
Rise of the god slaying wolf Fenrir

Grey_Mortem · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Debut of Fenrir

Altiore- let's check out the system that was given to us

Fenrir- sounds good

(System interface)

User - Altiore

Bey - Fang Fenrir

Bladers Aura - (4/10) (gives 40% power boost)

Bond - 100% (give you a 100% power boost)

Basic Launching Stance - (6/10) (gives 60% power boost

Total power boost - 200%( every ten percent gives +1 to all attributes

Bey attributes

ATTACK 7+20(27) DEFENSE 4+20(24) STAMINA 3+20(23)

WEIGHT 7+20(27) SPEED 3+20(23) BURST 5+20(25)

Special move - lashing chains , Dark pulse, meteor fall, god slaying charge, slaughter fest, Vanishing wolf

Fenrir- I don't really understand it to much but I do know I'm super powerful hahaha

Altiore- yeah you are looks like the other stuff needs time to be perfected but there's not many who can give us trouble right now anyway

Fenrir- true but if your launch stance is level 6 what is valts I mean come on I feel bad for valtryek looking at that wobbly stance oh look valts bey is about to be sent to the storage room

Altiore- hmm then let's make our debut here then

As I say that I put fenrir on the launcher and launch him at valtryek


I see a black bey hit valtryek back to me

Altiore- fenrir come back

As I look towards the voice I see altiore catching the black bey


Altiore- valt you aren't ever going to win just trying to launch your bey with all your power that's not how it works you also need to work on your launching stance now on to other things rantaro mind having a battle

Rantaro- yeah sure but what bey is that and when did you get

Altiore- it's fang fenrir but fenrir for short and I've always had him let's get this battle under way

Ref- first to 2 points win ring out and spin finish are worth 1 point burst is worth 2 points are both bladers ready

Altiore&Ran - yes

Ref - you may begin

Altiore- 3

Ran - 2

Altiore&Ran - 1 GO SHOOT!!!

With that said Roktavor landed first and rushes to the center where it stands tall waiting for it's prey meanwhile fenrir does two laps around the arena before taking a sudden dive straight for roktavor

Ran - that won't work on me ROCTAVOR

With that said his bey spirit a demon covered in the flames of end quickly takes from

Altiore - we'll see about that FENRIR!!!

With that the massive black wolf Fenrir makes his first appearance

Altiore&Ran- LETS END THIS!!!

With that the two collide with Fenrir bursting through Roctavor earning altiore a burst finish

Ref - Altiore wins with a burst finish 2-0

Altiore - ran that was a good battle you got the solids down so how about you focus on trying to communicate with your bey that's when you can really bring out the power of your bey

Valt- hey battle me too I can win no problem

Altiore - you two should be his brother and sister right it would be safer if you guys take him home with his current level of blading he's a risk to not only himself but to the people around him to and also valt if not for that beys bond with you I would have taken it away and given it to someone who can properly bring out its full potential so I advise you stop and figure out how to properly use your bey before you run around asking every blader you see to battle now if that's all I'm going to go sign up for the regional tournament

(10 minutes later)

Fenrir- hey partner we need to figure out our blading style right now we go back in forth between a drawn out savage style and a calm precise killing style it's to inconsistent with roctavor I could have directly bursted him as soon as the match started I dare say that the only one who has a chance to stand up to me is Lui Shirosagi

Altiore- alright I get what your saying it makes sense I'll start blading seriously I just got caught up in the moment I promise from now on I'll use your power in the most efficient way possible so we can really enjoy the battles in the future