
Rise Of The Fallen God

If I were to mention one significant lesson history taught me, that would be about how individuals rise and fall. But what if you were always at the top and then fell to the lowest? How would that feel? …Terrible, I know. This novel follows the journey of a god named Eros, who was betrayed by his kind out of envy. How would he adapt to his current circumstances? And what steps would he take to rise beyond his former glory? *** Good day, fam. I hope you read it and give feedback so I can better myself. And in case you did not take the hint, this is going to be a story with harem as the major plot. You can use My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires plot to picture how this is going to be, though less. Thanks and the cover photo isn't mine. If you are the owner or you know the owner, then please contact me. Thanks, again.

Believer_X · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Expedition Leaders.

<p>By dawn, all members of the expedition team were gathered at Blythe's gate. They all had their gear for the excavation. The wealthy ones had horses while people like me could only rely on our legs. <br/>Nisha clung to me like a pet, observing my every gesture to track my condition. 'I am fine…!' I told her many times but it came out as useless.<br/>A man broader than Hank with blonde hair and a giant sword hung on his back confidently walked his way to the front of the crowd. He had rough features which confirmed his status as a warrior. Behind him was a female wearing an overflowing, purple gown with a wand in hand. <br/>The crowd quieted down as they witnessed this scene. They were like dogs at the arrival of their master—their eyes were filled with admiration. Among the crowd, only a few had disgruntled looks, and they all belonged to the upper class.<br/>"I'm Godfrey, one of the individuals heading this expedition," He paused before continuing. "…Or adventure, as some may call it."<br/>"I'm Sandra…" The lady dressed in a purple gown said with a smile. She also waved her hand a little which displayed more of her cleavage. Lustful men gawked at that view.<br/>My gaze then shifted back to Godfrey who seemed to be searching for something. Godfrey then moved closer to Sandra before whispering in her ear.<br/>"Hmm… What's the matter with them?" Nisha said to me. I didn't even know what category to place her words in. Is she just letting me know that they are acting weird or inquiring why they are acting weird?<br/>"I don't know," I replied, still focused on the two leaders. They were the strongest in the group, so they had more power to influence the plot.<br/>"He's here," Sandra said out loud, announcing the arrival of another individual.<br/>He looked younger than me with green hair and blue eyes. He sat on the back of a dire wolf, making his entrance more distinguished. They couldn't help but fear the individual who sat at the back of a direwolf.<br/>"Hello, Sandra… Godfrey," He said playfully, riding the dire wolf until it arrived at their location.<br/>"Must you make such a flashy entrance?" Godfrey asked with a smile that didn't look like a smile. It was confusing.<br/>"Haha… my pet here wanted to give me a ride, so I couldn't hurt its feelings."<br/>Calling the dire wolf a pet made his stand rise to an even greater height. Few ladies who had joined the expedition wanted to run to him, but I'd say they looked bulky, something a young male wouldn't desire—that's if this realm worked similarly. <br/>As for Nisha, her stare only held curiosity, though it vanished in a moment. It was like weighing a product and judging it as worthless. A loyal lady, indeed.<br/>"Don't worry, Vince… I'm sure you would make a fine man after some… retouch," Nisha said with pumped fists.<br/>'Is this your idea of comforting me?! I don't need it…!' <br/>"Thanks, Nisha."<br/>"You are welcome!" She replied cheerfully.<br/>Concluding our side conversation, I turned to focus on the three again.<br/>"I'm Ray, the third and last leader of this expedition. I hope for your cooperation!"<br/>He looked very much like a cheerful guy. But people could have another side beneath what they show. Something like a cloth beneath a cloth.<br/>'Just like me for instance…' I was about to laugh at that thought, but it could be misunderstood and place a target on my back.<br/>Godfrey then stepped forward, slightly tapping on the dire wolf's jaw to show his intent.<br/>"We would go through the journey's plan first and deal with the excavation plan when we arrive at Daunting Cave," Godfrey announced and the crowd replied with a cheer.<br/>"First on our list is any adversaries we might find on our way. The world is plagued with bandits and monsters so encountering them is a big possibility.<br/>This means we have to prepare."<br/>Godfrey went further to lay down different battle formations for different situations. It was quite eloquent if I were to assess. It ensured no life was lost in the long run.<br/>"The second cause of concern on our list is the weather. We have ordered everyone to bring provisions for different weather conditions.<br/>But we need to stand together against heavy storms, you get that?!"<br/>"Yes, sir!!!"<br/>We can't tackle the weather condition as a team but assistance could be rendered to improve functionality. Another good point.<br/>"The last at this moment would be food. At this point, I hope you all know that what you eat is your concern. Still, we can't eliminate the chances of an enemy attack or the weather cutting down our food reservation. <br/>So in the case of anyone losing food due to battle, we would do our best to render support."<br/>At this point, he was assuring his survival as well as others. A strong man needs to eat and in case he fell victim to food shortage, he could use this statement to cater to himself. There's another possibility of him taking food from others by force, but it seems the main idea of the excavation is numbers. 'This makes me wonder what I signed up for…? No! I'm above their theatrics. I aim for something greater."<br/>"With this, we shall start our journey. I hope everyone stays in line." Saying this, Godfrey and Sandra walked to their horses and hopped on their backs while Ray started moving ahead.<br/>'Buying a horse is no easy fit…' I lampooned, struggling to fix my hurt pride. I have already gone through a lot in the few days I spent in this realm, I could handle more.<br/>My legs told a different story as we journeyed further.<br/>"I can carry you?" Nisha proposed.<br/>No matter how shameless I was, letting a woman carry me in this situation was… <br/>'Fuck!!!'<br/>"What a big baby?"<br/>"He is weak."<br/>"Disgusting man!"<br/>I heard a lot of side comments as I rode on Nisha's back. It was disgrading so I closed my ears to them. <br/>'They will not understand my pain…'<br/><br/></p>

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