
Rise of the Reaper

The world changed on a fateful night in the winter of 2010 The night was young, with only the light hue of the moon illuminating the stary sky. "On this fateful night, a large meteor shower is scheduled to appear and dazzle the sky with its majestic sights" A news station tuning into the event reported. Expecting to see the vibrant blue and red-tinged streak that is associated with a meteor, a small voice pierced the entire night. "Mommy, why is the sky yellow?" A young boy expectedly looked toward his mother. Instead of the vibrant blue and red-streaked trail following a meteor, a dull, lackluster yellow could be seen tailing the meteors falling down to Earth

WrathofSwords · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

-Functions Unlocked

'Reaper apprentice?' Hunter thought. 'What in the hell is that?'

Hunter slowly stood up, drenched in sweat and covered in thick black goo. He smelled himself and grimaced at the awful stench that pierced his nose.

He glanced at the mirror above the sink. The person he was staring back in his reflection was him but at the same time he was... different.

Hunter's once sunken face had a sort of glow to it now. The bags under his eyes disappeared and he didn't look like a walking, talking zombie now.

'How is that possible' Hunter thought to himself. 'This shouldn't be possible! It's like I'm a new person!' Hunter's mind raced as he went through countless possibilities about his newfound appearance, the systematic notifications, and the fact that he felt full of energy and power.

Hunter further examined the rest of his body, noting that he still had a frail frame with little to no muscle but at the same time he felt stronger than he had before.

'Man this is freaky, some Friday the 13th type shit happened to me' Hunter nervously thought to himself.

Just as Hunter was wondering what was happening, a familiar sound went off in his head.


<Do you wish to enter the tutorial?>


Caught up in the moment and at the same time having countless questions about what was happening to him, Hunter spoke out loud.

"Yes, I wish to enter the tutorial!"

<Transfering Host>

Suddenly, Hunter felt his body being sucked forward as if a giant vacuum was turned on in front of him. Feeling his body being pulled forward suddenly, Hunter panicked and let out a small yelp before disappearing from the bathroom.

Stumbling forward, Hunter found himself in a dark, enclosed hallway, with the only light coming from a series of candles lighting up his path with a dull, blue-like flame accompanying each candle.

Turning around, Hunter noticed that a thick brick wall stopped him from going in the opposite direction so he decided to take his only option and move forward down the hallway.

'Might as well move forward' Hunter thought to himself.

The hallway floor was made out of a dark crimson red brick, intertwining perfectly in a unique pattern that weaved its way down into the endless hallway.

Slowly making his way down the stuffy corridor, Hunter cautiously checked his surroundings, moving forward at a patient pace.

As he moved down the hallway he noticed intricate pictures littering the walls around him. Some were of a figure covered in cloth, accompanied by skeletons reaching out of the ground surrounding the figure. Other pictures showed the same figure with a large scythe in his hand, slaying faceless creatures in a bloody fassion.

The seemingly endless hallway abruptly opened into a wide room with a dome ceiling.

In the center of the room lay a tombstone with fog surrounding the floor around it. The black tombstone was taller than Hunter, standing about two feet above Hunter's head.

'Well that's not ominous as fuck' Hunter inwardly sighed to himself after witnessing the creepy-looking grave in front of him.

He glanced around the room, not noticing anything out of the norm other than the fog that filled the bottom layer of the dommed room.

'Welp might as well go see what's up with that grave stone' Hunter sadly came to the conclusion that the tombstone was his ticket out of there.

Hunter nervously approached the black stone grave, cursing his bad luck for getting into troubling situations.

Walking forward, the pit in Hunter's stomach dropped lower and lower with each step he took.

He eventually made his way in front of the tombstone, seeing that the same intricate art was engraved on the stone of the grave.

Instead of the pictures found in the hallway, this one depicted the robed figure kneeling in front of a man sitting on a throne. The man on the throne had a crown on top of his head and a large longsword pointed forward over one of the shoulders of the figure.

'What is this? Some sort of knighting ceremony?' Hunter pondered the meaning of the picture and what it had to do with what happened to him.

Leaning in closer, Hunter instinctively touched the glossy black tombstone to further examine it.

<Reaper Apprentice Detected>

<Stage One of Tutorial Started>

Without warning, the ground around Hunter started to break apart and rumble. The bricks moved aside, allowing for the dirt underneath to rupture and crumble.

A singular ghostly white hand stretched out from one of the cracks, grasping the dirt surface and pulling itself out from the darkness of the crack.

'No way! No way! No way!' Hunter panicked as he looked at the creature before him.

Standing at 6'5, towering above Hunter was a pristine white skeleton with rugged chainmail armor surrounding its body. A wooden spear with a metal arrowhead accompanied the skeleton's right hand.

With a dull, lifeless expression, the skeleton took a step toward Hunter, brandishing its spear which was pointed at the young boy.

"What am I supposed to do!" Hunter yelled out, hoping for the voice to respond to his call.

Unfortunately for Hunter, there was no such response, just an eerie silence accompanied by bones rattling with each step towards Hunter.

"Stop! Wait!" Hunter yelled out.

The skeleton soldier thrust its spear towards the panicking Hunter. Hunter dodged to the side, narrowly missing the sharp point of the spear.

Running away, Hunter started to gather his wits, realizing that complaining wasn't doing him any good.

'First things first, I need to find a way to kill that skeleton quick' Hunter thought to himself.

Looking around, he didn't see anything he could use as a weapon. The only thing around him were the bricks scattered around the hole that the skeleton crawled out of.

'That's it!' Hunter thought as he lunged to pick up one of the bricks.

The skeleton once again thrusted his spear in Hunter's direction. This time, Hunter was prepared and he dove out of the way to the side of the skeleton soldier.

Raising the brick above his head Hunter used all of his strength and brought the brick down upon the unsuspecting skeleton's head.


With a satisfying crunch, the skeleton's head splintered and cracked. Once the skeleton's head became damaged, the soldier's body crumbled into dust, leaving behind the wooden spear.

Panting and breathing heavily, Hunter tried to regain his composure after his short burst of power depleted his energy.


<First Trial Complete>

<Access to Reaper System Functions Now Available>

<Transporting Host Back to Human World>