
Chapter 6

It had been almost a year. A lot has changed since then. I brushed my teeth before rolling the toothpaste around and spitting it out into the sink.

I strolled out of the bathroom and into my room. Jiraiya was drooling into his pillow. Orochimaru had already left, probably to get dressed.

They had their own rooms in the mansion, but they had been too excited to sleep last night and so had joined me in my room.

Still, it was time to get up. I grabbed the cup of water that laid by my bedside and I poured it over Jiraiya and watched as he sat up wriggling.

"That's not funny. Why do you keep doing that?"

I pointed at the clock. It was half past 7 and we were supposed to be at the academy at 8. That was the reason I was giving him and I was going to stick to it. It wasn't that I was a bit of dick, it couldn't possibly be that.

"Oh. Shit. Thanks Tsunade." He gave me a grin before tossing his wet pillow at my face. I ducked away and watched as he ran into the bathroom before I heard the tell tale locking of the door.

I banged on it slightly. "Don't take too long. Mito's going to be taking us to the academy today."

Strolling into the kitchen I was greeted with Mito, she was speaking quietly to Orochimaru who was listening with rapt attention as she drew some form of seal.

Getting closer I could hear what was being said. "This is a simple gathering of moisture seals. It's often used by shinobi when they are out in the field to gather water. Still despite its mundane use in combat it is a very effective seal. Do you know why?

Orochimaru nodded his head. "Because the human body is composed of at least 60% water. Having it all coming to a single spot would remove the water that comprises your internal organs and your very cells. It has a high chance of killing you if it is not removed."

Mito nodded. "Yes, the human body can not take the rapid gathering of all water to a single spot. Slapping it on your opponent's stomach is best when using this seal. As even if they somehow survive the process their stomach will blister before exploding, as the water rushes to gather at that spot."

I nodded my head. "Seals are scary."

Mito grinned at me. "Seals can do anything if you know enough about them, Tsunade."


It was my final day at the academy. It had been quite a journey. But today was going to be the day that I got my jounin sensei.

At level 15 and having completed my meditation to such a degree that I had the chakra control of an expert. The thing that made me capable of performing the basic medical ninjutsu needed to classify myself as a medic. I had also already gotten a perk when I hit a power level of 25. The game practically classified me as a genin already. I was way beyond that and was chilling in the mid 30's. Not bad considering the daily quests didn't provide me with a lot of exp.

I had the chakra control of a jounin and I would only get better. Although I had thought that I would also gain perks when my attributes had reached a certain level that had yet to happen.

Still I had 1074 status points banked because I had no idea what to put them in. I had been thinking about it. A memory of my time watching the anime came to mind an image of Tsunade shattering the ground with her mere index finger. Of her being split in half by Madara and still managing to live. I was going to dump them all into strength and endurance. A tanky build that would be capable of both taking and dealing a boat load of damage.

My muscles seemed to bulge in response before they went back to normal. I was just short on reaching a thousand on both of them. A thousand was normally a benchmark in most gamer stories after all. Could I get perks for specific attributes? I didn't know it was beginning to look like that would be the case.

A glance at my power level told me that I had jumped up into the high sixties's. Such a jump was impressive but I was less than half the power of a chunin. It was kinda sobering especially when you consider they did basically nothing on the show, not really.

I laid my head down on my hands. It was worrying. Would I still be placed with Tsunade's original team? Did it really matter in the long run? Oh sure I had called Orochimaru my rival but I had passed him in power a while ago.

"Team 1."

Mr Sakehara's voice seemed to drone on forever,until finally.

"Team 7 Will be Jiraiya, Orochimaru Kihebi, andTsunade Senju. Your jounin instructor will be Hiruzen Sarutobi."

At the moment he said his name Hiruzen pushed open the door. He looked young, but quite strong

"Meet me at training ground 43." He was gone moments later with a Shunshin.


The hat felt heavy upon his brow. Could he really keep the peace his brother had worked so hard for. The thought had creeped up on him while he penned a note to the Raikage himself, with the rising tensions between the villages he didn't know if he could do it, not when he had to worry about keeping the village safe.

He wasn't as optimistic as his brother was but he would try his best. Soon he expected he would be able to meet with the Raikage in person and hash out an alliance between them. It would hopefully stave off the other villages from looking at them like they were weaker.

