
Chapter 5

(Uzaki Uzumaki)

Uzaki had decided that when she got married she was going to stay at home to help raise the kids so her husband could continue going on missions. Considering what she had accomplished before she met him and the fact she had reached her dream of being a powerful kunoichi It wasn't the hardship that most would make it out to be. If giving it up meant that at least one parent would be there to take care of her daughter should the worst happen, that was fine.

Every morning she got up earlier than her Husband and daughter so she could make them breakfast. She would also prepare a packed lunch for them to take .

She spun the knife around with ease and bobbed her head to the beat of the music she put on to listen to while cooking. The instrumental music was soothing to cook too.

She reached into the fridge to pull out some bell peppers as well as all the other ingredients she would need for today's dish.

First she slid some parchment paper into each separate slot of the bento box. She sliced the bell peppers lengthways and added some cream cheese before sprinkling some Everything but the Bagel seasoning on top.

She added two calorie bars and some roasted peanuts , which were always a good source of protein. Next she cut up some cucumber and carrots before adding them to their own part of the box. Then she added some ranch for dipping.

Next was the main meal. She opened two cans of tuna and added them to a bowl filled with mayo, mustard, and some seasonings and sweet relish. She stirred vigorously until it was a smooth consistency.

While she was doing this her clone was toasting 8 pieces of bread. She set the tuna salad to the side as she chopped up several tomatoes. The clone slid the toasted pieces of bread along the counter. She added 1 big piece of lettuce to start then added the tuna salad before covering it all with some tomatoes.

She proceeded to cut them in half so they could fit into the box 4 sandwiches for both her hubby and her beautiful daughter. Toasting the bread would mean that the bread would not be soggy by lunchtime.

Before packing it away she made sure she wrote a note to tell them both how much she loved them before sliding it into the box.

And now that was done and a clone was cooking breakfast. She was going to have some more fun.

This whittling her friend showed her was fun and she wanted to do better. The thought of her daughter's face when she gave her a wooden dragon as a gift spurred her on.


She drummed her hand on the arm of her throne. Eyeing the room around her she flicked her wrist, thus adorning the walls with racks that would hold her weapons. They were just mere thought projections.

As strong as she was here, her old body had been destroyed. And while she could take the body of the person she was currently connected to,

The fact of the matter was trying to squish her soul into a sub-par form not meant to contain it would be a recipe for a disaster. She'd probably end up back here. Which was the point of what that man did she supposed.

Even if she woke up and got free, she would still be stuck here until she was able to resurrect her body. Considering how long she had been dead there were probably not even bones left.

Which stopped some of the simpler ways to get a body.

She would need the help of the person she was connected to. Getting it would be simple really. If the hard way didn't work she could just offer him power and riches. They always seemed to work the best when dealing with humans.

Seeing somebody squirm after however long she had been sleeping for could be amusing. It was good to take enjoyment where she could. Also it was pretty smart if she did say so herself. After a point most people would say or do anything to get the pain to stop.

And when she had broken him she could build him up as the leader of the cult that would be there to serve her every whim.

She would need to wait a few years for the veil between the astral world and the human world to thin at the equinox. She would have the cult that she would create perform a ritual in the human world that would reconstruct her old body.

She could wait after all, she was immortal after all and the man who sealed her was long dead.

Still hopefully he had some descendants. She'd be looking forward to paying them back for what he did to her.

(Hashirama Meditating in a self created clearing)

A wide river passed through a clearing in the forest.. A rather large bear was pawing at the ground. A man clad in the robes of the Hokage was sat cross legged upon a rock. Black markings adorned his face.

This was Hashirama Senju during his daily meditation. It was soothing. The activity of all the animals in the forest. The way the sun felt on his brow as it hovered in the sky.

Even the rather large bear that lived near here. He opened his eyes in time to see the bear breathing rather huffily directly into his face.

"What's gotten into you? You're normally more behaved." The bear held up a paw upon which a pretty extensive gash was almost hidden by its dense fur. "Oh I see. Well give it here then."

Gathering some of his chakra, he transformed some into medical chakra. His hand began to glow as he held it out waiting for the bear to place it's paw upon his hand.

The bear's furred paw dwarfed his hand by several orders of magnitude. He gently held it aware that if he didn't he could break it extremely easily. He massaged the bear's paw supercharging its cell regeneration rate.

The wound which would have taken weeks to heal was healed within seconds. He pulled away and watched with amusement as the bear jumped at him.

He fell over and grinned as he grabbed it in a hug. The bear licked at all the parts of his face it could manage and they playfully wrestled for a few moments. He then wiggled out from under the bear's big bulk.

"Take care, big guy. I'll come visit tomorrow with some fish."

