
Revolution's Shadow: A Noble's Second Life

As a noble in a kingdom steeped in corruption, I met my end after a failed attempt to suppress the rising tide of revolution. Betrayed by those I once trusted and powerless against the wave of change, I perished, leaving behind a broken legacy. But fate had other plans. When I opened my eyes, I found myself back in time, at the very brink of the Revolution's inception. Armed with the knowledge of what is to come, I now stand at a crossroads. This time, I will not merely seek to survive—I will use the Revolution to my advantage. Rather than securing the throne, I will hold the chains of power from the shadows, manipulating the revolutionaries and nobles alike to serve my purpose. I will forge alliances with those who would have been my enemies, protect the people under my care, and ensure that my influence remains unchallenged. Through cunning, strategy, and a willingness to embrace the chaos, I will shape the kingdom's future from behind the scenes, becoming the true power in the shadows of the new order. In this life, I will not be the noble who fell to the Revolution. I will be the hidden architect of a new era!

Maugus0 · Krieg
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15 Chs


In the cold, damp darkness of a dungeon where sunlight never reached, the stench of mold and decay assaulted my senses. The unyielding stone floor seemed to seep into my bones, leaving me numb to the heavy shackles that bound my ankles.

The relentless thirst and hunger tormented me, a constant reminder of my dire situation.


The faint sound of a door opening pierced the silence, drawing my attention. I stiffened, a shiver of fear replacing any remaining courage.

"What now?" I muttered hoarsely.

The echo of footsteps grew louder as their owner approached the iron bars of my cell. My throat was parched, and my hands trembled as they reached for whatever was coming. To my surprise, it was not the jailer but a figure who gently placed a basket before me.

The basket contained old, hard bread. Without a second thought, I grasped it eagerly, tearing into it with desperate haste. I barely noticed the rough texture or the stale taste, focusing only on the relief it brought.

As I struggled to chew, a bottle of water appeared in front of me. I seized it with trembling hands, draining it in one go, the cool liquid soothing my parched throat. Only then did I glimpse the face of the woman who had brought this small comfort.

Elara, a face I recognized from my manor—a loyal servant of the old Duke's household. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

"Thank you, but… why are you here?" I managed to ask, my voice a rasp.

Elara hesitated, her gaze steady and resolute. "I have devoted my life to serving your household, Duke Edward of House Grafton. From my earliest days, I have known you as a just and compassionate lord, one who cared deeply for those under his protection. I'm here to wish you strength in these dark times."

Her words, though kind, made my heart sink further. I could hardly look at her, my dignity lost in the mire of my current plight. I turned my focus back to the bread and water, consuming them with what little grace I could muster.

As Elara turned to leave, the door creaked open again, and she hurriedly bowed before walking away. I called out, "Wait—" but she was already gone.

In her place, the same vile jailer appeared, his yellow teeth gleaming in a malevolent grin.

"Did you enjoy your last meal, Duke Edward?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

"Burn the noble with the tainted blood!"

The crowd's anger was palpable as they hurled rotten eggs, their stench mingling with the acrid smoke from the makeshift pyre. The flags of the so-called revolutionary army waved like dark banners above Eldoria, the once proud capital of the Kingdom of Vernetia.

The slogans of "Defy. Rise. Transform." hung in the air as hollow symbols, their promises a cruel contrast to the grim reality of the pyre that claimed lives daily, underscoring the chaos that had overtaken the city.

Suddenly, my vision darkened, and a wave of dizziness overwhelmed me. I felt a sticky warmth trickle down my forehead and glanced down to see a rock, splattered with a dark substance. Everything after that became a blur.

When I came to, I was standing before an outdoor tribunal, the scene shifting to a new stage of my torment.

"On behalf of the Republic's citizens, I, Prosecutor Jullian Lennox, request that Duke Edward of House Grafton be sentenced to death by burning," the prosecutor declared.

The crowd erupted into frenzied shouts of "Burn him!" and "Death to the corrupt nobility!" Their voices blended into a cacophony of rage.

My gaze fell upon the pyre, an ominous structure stacked high with wood and kindling. What was the purpose of this trial if the verdict was already decided?

"Duke Edward," the Judge intoned, his tone laced with arrogance. "As a formality, you may present your case."

The Judge's words felt hollow; they could not change my fate. Resentment surged within me as I confronted the harsh reality of my situation. I had always strived to be different from other nobles, to protect my subjects and serve my kingdom loyally.

Yet here I was, condemned by false charges and public outrage.

"You accuse me of crimes during the civil war," I began, struggling to maintain composure. "But those were military operations against enemies of the state, not unjust acts against innocent people."

Prosecutor Lennox's eyes gleamed with malice. "Oh, so attacking your own countrymen during a civil war absolves you? Tell me, Duke, is there anyone among your subjects who would speak in your defense?"

A murmur of sneers and derision rippled through the crowd. I was silent, unable to name even one of my subjects who might stand up for me.

Lennox's smile widened with cruel satisfaction. "You don't even know the names of those you claim to have protected. Isn't that the true mark of a corrupt noble?"

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to remain calm. "The truth is, I was not given the chance to know every name in my domain. I was not given the chance to build personal connections with each of my subjects. Yet, I fought for them, and I bled for them. I sacrificed my own comfort to serve my kingdom."

The crowd's murmur grew louder, and Lennox's expression faltered. "You speak of sacrifice, but how does that justify your actions?"

I met Lennox's gaze squarely. "I know that the revolution claims to seek justice. But what justice is there in condemning someone based on the loudest voices rather than the truth? You say you fight for equality, but you silence dissent with flames. Is this the justice you proclaim?"

For a moment, silence fell over the crowd, the weight of my words hanging in the air. But Lennox quickly regained his composure. "The revolution demands an end to the old ways. Your words are nothing but the last gasps of a dying system."

As the Judge's gavel came down, the finality of the sentence was pronounced. The crowd roared its approval, and the pyre was prepared. The sense of defeat and desperation overwhelmed me. I didn't want to die, not like this. If only I had another chance…

The crackling of the flames grew louder, and the heat began to rise. The cruel reality of my impending execution sank in.


I jolted awake, my heart pounding.

In the midst of revolution and turmoil, the grand promises of change and equality often ring hollow against the stark realities of bloodshed and chaos. As we delve into the world of “Revolution’s Shadow: A Noble’s Second Life,” we explore the profound dissonance between the lofty ideals espoused by those in power and the grim sacrifices endured by those at the mercy of such grand visions. The contrast between the revolutionary slogans and the brutal scenes of execution serves as a stark reminder of the often cruel irony that accompanies times of great upheaval. As the story unfolds, we will witness how the echoes of these slogans reverberate through the lives of those who struggle to find meaning and justice amidst the shadows of a broken world.

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