
Rick in Marvel and DC: Fusion

The protagonist’s soul walks through the universe of a mortal and merges with the grandfather’s soul in “Rick and Morty” during the journey. He inherits his grandfather’s talent and knowledge and then survives, grows stronger, expands, and rages in the Marvel and DC universe please support me on patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 100 advance chapters on [[[Patreon]]]] or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/harsh07 -------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Filme
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169 Chs

Chapter 127 : (big chapter)

 There's a lesson here and I'm not going to be the one to figure it out.

~Rick Sanchez


Rocky Mountains, Stark Peak, and Dome Prison.

The Jude clones entered the prison tier where the super criminals were being held, but they looked around and finally determined that there were none of the three targets, but there were many accidental discoveries.

"I am Baron Hydra Straker, a good friend."

Clone No. 6 looked at the big, bald man with unilateral spectacles in front of him and recalled in his mind that Baron Straker, who seemed to have an impression, was one of the snake heads of Hydra.

He is also an old guy who has survived World War I and World War II, and the reason why he can live so long is that he was injected with the dead bun virus in his body, which caused the aging to stop, but other than that, he did not have any special abilities.

After all, they are villains who often deal with the US team. You can't expect them to be too strong. It's okay to engage in conspiracies and high-tech inventions. It's okay to fight head-on, not to mention it.

"Hydra? I heard that you have a saying: cut off one head and grow two heads. Is this saying true or false?"

Baron Straker smiled slightly. "Of course, it is true. This is a characteristic of Hydra and the foundation on which we live today. We have countless believers all over the world."

"Then why are you still locked up here? Why is there no one to rescue you?"


Straker was speechless for a while. Although Hydra had huge power all over the world, there were many hills inside, let alone rescue him. After his troops were dispersed, other snakeheads immediately scratched his territory.

"So you are just a bad old man. That's fine. I will cut off your head now and see if you can grow two. If possible, I will let you come out and stay by my side to be a magic kid."

Baron Straker splattered his blood. Is this how we understand our slogan? Although he was injected with the spore virus, he would die if he were beheaded.

"My friend, don't be kidding, I know. Now I don't have the capital to negotiate terms with you, but as long as you are willing to let me out, with my prestige, you will soon be able to form another team and get Straker's friendship."

No. 6 shrugged; it seemed useless, but he liked to mess up the world, and he didn't care about helping out.

On the other side, in the prison in front of Clone No. 17, is a child less than one meter who looks like the doll in the horror movie Deadly Silence, which makes him a little interested.

"Who are you? Little guy."

The puppet boy grinned and looked a little bit oozing: "You can call me a toy man because I was locked in for the destruction of Metropolis and the attack on Superman. How about making a deal?"

"It turns out to be Superman's opponent."

Although the toy man in front of him seems to be less than ten years old, his true age cannot be determined, and he can be regarded as a genius physical engineer.

Just because he can make a lot of equipment and props that make Superman feel tricky, he has a certain level of scientific research ability; no wonder he will be locked in the dome prison.

"As long as you let me out, I can help you control the entire dome."

"No need, because there is no need for it anymore, but it's okay to let you out. Help me mess up this muddy water."

At the same time, Clone 15 also saw an interesting weirdo. It was a super-big-headed, weird baby. His head was almost his entire body. In comparison, his limbs were just like ants.

Ugly is no longer enough to describe this weird person; it can be said to be earth-shattering ugly.

Such obvious appearance characteristics make it difficult for people not to know him. He is AIM, the former boss of Pioneer Technology, Modoke.

This guy was originally a researcher at Pioneer Technology, but because he strayed into the experiment site, he became a monster like Murdoch.

If chose to chase Francis because he couldn't accept his pitted body, then Mordor would be killed instantly when he saw his appearance.

However, the experiment is not without benefits. The big head has increased his intelligence several times, and he also can telepathically control.

So he killed the senior leaders of Pioneer Technology in a rage and took the leadership position himself, but the distortion in his heart also made him embark on the path of a villain, so he died daily and was eventually locked in.

After he came in, a company director named Kylian took the opportunity to pick up a big deal and became the chairman of Pioneer Technology.

He was also released on the 15th. As for what Murdok will do, it is not what he wants to care about.

At the same time, more clones will release more criminals, and the criminals will continue to release other criminals, and eventually, all the super criminals in the Dome Prison will be released.