The bear seemed to whine but he hopped into the trees before he could second guess himself, else he might have just stayed so he could rub his face against the bear's fur. Who knows how it could be so soft.

Besides, his granddaughter should be finishing her first month at the academy today. Such an achievement deserved a reward. Not that he wouldn't spoil her regardless but it would be harder to justify to Tobirama if he didn't have a reason. The months were heavy since he had needed to kill his friend. It was best not to think of such things, he would just end up depressed.

He would take Tsunade to Tanazuki Gai. There was a new casino that had just opened there. It was by some hot springs and they could make a day of it.

Perhaps Tobirama had already come up with a cure for the fluctuations in chakra he had had since he had…

He'd check when he got back to Konoha.

(Tsunade is leaving the academy alongside Orochimaru and Jiraiya)

I had levelled up once during the past month and I was close to doing so again. I had been right. I had quickly outstripped the civiliains that I regularly saw on my way to the academy with my mother.


Level 2 (42,000/50,000)

Class: Ninja. +10 STR END DEX per level

Name: Tsunade Senju

Title: Heiress of the Senju Clan


HP: 986 (HP 10min = 98.6)

CP:1,913 (CP 10min=191.3)

Power Level: 5.6







HP= ENDx10


CP Recovery=WIS.

Stat points: 63

Even though I was a lower level than they were I had to assume that I probably had an innate advantage when you count the fact that I came from a lineage of excellent shinobi and they did not.

There was also the fact I was The Gamer. But I had yet to decide if that was a good thing or not. While nothing strange had happened I wouldn't put it past the being watching to mess with the world just to make my life interesting. This was supposed to be a reality show after all.

I shivered as I had a vivid image of gray humans walking towards Konoha. A black haired figure was leading them.

Jiraiya nudging me brought me out of my thoughts, to find that my friends had stopped. Why had we…

"Tsuna-Chan." The voice was bright and cheery but most important of all it was loud. Like did the man not have an indoor voice?

"Come on, we're going to Tanazuki Gai. Aren't you excited?" Hashirama seemed to all but bounce in place. His boisterous nature seemed to fill the street. It was sadly the reality of Hashirama. A super powerful yet emotional dude.

I strolled towards him as he reached out, picking me up and placing me onto his head.

(Itsu Kahira)

Inside an abandoned farm, the man paced, his eyes darting from left to right as they held a large machete.

It had been a long few weeks. Frequent night terrors had left him unable to sleep. Jashin seemed to delight in torturing him. He was afraid to go to sleep, lest he have a nightmare in which he was eaten slowly bit by bit by giant insects.

He'd tried to scrub off the mark that she had left on him. Doing everything from viciously scrubbing at it with soap. To even some homebrew recipes he'd got from some of the boys at work.

Nothing had worked.

She had just laughed at him. Still there had to be a way out of this right? There was no way he was going to be tortured by that demon for the rest of his life. He didn't know if he could take it.

He could feel the mark burning. Like a red hot fire poker was being prodded directly into the skin on top of the mark. He glanced at it through watery eyes as he sank to his knees. Sweat poured down the back of his head. It was a bright red colour.

"I'm a God. You will refer to me with respect. Lest I devour the rest of your life force. Now get to work. You want the night terrors to stop don't you."

Yes. He did. He turned to John the town drunk. He lay upon the hay unconscious. Drugging his drink had been easy. Getting him here was even easier. But now that he was about to sacrifice this man he hesitated.

Could he really do this? He whimpered as he felt the mark blistering again.

"Come on, you want to please me, don't you. Just think of all the things I could grant you. Power. Respect. Women. An end to the night terrors and pain. All I ask for in return is a few sacrifices."

He couldn't really argue with that. He would much prefer to be able to sleep unimpeded. He stepped forward. He swung the machete. It sliced clean through John's neck. It was a good thing too the moment he did he was wracked with a sick feeling in his stomach and threw up on the ground.

"Oh come now. You didn't even know the man that well."

Blood painted the ritual circle and it began to glow a dull red. He watched as the pentagon rapidly seemed to absorb all the blood in his body. John's body rapidly seemed to age until only dust remained.

Not even bones were left.

"Well done. As a reward."

He felt the rush of power fill his body. An unimaginable sense of pleasure reverberated through his entire being. His mouth hung open as he arched his spine. A moan slipping out of his lips unimpeded.


It was good. Seeing somebody die brought her a feeling like nothing else. The ritual circle crafted allowed her to feed on the power. It was a delicacy. It didn't really make her stronger but it felt good to feed on the life force of others again.

She let a tiny bit slip down her bond into her pet human. It should be enough to make him at least a little bit stronger. Rewards were good. It kept people loyal. She could just twist his mind. Sure. But corrupting somebody was always a fun thing to do.

