
Reverie : The Reincarnated Warrior

Reverie is the one of the strongest kingdom from the three big kingdom called Holy Trinity. Arthur is the prince from the Reverie and helped to bring peace to his kingdom. But one day suddenly there's a betrayal attack and it doesn't make a balance between the Holy Trinity, the land become chaotic and Arthur want to bring peace and revenge because of this attack he lost his family and everything. This is his journey to back in the Reverie and find his man, through the underworld and through all the Holy Trinity just to bring back peace and revenge his family.

Tokio999 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

/9/: The Past

Five of them were looking at each other because it was sensitive question for Arthur. His conflict with his father really drive him crazy. Even at that moment Arthur didn't know how to tell the King. Although he really know it was his responsibility to talk to his father. He just remembered his goals to protect the people, it's enough to make him did all of these things.

He just smiled, "He will…don't worry,"

The whole room became quiet and no one didn't want to response to his words. They didn't want to say the wrong thing there. So everyone just silent there, even though it's awkward over there still no one tried to say anything.

"But now," Arthur himself that break the tension over there. "Let's just drink and relax, shall we…"

Then the room back to usual, they gave no comment over there. Just drink until the sunrise and people come back to the activity. The rain had stop and only left white all over the place, they have fun like all of the attack didn't happen.

Arthur hold the glass full of whisky neat, 'And now, the dangerous part coming.' He said that line to himself then drank the whole glass and hope with that glass would make him sleep, with no fear, anxiety, or any stupid decision. 'I have to do what I should've done…'


People were asleep but Arthur stay awake while watched the people did their activity from inside the bar. Everyone got to exhausted because the hard day that been through but Arthur mind couldn't get rest from every question inside his head. Fear and anxiety made him awake even a bottle of whisky couldn't get him drunk and asleep that day.

He stood up watched the people sleep and didn't wake them up. He wanted to go back to see his father and discuss the problem there. Right after he stood up, he realized Ellia also wake up from her sleep.

"Are you leaving?" with her sleepy voice she still tried to fully wake up.

"Yes, there's something I should do. Just get back to your sleep El, and let Edmund rest here for a while."

"Yeah sure, no problem." Elia also get up and walked towards him. "Arthur, I want to apologize to for my behavior. I shouldn't speak like that to John…"

Arthur looked at her face, "Don't mind it, I know you and John always have different perspective… I also understand why you angry like that, you've through a lot of things." He patted Ellia in her head, "But still try to control your emotion, okay?" He smiled than put on his coat.

Ellia always stunned when Arthur showed a gesture like that. She always knew he's not cold and have warm side inside of him. That what made him special in her eyes, a man who rescue her from her trauma and her past. "Thankyou," she said with soft voice. He opened the door and waved to her. 'Thankyou for everything you've done for me Arthur,'


Arthur walked away with mixed feeling in his heart. He's not fear of anything but today it's different. He had bad feeling about how everything turned so fast in just past few hours. That night was crazy, but this kingdom is the reason he wanted to live and protected. He walked through the palace back to his fancy room also back to his job, king's hand.

He was need to talk to his father about it and he knew it. Being king's hand the head of the army and also the prince was really hard for him. Sometimes he didn't have time to sleep just like today, that's why he seek peace and not war. He wanted smile and laugh all over the place.

From the second sector through the palace he walked and stared all of the corner in town. People were laughing and cheering, also there's kids come to school and gather with all of their friends. It's made Arthur happy in the inside.

"Look, there's prince Arthur over there." Arthur heard a mom talked to her son. He noticed it and look at them, little girl was hiding behind her mom and stared at Arthur really amazed to finally saw him in person. He came towards them and greet her mom, then he looked at this little girl.

"Hello, sweet heart, how are you?" He smiled but this little girl didn't say anything, her face turned red really shy when Arthur came towards her.

"Hey, don't be shy." Her mother whispered to her but still this little girl couldn't say anything but one line, "Hello…" with her small soft voice while hiding and holding her mother legs.

Arthur just smiled back and said hello, and had a little chit chat with them then walked away. 'It's enough for me to see a family like that. Watch them and their family, see how their growing with peace and no more war. Something I can't have when I was a kid' He said it to himself.

It's really meaningful for him, Arthur continued with a lot of chit chat with his people around the street. People also adore and admire him as a great leader who could protect them and made them feel safe more than his father.


Arrived at the palace and back to the first sector with his own house there. A lot of waiters came to him, took his coat and gave him everything he need. But Arthur just waved at them said he didn't want anything, he just needed to get back to his big room alone before the next meeting in the parliament and minister as weekly meeting to prepare winter.

He back to his room, lock the door and put his sword back to it place. 'I hope it will stay here, where I will barely use.' He threw himself to the bed and tried to close his eyes but the result still the same. It wouldn't even close and he didn't feel sleepy at all. Only an hour before his next meeting, he hated it but he preferred to came all day long in the meeting room than all day long in the battlefield.

There's knocking sound in the door, "I said I don't want any breakfast!!" Arthur shouted but it turned out it wasn't a waiter. "It's me open the door!!!" He recognized her voice, it was his little sister Elizabeth. He stood up and opened the door.

Before he let her in, she was already walked into the room. "Mom, said you didn't come home last night. Where were you?"

"Hey, don't come in to my room just like that!!!" Arthur closed the door and Elizabeth was already sat in his bed.

"God, you don't have any taste of humor." She giggled. "She's worry you know, mom only want you to be healthy."

"She's not my mum, that's why I don't feel comfort to tell her where I was," He's replied while calling a waiter for a coffee and bagel because it turned out his stomach didn't feel good.

"Arthur…" Elizabeth turned into serious, "I know she's not our mom, but we have agreed for this. She's married to our father right now, and she always thinks about you. She wants to be a good mom for you, even though I know you don't feel that way but please…"

At that moment Arthur felt like his sister know him more than anyone else in this part. Elizabeth also knew Arthur feeling when it come up to family things. "Plus, you take Diana as your little sister, right? So you have to do it the same way with her mom… we're family now,"

"Right, okay. I'm sorry," Arthur remembered about his little sister Diana, even though they weren't related by blood but he did it because she's only 7 years old and now Arthur understand about Elizabeth's words.

"Yup, okay. I know you tired that's fine…" She's back to her joyful voice again. "But you have to attend the meeting after this. I don't know what happen but father didn't look happy today so be careful." She laughed again.


The waiter knocked and came with coffee and bagel like Arthur request. "You should eat properly to maintain your health you know."

Arthur started to get annoyed with her because of her behavior, "Just shut up and leave me alone,"

He tried to get Elizabeth by pushing her out of his room, "Now, I understand why you don't have any girlfriend," She laughed again and now Arthur really push her out then locked the door. His cute sister always annoyed him for no reason at all.

After nobody around him anymore, he's drank his coffee slowly. Enjoy his silence moment and grateful because her sisters were okay and that small conversation get rid his tired and now he's ready to attend the meeting. He took a bath with hot water before and get ready for the next complicated problem with the parliament. 'Okay, now back to reality.'