Since no three were found, the clones began to evacuate from the dome prison. As the transport plane took off, the small ball filled with laser energy was dropped.

Hearing a loud bang, the bright beam of light blasted straight into the sky, and the energy stored in the sphere was instantly released, destroying the entire dome prison.

The explosions sounded one after another, the firelight reflected hundreds of miles, and as the explosion caused a violent landslide, the Peak was tottering, and after a while, it was directly exploded into countless rubbles.

Cube Prison, Mojave Desert, Nevada.

The prison is said to be controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D., but the real situation is jointly controlled by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Because while serving as a prison here, a study is also being carried out on the application of gamma energy.

Bruce Banner was imprisoned here, but instead of being arrested, he took the initiative to request it, hoping to find a way to control the Hulk.

But after a series of experiments, Bruce Banner gradually discovered something was wrong.

The military and S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't seem to want to help them control Hulk, but they wanted to find a way to use gamma energy smoothly.

In other words, their purpose is to create a Hulk that obeys orders.

Little Dr. Leonard in a white coat, the future Dr. Samson, pointed the gamma energy extraction machine at Bruce Banner. After turning it on, a red light beam shone on the opponent.

Bruce Banner said weakly, "Leonard, this approach is wrong. You can't help Rose study it anymore. Don't you realize it? Your body shape and muscles have changed, and gamma energy is changing. Affect you."

Little Leonard's heart jumped when he heard this. As a scientist, he has been obsessed with research on gamma energy recently, and he hasn't paid attention to the changes in his body.

After listening to Banner's persuasion, he realized that his body underwent slight changes and seemed to have more energy than before.

Next to him, Dr. Samuel Stearns, the future leader, patted his shoulder to comfort him and said, "Don't worry about Leonard; maybe he's just too tired. Can."

Bruce Banner shook his head and said, "Dr. Samuel, your body has also changed. Your cheekbones and eyes are a bigger circle than before. Didn't you notice it?"

"Gamma energy is stimulating and transforming your body. If you continue, you may become like me, with an uncontrollable monster in your body. Stop it!"

When Bruce Banner finished speaking, the two were shocked.

But the difference is that little Leonard is worried and afraid; he doesn't want to become a monster like the Hulk.

I don't think it's awesome to become a Hulk. It's not just a drop in IQ and a change in appearance; it's also the incomprehension of people around you. It can be said that everyone wants to be a Super Super, but not everyone wants to. Become a hulk.

Moreover, he worked with General Rose, and he had a bright future at a young age. He became a Hulk, and his life may not be as comfortable as it is now.

But Samuel was ecstatic. In his opinion, if he had the power of the Hulk, what if he became a monster?

Just as the two were arguing whether to continue the experiment, there was a loud bang, and the whole Cube Prison shook.

Implicated by the explosion, the walls of this laboratory split in an instant and then collapsed with a bang, pressing the three doctors of science underneath.

"Ah, my legs... ah!"

"Help me... It hurts... I can't breathe."

Leonard and Samuel howled in pain, and the gamma energy extractor cracked due to the impact, and a large amount of green light shone on the three of them.

Encountered by such terrifying gamma rays, the appearance of little Leonard and Samuel was immediately distorted.

The originally thin and gentlemanly Leonard suddenly swelled and burst his muscles; his body turned green; his face became violent; and the most conspicuous thing was that his hair grew crazily, and his original short head became waist-length hair.

Dr. Samuel was even more terrifying. The same body turned green, but his muscles did not change much. Instead, his head swelled a lot. Although it was far behind Mordor, it looked very deformed and ugly.

At the same time, Bruce Banner, who felt the threat of death, could no longer suppress the Hulk in his body. With a bang, two sturdy arms lifted the stone slabs, and the Hulk Hulk reappeared.

"Alert, alert, encounter an external attack!"

"Alert, alert, encounter an external attack!"

At the Cube Command Center, the warden got up from the ground embarrassedly: "Someone has robbed the prison; hurry up, activate the defensive device, and contact the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau."

At this moment, at a distance of several hundred meters from the cube, Clone 27 shot the high-energy particle cannon that was set up and laughed: "What kind of protective device? I can't stop a shot!"

The number 33 next to him kicked his ass: "Get off! Your shot was missed; let me come."

He wears a pair of life detector glasses on his eyes, and all the organic life forms in the cube trace red dots on his eyes.

