

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs



"You lost" finley addressed Sofia."But you lost together,isn't that what team work is about?" He chuckled.

Cesar had no idea why he didn't log out.Maybe,it was because the fight was very interesting.

"You're free to log out" Finley said, turning to Cesar."Exactly Two days from now,come to this location" Finley said, conjuring a scroll with the location written on it.

"Okay" Cesar said, memorizing the contents of the scroll then logging out

Finley looked around the silent common room.Four females lay on the floor ,but he still wanted to make them suffer.

He never expected that girl's arrow would hit him ,but it did and that was one thing he couldn't change.

"Get better ,so I can make you suffer" Finley muttered as he logged out.

"Is he gone?" Jessica asked

"Yeah" Samantha replied

"Guys! My arrow is in my fucking eye" Mirai screamed

"Does it hurt?" Jessica said, walking towards her.

"Of course.I set my sensitivity to the max" Mirai replied

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Samantha asked

"I wanted to feel all sensations in its original state" Mirai said.

"Here" Jessica said,handing Mirai an healing potion.

"Thanks" Mirai said before gulping down the liquid.

The arrow fell to the ground as the wound closed quickly.

"One for you, ma'am" Jessica said, handing one to Sofia

"Thanks" Sofia nodded, drinking the potion."You guys see what I'm talking about? Finley in rheurym might be able to woop our asses ,but maybe in the real world,he's just a sixteen year old kid or a fat stay at home dad.We can't keep up with this"

"So we should dispose our rheurym gear?" Mirai asked, clutching her face.She still couldn't believe she got shot directly in the eye.

"No,we can still use those.We just need to take the fight to males"

Threos couldn't believe how long it took Finley to handle those four.

"He must be getting old as it took him almost twenty minutes to put them down" Threos muttered

Watching Finley fight made him want to cause chaos ,and he knew the perfect person to call.

"Aevulis!" Threos exclaimed after the call went through."My man, how're you doing?"

"What do you want, fourth" Aevulis said

"Let's wreak some havoc" Threos replied

"I'm listening" Aevulis said, getting interested.

"Why don't we start our very own war"


"I can see the frustration on that female leader's face. It's only a matter of time before she does something drastic"

"Something like what?" Aevulis asked with a wry smile

"No idea,but I'm sure it would be unexpected to all the dawns"

"You liar,You know I also watch the rheurym feed right?" Aevulis said

Threos sighed heavily.He Didn't know Aevulis still watched the rheurym feed."Fine you got me,they plan to take their shit to the real world.Vigilantes and stuff like that"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Aevulis said, laughing wildly


"So what do you reckon?"

"Since they want to be vigilantes,why don't we play along and be criminals"

"Yeah! That'd be interesting" Aevulis said

"Exactly ,we just have to wait for now" Threos said before ending the call.

The next two days rolled over quickly.

Cesar woke up pretty early on the morning of his appointment.

He shut his alarm clock before glancing at it:7:55

"I don't recall the last time I woke up this early" Cesar groaned,heading to the bathroom.

He took a quick shower ,and an hour later,he found himself staring at a six storey building.

The sheer magnificence of the building made him feel unimportant.

Cesar tried to keep his cool as he entered the building.

The receptionist greeted:


"Yeah,I was told to come here" Cesar replied."Man,she's hot!" He thought as he tried to keep himself from staring at her cleavage.

"Yes,the sixth floor.You can make use of the elevator"

"Okay thanks" cesar said.

He couldn't help thinking how fishy this whole thing was;yet,he found himself going with Finley's instructions like a dog.

Cesar stepped out of the elevator and was met by a large man.His muscles were on par or even larger than Cesar's head.

"The master is right this way" Finley said to Cesar,leading him down the hallway.

Finley knocked when he arrived at Herman's office."Sir,The person you requested is here"

"Excellent,come in" Herman replied

Finley came in with Cesar.

"Cesar right?" Herman said."Please sit"

"Thanks" Cesar said,sitting.

"You remember me right?"

"No,not really" Cesar said, shaking his head

"That's strange,my rheurym avatar isn't that different from the real me .Anyway,I am the first dawn of Rheurym" Herman said, noticing the realization dawning on Cesar's face.

"Ring a bell?" Herman asked

"Yes" Cesar nodded

"I'm sorry for not complying to our agreement" Herman started,clearing his throat."I had to deal with some unavoidable issues ,but I've dealt with those issues or at least managed them to the the best of my abilities.It's time to fulfil my end of the bargain"

"Okay?" Cesar said slowly.

"What would you say about having magic of your own?"

"You mean real life magic?"

"No,I mean magic in rheurym" Herman explained

"Oh yes"

"Very well!" Herman clapped his hands excitedly."Finley will give you all the details.If after hearing all what he has to say,you still decide on going through with it.Then,the process shall begin"

"What process" cesar asked.

"Over to you,Finley" Herman said, glancing at Finley.

"For the master or any of the other six dawns to give magic,the recipient has to be strong mentally.He or she has to have a strong will or else the magic would overpower him or her"


"Yes,it can sometimes lead to loss of memory or self and even severe damage to the brain"

"But isn't this magic only rheurym based?"

"You'd be surprised at the strange things that happened to the last person that received magic"

"So,given all the information Finley has provided you,are you still willing to continue?" Herman asked,rising from his chair.

Cesar thought back to the time that he almost died in rheurym.The trauma he had to withstand before he could even put the headset over his head.

"Those girls are the cause of all this" Cesar thought.

He tightened his knuckles before uttering the word."Yes"