

The trainees are back at the range, building weapon skills. They were duelling on a set of small table tops. Later, in the lobby. Aiden, Kevin and Gabriel watch as Dan Rath gives more news, or lack of news about the stolen diamond. Zackiria walks in and gives the three a little more background information about Jason. He seemed like such a good kid for a long time, but he had a real bad temper, Zackiria tried to help him control it, and may have pushed him extra hard. They started to argue, Jason called him a fraud and then left. “When I see this Jason guy, I’ll smack him as much as I need to too knock some sense into him.” Gabriel said.

Aiden is at a corner store getting some Gatorade. Even with the spare time he had, he spent it on a run. On the way out, across the street, he noticed a man shove another guy out of his way. He recognized the thug as one of The Fallen. He fallowed after the guy, remembering how his father told him how to tail someone. It might have been an odd lesson to learn when he was young but the lesson was pounded into his brain and he performed like a professional, fallowing his lead to the rest of the gang. He watched the old house from across the street, and what he hoped was out of sight. He called Kevin at Rising Star. “Yo, Kevin, I think I found where The Fallen are hanging out.” He explained about tailing the man and what he could see in and around the house from his position. “That’s Great Aiden, Zackiria’s gonna be pretty happy to hear this. Just stay there and let us know if they leave.”

The trainees arrive, Aiden was surprised to see, even Zackiria showed up. Zackiria walks them to the curb but asks them to wait there. “I want to talk to him first. If he starts a fight, we fight, but I hope I can find a better solution.” He knocks on the door and one of The Fallen answers. The puzzlement on his face was evident even from the trainees perspective at the curb.

“May I speak with Jason, please?” Zackiria said. The man still looked confused “Your leader?” Zackiria stated, as he grew somewhat impatient. The man looked into the house “Yo, boss, some fool here to see you.” Zackiria slapped the guy right into the door frame, Jason appearing behind him, holds him back. “You will show respect young man.” Zackiria said “The hell, old man.” The victim glares at him “Easy.” Said Jason as he pulled him back inside “That old man will crush every bone in your body.” Jason glared at his former mentor, soon his attention moved to the six men and one girl on the sidewalk, then back to Zackiria “I’m not sure if I should be surprised you found me but I am a little surprised about the back-up.” Jason said.

“I want to know why you are building this gang, and why you’re attacking this city.” Zackiria said “Attacking? I’m doing the same thing you’re trying to do but couldn’t, I eliminated every other gang, smart ones joined my crusade, others, I hear, sought protection from the police, ha.” “You think you’re doing something good? What about the police you attacked and killed? What about all the innocent people, you hurt?” “We both know some of the cops in this city are corrupt, including your friend the chief.” “It’s not that bad Jason, you can’t fight the law and make your own ones.” Jason shoves Zackiria back and a few of his goons come to the door “Enough talk old man, let’s see how good your new students are.” Jason sends his mass of man power into the street, the Rising Star group do not allow them time to surround them.

Aiden and Kevin make the first move, each taking out a guy by driving him into the cement. Gabriel head locks another guy and swings him into a fourth, the gang brawl ensues. Jacob targets the limbs of his enemies first, they had improved fighting skill, likely taught by Jason, but it wasn’t good enough. Zackiria watches his boys do their thing, the few times one of The Fallen came near him he dealt with them in the most unimpressed way, like they meant nothing. It didn’t take long for any of them to stop coming near him, and they were still getting creamed by the smaller group. Jason was starting to get incredibly agitated at his gang and finally joined the fray. Aiden took out three more in rapid secession as Jason locked hands with Jacob. Jacob is surrounded by three others but the number advantage does nothing to help them. Jason head-butt Jacob and used a judo throw, from the ground, Jacob quickly twisted his body out of the hold and returned to his feet, he hit a combo of punches, some were blocked, and Jacob took a few hits of his own. Gabriel and the other trainees where keeping the other men away from their leader, delivering a few hard hits of their own. Jason thrust kicked Jacob and then round housed Gabriel in the back of the head, Kevin tried to grab Jason from behind and took an elbow to the face. Jason hit a powerful combo of his own, mixing in arm damaging holds and a throw, the other trainees held back the group as Gabriel got back up, Aiden jumping the guys from behind and taking another two out, Gabriel finishing another Fallen off with a piledriver. Zackiria looks at his watch, this is taking far longer than it should.

Jason kicks Jacob while he’s down and turns to the other’s “Is this the best you got?” Jacob hit him with a leg sweep while he was gloating and quickly got back to his feet, he pulled Jason up and kneed him in the face, then used a few arm holds of his own. Jason kicked at Jacob’s shin, taking him to one knee, Jacob hitting him with a hard uppercut and hooked his leg to bring him down, and he locked in a chock hold and wrapped his legs around Jason’s body. The rest of his crew trying to cheer him on to break out but Jacob had it locked tight. One finally kicked at Jacob, Kevin grabbed him and threw him head first into the ground. Jason managed to spin out of the hold and head-butt Jacob. He pulled Jacobs arms out of the lock and grabbed the leg he hit before. He twisted and lifted it up, then kicked it hard. The bone snapped. Kevin Jumped Jason and locked him in the same choke hold. Jason was out in seconds. Kevin stood, the others looked over Jacob and turned back to The Fallen. They turn only to see Zackiria, and behind him some police officers, who were obviously called during the battle.

The police rounded up all the men, Jason included, into the transport vehicle. All of them keeping quiet, everyone was sure this wasn’t the full crew but it didn’t matter, they were finished none the less. Jason's plan had failed and he didn't even get to make the final steps. He muttered to himself in the back of the cruiser. Jacob got loaded into an ambulance, some of the others were worried about his leg. It would take time to heal. Dan Rath was already there with a crew interviewing Zackiria and his trainee’s as well as witnesses. They even question Dylan, who they had no idea was one of The Fallen.

At the airport, Kosh says goodbye to one of his guests, a friend from the mother land. “Before you go, I would like to present you with a gift, as a token of our friendship.” Kosh says. Sandra walks out with a briefcase “I know you had your eye on this for some time.” Kosh continued as Sandra opened the case, revealing the stolen diamond, then soon closing it again. The friend smiled but he hesitated to take it, perhaps knowing the implications of being caught with it. “Come on, now, you can trust me.” Kosh said “If you go down, I will follow. It’s in my best interest that no one knows about this.” The man takes the briefcase and boards the plane, the diamond unlikely to be seen again.