
Stollen goods

Zackiria has taken everyone to the museum, more so for the other historical artifacts than anything else. But when the time came for all the big important people to see the diamond, they were there. Expecting to have to jump into action. There was a big crowd around the diamond, many of which talking with Kosh Lyson. There was a scream and everyone looked to the entrance. The Fallen had arrived, Zackiria momentarily locks eyes with Jason, a sad unapprovingly look on his face. Jason looking back with distain. “What’s the matter everyone?” Jason asked mockingly “I know I wasn’t invited to this little party but I just had to see that little item up there.” A crowd of security make a wall between the gang and the diamond, they watched each other closely and carefully, suddenly the lights go out. More screams are heard followed by the distinct sounds of a fight, moments later, the lights come back on. The students of Rising Star are still fighting members of The Fallen, Jason was gone, another scream.

Kosh yells out “It’s gone!” everyone, including the fighters look to the diamond to see only an empty case. A few more members of The Fallen fall back, six of them being detained by the Rising Star and security. One of the security guys looks around “Where the hell is Danny?” a few of them look over to see him exiting the back area, he was sweating a lot, a pair of officers approached. “Aren’t you the one in charge of security?” “Uhh…Yes, officer. I…I saw their leader go out this way but…He was too fast for me.” They walk to the back with him while the other gang members got cuffed and read their rights, Zackiria wrangles up his students and prepares to leave “What about my brother?” Jessica asked. They all looked at her, they knew it didn’t look good for her brother Danny. The few who knew about him and his troubles had only seen pictures of him before today. He was more a mess then they realized. “You may stay and talk to the police if you wish.” Zackiria said as he continued to move everyone else out.

In the back room the two officers (one of them is the out of shape man) box Danny close to his locker “These guys just come in here and boom the lights go out and they get away with the diamond just like that.” says one of them “You have to know this looks like an inside job to us don’t you?” says the other. Jessica came up behind them “Hey! Leave him alone.” “Jess?” Danny said. “You shouldn’t be back here.” “This is police business ma’am. I don’t know what your relationship is to this guy but he is a suspect.” one of the officers said. The other moved Danny aside from the locker he seemed to be guarding and opened it. “You can’t just go in there. Don’t you need a warrant or something?” “It wasn’t locked. And the fact that you don’t want me looking in here makes you look even guiltier.” he said back. He looked in but there was only a lunch box, he moved it away and noticed a false back. He removed the back. “Get out of my brothers locker. He’s right, I’m sure you need a warrant.” Jessica said. The nosy officer pulled out a large package, Danny’s face went pale and full of confusion. “And what is this?” “Come on, you really think he had time to wrap up that diamond? It’s probably…” but Jessica couldn’t think of anything that would be worth hiding in a false wall. Nothing legal at least. The officer takes out a knife and cuts the package, the other one sticks his finger in and licks it. “Coke. Pretty good quality too.” Danny tried to run but the officers grabbed him. “It’s not mine swear! That fake back was there when I got the locker.” Jessica simply hung her head in shame and backed away.

The Fallen had regrouped with Jason back at the old house. Their losses were minimal but many of them were still pissed at Jason for ditching them. He hit one, knocking him through the weak wall. “I saw who took the diamond and chased after them, but I don’t know what happened to it after that.” The rest backed off, except one. “What exactly are we doing? Are we a gang or what?” Jason, knees him in the face, he falls hard and moves very little. “We are what this city needs. We eliminate anyone against us and in such, we keep the peace.” Another speaks up “Peace? We’re hardened criminals, why should we care about peace?” the two standing near him manage to get out of the way as Jason roundhouse kicks him in the chest “Because I care about peace. Of course, if we take some rewards for ourselves, that’s good too.” The rest start to see what Jason is trying to achieve and smile ever so slightly. Jason was seriously hating and rethinking this plan.

Back at the museum, long after most of the guests are gone, the police return to Kosh with Danny cuffed. “We couldn’t find your diamond Mr. Lysonikov, but this guy had a huge stash of drugs in his locker.” “It’s not mine, honest.” Danny pleaded “One of his associates in that Fallen gang must have taken off with the diamond and left that as payment. I don’t really care, he’s still coming down to the precinct and will likely face charges.” “Do what you need to do. Get the information from him.” Kosh said “…I never should have given you a chance, Danny.” The officers took him away, with him still pleading.

As the police are walking Danny to the car, a streak goes by and he’s gone. The officers freak out and start trying to find him, but give up quickly. Danny suddenly finds himself in an alleyway with the girl he talked to a few nights ago. “Sandra?” “Guess your little Diamond heist didn’t go so well, eh?” she said slyly “What the hell...” he bent over and threw up, Sandra backing away beforehand. “That tends to happen a lot. Your body isn’t use to the speed.” “Speed? You…” “Yes, me. I ran. Don’t ask me how I have this power cause I honestly don’t know. Look, I know a guy. He and I work together sometimes. I want you to join us.” “You want me?” “Unless you know who has diamond now.” “They stole it from me, I don’t know how or who, I wish I did.” She smiled “Wow. You’re not even denying you stole it. Not sure how smart that is, I could end up turning you in.” “And why would you do that after saving me from the cops?” “Just follow me and do what I say and you’ll be fine, you dumb shit. I can do a lot worse than turn you into the police.” She grabs him and zips off again to some unknown location.