And having fun was what made life worth living when you were as old as she was.

(Tanzaku Gai)

We wandered into Tanzaku Gai when there was a festival going on. The aroma of sweet scented food seemed to fill the air. The voices of people hawking their wares was abundant. There were so many.

"Come get the greatest Fried Aloo Tikki.. Nothing but the freshest produce is used to make it."

"Come one come all. Try our Banh Canh."

"Ceviche, get your ceviche here."

"Try our brand new Sake cocktails. Get your sake cocktails here."

I felt it as Hashirama turned. He towered over most people that were around here. Standing at what she could only assume was 6'3. I was sitting on his shoulder so I had a great view of everything.

"You want a cocktail Tsunade. Seems like they have some new one's since I last visited. Just one though."

"Won't Mother be mad at you if you give me alcohol."

"Your training to be a ninja you need to learn to relax more or you might end up like Tobi was before his wife taught him to relax. And trust me you don't want to end up like that."

"You're the boss. Which one tastes the best?"

Hashirama moved one hand to his chin as he stroked it. "I got it. Since this is your first time. You should try a samurai rock. Meanwhile I will have a Banana Burst."

"Banana Burst?"

"It's one of their new mixes. I assume Bananas make an appearance. Considering the name. Wish me luck."

We stepped to the front of the line. The one manning the stand was a rather pretty woman with blonde hair. She looked up at Hashirama with a slight blush.

She leaned forward. "What can I get you sir."

Hashirama leaned forward. "Your button is undone. You might catch a cold." Inwardly he fought the urge to crack a grin. It was always funny when people thought he was dense. If he was dense he probably wouldn't have survived as long as he did. It also helped spare the feelings of women that were infatuated with him. He was a one woman guy.

The woman seemed to slump onto the counter. But then she was up again and moving about energetically. She tossed various bottles up in the air and smoothly caught them on the way down before pouring.

She slammed them on to the counter before pouring two different containers full of different things into the paper cups. She then smoothly pushed them towards them. The woman glanced at Hashirama raising her eyebrows rapidly before winking at him.

"On the house. For such a handsome man."

"Oh I couldn't.

"No, I insist.

"Ok I know when I'm beat, have a good day, miss…

"Kalerona. My name is Kalerona. Come back to my stand soon, cutie." Hashirama grinned, giving her a two fingered wave as he passed the drink to Tsunade who gripped it with both hands, careful to take small sips. A hint of lime in a drink that was dominated by the distinct taste of sake.

She took another sip, before draining it.

"Where are we going next Grandpa?"

"Let's hit the casino. I'm feeling lucky, what with having you with me. Perhaps I'll even win today. We'll hit the massage parlor and then to finish we'll visit the hot springs. Sound good?"

Tsunade nodded her head and Hashirama cracked a grin.

(Entering the Casino)

There was a large muscular man at the door. His chest seemed to strain the suit he was squeezed into. Easily as tall as Hashirama himself, he took one look at me before pursing his lips. He seemed to sigh to himself, before waving us through.

"Make sure to keep an eye on the little one Shinobi-San."

Hashirama let out a loud laugh patting the man on the shoulder as he passed. "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble. A friend owns the place."

The smell of smoke wafted itself through the air. Women in short skirts and small tops that left plenty of cleavage showing strolled around with platters of drinks and small bite sized foods. Bouncers in suits wearing sunglasses stood at the corners of the room. They were just as large as the one outside.

A quick glance told me the men were around level 10. Twice the level of normal civilians. A power level of around 8. Another glance around and I could see what looked like a team of Konoha ninja. A genin team led by a jounin.

Level 20

Mei Kitsuga

Power Level: 29

Title: Gennin of Konoha

Age: 10

CP: 8714







BIO: The weakest of her team. She is a civilian born shinobi that does not come from a talented line but thirsts to prove herself regardless.

Level 25

Kiri Hihi

Power Level: 50

Title: Gennin of Konoha.

Age: 11








Bio: Part of a minor clan that has migrated to Konoha due to the tense situation with the Hyayukuma clan. Hopes to ascend to S-Class status and become a legend. Was rookie of the year.

Level 22

Ryu Asoka

Power level:43

Title:Gennin of Konoha









BIO: Part of the minor fire bloodline wielding Asoka clan. They are few in number and are a minor clan that came to konoha seeking a safe place to rebuild their numbers.

It was surprising. That there was such a difference between us. At the moment their weakest member could probably beat me with ease. It was kinda humbling in a way. Still, what were they doing here? I couldn't help but be curious.

They were dressed in plain clothes and they looked like any normal guest. If I hadn't had Observe , I would have never noticed them.

