

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Three laps

Sofia and the others arrived at the gym the next day. Some were already groaning because they knew what was in store for them.

"I get why we have to do this but does it have to be everyday?" Mirai groaned."Some of us have to neglect our jobs and other duties just to come here"

"Yeah" Eleanor agreed.

"Well,there's always the exit door" Sryia said, walking towards them. She seemed to be taking her leadership role very seriously as she wore a large shirt with skinny jeans on knee high boots."Hello everyone " She greeted.

Mirai glanced at her and immediately burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing" Sryia frowned.

"You have no idea how you look" Mirai chuckled."It's not even cowgirl season"

"Shut it,Mirai" Sryia said with a faint smile."Alright,chitchat time is over. Time for some sweating"

"Ugh,don't say it like that,it's gross" Jessica frowned as they all entered the gym.

Sofia had had a thought on her mind for some time,and she finally decided to talk to Sryia about it.

"Hey,can I have a moment" She called out.

"Okay" Sryia replied as they headed to a secluded corner."Anything wrong?"

"Uhm, remember that guy we captured?"


"What happened to him? Did you interrogate him?"

"No,I'm sorry" Sryia sighed deeply as she pinched her nose."It was too dangerous,so I dropped him off in a no man's land"

"What do you mean by no man's land?"

"It's what we call an inhabitated area. Somewhere devoid of other humans or sometimes life at all"Sryia explained.

"Well,won't he escape?" Sofia asked worriedly. The guy saw their faces after all,and he could go to the police or even his buddies in other countries and inform them.

"Not to worry" Sryia chuckled."He has no chance of escaping alive" She said with a slight tug on her lips.

"Okay then" Sofia replied."What are we doing today anyway?"

"Just some body building then we call it a day off with tactical training"

"Okay,sounds like we don't have much to do today"

"Yeah,I want the girls to ,at least, spend most of the day not being bossed around" Sryia said.

"Isn't that sweet?" Sofia smirked naughtily.

"Shut it" Sryia smiled,leaving Sofia."Alright,let's start with three laps"

"Laps?" Phoebe asked nervously.

"Yeah,three laps around the building, Phoebe" Sryia repeated.

"Shit" Phoebe muttered. She hated running or even any thing that made her uncomfortable."Can I opt out?"

"Nope" Sryia replied.

"Great" Phoebe thought."Just what I need to start the day"

The girls hastily changed to more comfortable clothing,and with the sound of sryia's whistle,they were off.

"I'm gonna shape each and every one of you" Sryia shouted.

"Shape us into what?" Eleanor asked breathlessly.

"Into girls worthy of the title vigilantes"

"Dictator much?" Mirai muttered.

"Faster! Faster!" Sryia shouted."If you can mutter,then you can surely run a lot faster. I'm talking to you ,Phoebe"

"I'm going as fast as I can" Phoebe replied.

"Well,that's not fast enough. You need speed to make a quick getaway".

Herman sat in his office,his home for the past few days, thinking of the different matters he still hadn't attended to. He was relying on Finley's investigation to fish out the real Sofia.

"I even need to ask how he's progressing" Herman muttered as he pressed a button on his telephone."Connect me to Finley's office" He said.

"Right away sir" The telephone attendant said.

"Finley here,sir" Finley said.

"Located the real Sofia yet?"

"Not yet ,sir but we have a lead"

"Okay,report afterwards"

"Yes sir" Finley said before ending the call."The master has a lot of work to do. He needs me ,and I can't fail him at this point." Finley muttered,leaving his office. He was going to check out the lead on his own. That way,he won't be held back by his team.

"Hello Finley,going somewhere?" Aevulis called out before Finley could leave the building.

"Hello,third. Yes,I'm heading out"

"It wouldn't have anything to do with that Sofia girl,would it?" Aevulis asked with a smirk.

"What if it does?"

"Then, I'd love to accompany you" Aevulis replied.

"Okay then,it would be my pleasure" Finley replied as they both left the building.

"Always knows where to look" Threos muttered,looking at Aevulis's retreating figure then turned violently in the direction of his room.

Cesar was in shock as he stared at Rita. She had a large wound on her tail which was bleeding. He could also spot some scratches on her snout.

"What happened?" Cesar asked worriedly."You got into a fight?"

"No,I got this when trying to escape"

"Escape from who?"

"It's a long story" Rita sighed."But I got it.."

"Got what?"

"The location of the prison and the girl's cell number,just like I said I would"

"Well,did you have to risk your life for it?" Cesar snapped.

"Why are you mad?! I got what we needed,so let's get a move on" Rita huffed.

"You don't understand" Cesar muttered."I hope you're okay" He said,tossing an healing potion to her.

"I'm fine" She said,turning her back to him.

"So much for us getting closer" Cesar murmured. He just hoped that Rita hadn't gotten herself into any bad situation.

However,that was exactly what Rita did. After she got what she wanted from the lizard man,she wanted to leave,but he stopped her. She could vividly remember what he said after he stopped her.

"Hold on there,little missy" He growled."I think you're owing me a little something"

"And what would that be?" She asked meekly.

"You know" The lizard man smirked as he grabbed her and attempted to take her by force.

Rita felt a slight pain in her heart as she recalled that moment. Thankfully,she was able to get out with her innocence.

"Men will be men" She sighed. However, Cesar's face immediately came up in her mind."He's still a man" She chuckled coldly.

"I'm done" She turned to face him."let's get a move on"

"Whatever" Cesar said coldly as he tightened his knuckles.

This week's gonna be a really hectic one for me,but I'll try to update everyday. However, there's no fixed time,so I suggest y'all should collect this book to know of any updates.


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