
Rise of the Deity

In the realm of mortal men, Yin Shen bears a name that echoes with divine resonance: God. Little did he imagine that the ordinary course of his life would one day entwine with the threads of immortality. As fate unfolds its intricate tapestry, Yin Shen embarks on an extraordinary journey, where the line between mortal and divine blurs. Join him as he navigates the labyrinth of destiny, bound for a destiny he never dared to dream.

Destinyeou · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Dawn of Creation

Yin Shen stood above the sea, riding the monster-like giant insect under his feet, riding the wind and waves.

The day here seems to be shorter, the day is long and the night is short, and life can only exist in the sea,

According to Yin Shen's inference, he is now on the earth nearly 500 million years ago from his time.


He has only read records about this era in textbooks.

In a warm climate, there is a bright sun during the day, the moon drives the tides, and countless lives in the sea are flourishing.

They are evolving.

Everything chooses, vying for the position of the ultimate winner, vying for the supremacy of this planet.

And he himself is an existence incompatible with this world, he can't touch everything, let alone interfere with the existence in the universe.

Except for those two living bodies that perceive him.

Only they can observe the existence of Yin Shen, and the only objects Yin Shen can touch are the two of them.

Perhaps, he does not actually exist for this universe.

It's like a ghost wandering in the gap between time and space.

The trilobites and the worms have spied on Yin Shen, an existence beyond the universe and time, and gained power from him, which is derived from what Yin Shen previously called the soul. .

The two creatures of the Primordial Earth Era had different powers.One got wisdom from Yin Shen, and the other got the ability to merge with his gift.

Trilobites have gained Yin Shen's wisdom, and within the hard-shelled armor, organs like the human brain have grown.

He knew some words belonging to human beings, and at the moment he was born he spied some pictures in Yin Shen's memory, and possessed the advanced creative thinking ability that resembled human beings.

The worm gained a more peculiar and mysterious power.Its blood merged with Yin Shen's power and changed under the radiation of its body.

It can fuse other beings, deprive other beings of their organs and abilities, and can change the form of own arbitrarily.

But unfortunately, the worm still acts as before, relying on instinct.

The one who has gained wisdom is called the Sanyeren by Yin Shen.

And that worm was named the Fusion Monster by him.

Under the feet, the existence named Fusion Monster was quickly shuttled above the sea surface, and the tentacles under the spiral shell swiftly waved and pushed it forward.

Yin Shen is standing on its shell, looking into the distance.

On the distant sea, something different finally appeared.

Some object bulged out of the horizontal plane, and cast a long shadow on the sea in the afterglow of the setting sun.


Yin Shen saw an isolated island with a rare green color on it.

There are pits and pits on the isolated island, swamps, covered with lichen and moss.

But compared to other lands, this place is full of breath of life.Yin Shen does not understand why there is such a miracle here, but it does not prevent him from falling in love with it.

"It's nice here."

Yin Shen decided to stay here and end the long and aimless trip.

The second day.

Yin Shen saw the Fusion Monster use its flexible tentacles to dig out a block of boulders from the bottom of the sea and drag it onto the island.

Its tentacles can be turned into sharp weapons like chisels, or blunt tools like hammers, which are beating and dividing these boulders.

At first, Yin Shen only thought this bug had a hobby of dragging stones, and didn't care about it.But when he saw this giant building up blocks of boulders, he realized that it was a building.

Upon closer inspection, I found that this thing was somewhat similar to the pyramid that Yin Shen had seen on TV before, but this one was even more magnificent.

The huge stones with a height of more than ten meters are erected, which makes people feel that it is absolutely impossible to be a mortal creation, but a miracle of the gods.

However, as the boulder was built to the highest point, different places appeared.The Fusion Monster turned to build a simple and heavy temple, which carefully grinds, beats, and carved details.

But it still looks crude and simple, but the outline of the palace has emerged.

This temple was obviously not built for itself, and with its huge size, the temple was really small.

Yin Shen then understood that the Fusion Monster was going to build a huge palace on an isolated island for Yin Shen.

At first thought, he thought it was the Fusion Monster to please him, but he felt that it shouldn't.The chaotic and ignorant Fusion Monster didn't have this kind of wisdom, let alone the existence of the Pyramid.

It should have been ordered by the Sanye people.

Sanyeren crouched in front of Yin Shen in fear.Yin Shen looked at the waves quietly, his mood was very peaceful.

When he still had a human body, he was a relatively indifferent person.Now without a body, he has experienced the most bizarre experiences in the world, and he has become more and more quiet.

However, Sanyeren was scared.He didn't know whether Own was good at advocating God like it or not.

He explained in a panic, and kept kowtow at the same time.

In his knowledge, this is the most direct way to pray to God and ask for forgiveness.



Yin Shen can perceive his meaning.

He said that the gods should live in the palace and accept the sacrifice of all life, so he let the Fusion Monster build this building.

Yin Shen is not happy, or does not care very much.

After all, he has no body, can not feel the warmth and cold, and sheltered buildings from the wind and rain are meaningless to him.The so-called beliefs and prayers also seem ridiculous to him, because he worships and believes in two insects.

If you have to say something, you can only compliment it for fun!


"very beautiful."

Just a short sentence made Sanye people dance and dance with joy.

The palace finally took shape.

The Sanyeren waited for Yin Shen on the pyramid, and the Fusion Monster carried Yin Shen towards the top of the pyramid, then stopped and stuck his head in front of the temple.

At the top of the pyramid, the quaint and heavy palace has open doors and windows, and there are no furnishings inside.

The only bright spot is that it is big and magnificent.

There is also a statue of Yin Shen belonging to Yin Shen, which was carved by Sanye himself and was a gift he gave to the gods.

It seems that Sanyeren also inherited the dexterous hands of mankind, and possessed far superior power.

This idol is carved from a whole piece of unknown white stone.It is more like a relief than a god idol, placed in front of a round window facing the sun.

Above is a figure exuding endless light, and it looks like it is covered with a white coat.At first glance, only the outline can be seen, and the appearance is not clear at all.

Yin Shen then realized that they saw him in this way.

Sanyeren crawls on the ground, still calling Yin Shen a god.

This is a general term.

Yin Shen told him his own name: "Yin Shen."

Sanyeren: "Insail!"

The man then told him: "Yin Shen."

Sanyeren: "Insai!"

He was able to pronounce a word right when he was alone, and changed his tone when connected together.

The vocal organs of Sanyeren are still different from those of humans, and the syllables they emit are dry and sharp, which makes people feel a little harsh.

Yin Shen corrected it again: "Yin Shen!"

Sanyeren held his head high, ah for a long time, and finally shouted.

"Insai... Sen!"

"Insai God!"

Yin Shen was left by him, and he was allowed to yell Insai God, Yin Shen, beside the god statue and Yin Shen, shouting fanatically.

And under the pyramid, the terrifying behemoth also made a hollow sound.