprisonment I will be able to analyze a way to break him out of it.

Nice! Alright Veldora, I know a way to break you out of the prison, wait how? I have to absorb you to analyze it and free you out of it.

… Kuahahahahha! I have never met anyone so bold enough to dare suggest they absorb a true spirit beast! The strongest beings in the world, Kuahahahah! Fine I will entertain you, and as a token of our friendship we will have to name eachother.

Alright then, hmm what should be our name? Veldora's skin reminded me of a storm due to its darkness.

Hmm how about tempest?

Veldora and rowin tempest, that sound's good?

Brilliant? As expected of you rowin, we then touched our hands together.

From this day forth, I am known as Veldora tempest and you rowin tempest, and we are sworn brothers!

After that I gained some sort of power boost/existence boost.

Alright then here I go.

I then unleashed my predator skill into full affect transforming myself into a swarm of purple energy composed of matter/mist and absorbed Veldora.

Notice complete absorption of the individual Veldora tempest, is complete without any problems.

Just you wait Veldora, after I'm done analyzing you, you'll be free in no time.

Oh and great sage how long will it take to unseal Veldora?

Approximately 100 years 16 days and 8 hours.

Ehhhhh!! W-well I guess that's expected from a being such as Veldora.

Well Veldora I guess you're gonna have to wait a while, I said with a sigh.

But now it's time to escape this cave! Rowin said to himself with a new goal in hand.

Now with a new goal in hand and a new friend, rowin will now escape the cave and go on a journey to explore this new world he was reborn in.

Hey are you sure we are supposed to be doing this? Said an adventurer we have to! Said the girl adventurer, why does the guild always send us on these mission's not to mention how hopeless Eren is.

Oh cheer up guy's I'm sure we will be able to report something back, well I hope, said the girl adventurer as she gulped down and went inside the cave to search for the storm spirit beast, as his aura was no longer present inside the forest of jura.

Back in the other realm.

Are you sure that was the right call milliya, i don't know, but I just hope he's safe. Yeah me too.