
Road To Happiness

Laying on the bathroom floor, my hands on my head and my face in my laps… The noise from my parents room gets louder by the minute especially my dad's voice, he sounded like a beast whenever he got angry, I really don't get why my mom still stays, she wouldn't leave even if he stabbed her in the chest. I don't know if it's trauma bonding. I was tired of the looks we would get from the neighbors, A look of pity, I hated life … My name is Ella, and I am 18 would be 19 in a few months and I can't wait till I'm old enough to leave this place, I would always dream of a home filled with love and happy children, I wanted to create a life I didn't get… I grew up in a very violent home. I didn't get to know what it was like to have a completely functional home, my dad is what you would call a narcissist and in the world we lived in, it was really an encouraged trait in men. I've always wanted to grow up so fast, I guess it was because I wanted to get away from everything, my mom got married to my dad who was a literal walking red flag, he would beat her even before they got married, shame her and with all that he wasn't even rich I guess she was young and in love but i, I was on a very determined mission to find a man that would love and cherish me and everything I represented, I was going to find him even if it took half of my life…. Hi guys this is my first time writing a story, I've always wanted to but i have been too scared to, but please pardon me if it isn't so professional. Thankyou�.

Benita_Omomhenle · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter Ten ~ Horse riding

Ella's POV

It felt like my head was about to explode, I winced in pain from my banging head, I got up and rested my head on the bed frame. The last thing I remembered from yesterday's party was talking to a man, I think he said his name was Gabriel, I must have had a lot to drink, But how did I get in bed? And this wasn't my room either, I was stopped in my thoughts when I sighted Henry lying on the sofa.

Why was he here? Was this his room? And why did he bring me here? I immediately shiver away from such thoughts. He had no reason to do that, I thought to myself… I got up as quietly as possible, I didn't want to wake him up and make this more embarrassing than it already was. I tiptoed over to the door, now this was the real challenge, opening the door without making a sound. I took a deep breath and twisted the door handle, it made a little noise, but I hoped it wasn't enough to wake him up.

"Sneaking out I see", shit, he was up, I refuse to turn around and let him see me like this, plus I had morning breath, this was officially the worst thing that could happen to me.

"You weren't even going to say good morning" he got even closer, I could feel it. I held on to the door handle even tighter than before now.

I turned around, we were only a few inches apart, my back was pressed against the door, but there was still barely any space between us, He looked even sexier in the morning, his vest clung unto his body, showing off his perfectly chiseled body, I bit my lip as my thoughts ran wild… "I don't think you want to keep doing that" He said.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you, I blurted out. He didn't give a response, It was just awkward silence now, I took that as my cue to leave, I close the door behind me and head to my room carefully, I didn't want anyone to see me leave his room.

My head was still killing me, I needed to get painkillers, but that would be after I had showered, I reeked of alcohol. I took off my clothes, leaving me in just a bra and panties, I looked myself in the mirror and my cheeks were flushed, I can't believe he was making me blush so much.

I got out of the shower and picked out a casual outfit, A blue jean and a crop top, I packed my hair up into a ponytail and put on light makeup, I headed downstairs, it was almost time for breakfast.

Everyone was already at the dinning table except Henry, "Good morning Mrs. Ford" I say with a smile

What about me?, don't I get a Good morning? Cassie asked.

No you don't, I sassed, and by the way, I'm mad at you.

"Why" she pouts.

You left me all by myself yesterday to go off with some guy, I said.

Some guy? Mrs. Ford asks with a raised eyebrow.

It wasn't "some guy" it was Carlton, Henry's P. A, Cassie says defensively.

It doesn't matter, the point is, you left me by myself, I responded.

I'm sorry, don't be mad at your best friend, she added with a childish look on her face. I chuckled, it's fine, I'll let you off this time.

That reminds me Ella, I got your shoes from Henry's room Cassie says, sweat had found its way to my forehead, did he tell her I spent the night there?, why would he do that? My heart had started racing…

He said one of the maids had found it, so he kept it with him. Cassie added.

I sighed, that was close. Oh, I..l probably must have dropped it somewhere, I stuttered.

Henry had just walked into the room, Good morning mom he says giving her a kiss on her cheek, he also does the same for Cassie and a good morning to you Ella, he says with a smirk.

What was that? I thought to myself.

He was dressed casually, he wasn't in a suit like he usually was, wasn't he going to work today? He took a sit beside me. What kind of game was he playing? Or was I just over thinking things….

Are you not going to the office today, darling? Mrs. Ford asked.

"No, I want to go horse riding today, It's been awhile I did that last" he said.

"Could you take Cassie and Ella with you, They both seem bored", Mrs. Ford said.

Ewe, I'm not going, I hate going to the ranch and the smell, she retched. What about you Ella, do you also hate going horse riding? Henry asked me.

"I actually haven't done that before, I guess it would be fun" I replied shrugging my shoulder .

Great, We leave in an hour.

We were done eating and everyone had gone to their rooms, it was almost time for us to leave, I put on a sneaker, I didn't intend to go horse riding so I didn't bring boots.

I went outside and Henry was waiting beside a black truck, did he really have a car for everything? I walked over to the truck.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming" he said.

