
Rise the Star Child Academy

In a world 140 years after the cataclysmic era known as the Super Age of Star Children, humanity had managed to rebuild and survive against all odds. The scars of that bygone era still marred the world, a constant reminder of the devastating threats that had once plagued the planet. Countries across the globe had come to rely on a new generation of individuals known as "Star Children" to fend off the relentless attacks of demons that had become an unrelenting menace. The Seven Generations of Star Children had fought valiantly, but the demon threat persisted, looming over humanity like a malevolent shadow. Enter the protagonist, John Emwitts

Greater_Oat · Fantasie
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210 Chs

Alpha Reigns! 3

"So here's the situation: Secero our agent hasn't reported to us in a hot minute. We don't know what happened, we want you two to find out what happened and report it to us."

They both nodded as soon they were back in HS9. Jette and John arrived at the entrance and walked up to the top floor where two Alpha Elite Guard stood outside the SSS office.

They looked at John before speaking, "No Sigma allowed on this floor! Come back again and we will forcefully detain you." One of them said as they turned back.

"Damn! What the hell is supposed to do now John?" John thought as they walked into the elevator and pressed the first-floor button. When it reached their floor the door opened and they walked to the Alpha Hall.

They all looked at them as they walked up to another off-duty Alpha Elite Guard: Alpha's Elite team. One of them with blonde long hair and the other with a black buzz cut.

They were chatting and talking and they seemed high. John spoke, "Hey do you know where Secero is?" They laughed, "He's on a mission." He turned to Jette, "Hey wanna fuck?"

Jette was pissed and slapped him, the one with the buzz cut who didn't get slapped laughed.