
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Mana lesson

The next day, Aiden and Ethan went to their theoretical class with renewed excitement. They had spent part of the night discussing their new pact, imagining a thousand scenarios where they used their powers. But today, it was time to focus on their learning.

When they entered the classroom, Professor Lana was already waiting for them, her piercing gaze seeming to probe their souls. As usual, she waited for all the students to settle in before speaking.

"Today, we will address a fundamental subject to understand and master your powers: Mana," she began in her clear, calm voice. "Mana is the energy that flows through all things, the very essence of magic. It is what allows some of you to perform wonders."

She conjured a luminous sphere in the palm of her hand, immediately captivating the attention of her audience.

"But Mana is capricious. It does not manifest in everyone in the same way, nor with the same intensity. Some are born without the slightest spark of Mana, while others are gorged with it to the marrow."

Aiden leaned forward, literally drinking in his professor's words. Finally, he might understand where his powers came from, what made him so different.

"Those who are touched by Mana develop unique abilities, resonating with their deep nature, or rather, we don't yet know exactly what determines affinities," Lana continued. "Some can manipulate the elements, others can alter reality by their will. The possibilities are almost infinite."

She turned to Ethan with a knowing smile. "Mr. Ethan, for example, has demonstrated an innate talent for manipulating gravity. It's a rather rare and powerful manifestation of Mana."

Ethan puffed out his chest, proud as a peacock. Aiden gave him a playful nudge, amused.

"But whatever form your gift takes, one thing is certain: it cannot be mastered without effort," Lana resumed, her tone becoming more serious. "Mana is a wild force, which can easily consume you if you don't learn to tame it. That's the whole point of your presence here at Elysium."

Aiden frowned, suddenly worried. He who was already struggling to control his thirst for blood, how was he going to manage an even greater power?

As if she had read his thoughts, Lana continued:

"Of course, some gifts are more unstable than others. Physical abilities, such as increased strength or speed, are often easier to tame than mental or elemental powers."

She paused, sweeping the room with her gaze.

"But whatever the nature of your Mana, never forget one thing: it is intimately linked to your emotions. Anger, fear, desire... All of this can influence your magic, for better or for worse. Learning to know yourselves will be crucial to progress on the path of mastery."

Aiden swallowed, suddenly very aware of the monster lurking within him. If his emotions could unleash his powers... He dared not imagine the damage he could cause if he lost control.

"But enough talking about you," Lana resumed in a lighter tone. "Let's talk a bit about the threats you're likely to face. Because Mana doesn't only affect humans, as you've already seen."

With a gesture, she conjured images of strange and frightening creatures. Some resembled misshapen animals, others incarnated nightmares.

"The Awakening has transformed many beasts, giving them increased power and ferocity," she explained. "They are attracted to sources of magic, and represent a constant threat to our world."

Aiden thought back to his confrontation with the demon-dog during his wandering with Ethan. A wave of disgust washed over him at the memory.

"Fortunately, they are not invincible," Lana continued. "Your own powers, properly mastered, will allow you to confront and defeat them. That's one of the goals of your training here."

She made the monstrous images disappear, replacing them with what looked like plans of strange buildings.

"There are also special sites, known as Dungeons, where Mana concentrates abnormally," she revealed. "These places are full of magical resources, but also dangers. Exploring them can allow you to progress quickly, but at your own risk."

Aiden exchanged a knowing look with Ethan. Now that promised its share of adventures! He who dreamed of becoming stronger, the dungeons seemed to be a golden opportunity.

The class continued, Lana detailing the different types of monsters listed and the known Dungeons. Aiden drank in her words, his mind already swarming with projects.

But another part of him couldn't help but wonder. Did his own powers come from Mana? Was his transformation into a dhampir a manifestation of his unique potential? If so, did that mean he could learn to tame his thirst, to make his curse a strength? Yet, it seemed to him that in his case, between his system and his transformation, it was different from the others.

When the bell rang the end of the class, Aiden's head was buzzing with unanswered questions. Lost in thought, he mechanically followed Ethan out of the room, heading for the main courtyard.

That's when a familiar scene caught their attention. A little further on, in a recess, their "friend" the little bully from the first day was giving another student a dressing-down. The poor boy, backed against a wall, seemed on the verge of tears.

"Where do you think you are, kid?" growled the aggressor, his voice carried by the wind. "The next time you bump into me, I swear I'll make you swallow your teeth!"

Aiden felt a cold rage invade him. Would this guy never change? Ethan's hand rested on his shoulder, firm and reassuring.

"Soon, Aiden," his friend whispered, eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint, a smirk on his lips. "Soon, we'll make him pay. As soon as you need... You know what."

Aiden nodded, a dark smile on his lips. Oh yes, soon, this jerk would find out what it cost to pick on the weak. Soon, he and Ethan would enter the scene. And their first target didn't know what was coming for him...

Without a word, he turned on his heel, dragging Ethan to their next class. But in his mind, a storm was raging. Could he reconcile his thirst for justice and his thirst for blood? Wasn't he becoming exactly what he claimed to fight?

Only the future would tell. But one thing was certain: whether he wanted it or not, Aiden was changing.