Even if they were compared to before. Hashirama's death left a hole in their life. Still maybe the experiments would be a success if they could recreate more people with the mokuton then they would not have to fear the bijuu being turned against them.

There was a knock on the door. He shifted himself slightly. Did he look suitably imposing and serious?

"Come in."

In walked one of their heads at R&D. Shiku Nara. They had black hair and wore a lab coat over their jounin uniform.

"The process of binding the cells of Hashirama to willing volunteers has not been going well. The binding of most of them has resulted in most of the volunteers being ripped to shreds by trees that grow from within them. All but one of them has died and the one who survived is currently in a coma. Although from the examination the subjects muscles seem stronger and their chakra has noticeably increased in capacity."

Tobirama rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Well at least one of them has survived. That has to be something. Still it's probably best if we stop experimenting with my brother's cells. If all else fails we should be able to bring him back at least temporarily with the Edo Tensei. Even at 30% of his once great power he would still be capable of fighting on par with all but the strongest of S rank Ninja."

"Can you not improve the jutsu anymore? Having the God of Shinobi back in his prime would guarantee our victory if war should break out." There was a glimmer of hero worship in the man's eyes. He understood it but it was still grating having failed to bring him back at his strongest.

"I've tried Shiku. But it's like I'm missing something. No matter what I do I can not improve it beyond what I have already done. Still this jutsu will not be used unless Konoha is being attacked itself. I'd need to be close to Edo Hashirama and so other villages could circle around us and attack the village directly."

"Can you not teach jutsu to other people?"

Tobirama shrugged his shoulders. "I did. The best they could do was bring the person back at 10% of their original power. It also took most of them almost all of their chakra reserves to do so. And at that point it's just not worth it."

"Well there goes the plan for an undead army. Anyway there's something that I noticed in the…

(Training Ground 43)

Training ground 43 was an open clearing with a small lake that looked like it had been man made.

Hiruzen was kneeling on the ground, his adamantine staff held over his legs as he puffed on a cigarette.

Seeing such a thing was kinda irritating. At least he wasn't blowing smoke into my face. Jiraiya was bouncing on his heels.

"You're our jounin. You don't look that strong."

Hiruzen cracked a small grin as he looked at all of his. His gaze seemed to linger on me more than the others. It kinda made sense I was related to the two people who had trained the man.

"Appearances can be deceiving. Now let's talk a little about ourselves. I am Hiruzen Sarutobi. I like mastering jutsu. I will not be telling you my dislikes. As for my dream...I have a few hobbies. Now you."

Orochimaru leaned forward. "I am Orochimaru Kihebi. I like to learn. I dislike those who judge others based on their appearance. As for my dream, I will learn every jutsu. I like to create different poisons in my spare time."

Jiraiya leaned forward next. "I am Jiraiya. No last name. I like to train. I dislike those who judge others based on a situation they have no control over. As for my dream, I don't really have one apart from becoming a strong shinobi. I like to write."

Hiruzen turned to look at me and I leaned forward. "I am Tsunade Senju. I like food, both eating it and cooking it. I dislike those who use their family. As for my dream, I want to be the strongest ninja that has ever existed."

Hiruzen clapped his hands before he jumped to his feet. He whipped out two bells and for some reason I shuddered.

"You have 3 hours to get these bells away from me. Those who can't get a bell will be going back to the academy for remedial training. Start."

I stared at the man before gripping both of my teammates around the shoulders. Jiraiya turned towards me before flashing me a thumbs up. Orochimaru nodded his head and we stepped forward as one.

I had told them what could happen yesterday and what the test could be. I was glad to see that it hadn't changed. Now to get a bell.


I hit the dirt and panted into the ground as I was held down. The man had barely had to move as we tried our best to work together to get a bell for however long we had been trying for.

Jiraiya was on his back covered in much and Orochimaru was laying next to him. The foot holding me down was removed.

"You passed."

I stood up confused at what he meant. "But we didn't manage to get a bell."

"I didn't expect you to. I just wanted to see if you would work together as a team. After that I just wanted to see where you all were so I could train you properly."

