
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Ch 9



Felix: 'Hey, book of knowledge'

Book of Knowledge: 'What?'

Felix: 'Do you have a shorter name than that'

Book of Knowledge: 'Call me BOK'

Felix: 'OK, can you explain what happened'

Book of Knowledge: 'I know when to give an explanation, I can't hinder your own development'

Felix: 'True, but why BOK'

BOK: 'I could have given a million other names but this is the simplest one and has the most significance'

Felix: 'Sure, how is Felix'

BOK: 'Sulking'

Felix: 'A god is sulking'

BOK: 'I know right'

[Felix is back to the world at Knights Academy]

Felix: "Better than Tooth Fairy"

[Felix takes part in an entrance test and is taken to the testing ground]

Knight 1: ..Is this your first time..

Felix: "Yes"

Knight 1: ..You could have at least worn some chainmail..

Felix: "I don't need any armor for a high-level knight"

[Examiner from behind]

Examiner: ..Let's see about that, why don't you be the last one to take the test, and think about your arrogance..

[Felix goes and sleeps at the side of the testing ground]

Examiner: ..No manners, respect or nobility of a knight..

[Felix gets woken up by the examiner and sees a big crowd around]

  Felix: "What's up with the crowd"

Examiner: ..They are here to the challenge between an unknown swordsman and a knight..

Felix: "What challenge"

Examiner: .. You were being so arrogant right, so I will show you the difference between me and you..

Felix "Shouldn't there be some formalities to start the fight"

Examiner: ..They are done, this fight will start when you charge at me..

Felix: "Okay then, but I have one condition, no chivalry"

Examiner: ..So you want to die for sure..

[Felix walks towards the knight, draws his sword, and starts attacking the knight and the knight deflects all of them]

Examiner: ..Do you see the difference..

Felix: "No, but I have only been striking at you with a quarter of my speed and strength"

[Felix goes all out and the knight is being forced back and is using water armor to nullify the strikes that he can't deflect]

Felix: "Do you see the difference"

[Felix's technique starts improving and he enters the spirit world and sees a big ball trying to fuse with the small ball]

BOK: 'That is your father's soul, if there is a successful fusion you can get all your father's skills'

Felix: 'My father died because I took this away from him'

BOK: 'Good thing that extreme emotions can't be shown in the spirit world, otherwise, you would be disoriented and go crazy'

Felix: 'Okay'

BOK: 'Focus on fusing your souls and I gave Felix a job to study you as a pass time'

Felix: 'Is that gonna be any good'

BOK: 'Yes, as he is gonna tell you how your behavior and morals changed through events and you can think of how to change'

Felix: 'Now can I focus on fighting'

BOK: 'Yeah, the harder the fight, the quicker the fusing is'

[Felix is back in the real world, and s bigger crowd has formed and head is watching]

Head: "You might be feeling embarrassed"

Examiner: ..The fight is not over yet..

[The examiner is turning around in a way to avoid being pushed to the wall but Felix takes bolder moves and pushes the examiner to the wall and he admits his defeat]

Examiner: ..I surrender..

[Felix stops and stays]

Felix: "Is this chivalry"

Examiner: ..It is common to surrender for any lawful knight..

[The crowd cheers and a messenger comes to Felix and tells him to go to the head's office]

Felix: "Excuse me, did you call me"

Head: "My name is Aurthur, you aren't a knight so let us be informal, you will be in the swordsman group under me if you want to be my direct disciple you just can ask me"

Felix: "Is there anything else to say, you told me everything I wanted to ask"

Arthur: "Who is your Master"

Felix: "Master Gale Blade"

Arthur: "Really"

Felix: "Do you have a good or bad relationship"

Arthur: "Good I think"

Felix: "So, I should keep our informal relationship secretive"

Arthur: "Preferably, yes"

[Felix is in the reception and gets his rank as a high swordsman]

Felix: I should go to the guild and take a request and get my card updated

[Felix updates his card and does a B+ request of destroying a titan tortoise egg and completes it in a week and earns 5 gold]

Felix: I wish I could hold the egg but should last until I defeat all knights in the city except Aurthur

Hi readers, if you have any doubts about the story please don't hesitate to mail it to 