And there is a place where the red dots are particularly dense, and they are not divided into prisons. They are distributed in this way, not in the command center or the prison guard dormitory.

"Hahaha, it's here; go to hell!"

A few seconds later, the high-energy particle cannon circuit grid was fully charged, and a bright green light shot straight into the cube, passing through it instantly, leaving a big hole in this large three-dimensional prison.

Facts have proved that No. 33's guess is right. The gun hit the Lifang Command Center. The warden's order was just issued, and it gasified with dozens of staff on the spot.


The clones killed the Cube, and because the command center was destroyed, the internal defense mechanism did not have time to activate.

The clones were so powerful that they captured the cube in less than half an hour and then began searching for Jude, Ivy, and the little spider.

Clone No. 35 looked at a strong woman inside the prison area. The woman had blond hair and was wearing purple clothes. She looked like a woman whose muscles exploded like a protein powder that had been eaten for 20 years.

"What are you looking at? Be careful or I will twist your head!"

Seeing No. 35 staring at herself, the woman threatened loudly.

No. 35 exaggeratedly spread the hand: "Wow, is this a female boxer? You can't even look at it. Then you should find a place to put yourself. I can give you a new name; just call Bieli Kovchikov.

"What do you mean? Are you sarcastic that I haven't read a book?"

"Yes, fools can see it; I'm just mocking you, a primitive creature with well-developed limbs and a simple mind."

No. 35 looked around for a week and found that, besides this woman, there were several prisoners in the cell next to her.

He took out his weapon, fired a few shots, and said loudly, "Tell you, now the cube is under my control. If you think about it, just be obedient and tell me, Who are you muscle crawlers?"

A big bald guy with a pointed head approached and said through the prison door, "Can you let us out?"

"Answer the questions!"

"Well, you can call me Creel, of course, or my nickname can attract people."

"The woman opposite you is Titania, my girlfriend. She is very powerful."

"Wait, there are couples in jail?"

The absorber curled his lips: "We are similar in ability, but we are not married yet. Of course, we have this plan. We robbed the bank to raise wedding funds. Titania doesn't like being too shabby."

No. 35 has a constipation expression on his face: "Shut up; marriage is the most unreliable thing in the world. Do you have to find someone to take care of yourself?"

Absorbing people ignored the ridicule of No. 35 and continued, "If you are willing to release us, we can protect you. Of course, you have to pay. Titania and I don't want to go to jail anymore. We have had enough of our life of displacement. We want to. Have a safe and secure home."

Looking at these two dull villains, No. 35 wanted to get two bodyguards, so he let them out.

"One million dollars a month, to provide a house, to ensure that your life is worry-free, and most importantly, there will be no annoying superheroes to bother you."

Titania frowned: "Why should I believe you can do this?"

No. 35 shot her directly in the face: "Just because I can kill into the cube, but you are locked here, idiot!"

"Tell me, has anyone who looks the same as me, a beautiful young woman, and a little boy been locked in recently?"

The recruiter changed his words very well: "No, boss."

"Then who is still being held here?"

"Many, such as destroyers, bulldozers, thunderbolts, and pile drivers, I heard that they were also caught for bank robbery."

"And hatred is also being held here, but his detention level is higher than ours."

"In addition, I heard about one thing. Bruce Banner is also here. They all said that the Hulk experiment is being carried out here."

On the other floor of the prison, Symbiote No. 4 had just released the sabotage group of four, and suddenly there was a roar, the toughened ground was pierced, and a strong green figure stood there.


No. 4 frowned. The Hulk in an angry state was very dangerous. He took out a mechanical spider and threw it on Hulk's neck. The spider stuck his neck and started emitting white lightning.


"Hulk... uncomfortable!"

Hulk suddenly howled in pain and beat the ground hard.

But then, another figure rushed out, and a big hole was punched out of the ground again. This time, a Hulk with not-so-strong long hair jumped out.

And he was so sane. After seeing Hulk's situation, he hurried forward to rescue him.

No. 4 sneered: "Dr. Samson and Hulk, what? Do you want to join an agent team? Solve them!"

The destructive group of four rushed forward, crowbar, finger tiger, and chain ball greeted the two.

The entire operation lasted for an hour, and the cube among the four major prisons was announced to be breached. The clones chose to evacuate, leaving Hulk and Samson to fight with many supervillains.


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