Jiraiya jumped into the air, while Orochimaru cracked a small grin. I couldn't help but be disappointed that I couldn't even threaten our teacher in the slightest.

Hiruzen laid his hand upon my hair and proceeded to ruffle it. I felt a grin tugging at my face as we walked off.

(Itsu Kahira: 10 months ago.)

Jashin appeared happy with the 5 people he had sacrificed so far. After the 4th sacrifice people had begun to talk. It was a rather big town and while he had gone for the undesirables it had still been noticed when they didn't show up in their usual spots. At least there had been a bunch of rumors the last time he checked with his neighbour.

"Hey you." Itsu turned around glancing at the red haired Kira. He pointed at himself feeling a pit opening up in his stomach. What was going on? "Yeah you. You were the last person to be seen with Jack so what did you do with him? Sicko."

He glanced around taking careful note of the two large men with her. While Jashin had allowed him a trickle of the life force of the people that he had sacrificed and he had noted the increase in his strength he wasn't too sure he would be able to fight both of them at once.

James was known as Kira's boyfriend and was supposed to be the strongest in the town. While Jim was James brother. Kira flipped her hair. Like a signal other people stepped out of the shadows, both old and young, a veritable mob seemed to have gathered.

"Hey guys. Isn't this a bit much? I don't know what happened to Jack. I'm as much in the dark as the rest of you are."

He could hear as people began to scream. His heart began to hammer in his chest and he fought the urge to tremble knowing that if he showed weakness it would mean the end. A rock was lobbed forward, colliding with his head and opening up a wound above his right eye.

Kira stepped forward sneering down at him. Itsu stepped back in response as the mob seemed to follow Kira's footsteps. "I'd believe you but you have the same symbol that was found with blood out at the barn upon your hand. Also I followed you. I saw what you did to that poor old lady. What dark things have you brought upon this village?"

He clenched his right hand tightly into a fist as he fought the urge to grind his teeth. It was his worst nightmare. He glanced at the mob as he felt sweat beed the back of his neck and goosebumps erupted onto his skin. Could he take them? No. The only thing keeping him from running right now was the fact that if he did, they would most likely just run him down before probably beating him to death.

"Don't worry. You are mine." An electric feeling surged down his back and unbeknownst to him his eyes had begun to glow a dull red. "Nobody but I am allowed to harm you."

"Monster. Begone foul creature. In the name of the goddess leave this town and never return." A rather old man waved a necklace that had the sun emblazoned upon its breast. He was the only one who was brave enough to step forward. The man stepped close enough before locking his hands around his top.

"That was my wife you monster." The sun emblazoned necklace began to blacken around the edges and the old man jerked his wrinkled hand back. The crowd murmured halting in their approach. The strange power seemed to frighten them. Instead they began hurling whatever they could get their hands on and he was forced to duck away. He took that opportunity to burst into a sprint.

He could hear the thunderous footsteps of the mob as they followed him. Shouting and jeering. He didn't know how close they were but he didn't dare to turn around lest he be caught.

The gate at the arch was raised. Nobody dared to get within 10 metres of him as he ran past it. He heard the wooden gate come down with a thud.His heart seemed to calm down now that he was alone. His eyes had gone back to normal and he felt terribly drained. Like life had been sucked out of him.

The next town was 5 miles away and it was pitch black. What was he going to do now? He was left with nothing but the clothes on his back.

He wanted to do nothing but sit there on the dirt road. But he knew that he would need to seek out shelter or he would freeze to death.

There was a cave that was close by from back when this land was supposed to be a paradise and not the snow filled mess that it had become.

Iron country was terrible like that.


He trudged into the mouth of a cave. It was dark but he could see a bunch of glowing eyes. Something lunged out of the darkness, it's White fur gleaming. He tossed himself backwards coming down as the polar bear swung a paw at him smashing him into the wall.

He landed on his back and managed to roll away. The bear's paw smashed into the ground where he had just been. He punched it in the face. It barely blinked before latching onto his shoulder.

He screamed as he scrambled at the beast's fur. Its teeth dug into his shoulder before with a yank it pulled away. A geyser of blood followed it. Smattering the icy floor. He was going to die. He was certain of it.

His vision blurred as he struck the wall again. He laid there having all but given up. Really, are you incapable of doing anything without my help?"

