

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs

Fierce reversal

Thanks to their space storage skill, Cesar and Rita didn't need to carry anything on their mission.

"How much farther?" Cesar asked. He was starting to feel like they were lost because they had been on the path for about an hour.

"Not much farther" Rita replied.

"That's what you said about thirty minutes ago" Cesar said.

"Well,it's not my fault that there are no signs showing how much time till one gets to the prison" Rita snapped.

"I don't know what's gotten into you" Cesar murmured loud enough for rita to hear.

"It's nothing. Let's just get this over with" Rita replied tiredly. She had a terrible headache ,and the long walk she was on wasn't helping at all. They decided to commence the mission at night to avoid people spotting them. Also,the way to the prison was away from the city and its bustling life.

"Just sand" Cesar thought as  looked around. The path was a long and straight one that seemed to stretch farther than he could see.

"It's not just sand" Rita started."Apparently,it's quick sand. Step into it and that's the end."

"Yeah, thanks for the heads up" Cesar gulped nervously. He wondered if he could still log out of the game while being buried by sand.

" Look alive" Rita called out.


"Guards" Rita replied.

Cesar strained his eyes and saw about four lizard men two hundred metres from them.

"We gonna attack,right?" Cesar asked.

"Of course" Rita smirked."I'm gonna teach these men a lesson" She thought. For some reason,she wanted the lizard man that tried to rape her to be among the guards."Gonna teach him a little something" Rita seethed as she quickened her pace.

"I don't even know what's going through her mind" Cesar thought as he watched her quicken her pace."I just have to be supportive"

The guards quickly noticed them thanks to Rita's provocative comments.

" Wanna have a piece of me,you overgrown geckos" She shouted.

"You do know that you're in lizard form" Cesar said."You're kinda insulting your own race"

"Oh" Rita glanced down."Well,it doesn't change anything. We both know I'm human"

"Halt in the name of the law. This place isn't open to members of the public" The leader of the guards said.

Cesar and Rita , however, ignored the message and kept on moving.

"We will be forced to use extreme force if both of you don't comply with our commands" The leader said fiercely.

"Ouu,I love the sound of that. We will also be forced to use extreme force if y'all don't get your green asses out of the way" Rita bellowed.

"I take it there's no going back then" The leader said before glancing back and shouting "Fire".

About a dozen flaming arrows were projected into the air and all heading towards Cesar and Rita.

"Stupid reptiles,they think this is enough to stop me" Rita snorted."Stay out of this,will you Cesar?"

"Uhm okay" Cesar replied. He wasn't shocked at all. He knew Rita would take any opportunity she had to beat up any man regardless of the race.

"What skill should I use?" She murmured,glancing at the arrows rapidly approaching."Ah! I've got it"

She said with a grin.

"Fierce reversal" She roared. Immediately,the arrows halted in midair then turned to face the lizard men."Bye bye" Sofia waved with a cold smirk, snapping her fingers. With a flash,the arrows hit the lizard men.

"I don't even have that skill" Cesar marvelled."That was amazing"

"What can I say? When you're good,you're good" Rita said cockily.

"Get off your high horse" Cesar said pointedly.

"Whatever" Rita replied as they headed to the building. The guards were somewhat far from the building itself. Rita considered the situation and decided that they would be other guards ahead of them."Stronger and faster" She muttered, cracking her knuckles.

"Never seen her this pumped up about fighting" Cesar thought.

"Halt!" A voice said in front of them.

"Hey,who said that" Rita shouted. Her ears traced the source of the voice but found no body.

"A ghost?" Cesar asked.

"Come on,be real" Rita rolled her eyes.

"I'm a lizard man. I think we're far past reality" Cesar said.

"Okay,who are you and what magic are using to hide yourself?" Rita asked.

"We are shadow guards. We protect this prison with our very lives" The voice said.

"What—" Rita started but a loud bang interrupted her."What did you do" She glanced at Cesar.

"Look" Cesar pointed forward. In front of them was a huge raging black flame.

"Why did you do it?"

"Come on,you said we didn't have time on our side, so I took things into my own hands"

"Right, thank you" Rita muttered as she raced forward. She wanted to at least know what kind of skill those lizard men were using.

After about ten minutes of defeating guards,they finally reached the prison.

"So what cell number?" Cesar asked.

"It's the first one"

"Oh,that'd be easy then"

"Uhm,not quite. It's underground" Rita clarified.

"What?! There's a prison below a prison? These people make me sick. How are we supposed to get there?"

"There's an elevator that goes underground. The only thing is it's manned by about hundred specialists"


"People who have mastered at least one of the four main magic attributes"

"Shit,and we have to face a hundred of them? That's gonna be tough,but we got this" Cesar said reassuringly.

"Yeah"  Rita replied with a small smile. Before they even took the first step,an alarm went off.

"Intruders! Intruders! Intruders!" A computerized voice blared.

"Well,so much for sneaking in" Cesar said,grabbing his sword from his space Storage."I hope these guys are tough as you said"

"Oh,I think they are" Rita muttered. Out of nowhere, someone shot a raging ball of flame at them.

"Hiyaa!" Cesar roared as he sliced the ball cleanly in half." Let me educate y'all. This sword can cut through any and all magic" He grinned.

"Well, does that apply to physical phenomenas too"  A voice said coldly from behind Cesar.

Cedar quickly turned and slashed his sword,but there was no one behind him.

"Damn ,invisible magic" He groaned.

"Hello missy,it's nice to see you again" A lizard man said,walking forward.

"Ah! It's you" Rita smirked coldly."I didn't expect you'd be here,but I guess it's fate"