I turned my attention back to my grandpa. He strolled over to the roulette machines that dominated the ground floor.

He strolled forward, head held high. He stopped at the largest roulette table. People in suits and sunglasses glanced up as he approached. His hand moved and he was laying down what had to be around 1 million yen.

The dealer clad in a white flashy suit chewing on a stick. "What denomination do you want?"

"10,000 yen chips please."

The dealer moved sharply. Rapidly piling up 100 silver chips, before pushing them Hashirama's way.

"Which one do we choose Tsuna-Chan."

"You're really going to allow your little girl to gamble for you. What happens if she loses."

Hashirama shrugged. "Money is no issue for me."

I enjoyed the day with Hashirama. But eventually the tiredness caught up with me and I drifted off into the deep unknown.

Hahirama tilted his head, as he took in the snores. Grinning to himself he decided to cash out and leave the establishment.

(Hashirama Gets back to Konoha.)

He strolled through the gates of the village, a snoozing Tsunade on his back. Tobirama was leaning against the gates he had most likely sensed his approach. His chakra was always quite noticeable compared to everyone's else's after all.

"Where were you?" Tobirama questioned, arms folded and fingers tapping at his triceps.

Hashirama tilted his head. "I took Tsuna-chan to Tanzaku Gai. We had a good day."

Tobirama sighed. He Planted a hand on his face before slowly dragging it down. "You spoil her."

"Of course I do, she's my grandchild." He felt the shift in Tsunade's breathing that meant she had woken up.She clambered onto his shoulder. Hands on her hips and her nose stuck into the air.

"I'm on top of the world." A bit of water snaked around her leg before dangling her upside down. The water brought her directly in front of Tobirama who did not look pleased to see her. She waved anyway.

"Oh hey. Tobirama. How's it hanging? Get it Hanging." Tobirama shook his head as he breathed deeply through his nose.

"Your mother was worried. She doesn't want you to pick up any of Hashirama's bad habits."

"Oh don't worry, he only let me gamble a few times. It was not as good as I thought it would be if I'm being honest."

"How can you say that Tsuna-Chan? You were the one who wanted to keep going so much you fell asleep at the table."

"Hahaha. Maybe I liked it a little." Tsunade's cheeks tinted red as she scratched lightly at her cheeks.

Tobirama hung his head. "What am I going to do with you?" He stood tall, his hands locked behind his back.

"The diplomats from the fire country court arrived while you were gallivanting around Tanzaku Gai. I had to put them up in the Haruno Hotel. You're supposed to be here for such things, you represent us on the global stage you fool."

Hashirama ran a hand through his hair but didn't seem all that bothered truly. "Eh. It's just one of their yearly visits. It doesn't matter that much."

"The daimyo funds the village. Do you want him to pull funding."

"He wouldn't. Despite his strength he knows that if he alienates the village. His land will be free pickings for other shinobi villages. Not to mention what we might do ourselves to keep this peace."

Hashirama looked deadly serious and the air seemed to turn solemn. Before it brightened up again and Hashirama was all smiles. He planted his hand on Tsunade's head before ruffling her blonde hair gently.

"It's about time we got you home.


Hashirama strolled into his house. He moved through the hallway easily able to sense his wife in the master bedroom.

He strolled up the stairs passing several elaborately decorated vases. He'd remembered her giving him one when he first met her. Her skill and passion had attracted him to her. She did everything with such joy that he could not help but be smitten.

He opened the door and there she was. Mito smirked at him. Naked as the day she was born her red hair fanned out behind her as she posed on the silk sheets.

Hashirama's eyes gleamed. "Dear, you forgot to get under the covers. You'll catch a cold."

Mito huffed. Before prowling towards him. A chakra chain gripped him by his legs and tossed him onto the bed.

"Shut up and kiss me." So hot. Hashirama did so with glee.

This was the life. The peace he had always desired in this war torn world and a smoking hot sexy wife. Who had no problem taking initiative on occasion.

Author's Note. I have decided to change the way Observe works. Others will no longer have a health stat as they do not have Gamers Body. I have made changes to reflect this. I have also made changes in the power levels referred to at the end of chapter one if you wish to know.

On another note Tsunade will complete the first part of the rise of a goddess quest when she has a power level of 15,000 which is the god of shinobi threshold. That has also been changed from its original value.

Keichi Haruno has been made to be stronger based on other changes I have made. Refer to chapter 2 if you wish to know his stats. He will be the average level of a chunin. His power level is now 141.

These changes are perks that you get for reaching ranks of ninja.

Gennin. Chunin. Jounin. S class. Kage. SS Class. God of shinobi and so on.

That is all I hope you enjoy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RagingCloud405creators' thoughts