

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


"Excellent" Herman said, clapping his hands excitedly."Are you with your console?"

"No" Cesar replied.

"It's okay.We prepared for that" Herman said as he rose and led Finley out of the room.

They entered the elevator and went to the fourth floor before entering a room filled with gadgets.

Various computers,game consoles and headphones occupied the space on the four tables before Cesar.

"What is this room?" Cesar asked

"We don't really have a name for it ,but some of us call it the tech room" Finley replied.

"Precisely" Herman walked around as he examined the Computers before him."Choose any computer and headphones.After that,knock the door twice and a guy will come to set everything up"

"Ok" Cesar replied as Finley and Herman left the room.

He scanned the room and saw a slick laptop with lit up keys.

"This is more of my style" Cesar muttered,standing next to it.He found a pair of headphones then  knocked the door twice.

Immediately,a man in overalls came in and plugged him some wires and also did some tech stuff.

"It's ready" The guy said,glancing upwards.

"Excellent" Herman said,striding in with Finley behind him."That's all,mark" He said,dismissing the guy in overalls.

"Well,I assume you're ready ,so put it on" Herman said to Cesar.

"Yes" Cesar said,taking a deep breath before switching on his console and putting the headphones over his head.

All went black ;then,a bright light washed over him.

"Welcome" The system greeted.

"Yeah" Cesar replied.

"I will ask for the last time:Are you ready?" Herman asked as he logged into rheurym.

"Yes" Cesar said fiercely.

"Very well" Herman said, walking towards him.He rolled up his sleeves and placed his hand on Cesar's head.

Herman muttered some words that made the rheurym sky turn dark and cloudy as winds howled from different directions.

"Rheurym:porerrera de Venta esquelent" Herman chanted as his body began to glow and the winds howled even louder.

Seconds later,the glow transferred to Cesar who was experiencing the weirdest sensation.

It was as if something was forcibly entering his body ,but that thing was power.

The power he would need to get revenge on those girls.He could already feel it deep inside.

However,that feeling soon changed to pain.

"It hurts" Cesar said,gritting his teeth.

"Sir?" Finley stepped forward.

"Not to worry, Finley.I just need a few more seconds" Herman said as the glow around him seemed to be fading."Done" Herman said sadly as Cesar fell to the ground.


"He's not dead ,but very tired.I estimate that he won't be able to do anything for at least a day" Herman said.

"So he can't also log out?"

"Sadly,yes.I need you to keep an eye on him in case those girls decide to come around"

"Yes sir" Finley said.

"Do not let him out of your sight for even a second" Herman said before logging out.

Just as Herman predicted,a full day went by without cesar even moving a centimeter.

It was as if he was dead.

Finley sighed heavily as he paced the common room.He was extremely bored.He couldn't take a quest or even visit a brothel because of his task.

"After this,I'll need some real fuck" Finley smiled slightly as his mind wandered off to the receptionist."Hurry up" Finley said,kicking Cesar.

"Ugh!!" Finely groaned when nothing happened.He turned his back to Cesar and huffed

"Where am I" A voice came from behind Finley.

"Finally" Finely said relieved.He could finally log out."How do you feel?"

"Like shit" Cesar said.He felt pain on every part of his body especially his head.

"That's a good sign" Finley said.

"Can I practice magic now?"

"No,your brain needs to rest for about two days.Do not engage in any mentally taxing activity" Finley warned.

"Okay" Cesar said before logging out.After Cesar left,Finley also logged out.

Cesar returned home immediately his consciousness returned.

Two days passed by with Cesar just doing dumb stuff.

He watched aimless cartoons and engaged in easy puzzles.

By the third day,he felt good and the pain had already gone.

"Time to see if I have magic" Cesar muttered as he put the headphones over his head.

"Welcome" The system greeted.

"Yeah" Cesar replied.

He wanted to try out his magic in the common room ,but he knew the girls would come after him.

Cesar,not looking,chose a quest.He didn't even bother to read the description as he raced to the transport point.

A bright light washed over him then he felt his body move quickly.

When he opened his eyes,he saw a large lawn stretched far and wide.Various pillars were erected at the side of the lawn.

He looked up and saw the most peculiar thing:Gargoyles

"They seem to be females.Oh! Look at that ass.Their boobs ain't small either" Cesar said,admiring the view.

The gargoyles,as if sensing his lust,halted in midair and turned towards him.

"Who are you?" One spoke

"I'm Cesar" He replied.

They all flew to the ground and landed gracefully.

"Why are you here,Cesar?" Another said.

"Shit" Cesar muttered.He didn't look at the quest's name or even the description before picking it.His goal was just to get away from the common room.

"I ask again:Why are you here?"

"Well,you see,I've actually forgotten the name of the quest,but I'm on a quest that involves you gargoyles"

"Maybe he's the babysitter" A small gargoyle said.

"Nope,I'm definitely not the babysitter.My services are of the sexual kind that may or may not involve spanking your plump asses"

"Ohh,maybe he's the one that'll turn us back to stone" A gargoyle said.

"Nope" Cesar disagreed

"Yeah,he has to fuck us"

"Yes! Right on the money.That's exactly what this quest entails." Cesar said excitedly.

"Okay,but we need the babysitter to watch over our cubs" A female gargoyle pointed to the small cubs rolling on the grass.

Just then,A female player appeared next to Cesar.

"Who are you?" The gargoyle asked,turning her attention to the female player.

"I'm Rita" The female player said."I'm on a quest to babysit gargoyle cubs.This is the location right?"

"Yes" The gargoyles said unanimously.

"Pheww" Cesar thought."She's one sweet hot candy" He sized her up, focusing particularly on her goods."The front is a little small ,but Damn! That ass is almighty" Cesar tried to look at it without her noticing.

"How revolting" The girl said, catching Cesar in the act.

"It's not what you think it is" Cesar said quickly.

"Of course it isn't" The girl said sarcastically.

"I'm Cesar" Cesar said,holding his hand out.

"I wonder why you're not dead" Rita said,ignoring his hand and walking away.

"Damn Cesar,that was a bad introduction" Cesar thought to himself.

"Okay,I'm trewlla" A female gargoyle said, walking to Rita."I was the former babysitter,but—"

"You have to leave them in order to turn to stone which will slow down your aging process" Rita interrupted.

"Precisely,you really did your research" Trewlla said.

Cesar ,who heard trewlla praising rita,nervously scratched his head.

"You need to keep the cubs' attention away from us" Trewlla said.

"Yes,I understand" Rita replied