
Rise of the Reaper

The world changed on a fateful night in the winter of 2010 The night was young, with only the light hue of the moon illuminating the stary sky. "On this fateful night, a large meteor shower is scheduled to appear and dazzle the sky with its majestic sights" A news station tuning into the event reported. Expecting to see the vibrant blue and red-tinged streak that is associated with a meteor, a small voice pierced the entire night. "Mommy, why is the sky yellow?" A young boy expectedly looked toward his mother. Instead of the vibrant blue and red-streaked trail following a meteor, a dull, lackluster yellow could be seen tailing the meteors falling down to Earth

WrathofSwords · Fantasie
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15 Chs

-My Reaper System(lol)

Finding himself back inside of the bathroom, Hunter fell to the ground after losing feeling in his legs.

'Holy. Shit.' Hunter thought as his entire body started shaking due to the previous life or death situation he was in.

Shaking slightly, he dragged himself off of the floor by using the countertop of the sink. Just as Hunter was starting to calm down, the familiar sound went off in his head, followed by lines of text.


<Status Unlocked>

<Apprentice Abilities Unlocked>

<Quests Unlocked>

<Store Unlocked>

"Agh, as if I didn't need any more confusing shit happening to me today" Hunter sighed out loud.

Hunter thought for a second, remembering how he had to speak out loud to accept being transferred to the other realm.

"Open up the status?" Hunter muttered out loud, hoping that that would do the trick.

Luckily for Hunter, the lines of text appeared in front of his eyes, showing him his stats.

[Name: Hunter Rowan]

[Race: Undead Human]

[Title: Reapers Apprentice]

[Level 0]

[H/P 10/10]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina 10]

"Whoah," Hunter said.

It looked as if his base stats were all 10, he guessed that the stats were set at whatever his current strength, agility, and stamina would have been. The only thing about his status that startled him was his race being an undead human.

"Does that mean I'm a zombie now or something?" Hunter said.

He didn't feel any different than normal, he didn't crave brains or lose his sanity. Hunter actually felt better than he ever had before, like he was possessing a stronger version of his weakling body.

At this point, curiosity and questions clouded Hunter's mind as he thought about the other unlocks now available to him.

This time, Hunter merely thought to himself 'Abilities'. Just as before, information popped itself into Hunter's field of vision.

[Ability Points: 0]

[Cloak of Darkness(Lvl 1)]

[Ability Locked]

[Ability Locked]

"I can only use one ability?" Hunter said as he was secretly disappointed in his ability, not understanding how he was supposed to unlock his other abilities.

Slightly disappointed, Hunter moved on to the next section. 'Quests' Hunter spoke inside of his mind.

[Daily Quest: 100 Pushups, 100 Situps, 1.5 Mile Run]

[Weekly Quest: Reap a Soul]

[Main Quest: N/A]

'Fuckin A' Hunter thought. 'If I wanted to exercise daily I would hire a personal trainer or something'

Not yet understanding the benefits that his quest would hold, Hunter moved on to the next unlocked section.

"Shop" Hunter spoke out loud this time.

[Shop Locked Until Level 5]

Hunter palmed his face. 'What a useless system' he angrily thought to himself.

Checking the time on his digital watch, Hunter saw that the time passed from when he woke up was a mere ten minutes.

'At this point I'm not even surprised' Hunter put his head into his hands, remembering the walk down the long hallway that seemed to have lasted for over an hour.


Walking out of the bathroom, Hunter made his way into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Eggs, sausage patties, and orange juice filled Hunter's stomach as he gulped down the food.

After finishing, Hunter decided to head to the community training center, planning to finish the daily quest because he had time to spare before his class.

While walking down the hallway, Hunter noticed the stares of students lingering longer on him than they usually did.

'Shoot, do I have something on my face from breakfast?' Hunter thought to himself as he wiped the sides of his mouth with his sleeve just in case.

Walking into the training center, Hunter decided to get to work. He decided to finish the pushups and situps first before his run.

Sweating and tired, Hunter laid on his back after finishing the last of his situps. 'That was harder than I thought it would be' he thought to himself.

Hopping on the treadmill, Hunter started his run.

Weak in the legs Hunter finished his workout, stumbling out of the training center with trembling legs Hunter decided that he didn't want to work out again.

That was before he got a ding, sounding in his ears.

<Daily Quest Complete>

<Rewards: 4 Stat Points; 1 Ability Point>

"No way!" Hunter shouted while walking down the hallway back to his dorm. He received looks from people around him, looking at him like he was crazy.

'I've stumbled upon a gold mine' Hunter thought as he had a wild grin plastered across his face.