The voice of Jashin echoed in his mind. The feeling surged down his back again stronger than before. He heard the beast howl as he opened his eyes.

It's jaw where it held his arm was smoking. It thrashed around. He stood to his feet recognizing the opportunity. He rushed across the ground, melting the ice as he passed before throwing himself onto the creature.

It roared in rage and pain. He could feel its skin begin to sag as he held onto it. It tossed itself on the ground rolling over. He felt things snap but held on for dear life.

The polar bear slowly began to slow down, while clumps of hair seemed to fall from its body. It huffed and it puffed before falling onto the floor. It breathed shallowly, with its skin sagging around its face.

He sat up with difficulty and the polar bear did nothing in response. Rather its fur had rapidly fallen off and its bare skin was discoloured.

The longer he stood on top of it the worse the state of the polar bear became until it was no longer even breathing.

He could no longer feel the pain he should have. Rather everything felt numb. He walked over to his arm picking it up.

"Put it back on your shoulder."

He shrugged. Before doing so watching in shock as his arm regenerated instantly. He flexed the arm noting that he could feel everything just fine.

"You are immortal as long as I am with you."

Chapter End.

Status of Tsunade.

Level 15 (375,000/400,000)

Class: Ninja. +10 STR END DEX per level

Name: Tsunade Senju

Title: Heiress of the Senju Clan


HP:31,570 (HP10min = 3157)

CP: 49,680 (CP10min= 4968)

Power Level: 68







HP= ENDx10


CP Recovery=WIS.

Stat points: 0


Expert Chakra control. You can mould chakra to your desires using hand seals. You are now capable of using medical ninjutsu. You are now capable of performing one handed hand seals.

Expert Enhancement unlocked.

Passively enhances all stats by 50%(x1.5)

Henge. E rank Technique. Costs. 2500 CP. This ninjutsu can change a ninja's physical appearance into that of another person animal or object.

Clone Jutsu. E rank Technique. Costs 2500 CP. A ninjutsu that creates an intangible copy of ones own body without any substance.

Body Replacement Technique. E rank Technique. Costs 2500 CP. This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with things in their vicinity. To do this to a living being the users chakra must overpower theirs. Doing this will mean that you will switch places with an object of your choosing the moment an attack hits.

Mystical Palm Technique. C-Rank Technique. Costs 15,000 cp to activate. Costs 10 cp per second after. The user applies their hand to the afflicted or wounded part of the body and sends chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities. Heals 10,000 hp per minute.


(Chakra: Human. You are descended from humans who had their chakra awakened by the Sage of Six Paths. Your chakra network permeates every inch of your body from your muscles and bones to your very cells themselves. Natural human stat limit removed. +5 to all stats. +20% to chakra pool. +20% to the health pool. +20% to your HP and chakra regeneration ability.)

(Senju Heritage: You are descended from the mighty Senju clan. +50% to chakra pool. +5 to all stats per level up. Descended from Hashirama. +25% to Chakra pool. +25% to HP pool. +25% to Chakra and HP Regenerative ability.)

(Uzumaki Lineage: Those of the Uzumaki lived long lives and were known for their vast reserves of chakra. +50% to your chakra and HP pool. +50% to your chakra and health regeneration ability. +5 to all stats per level up.)

(Gennin. Unlocked by reaching the power level of 25. Gennin. +3 to all stats per level retroactively. +25% to chakra and health pool. + 25% to regeneration rate.

Health Multi: 2.2

Chakra Multi:2.7

Authors note. Checked. The average stats of a kage. And changed the cost of jutsu as a result. A single S rank Jutsu will use 450,000+ CP. While a single A-Rank jutsu will use at least 150,000+ cp.

Want those big jutsu to feel impactful. You know. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Also for the people saying you don't get the stat numbers. Here's the stat sheet of a rather weak S-Class.

Level 400

Name: Kakazu

Title: The Immortal

CP: 2,672,000 (CP5min=262,000)

Power Level: 4174







Hope you like. It. If you have any ideas for potential C-Rank missions you think are interesting. Leave a comment explaining your idea.

I may just use it in one of the many missions Tsunade will soon be going on.

RagingCloud405creators' thoughts