
Rise of the Deity

Autor: Destinyeou
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What is Rise of the Deity

Lesen Sie den Roman Rise of the Deity des Autors Destinyeou, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.In the realm of mortal men, Yin Shen bears a name that echoes with divine resonance: God. Little did he imagine that the ordinary course of his life would one day entwine with the threads of immortali...


In the realm of mortal men, Yin Shen bears a name that echoes with divine resonance: God. Little did he imagine that the ordinary course of his life would one day entwine with the threads of immortality. As fate unfolds its intricate tapestry, Yin Shen embarks on an extraordinary journey, where the line between mortal and divine blurs. Join him as he navigates the labyrinth of destiny, bound for a destiny he never dared to dream.

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