
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 8


[Felix is now asleep, dreaming about fate, and wakes up]

Felix: This dream gave me an understanding of fate to a great extent, I understand what Drak meant by his fate with Goto, their lives are set in stone by fate and part of that is their marriage.

[Felix leaves the inn and goes to the Royal Academy of Swordsmanship and joins as a novice using the guild card]

Felix: This place is full of fights and is a great way to improve my sword style

Book of Knowledge: 'I can help you with the style'

Felix: 'Really'

Book of Knowledge: 'Yeah but you were quite the romantic guy back there

Felix: 'Yeah yeah and do you know about my dream'

Book of Knowledge: 'I saw it, but I don't have a record of it, understand what I saw or see it clearly'

Felix: 'It feels pointless to ask you this, but this golden book with an eight on it, a weird eight'

Book of Knowledge: 'That, that might be the book of knowledge

Felix: 'What? How many super-powerful books are there

Book of Knowledge: 'There is the Book of Knowledge and Book of Power and I don't know about the Book of Fate but I've heard my master speak of it, she said that if the Book of Power and I merge, we form the Book of Fate'

Felix: 'I hate this talk about books

Book of Knowledge: 'Leave that, and now back to your sword style, what type do you want

Felix: 'You pick one or create one

Book of Knowledge: 'I can't do that

Felix: 'What do you mean?'

Book of Knowledge: 'I have to be at my full potential to create a perfect one which is at 99% and I don't even know what style you want, speed, power, defense, there has got to be something specific but you just want a style'

Felix: 'Let me think'

[Felix goes to the slum and sees an illegal tournament]

Crowd: ..T-T slayer, T-T slayer..

[Felix sees a big muscular man who smashes a mid-level tank]

Felix: That is disgusting and how is he so powerful

Felix: "Hey, why is he called T-T slayer"

Random person: ..Don't you know, he killed a titan tortoise on his own..

Felix: I definitely can't defend against him with my sword skills, probably not even if I go all out with fire

[Felix goes to the back entrance where the fighters enter through]

The man inside: ..Register your name..

Felix: "Give me the sheet"

The man inside: ..Finally, someone who can write..

[Felix fills out the registration sheet and returns it]

The man inside: ..You will be fighting the Tooth fairy..

Felix: "Seems easy"

The man inside: ..Let's find out..

[After a dangerous hour passes by the crazy people, Felix gets called for a match and goes inside a big room with no opening]

Announcer: .. It is time for the Tooth fairy versus newcomer Felix..

Crowd: ..Tooth fairy, Tooth fairy..

Felix: Damn, who is this fairy

[A gate at the opposite side of Felix opens and a big, 40-year-old, muscular man comes out]

Tooth fairy: ..Your teeth are strong, I can sense it, and that makes me get it by any force necessary..

[The Tooth fairy sprints at Felix and Felix draws his sword and deflects him and the Tooth fairy moans]

Tooth fairy: ..Such a basic technique so you must be a novice..

Felix: What the hell is wrong with this dude

[Felix starts dodging and defending against the Tooth Fairy's attacks like how he defended against the insects]

Tooth fairy: ..So you are not a novice, more of a mid-level knight if I judge your defense but a low level because you are not attacking at all and all this time I was attacking you with my bare hands but now my true power will be used Toothy sword..

Felix: What the hell

[A sword made up of teeth appears in the Tooth fairy's hand]

Tooth fairy: .. I collected human teeth for myself but these pirana teeth were hard to obtain..

[The Tooth fairy moans again and starts attacking Felix at thrice the speed and Felix is barely able to keep up and gets grazed a few times]

Felix: Damn this pervert is too good

[Felix continues this for 10 more minutes but gets used to the attacks and starts pushing the Tooth fairy back]

Tooth fairy: ..Looks like you improved, even I can go all out.. 

[The Tooth fairy tears his clothes off except his underwear and maintains the speed but increases the power of the attacks]

Tooth fairy: .. Just give up, you might end up grinding your teeth doing this..

[Felix is getting pushed back but he starts moving back faster and the Tooth fairy keeps advancing, Felix is at the wall of the room and he ducks down and the Tooth fairy's sword with the jagged tooth gets stuck there]

Tooth fairy: ..Nice strategy..

[Felix kicks the Tooth fairy's leg and he is on his knees Felix with a speed he thought impossible uppercuts the Tooth fairy and the Tooth fairy moans and falls]

Tooth fairy: ..I give up, not my teeth, and thank you, for not using your full strength..

Felix: "How do you know that"

Tooth fairy: ..I felt the fire in you..

[The Tooth fairy passes out]

Crowd: ..Felix!, Felix!, Felix!..

[Felix leaves the room and goes to a bar]

Felix: I have been traumatized by the Tooth fairy, never going back there again, and hopefully, I can forget that by drinking

Felix: "Bartender, give me a quarter barrel of your strongest alcohol"

Bartender: ..Okay young man..

[The bartender gets a small barrel with a tap and Felix keeps his mouth under the tap and turns it on and chugs the entire thing in a minute after spending his winnings from the Tooth fairy and wanders out of the bar and the next day]

Felix: "What, why am I in a random room with a grandma sleeping in a chair"

[Felix tries to leave stealthily but the grandma wakes up and says]

Old Lady: "There is a barrier surrounding this room, you can't leave"

Felix: "Why am I here"

Old Lady: "You were drunk, tried to enter my house, and broke in and I reinforced it, you were looking for my treasured demon blood that you found with your rouge mana sense"

Felix: "Can I go, I feel unsafe here"

Old Lady: "You can thank me for calling my best disciple to train you in magic"

Felix: "But I never asked"

Old Lady: "I will approach you when she comes here"

[Felix is outside the knight's academy]

Felix: The lady seems useful

Hi reader, thanks for 11k views. If you have any doubts about the story please contact  saianilok912@gmail.com