
Rise Of The Fallen God

If I were to mention one significant lesson history taught me, that would be about how individuals rise and fall. But what if you were always at the top and then fell to the lowest? How would that feel? …Terrible, I know. This novel follows the journey of a god named Eros, who was betrayed by his kind out of envy. How would he adapt to his current circumstances? And what steps would he take to rise beyond his former glory? *** Good day, fam. I hope you read it and give feedback so I can better myself. And in case you did not take the hint, this is going to be a story with harem as the major plot. You can use My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires plot to picture how this is going to be, though less. Thanks and the cover photo isn't mine. If you are the owner or you know the owner, then please contact me. Thanks, again.

Believer_X · Fantasie
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8 Chs


We decided to get weapons from the local blacksmith for the adventure on our way back, and honestly, I had no idea what to pick. I never needed such things in Elysium since my divinity was enough, but it was a different story in this new world.

At last, I picked a melee and long-range weapon. The longer-range weapon would be mainly utilized in this adventure since I had no melee skills, while the melee weapon would be utilized if the enemy entered my proximity.

As for Nisha: she didn't waste time picking melee weapons. And she got many of them.

"Do you really need that much?"

"I'm also contributing to the purchase, so don't be so frightened," Nisha jested with an impeccable smile.

'I wasn't frightened…' I could only shake my head in reply.

The next important thing was armor plates. We both went for something light and simple. Due to their lightweight, the defense prowess was reduced.

"Here we go…" I said, placing everything on the counter before the long-bearded man.

"20 copper coins," He replied without a shred of emotion.

It took me a while, but I was only able to come about with 9 copper coins and some bronze coins.

"Here, I'll complete it." Nisha handed me a few coins which I counted and handed to the man.



Packing our goods, we exited the workshop. Now we were heading to Nisha's house to see Mrs Maureen.

"I knew such a time would come…"

Hearing Mrs. Maureen's disgruntled voice left me in shock. She didn't seem that bothered about our plan, which was very concerning. It was like she saw it coming and had accepted it long ago.

"Do what makes you happy, dear." She said, caressing Nisha's hair as she sat close to her.

She then turned to look at me. Her eyes were not as gentle as when she looked at Nisha. It was scary.

"And you, Vincent. You should prepare to marry my baby girl on your return."

"Grandma! We are still young!" Nisha buried her face in shame.

"You already clocked 18 and he's 19. I don't see the problem in this arrangement," Mrs. Maureen argued, her eyes still fixed on me.

'How do I escape this now…' I thought, my eyes shifting from Mrs. Maureen to Nisha. She was a nice and brave girl, and I was sure she would prove as a great asset in the future. At least, in this realm.

"Yes, Grandma," I smiled.

My reply seemed to shock both grandmother and granddaughter as they both stared at me in bewilderment.

'Is this not what you wanted…' I lampooned only to get hit by a rapidly moving body. It was Nisha. She held onto me so tight as if to break my bones.


I felt my heart shatter at that word. She didn't know I was not her Vincent and that I planned to use her while she could be of help. She was like a tool to me. Still, I couldn't let my emotions waver anymore. I had goals. And to achieve them, I need to take drastic steps.

I returned her hug so as to not look suspicious.

"You look good together…" Mrs. Maureen made a side comment.

"Grandma!" Nisha retorted shyly as usual.

"Why don't you stay here for the night? I'm sure it would be more comfortable, and… easy to cuddle," Mrs. Maureen jested.

I accepted her proposal with gratitude. I needed to rest properly for tomorrow's journey.

We conversed for more hours before heading to bed. They took one room while I took the other. Mrs. Maureen had hinted that I stay with Nisha but I rejected the idea, and so did Nisha.

Closing my eyes, I slowly drifted into the dream world. It was dark but I felt conscious. My body was non-existent but I could move. Or maybe I just imagined my movement. A source of light came into sight, proving that I was truly moving. It was spectacular, but the fear of the unknown made me skeptical to keep moving forward. Just that this time, it wasn't up to me.

I approached the light source with such haste against my will. I was like a magnet in the pool of attraction.

"No…" I muttered, but I heard the word echo through the world I now existed in.


I shouted this time with all my strength and then I was awake. I heard footsteps hastily approaching my location and I felt it was Mrs. Maureen and Nisha. The candle beside my bed was flickering even though I had put it to sleep before sleeping myself.

What could make me feel such instinctive fear? I had no answer to that question, but the feeling of trepidation that made me scream couldn't be denied.

"Vince! Are you alright?!" Nisha rushed to my side and took my head into her palms. As for Mrs. Maureen, she stood far back like a considerate adult.

"I'm good," I replied with a smile. "Just a nightmare."

Somehow I could tell they both linked the nightmare to Mister and Missus Hester's demise. But that was not the case. It was far different from that.

"Let me stay with you," Nisha proposed and Mrs. Maureen nodded. They were in perfect synchrony.

I couldn't say no to that act of kindness, so I nodded, laying back like a good boy. Those emotions were still lingering even now, so I saw more reason to receive emotional support.

"I'll leave you two then."

When Mrs. Maureen's footsteps vanished, Nisha said, "You can tell me anything…"

The more time I spent with her, the more guilty she made me feel. In the end, I decided to ignore the guilt and focus on the warmth she provided.

"I know…"

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