
The High Priestess only Wore Undergarment (1)

Min avoided looking in Song Yuna's direction, but he failed miserably. Being a grown-up man, he would be actually that curious about how a woman's body looked.

He could not help but gulp at the sight of the lady's exposed shoulders. Her porcelain white skin looked shiny and moisturized. His stare went to her collarbone, and it seemed so deep that Min thought one could actually swim in those.

As his gaze lowered further, her chest looked soft and full. The way the white undergarment covered her chest made it more appealing to the eyes. Her cleavage looked like it was the best he had seen so far—

Shaking his head to the left and right, Min created a go-to repeat mantra for today.

But then, his brain turned white again when he glimpsed at the lady's gorgeous body. His stare went to her chest yet again; he wondered how it would feel to grope them——

'You have gone mad, Min," He internally cursed himself again and again. 'How could you lose the respect you had to the high priestess? Did you even forget the fact that she was the one who helped your family and saved your mother from dying?'

The young lady looked like a kind person. She was beautiful with heart and is definitely level-headed, strong enough to take everything head-on in a foreign place such as this.

Min knew that as a grown man and as someone who has a mother and a sister, he should not look at the lady who was only wearing her undergarments like a pervert. But as a man with raging hormones, he could not help but stare at the beautiful and gorgeous body in front of him.

For some reason, he remembered the first time he saw the lady. She wore something so provocative that he questioned her guts for wearing a see-through top and pants that hugged every curve of her body.

As he managed to get himself altogether, Min made his mantra for today.

'Do not have any lewd thoughts.'

He repeated that line several times before he focused his eyes on the lady again. Perhaps, he was too focused on his inner monologue that he did not notice the young lady tripping on her skirt.

It was obvious. The lady had not been born in this world, so it is evident that she was not familiar with the era's clothing.

"Lady," Min yelled as he approached Yuna lying down; her face was facing the floor. "Are you okay?!"

The lady's eyes looked out of focus as he watched her closing them. Her lips were slightly parted and dried. The high priestess must have been dehydrated, She tapped her cheeks lightly to wake her up, but she did not.

It did not seem like the lights were already turned off; Min thought she just did not want to open her eyes.


Out of embarrassment?

She was not embarrassed making faces while scratching her back, but she was embarrassed because she tripped on her skirt?

What kind of twisted mind does the lady have?

But when Min's eyes focused on her chest, he remembered that she might be embarrassed because the people must have heard her outside and is now preparing to enter the room.

Yes, that was right.

And Min forgot about it.

And when he turned his head, the door burst open. Both of them were greeted with one palace maid and two guards assigned in the high priestess's room. They exclaimed, "High Priestess!"

Min wanted to dig his grave out of embarrassment. The palace maid glared at the two palace guards as they around to not see the high priestess in that embarrassing state.

As Min frantically looked for the outer jacket (jeogori) that the high priestess wore, he realized that it below the young lady as if she used it as a mattress. He had no choice but to take off his outer jacket and covered the high priestess with it.

The palace maid looked at Min suspiciously, raising her right eyebrows, and said, "What were you doing with the High Priestess?" Her voice sounded brash as she continued. "Even if you are a celestial warrior we can't let you do whatever you want to the high priestess, young man!"

Now that he thought about it, the palace guards mentioned him being a celestial warrior, and now, the palace maid. What does it mean to become a celestial warrior?

Was he selected because he was the right hand of the High Priestess?

Or was it because he was particularly strong?

As the palace maid cleared her throat, Min's thought process became broken.

"Warrior, answer me," The palace maid ordered. "All of us will be beheaded if something wrong happened to the High Priestess. She has to be pure, chaste, and virgin. No man can touch her without summoning the White Tiger first—"

"We are not in that relationship, auntie—" Min paused, realizing his mistake. "I mean, ma'am."

The palace maid seemed dissatisfied with Min's answer; even him calling her auntie was the worst thing he could ever do.

It was a mistake.

"Explain what the two of you did!" The palace maid demanded, and because of the sudden turn of events, the palace guards turned around to assess the situation. "Why did the high priestess faint? Why was she in her undergarments? Why did we hear moaning sighs, earlier?! What did you do to our High Priestess?!"

"Lady Yuna took off her outer jacket and kept on scratching her back and that explains the weird sounds you heard earlier," Min explained, scratching his temples out of nervousness. "She ended up tripping over her own skirt and that was why she was lying on the floor."

Min observed their expressions, and it did not seem like they were willing to buy his explanations. He watched the palace guards threaten him with their spears.

Why did the situation blow up like this?

Will he manage to get out of this alive?