Henry's POV

I watched her get out of bed, and quietly walk over to the door, I thought to tease her a little, this should be fun, I thought to myself….

"Sneaking out I see" I said. She halted but didn't turn around, "you weren't even going to say good morning", she still hadn't turned around, I got even closer, I was sure she could feel my breathe on her neck. She had finally turned around this time but didn't utter a word, her hair looked like a bird nest, but she was still beautiful regardless, She bit down on her lip, and it sent sparks through my body, "you don't want to keep doing that" I teased her even more. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you" she said quietly. I didn't give her a response, I just stared at her, I think that's enough teasing for today, I told myself.

She had let herself out, and I wondered what was wrong with me. Why did I enjoy that much more than I thought I would? And the look on her face, why was my heart racing? No, I push all the thoughts going through my head away, It must be the alcohol I had yesterday.

A knock came from the door, did she forget something? I walk over and open the door and there stood Cassie, She had helped herself in.

"Good morning, yesterday's party was really fun, It's a shame you had to leave, she said, crashing on the bed.

Yeah, I was having a headache, i responded.

Are you fine now or I could get you some painkillers? She says going through the drawers.

There used to be one around here. She stopped searching suddenly, Why are Ella's shoes here? She said, looking straight at me.

I brought them in last night, I had completely forgotten about them. "Yeah, one of the maids gave them to me, she said she found them somewhere" I lied

Okay, I would give them back to her later than", she replied.

Phew! That was close.

I came to return your card, she said, grinning

"I just hope you haven't emptied the account"

"Nope, and besides I could never empty your account even if I tried, Mr. Henry", you're certainly right on that one, We both laughed.

Now leave, I want to take a shower, I say pushing her out the door.


Ella was looking out the window all through the ride, She must have felt uncomfortable since it was just the both of us.

We had arrived at the ranch and from the way Ella was mesmerized, She wasn't kidding when she said she hadn't been to a ranch before.

Stick to me, so you don't get lost it's a massive ranch, and I really can't think of an excuse to give Cassie, I said to her with a cold voice. She nodded.

Hey buddy, Steve said as he approached us, Steve owned the ranch and was also my really good friend, we practically grew up together and after his father died, he inherited the ranch, making him the new owner.

We barely see your face around here anymore" Steve said.  You know how business can be, Steve, I explained.

"I understand, running the ranch isn't any easier", He acknowledged. Who is the young lady? He was focused on Ella now, my name is Steve, he said, taking her hand and kissing it. When was Steve such a "gentleman"?

I'm Ella, Cassie's friend, she responded. She was blushing like a high schooler, what in the name of Hollywood was going on here.

Ahem, Can we go see the horses now, I said, pulling Steve away from her?

Steve stared at Ella the whole time we walked to the stable… I got on James, that was the name of my horse, I used only him whenever I was around.

Ella had picked a white horse, Steve helped her get on the horse, Gosh! He was sure a "pick me".

We were out in the open field, I and Cassie, the horses were moving in trots, I didn't want anything too much for Ella to handle. "So tell me about yourself", I tell Ella.

I'm from Rose Hill as you already know, I'm from a family of seven, I have 3 younger brothers and an elder sister, I major in communication and life has pretty much not been easy on me, she said with a sad look on her face.

"I don't think life is easy on anyone" I responded.

That's the thing with you rich people, you can be so far up your ass sometimes, I'm talking about my pain not someone else's, she snapped back.

Triggering the horse, Ella's screams filled the atmosphere as the horse ran on full speed, I chased after her, but there was a huge distance between us, I tried telling her to pull on the lead rope, but she was barely even holding on, her screams piercing through my ears, Steve had gotten on a horse now, and was also chasing after her, but he still couldn't meet up, her horse had gone full on crazy.

Ella had fallen off the horse, and she wasn't moving, I panicked more as I approached her fragile body on the ground, I turned her over; She had bruises on her head and hands, she wasn't moving she was out cold, but her breathing seemed normal. I turned to Steve, attacking him, what is wrong with you? You said the horse was safe, I said as I pushed him to the ground.  He seemed just as worried about Ella as I was, but I didn't care at the moment.

I picked Ella up and laid her down in the back seat. I dialed my mom's number, call the doctor now, tell him I'd meet him in the house. I'll tell you everything when I get back, I drop the call. I drive as fast as possible over to the house.

I carried Ella out from the back seat, my mom, and Cassie stood outside with worried looks on their faces, "where is the doctor?" I ask them.

He is inside, what happened? Why is Ella unconscious? I paid them no attention and took her right to my room, I placed her down gently, the doctor was called in to examine her and asked that we wait outside.

I kept going back and forth waiting impatiently for the doctor to come out, he was out after 30 minutes.

"She just went into shock, and she got a little concussion from hitting her head on the ground" the doctor said.

So, you're saying she would be fine? I asked.

"Yes, she should wake up in a few hours, I disinfected her wounds, so she should be fine", the doctor said reassuringly…

My mom left to see the doctor off, it was just I and Cassie. You want to explain to me why my friend is unconscious? She said with folded hands.

Omg guys, I set a target to not go below 2,000 words per chapter, it has not been easy!